• Title/Summary/Keyword: terrain modeling

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The Three Dimensional Modeling Method of Structure in Urban Areas using Airborne Multi-sensor Data (다중센서 데이터를 이용한 구조물의 3차원 모델링)

  • Son, Ho-Woong;Kim, Ki-Young;Kim, Young-Kyung
    • Journal of the Korean Geophysical Society
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.7-19
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    • 2006
  • Laser scanning is a new technology for obtaining Digital Surface Models(DSM) of the earth surface.It is a fast method for sampling the earth surface with high density and high point accuracy. This paper is for buildings extraction from LiDAR points data. The core part of building construction is based on a parameters filter for distinguishing between terrain and non-terrain laser points. The 3D geometrical properties of the building facades are obtained based on plane fitting using least-squares adjustment. The reconstruction part of the procedure is based on the adjacency among the roof facades. Primitive extraction and facade intersections are used for building reconstruction. For overcome the difficulty just reconstruct of laser points data used with digital camera images. Also, 3D buildings of city area reconstructed using digital map. Finally, In this paper show 3D building Modeling using digital map and LiDAR data.

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3D Terrain Reconstruction Using 2D Laser Range Finder and Camera Based on Cubic Grid for UGV Navigation (무인 차량의 자율 주행을 위한 2차원 레이저 거리 센서와 카메라를 이용한 입방형 격자 기반의 3차원 지형형상 복원)

  • Joung, Ji-Hoon;An, Kwang-Ho;Kang, Jung-Won;Kim, Woo-Hyun;Chung, Myung-Jin
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SC
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    • v.45 no.6
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    • pp.26-34
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    • 2008
  • The information of traversability and path planning is essential for UGV(Unmanned Ground Vehicle) navigation. Such information can be obtained by analyzing 3D terrain. In this paper, we present the method of 3D terrain modeling with color information from a camera, precise distance information from a 2D Laser Range Finder(LRF) and wheel encoder information from mobile robot with less data. And also we present the method of 3B terrain modeling with the information from GPS/IMU and 2D LRF with less data. To fuse the color information from camera and distance information from 2D LRF, we obtain extrinsic parameters between a camera and LRF using planar pattern. We set up such a fused system on a mobile robot and make an experiment on indoor environment. And we make an experiment on outdoor environment to reconstruction 3D terrain with 2D LRF and GPS/IMU(Inertial Measurement Unit). The obtained 3D terrain model is based on points and requires large amount of data. To reduce the amount of data, we use cubic grid-based model instead of point-based model.

Improvement of Atmospheric Dispersion Model Performance by Pretreatment of Dispersion Coefficients (분산계수의 전처리에 의한 대기분산모델 성능의 개선)

  • Park, Ok-Hyun;Kim, Gyung-Soo
    • Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.449-456
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    • 2007
  • Dispersion coefficient preprocessing schemes have been examined to improve plume dispersion model performance in complex coastal areas. The performances of various schemes for constructing the sigma correction order were evaluated through estimations of statistical measures, such as bias, gross error, R, FB, NMSE, within FAC2, MG, VG, IOA, UAPC and MRE. This was undertaken for the results of dispersion modeling, which applied each scheme. Environmental factors such as sampling time, surface roughness, plume rising, plume height and terrain rolling were considered in this study. Gaussian plume dispersion model was used to calculate 1 hr $SO_2$ concentration 4 km downwind from a power plant in Boryeung coastal area. Here, measured data for January to December of 2002 were obtained so that modelling results could be compared. To compare the performances between various schemes, integrated scores of statistical measures were obtained by giving weights for each measure and then summing each score. This was done because each statistical measure has its own function and criteria; as a result, no measure can be taken as a sole index indicative of the performance level for each modeling scheme. The best preprocessing scheme was discerned using the step-wise method. The most significant factor influencing the magnitude of real dispersion coefficients appeared to be sampling time. A second significant factor appeared to be surface roughness, with the rolling terrain being the least significant for elevated sources in a gently rolling terrain. The best sequence of correcting the sigma from P-G scheme was found to be the combination of (1) sampling time, (2) surface roughness, (3) plume rising, (4) plume height, and (5) terrain rolling.

3-D Numerical Prediction Modeling of Air Pollution in Coastal Urban Region - II. Movement and Diffusion Prediction of Air Pollutants - (연안도시지역에서 대기오염의 3차원 수치예측모델링 -II. 대기오염물질의 이동과 화산예측-)

  • gyeong-Mee Won;Hwa-Woon Lee
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.343-350
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    • 2001
  • To investigate air quality away from the coastal urban source region, we used a hybrid Eulerian - Lagrangian method which can describe the formation, transport, transform and deposition processes in complex terrain, with inclusion of shipping sources that were considered to be important emission in the coastal urban region. The result of the Eulerian advection - diffusion prediction was quite similar to that of the Lagrangian particle diffusion prediction. It showed that pollutants emitted from Sasang and Janglim industrial complexes can affect Hwamyeong and the coastal, respectively. During the daytime the concentration was low due to large deposition flux and terrain effect.

