• Title/Summary/Keyword: the Hyangyak(鄕藥)

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The Characteristics and Achievements in Hyangtakboncho of Hyangyakjipseongbang ("향약집성방(鄕藥集成方)" 중 "향약본초(鄕藥本草)"의 특성과 성취)

  • Kang, Yeong-Seok;Ahn, Sang-Woo
    • Korean Journal of Oriental Medicine
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.17-25
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    • 2002
  • The HyangyakBoncho(鄕藥本草) in Vol. 76-85 of the Hyangyakjipseongbang(鄕藥集成方) deals with the Hyangyak, medicinal stuffs produced in the territory of Chosun from the late times of Corea to the early times of Chosun. It also includes whole knowledges and the way to process(?製) of Oriental medical botany(本草) in that period of Chosun and China. It contains all the knowledges of the Hyangyak and the Boncho(鄕藥本草學) so that it can be helpful for the Chosun to apply to medicines. This study shows the characters of HyangyakBoncho(鄕藥本草) through analyzing. In future it is supposed that this report is the first approach to the core of the Hyangyakjipseongbang(鄕藥集成方), which describes medicines with prescriptions made up of the Hyangyak mainly.

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The Study of the Hyangyak in the Early Chosun through Analyzing the Botany of ${\ulcorner}Sanghanmun{\lrcorner}$ in ${\ulcorner}Hyangyakjipseongbang{\lrcorner}$ ("향약집성방(鄕藥集成方)" 중 "상한문(傷寒門)"의 본초분석을 통해 본 조선전기(朝鮮前期) 향약의학(鄕藥醫學))

  • Kang, Yeon-Seok;Ahn, Sang-Woo
    • Korean Journal of Oriental Medicine
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    • v.8 no.2 s.9
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    • pp.17-22
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    • 2002
  • The Purpose of this study was to find the characteristics of the medicine mainly using the Hyangyak(鄕藥) in the early Chosun by analyzing the text in ${\ulcorner}$Hyangyakjipseongbang(鄕藥集成方)${\lrcorner}$ and comparing it with other medical books. To start out this grand investigation, the research was focused on ${\ulcorner}$Sanghanmun(傷寒門)${\lrcorner}$, Vol.5-8 of ${\ulcorner}Hyangyakjipseongbangs{\lrcorner}$. The conclusion made in this study is as follows: 1. All of the prescriptions in ${\ulcorner}Sanghanmun{\lrcorner}$, was made up of the Hangyak listed in ${\ulcorner}$HyangyakBoncho(鄕藥本草)${\lrcorner}$, Vol.76-85 of ${\ulcorner}Hyangyakjipseongbangs{\lrcorner}$ 2. The main purpose of ${\ulcorner}Sanghanmun{\lrcorner}$ was to make sure it was easy to use for people with no medical backgrounds. To have a more specific understanding on the medicine mainly llsing the Hyangyak, further research should be done on how the catergory of the Hangyak changed. This should be done by comparing the books written after the ${\ulcorner}Hyangyakjipseongbangs{\lrcorner}$, and also on the characteristics of the usage of prescriptions in ${\ulcorner}Hyangyakjipseongbangs{\lrcorner}$.

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The Characteristics of the Hyangyak medicine in the early period of Chosun through 「Various Coughs section」 in 『Hyangyakjipseongbang』 (『향약집성방(鄕藥集成方)』 「제해문(諸咳門)」에 나타난 조선전기(朝鮮前期) 향약의학(鄕藥醫學)의 특징)

