• Title/Summary/Keyword: test map

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The Effects of Reminiscence Therapy Using Mind Map to Improve Cognitive Function, Depression Index, Quality of Life for Elderly Women Suspected Of Dementia. (마인드맵을 활용한 회상치료가 여성 치매 의심 노인의 인지기능, 우울 지수 및 삶의 질에 미치는 영향)

  • Jang, Woo-hyuk;Son, Hyo-seong;Seo, Ye-ji;Youn, Su-jeong;Kim, Hyun-ji
    • Journal of Society of Occupational Therapy for the Aged and Dementia
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.97-106
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    • 2018
  • Objective : The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of reminiscence therapy using mind map to improve cognitive function, depression index, quality of life for old woman with dementia. Method : The study were 14 patients who were diagnosed with a woman suspected of dementia. They were randomly assigned to Study group(N=7) and control group(N=7). All patients received only to Study groups. reminiscence therapy using mind map was composed to 10 sessions, 40 minutes per sessions, 2 times a week, for 5 weeks. For result analysis, descriptive statistic, Wilcoxon signed rank test, and Mann-Whitney U test were used. The evaluation tools were Mini-Mental State Examination Korean Version (MMSE-K), Korean Version of Beck Depression Inventory (K-BDI), Korean Version of the World Health Organization Quality of Life Scale Abbreviated Version (WHOQOL-BREF). Result : There was a significant difference in cognitive function, depression index, and quality of life in the within group after intervention, and there was a significant difference in cognitive function in the between group comparison. Conclusion : According to the results of study, an easing effect was confirmed regarding reminiscence therapy using mind map for an old woman with dementia. using reminiscence therapy using mind map when applied to the improvement of cognitive function, depression index, quality of life.

Realization of a Automatic Grading System for Driver's License Test (자동차 운전면허 시험을 위한 자동 채점 시스템 구현)

  • Kim, Chul Woo;Lee, Dong Hahk;Yang, Jae Soo
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.109-120
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    • 2017
  • It is important to estimate objectively in the driving test. Especially, the driving test is examined by totally driving ability, rule observation and situational judgement. For this, a grading automation system for driving test was presented by using GPS, sensor data and equipment operation informations. This system is composed of vehicle mounted module, automatic grading terminal, data controller, data storage and processing server. The vehicle mounted module gathters sensor data in the car. The terminal performs automatic grading using the received sensor data according the driving test criterion. To overcome the misposition of vehicle in the map due to GPS error, we proposed the automatic grading system by map matching method, path deviation and return algorithm. In the experimental results, it was possible to grade automatically, display the right position of the car, and return to the right path under 10 seconds when the vehicle was out of the shadow region of the GPS. This system can be also applied to the driving education.

Study of Pallet Scale Modified Atmosphere Packaging Films for Reducing Water Condensation

  • Kim, Jinse;Park, Jong Woo;Park, Seokho;Choi, Dong Soo;Choi, Seung Ryul;Kim, Yong Hoon;Lee, Soo Jang;Park, Chun Wan;Lee, Jung- Soo;Cho, Byoung-Kwan
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.98-107
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    • 2016
  • Purpose: The aim of this study was to find an appropriate polymer film, which could reduce the water condensation for pallet-size modified atmosphere packaging (MAP). Methods: Five different types of films were selected from several commercialized films. Prior to the real food storage test, plastic boxes with wetted plastic balls were used to simulate the high humidity conditions of real food storage. The initial MAP condition was 5% oxygen and 95% nitrogen, and the $O_2$ concentration, the relative humidity and water condensation inside the films were checked on a daily basis. The MAP test for tomatoes was conducted by using the most appropriate film from the five films examined in this study. Results: Every film except Mosspack(R) indicated a similar variation in the $O_2$ concentration over the course of time. The relative humidity near the surfaces of all the films except nylon-6 approached saturation conditions over time. For three kinds of films, namely, low-density polyethylene (LDPE) film, anti-fogging oriented polypropylene (AFOPP) film, and Mosspack(R), the inner surfaces of the films were fully covered with dew after a storage period of a day. Conversely, an area of 4.5% was covered with dew in the case of the poly lactic acid (PLA) film, and there was no dew inside the nylon-6 film. The pallet-size MAP test for tomatoes was conducted by using the nylon-6 film and there was no water condensation inside the nylon-6 film over three weeks of storage. Conclusions: During the pallet scale MAP, water condensation could cause severe fungal infection and wetting of the corrugated box. Hence, it was important to minimize water condensation. This study showed that the MAP films with high WVTR such as nylon-6 and PLA could reduce the water condensation inside the pallet scale MAP.