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  • Yoo, Byoung-Hyun;Brotzman, Don;Han, Soon-Hung
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2008.10a
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    • pp.155-158
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    • 2008
  • The needs for digital models of real environment such as 3D terrain or cyber city model are increasing. Most of applications related with modeling and simulation require virtual environment constructed from geospatial information of real world in order to guarantee reliability and accuracy of the simulation. The most fundamental data for building virtual environment, terrain elevation and orthogonal imagery is acquired from optical sensor of satellite or airplane. Providing interoperable and reusable digital model is important to promote practical application of high-resolution satellite imagery. This paper presents the new research regarding representation of geospatial information, especially for 3D shape and appearance of virtual terrain, and describe framework for constructing real-time 3D model of large terrain based on high-resolution satellite imagery. It provides infrastructure of 3D simulation with geographical context. Details of standard-based approach for providing infrastructure of real-time 3D simulation using high-resolution satellite imagery are also presented. This work would facilitate interchange and interoperability across diverse systems and be usable by governments, industry scientists and general public.

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Application of Library-Based Texture Mapping Method (라이브러리 기반의 Texture Mapping 기법 활용연구)

  • Song Jeong-Heon;Park Su-Yong;Lim Hyo-Suk;Kim Yong-Il
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry, and Cartography Conference
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    • 2006.04a
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    • pp.369-373
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    • 2006
  • A 3D modeling of urban area can be composed the terrain modeling that can express specific and shape of the terrain and the object modeling such as buildings, trees and facilities which are found in urban areas. Especially in a 3D modeling of building, it is very important to make a unit model by simplifying 3D structure and to take a texture mapping, which can help visualize surface information. In this study, the texture mapping technique, based on library for 3D urban modeling, was used for building modeling. This technique applies the texture map in the form of library which is constructed as building types, and then take mapping to the 3D building frame. For effectively apply, this technique, we classified buildings automatically using LiDAR data and made 3D frame using LiDAR and digital map. To express the realistic building texture, we made the texture library using real building photograph.

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Numerical Simulation of Dispersion Fields of SO2 according to Atmospheric Flow Field to Reflect local characteristics in Complex Coastal Regions (복잡한 해안지역의 지역특성을 고려한 대기 유동장에 따른 SO2)

  • Lee Hwa Woon;Won Hye Young;Choi Hyun-Jung;Lee Kang-Yeol;Kim Hyun-Goo
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.297-309
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    • 2005
  • Recently air quality modeling studies for industrial complex and large cities located in the coastal regions have been carried out Especially, the representation of atmospheric flow fields within a model domain is very important, because an adequate air quality simulation requires an accurate portrayal of the realistic three­dimensional wind fields. Therefore this study investigated effect of using high resolution terrain height data and FDDA with observational data to reflect local characteristics in numerical simulation. So the experiments were designed according to FDDA and the detail terrain height with 3sec resolution or not Case 30s was the experiment using the terrain height data of USGS without FDDA and Case 3s was the experiment using the detail terrain height data of Ministry of Environment without FDDA and Case 3sF was experiment using the detail terrain height data of Ministry of Environment with FDDA. The results of experiments were more remarkable, In Case 3s and Case 3sF, temperature indicated similar tendency comparing to observational data predicting maximum temperature during the daytime and wind speed made weakly for difference of terrain height Also Case 3sF had more adequate tendency than Case 3s at dawn.

Effective Decision of the Route Alignment with Digital Terrain (수치지형모형을 이용한 효율적인 노선결정)

  • Kang, Joon-Mook;Yoon, Hee-Cheon;Lee, Hyung-Seok;Lee, Sung-Soong
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.4 no.2 s.8
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    • pp.195-203
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    • 1996
  • The 3-D analysis of terrain for route design and selection is being used as important basic data for effective judgement of political draft. This study is to decide efficient alignment of the entry route and design bridge by modeling, analyzing and displaying surface with digital terrain data. In this study we analyze slope, aspect, shaded-relief, line of sight and watershed on the base of DTM such as contour, TIN and grid. And we can not only esti mate end-area volume for road construction by calculating cut and fill and displaying mass-curve but also recognize the scene after execution with simulation of road and terrain. The result of this study reveals that visual effects of the 3-D terrain data are very effective for designer and decisionmaker to select and review alternative route with regard to terrain characteristics.

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Waveform Simulation of Full-Waveform LIDAR (풀웨이브폼 라이다의 반사파형 시뮬레이션)

  • Kim, Seong-Joon;Lee, Im-Pyeong
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.9-20
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    • 2010
  • The LIDAR data can be efficiently utilized for automatic reconstruction of 3D models of objects on the terrain and the terrain itself. In this paper, we attempted to generate simulated waveforms of FW (Full-Waveform) LIDAR (LIght Detection And Ranging). We performed the geometric modeling of the sensor and objects, and the radiometric modeling of the waveform intensity. First, we compute the origins and directions of the sub-beams by considering the divergence effects of a laser beam. We then searched for the locations at which the sub-beams intersected with the objects, such as ground, buildings and trees. Finally, we generate the individual waveforms of the reflected sub-beams and the waveform of the entire beam by summing the individual ones. With the experimental results, we confirmed the waveforms were reasonably generated, showing the characteristics of the surfaces the beam interacted with.