  • Kang, Yeon Seok;Ahn, Sang Woo
    • The Journal of Korean Medical History
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.3-16
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    • 2003
  • In researches done previously, the characteristics of the Hyangyak medicine in the early period of Chosun shown in "HyangyakBoncho(鄕藥本草)" in Vol. 76-85 of "Hyangyakjipseongbang(鄕藥集成方)" and "Sanghan section(傷寒門)" in Vol. 5-8 of "Hyangyakjipseongbang(鄕藥集成方)" was investigated. "Cough section(咳嗽門)" in "Various Diseases volume" of "Dongeuibogam(東醫寶鑑 雜病篇)" Vol. 5 and "Various Coughs section(諸咳門)" of "Hyangyakjipseongbang(鄕藥集成方)" Vol 24-25 which is a paragraph related to "Sanghan section(傷寒門)" was compared. The variety of the Hyangyak, processing methods and forms of the Hyangyak were shown by comparing each oriental medical botany(本草) used for treating cough(咳嗽) in "Dongeuibogam(東醫寶鑑)". Subsequently, the difference between each structure and medical theory was speculated. The facts revealed in this research is as follows. First, [Various Coughs section(諸咳門)] of "Hyangyakjipseongbang(鄕藥集成方)" uses only the Hyangyak, and no foreign medicines were used for treating cough(咳嗽) in "Dongeuibogam(東醫寶鑑)". Second, in [Various Coughs section(諸咳門)] of "Hyangyakjipseongbang(鄕藥集成方)", medicines related to diet and medicines taken raw were widely used, and various forms of medicine such as extracts, plasters, and gruels were used. Third, like other medical books in earlier periods, [Various Coughs section(諸咳門)] of "Hyangyakjipseongbang(鄕藥集成方)" describes the medical theory with conciseness, and keeps the structure of symptom classification focused on treatment and prescription. Fourth, as [Hyangyakboncho(鄕藥本草)] extensively uses the knowledge of oriental medical botany(本草) from two of Four Masters of GeumWon(金 元); JangWonSo(張元素) and LeeDongWon(李東垣), "Various Coughs section(諸咳門)" of "Hyangyakjipseongbang(鄕藥集成方)" quotes the books of JuDanGae but does not adopt the theory and prescriptions of 'replenishing yin and downbearing fire (滋陰降火)'. To find a more descriptive picture of the Hyangyak medicine for the treatment of 'cough(咳嗽)', a comparatitive study between the books written in the same period -"Euibangyuchui(醫方類聚)" and books compilated in China should be done, and there should be more profound researches done on individual medicines and prescriptions.

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Records on Ginseng and Medical Book during the Goryeo Dynasty (고려 시대 인삼과 의약서에 대한 기록)

  • Sungdong Lee
    • Journal of Ginseng Culture
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    • v.5
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    • pp.21-31
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    • 2023
  • Korean ginseng, a special product of Korea, has been one of the most important exports since the era of the Three Kingdoms. However, not many records were kept about ginseng in Korea until the Goryeo Dynasty. This paper summarizes the records relating to international diplomatic relations and trade of ginseng in the Goryeo Dynasty and the medicinal books known to have been published at the time. During the Goryeo Dynasty, ginseng was actively transported to the neighboring countries of Bohai, Song, Wa, Later Jin, and Yuan as a diplomatic gift or as a trade item. Ginseng was mainly exported from Goryeo to these countries, but it was also received as a diplomatic gift from Bohai and Khitan. Arabian merchants came to Byeokran Port, a representative international trading port of Goryeo, and traded ginseng. After the Mongol invasion, the demand for ginseng in the Yuan Dynasty was excessive, which became a big social problem. During the Goryeo Dynasty, several medicinal books were published, including Jejungiphyobang, Eouuichwalyobang, Hyangyakgobang, Samhwajahyangyakbang, Hyangyak Hyemin Gyeongheombang, Hyangyak Gugeupbang, and Biyebaekyobang. Hyangyak Gugeupbang, which was reprinted during the Joseon Dynasty, has been handed down to the present time, although this has not been the case for the originals of the remaining books. Recently, some of the latter books have been restored through the study of the references in various medicinal books of later generations. While the medicinal books used in the royal court showed that a high proportion of the prescriptions containing ginseng, not a single prescription for ginseng has been found in theHyangyak Gugeupbang, which was mainly used for commoners. This is thought to be because ginseng was very rare and expensive at the time, so it was difficult for commoners to access it.

The Publication and Bibliographical Characteristics of Hyangyak Jipseongbang During Early Joseon Period (조선전기(朝鮮前期) 『향약집성방(鄕藥集成方)』의 간행과 서지학적 특징)

  • Ok, Young-Jung
    • The Journal of Korean Medical History
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.55-69
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    • 2016
  • This study examined the bibliographical characteristics of Hyangyak Jipseongbang that was compiled in the $15^{th}$ century (1433) and continued to publish throughout the early period of Joseon Dynasty. Various existing records and the early Joseon printed edition of Hyangyak Jipseongbang stored in a domestic Sancheong Korean Medicine Museum were reviewed from 3 perspectives as follows. First, it is the bibliographical system approach to Hyangyak Jipseongbang for some circumstances related to its compilation and publication. Second, it is the significance in terms of printing history through the analysis of bibliographical characteristics and the status of the remaining Hyangyak Jipseongbang. Particularly, the period of publication is an important factor to determine the value of a book. In this respect, most of the extant early-Joseon editions of Hyangyak Jipseongbang seem to have been published during the ruling years of King Sung Jong. Those editions are expected to have distinctive meaning from other copied editions of the $17^{th}$ century. Last, it is bibliographical orignal analysis of Hyangyak Jipseongbang. This study reviewed the contents and composition of Vol. 49 through 51 of Hyangyak Jipseongbang stored in Sancheong Korean Medicine Museum in an attempt to help understand the textual bibliography and composition system of exhibiting editions.