The Effect of High School Earth Science Instruction Using Mind Map (마인드 맵을 활용한 고등학교 지구과학 수업의 효과)

  • Kim, Sang-Dal;Kim, Eun-Jung;Ju, Cook-Young;Choi, Sung-Bong;Hong, Dong-Gyoon
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.29 no.7
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    • pp.617-625
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study was to identify the effect that using mind map instruction has on the students' scientific inquiry skill and science-related attitudes in 11th grade in the earth science instruction. The objects of this study were consisted of two classes with 11th graders at K public high school in Kimhea city. The experimental group using mind map was lessoned 2 hours a week for 10 weeks. On the other hand, the controlled group was traditionally taught. Each group was consisted of 34 students. Student's science inquiry skills and science-related attitudes were assessed in pre-test, and then each group was instructed. The post-test was conducted after the instruction. Findings were as follows: First, As for the scientific inquiry skill, the result revealed that there was a statistically significant difference between the two groups. This finding means that the mind map instruction was more effectiveto improve students' scientific inquiry skills. Second, Regarding the science-related attitudes, the t-test analysis showed that there was a statistically significant difference between the two groups. This result implies that the mind map instruction was more effective in promoting students' attitudes toward science. In conclusion, the earth science instruction using mind map showed more effectiveness on the high school students' improvement of their science inquiry skills and science-related attitudes.

The Korean HapMap Project Website

  • Kim, Young-Uk;Kim, Seung-Ho;Jin, Hoon;Park, Young-Kyu;Ji, Mi-Hyun;Kim, Young-Joo
    • Genomics & Informatics
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.91-94
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    • 2008
  • Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are the most abundant form of human genetic variation and are a resource for mapping complex genetic traits. A genome is covered by millions of these markers, and researchers are able to compare which SNPs predominate in people who have a certain disease. The International HapMap Project, launched in October, 2002, motivated us to start the Korean HapMap Project in order to support Korean HapMap infrastructure development and to accelerate the finding of genes that affect health, disease, and individual responses to medications and environmental factors. A Korean SNP and haplotype database system was developed through the Korean HapMap Project to provide Korean researchers with useful data-mining information about disease-associated biomarkers for studies on complex diseases, such as diabetes, cancer, and stroke. Also, we have developed a series of software programs for association studies as well as the comparison and analysis of Korean HapMap data with other populations, such as European, Chinese, Japanese, and African populations. The developed software includes HapMapSNPAnalyzer, SNPflank, HWE Test, FESD, D2GSNP, SNP@Domain, KMSD, KFOD, KFRG, and SNP@WEB. We developed a disease-related SNP retrieval system, in which OMIM, GeneCards, and MeSH information were integrated and analyzed for medical research scientists. The kHapMap Browser system that we developed and integrated provides haplotype retrieval and comparative study tools of human ethnicities for comprehensive disease association studies (http://www.khapmap.org). It is expected that researchers may be able to retrieve useful information from the kHapMap Browser to find useful biomarkers and genes in complex disease association studies and use these biomarkers and genes to study and develop new drugs for personalized medicine.

Hierarchical Stereo Matching with Color Information (영상의 컬러 정보를 이용한 계층적 스테레오 정합)

  • Kim, Tae-June;Yoo, Ji-Sang
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.34 no.3C
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    • pp.279-287
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    • 2009
  • In this paper, a hierarchical stereo matching with color information is proposed. To generate an initial disparity map, feature based stereo matching is carried out and to generate a final disparity map, hierarchical stereo matching is carried out. The boundary (edge) region is obtained by segmenting a given image into R, G, B and White components. From the obtained boundary, disparity is extracted. The initial disparity map is generated when the extracted disparity is spread to the surrounding regions by evaluating autocorrelation from each color region. The initial disparity map is used as an initial value for generating the final disparity map. The final disparity map is generated from each color region by changing the size of a block and the search range. 4 test images that are provided by Middlebury stereo vision are used to evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithm objectively. The experiment results show better performance compared to the Graph-cuts and Dynamic Programming methods. In the final disparity map, about 11% of the disparities for the entire image were inaccurate. It was verified that the boundary for the non-contiguous point was clear in the disparity map.