The study on utilization of Hyangyak in 「Single-medicine prescription treatment of domestic herbs」 of 『Kwangjebikeup』 : Focusing on Ginseng (『광제비급』의 「향약단방치험」에 나타난 향약활용법에 대한 연구 - 인삼을 중심으로)

  • Kang, Yun Mi;Kim, Yun Kyung;Ahn, Sang Woo
    • The Korea Journal of Herbology
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2014
  • Objectives : In this study, we investigated Hyangyak in "Single-medicine prescription treatment of domestic herbs" of "Kwangjebikeup" and then conducted further studies focusing on ginseng as it is written in "Single-medicine prescription treatment of domestic herbs". Methods : Through a study of classical literature on Hyangyak and ginseng, information regarding the two was gathered and analyzed, with respect to both time and region. Results : All of the herbs in "Single-medicine prescription treatment of domestic herbs", the 4th volume of "Kwangjebikeup", are domestic herbs. Ginseng was a part of the flora of the Korean Peninsula from long ago and ginseng was cultivated from most of the peninsula. We confirmed cultivation of ginseng in Sungcheon, Pyungan-do and most areas of Hamgyeong-do through geography books such as "Geography Monograph of King Sejong". Because the natural environmental condition of the Korean Peninsula was conducive to growing wild ginseng, it was possible to cultivate ginseng. In the late Chosun period, cultivated ginseng was so prevalent that people would have been able to collect and use ginseng without great difficulty. In "Kwangjebikeup", ginseng shows superior efficacy in terms of first-aid. "Kwangjebikeup" contains practical herbal medicines that were based on obtainable ingredients. Conclusions : The purpose of publication of this book was to make medical knowledge available to general public in an easy-to-understand form. And through added clinical experiences of the author, we know that "Kwangjebikeup" played a role in settlement and spreading of foreign knowledge to civilians.

The Development and Significance of Physic Gardens in the Late Goryeo and Early Joseon Dynasties (여말선초 약초원의 형성 과정과 조경사적 의미 고찰)

  • Kim, Jung-Hwa
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.45 no.5
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    • pp.60-70
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    • 2017
  • This study traces the development of physic gardens in Korea and explores their significance in the history of landscape architecture. For this purpose, records related to physic gardens from medical sources from the period of the Three States to the Joseon dynasty, when herbal medicine was systematized as a field, were searched. Physic gardens had been developed by the time of the late Goryeo and early Joseon dynasties, in the 13th and the 15th centuries. Yakpo(kitchen gardens for medicinal herbs) were cultivated by a group of new high-level officials in the late Goryeo dynasty, when an increasing interest in hyangyak(native herbs) emerged under the influence of the Neo-Confucian perspective on nature, which emphasized locality. The sources analyzed in this study confirm that physic gardens called jong-yakjeon(royal medicinal herb gardens) were in operation in the early Joseon dynasty when policies to investigate, discover, cultivate, and research native herbs were put into place. It is likely that the jong-yakjeon were established at the beginning of the Joseon dynasty as subsidiary facilities under its central medical institutions, the Naeuiwon and Hyeminseo, and then declined in the late Joseon dynasty. Jong-yakjeon can be confirmed to have existed in the mid-15th century. Physic gardens were located in several places outside the Fortress Wall of Hanyang, such as Yakhyeon, Yuldo, Yeoudo, and Saari. The total area encompassed by physic gardens was about 160,000 square meters in the early 18th century. In jong-yakjeon, dozens of medicinal herbs were cultivated, including Schizonepeta tenuifolia var. japonica, Rehmannia glutinosa, and Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fischer, and these gardens were operated by physicians dispatched from the Naeuiwon and dozens of provincial slaves. In conclusion, the jong-yakjeon were similar to the physic gardens of Renaissance medical universities in that they reflected the interest in and development of theories about new herbs, and were similar to the physic gardens of medieval castles and monasteries in terms of species types, location, and function. This paper has limitations in that it does not present the specific spatial forms of the yakpo or the jong-yakjeon. Nevertheless, this paper is significant for the field of garden history because it shows that physic gardens in Korea appeared in the late Goryeo and early Joseon dynasties concomitantly with the development of medicine towards native herbs and functioned as utilitarian gardens to cultivate community remedies.

Review on Medical Texts in Joseon Dynasty (조선시대 의학교과서 연구)

  • Park, Hun-Pyeng
    • The Journal of Korean Medical History
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze how medical texts in Joseon Dynasty have changed in time and to understand their characteristics. Medical texts that reflect the medical standards of the time were enable us to look into how medical bureaucrats were trained and education policies related to the training. Chinese medicine influenced Joseon Dynasty's medicine in different ways at different times. Before the Imjin War, Joseon dynasty's medicine was largely under the influence of the Song dynasty's medicine. After the war, the four noted physicians of Jin-Yuan era had increasingly more significant influence, along with the introduction of Ming dynasty's medicine. The facts found through this study include : 1) the basic courses were composed of Chandomac (纂圖脈), Dongingyeong (銅人經), and Boncho (本草); 2) Josenization of medical division system was established for the first time during the reign of King Sejo (世祖), and updated throughout the time of the King Seongjong (成宗) and King Sun Jo (宣祖); 3) Hyangyak (鄕藥) education with medical texts was limited to some periods like King Seongjong (成宗) and King Sejo (世祖); 4) the high proportion of Bangseo (方書) in the early era gradually decreased, and more of specialized and comprehensive medical books came to find their way into the standard curriculum.

A Study on the Medical Science of Balhae(渤海) (발해의학(渤海醫學)에 대(對)한 연구(硏究))

  • Lee, Jeong-Rok;Kim, Hong-Gyun;Yu, Won-Jun
    • The Journal of Korean Medical History
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.111-133
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    • 2006
  • This study was examined to reveal the medical Science of Balhae which was not well displayed until now. For this, the category of the medical science of Balhae(渤海) was decided in diachronic and synchronic perspective and the concrete contents of the medical science of Balhae(渤海) was presumed. Balhae(渤海) succeeded to the medical science of Koguryo(高句麗) and its orthodoxy. Through the interchange between Balhae(渤海) and the country as Dang(唐) and Shilla(新羅), Balhae(渤海) accepted new medical knowledge. Balhae(渤海) had a customs to eat a cake made of rice flour and artemisia paste on the Tano Festival(端午) to overcome its constitutional character. And medicines as Gon-po(昆布), Doo-shi were treated valuable. and they used Ondol(溫突). Balhae(渤海) advanced suigeneris abscess medicine(治腫醫學), and they valued much of Hyangyak(鄕藥). And they took the serious view on the scripture in the education and on the simplic in the clinic. It shows Balhae(渤海) had the unique medical tradition of our nation. The medical institution and medical educational system of Balhae(渤海) was fundamental to that of Koguryo(高句麗), and it was established in the reference of the system of Dang(唐) and Shilla(新羅). It influenced the establishment of medical system and medical education of Corea(高麗) later on. And the medical doctor of the Balhae(渤海) who was dispatched to Japan imparted the advanced medicine of Balhae(渤海) and it was fundamental to the Japanese medical development. Balhae(渤海) produced superior acupuncture on the basis of superior materials which are represented as metalwork technology and Corea-copper(高麗銅) which are handed down from the Old-Chosun(古朝鮮) and Koguryo(高句麗). And we can suppose the level of Balhae(渤海) through the fact that the acupunctual technique of Koguryo(高句麗) was spread out to the nearby country. By the tradition of acupuncture and moxibustion, the theory of Bi-bo(裨補) that cure a disease on the theory of acupuncture and moxibustion appeared in the north and south branch period(南北國時代). And we can prusure the level of acupuncture of Balhae(渤海) through this fact. Balhae(渤海) educated herbal medicine with priority given to Shin-nong-bon-cho-kyong(神農本草經) stand on the serious view on the scripture. They produced a various herbs on the basis of broad territory and suigeneris herbal medicine. It is famous herb of Balhae(渤海), that To-sa-ja, Gon-po(昆布), Doo-shi, Ginseng(人蔘), Woo-hwang(牛黃), Song-ja(松子), Hwang-myung-kyo (黃明膠), Baek-bu-ja(白附子), Sa-hyang(麝香), Honey(蜜).

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A study of well-dying and well-aging through consideration of factors related to the Korean social community (한국사회 공동체 관련 요소들의 고찰을 통한 웰다잉(well-dying)과 웰에이징(well-aging) 연구)

  • Park, Arma;Song, Hyeon-Dong;Kwon, On;Kim, Kwang-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.111-125
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    • 2022
  • This study historically examined nine representative community-related elements such as Hyangyak, Doore, Pumassi, Dongje, Gwallye, Wedding, Funeral, Ancestral Rites, Saemaul Undong, etc. in our society. This study aimed to create a better Korean society by revealing the relationship between well-aging and well-dying. This study investigated and analyzed 45 recent papers published between 2016 and 2021. As a result of the analysis, out of 45 cases, 22 cases are connected to the Joseon Dynasty, and 15 cases are related to modern society. When divided into life and death, 6 out of 9 items were bound to life, and 3 items encompassed life and death. And based on the relationship between well-aging and well-dying, it was specified as Type A-D. In conclusion, this study allows our society to achieve social integration and share the interests of the community through the principle of reciprocity and solidarity. This study can contribute from the perspective of convergence to becoming a true community that can share the interests of the community.