SLAM based on feature map for Autonomous vehicle (자율주행 장치를 위한 특징 맵 기반 SLAM)

  • Kim, Jung-Min;Jung, Sung-Young;Jeon, Tae-Ryong;Kim, Sung-Shin
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.13 no.7
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    • pp.1437-1443
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    • 2009
  • This paper is presented an simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) algorithm using ultrasonic for robot and electric compass, encoder, and gyro. Generally, localization based upon electric compass, encoder, and gyro can be measured just local position in workspace. However, actual robot must need an information of the absolute position in workspace to perform its mission, Absolute position in workspace could be calculated using SLAM algorithm. To implement SLAM in this paper, a map is built using ultrasonic sensor and hierarchical map building method. And then, we the map will be transformed into a feature map. The absolute position could be calculated using the feature map and map mapping method. As a test bed, we designed and construct an autonomous robot and showed the experimental performance of the proposed SLAM algorithm based on feature map. Experimental result, we verified that robot can found all absolute position on experiments using proposed SLAM algorithm.

Development of Hybrid Spatial Information Model for National Base Map (국가기본도용 Hybrid 공간정보 모델 개발)

  • Hwang, Jin Sang;Yun, Hong Sik;Yoo, Jae Yong;Cho, Seong Hwan;Kang, Seong Chan
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.32 no.4_1
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    • pp.335-341
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    • 2014
  • The main goal of this study is on developing a proper brand-new data of national base map and Data Based(DB) model for new information technology environments. To achieve this goal, we generated a brand-new Hybrid spatial information model which is specialized in the spatio-temporal map structure, the framework map for information integration, and the multiple-layered topology structure. The DB structure was designed to reflect the change of objections by adding a new dimension of 'time' in the spartial information, while the infrastructure was able to connect/converge with other information by giving the unique ID and multi-scale fusion map structure. Furthermore, the topology and multi visualization structure, including indoor and basement information, were designed to overcome limitations of expressing in 2 dimension map. The result from the performance test, which was based on the Hybrid spatial information model, confirms the possibility in advanced national base map and conducted DB model through implementing various information and spatiotemporal connections.

A Study on Data Model Conversion Method for the Application of Autonomous Driving of Various Kinds of HD Map (다양한 정밀도로지도의 자율주행 적용을 위한 데이터 모델 변환 방안 연구)

  • Lee, Min-Hee;Jang, In-Sung;Kim, Min-Soo
    • Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX
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    • v.51 no.1
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    • pp.39-51
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    • 2021
  • Recently, there has been much interest in practical use of standardized HD map that can effectively define roads, lanes, junctions, road signs, and road facilities in autonomous driving. Various kinds of de jure or de facto standards such as ISO 22726-1, ISO 14296, HERE HD Live map, NDS open lane model, OpenDRIVE, and NGII HD map are currently being used. However, there are lots of differences in data modeling among these standards, it makes difficult to use them together in autonomous driving. Therefore, we propose a data model conversion method to enable an efficient use of various kinds of HD map standards in autonomous driving in this study. Specifically, we propose a conversion method between the NGII HD map model, which is easily accessible in the country, and the OpenDRIVE model, which is commonly used in the autonomous driving industry. The proposed method consists of simple conversion of NGII HD map layers into OpenDRIVE objects, new OpenDRIVE objects creation corresponding to NGII HD map layers, and linear transformation of NGII HD map layers for OpenDRIVE objects creation. Finally, we converted some test data of NGII HD map into OpenDRIVE objects, and checked the conversion results through Carla simulator. We expect that the proposed method will greatly contribute to improving the use of NGII HD map in autonomous driving.

Comparison of Objective Metrics and 3D Evaluation Using Upsampled Depth Map (깊이맵 업샘플링을 이용한 객관적 메트릭과 3D 평가의 비교)

  • Mahmoudpour, Saeed;Choi, Changyeol;Kim, Manbae
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.204-214
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    • 2015
  • Depth map upsampling is an approach to increase the spatial resolution of depth maps obtained from a depth camera. Depth map quality is closely related to 3D perception of stereoscopic image, multi-view image and holography. In general, the performance of upsampled depth map is evaluated by PSNR (Peak Signal to Noise Ratio). On the other hand, time-consuming 3D subjective tests requiring human subjects are carried out for examining the 3D perception as well as visual fatigue for 3D contents. Therefore, if an objective metric is closely correlated with a subjective test, the latter can be replaced by the objective metric. For this, this paper proposes a best metric by investigating the relationship between diverse objective metrics and 3D subjective tests. Diverse reference and no-reference metrics are adopted to evaluate the performance of upsampled depth maps. The subjective test is performed based on DSCQS test. From the utilization and analysis of three kinds of correlations, we validated that SSIM and Edge-PSNR can replace the subjective test.