• Title/Summary/Keyword: terrain classification

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Assessing Techniques for Advancing Land Cover Classification Accuracy through CNN and Transformer Model Integration (CNN 모델과 Transformer 조합을 통한 토지피복 분류 정확도 개선방안 검토)

  • Woo-Dam SIM;Jung-Soo LEE
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.115-127
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    • 2024
  • This research aimed to construct models with various structures based on the Transformer module and to perform land cover classification, thereby examining the applicability of the Transformer module. For the classification of land cover, the Unet model, which has a CNN structure, was selected as the base model, and a total of four deep learning models were constructed by combining both the encoder and decoder parts with the Transformer module. During the training process of the deep learning models, the training was repeated 10 times under the same conditions to evaluate the generalization performance. The evaluation of the classification accuracy of the deep learning models showed that the Model D, which utilized the Transformer module in both the encoder and decoder structures, achieved the highest overall accuracy with an average of approximately 89.4% and a Kappa coefficient average of about 73.2%. In terms of training time, models based on CNN were the most efficient. however, the use of Transformer-based models resulted in an average improvement of 0.5% in classification accuracy based on the Kappa coefficient. It is considered necessary to refine the model by considering various variables such as adjusting hyperparameters and image patch sizes during the integration process with CNN models. A common issue identified in all models during the land cover classification process was the difficulty in detecting small-scale objects. To improve this misclassification phenomenon, it is deemed necessary to explore the use of high-resolution input data and integrate multidimensional data that includes terrain and texture information.

A Study on the Improvement of Guideline in Digital Forest Type Map (수치임상도 작업매뉴얼의 개선방안에 관한 연구)

  • PARK, Jeong-Mook;DO, Mi-Ryung;SIM, Woo-Dam;LEE, Jung-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.168-182
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    • 2019
  • The objectives of this study were to examine the production processes and methods of "Forest Type Map Actualization Production (Database (DB) Construction Work Manual)" (Work Manual) identify issues associated with the production processes and methods, and suggest solutions for them by applying evaluation items to a 1:5k digital forest type map. The evaluation items applied to a forest type map were divided into zoning and attributes, and the issues associated with the production processes and methods of Work Manual were derived through analyzing the characteristics of the stand structure and fragmentation by administrative districts. Korea is divided into five divisions, where one is set as the area changed naturally and the other four areas set as the area changed artificially. The area changed naturally has been updated every five years, and those changed artificially have been updated annually. The fragmentation of South Korea was analyzed in order to examine the consistency of the DB established for each region. The results showed that, in South Korea, the number of patches increased and the mean patch size decreased. As a result, the degree of fragmentation and the complexity of shapes increased. The degree of fragmentation and the complexity of shapes decreased in four regions out of 17 regions (metropolitan cities and provinces). The results indicated that there were spatial variations. The "Forest Classification" defines the minimum area of a zoning as 0.1ha. This study examined the criteria for the minimum area of a zoning by estimating the divided object (polygon unit) in a forest type map. The results of this study revealed that approximately 26% of objects were smaller than the minimum area of a zoning. The results implied that it would be necessary to establish the definition and the regeneration interval of "Areas Changed Artificially and Areas Changed Naturally", and improve the standard for the minimum area of a zoning. Among the attributes of Work Manual, "Species Change" item classifies terrain features into 52 types, and 43 types of them belong to stocking land. This study examined distribution ratios by extracting species information from the forest type map. It was found that each of 23 species, approximately 53% of species, occupied less than 0.1% of Forested land. The top three species were pine and other species. Although undergrowth on unstocked forest land are classified in the terrain feature system, their definition and classification criteria are not established in the "Forest Classification" item. Therefore, it will be needed to reestablish the terrain feature system and set the definitions of undergrowth.

An Objective Procedure to Decide the Scale Factors for Applying Land-form Classification Methodology Using TPI (TPI 응용에 의한 산악지형 분류기법의 적용을 위한 scale factor 선정방법 개발)

  • Jang, Kwangmin;Song, Jungeun;Park, Kyeung;Chung, Joosang
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.98 no.6
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    • pp.639-645
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    • 2009
  • The objective of this research was to introduce the TPI approach for interpreting land-forms of mountain forests in South Korea. We develop an objective procedure to decide the scale factor as a basic analytical unit in land-form classification of rugged mountain areas using TPI. In order to determine the scale factor associated with the pattern of slope profiles, the gradient variance curve was derived from a revised hypsometric curve developed using the relief energy of topographic profiles. Using the gradient variance curve, found was the grid size with which the change in relief energy got the peak point. The grid size at the peak point was determined as the scale factor for the study area. In order to investigate the performance of the procedure based on the gradient variance curve, it was applied to determination of the site-specific scale factors of 3 different terrain conditions; highly-rugged, moderately-rugged and relatively less-rugged. The TPI associated with the corresponding scale factors by study site was, then, determined and used in classifying the land-forms. According to the results of this study, the scale factor gets shorter with more rugged terrain conditions. It was also found that the numbers of valleys and ridges estimated with TPI show almost the same trends as those of the observed and the scale factors tends to approach to the mean distance of ridges.

The Effects of Declination and Curvature Weight in DEM (수치표고모형에서 경사와 곡률경중율의 영향)

  • Yang, In-Tae;Choi, Seung-Pil;Kwon, Hyun;Kim, Wook-Nam
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.45-51
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    • 1990
  • DEM must have a high accuracy against the actual topographic model. A model which can compute heights responding to random plane position by using of the topographic data and interpolation must be constructed. Interpolation affected by the accuraccy of the observations included noise, which affected by the slop and curvature weight. Data smoothing is a method to reduce the noise. Average declination and area ratio are variable which result similarity in according to slope. But in local area, area ratio well shows a local change. This study try to classify the terrain by the declination to analysis the effects of the declination and curvature weights, and then to represent the most probable model. The result are following : In terrain classification by the slop, p16 and p24 were fitted in the plane surface fit p16 and S in the varying surface, and S and p24 in the irregular surface in classification by curvature, p24 and S were fitted in the plane or varying surface, and p16 in the irregular surface In case of hybrid, p16, p24 and S are fitted in the plane, varying and irregular surface respectively. Smoothing is the most effective in case of slope of 50 persentage and of curvature weight of 0.0015.

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Comparison of Measured and Predicted $^3H$ Concentrations in Environmental Media around the Wolsung Site for the Validation of INDAC Code (주면피폭선량 평가코드(INDAC)의 검증을 위한 월성원전 주면 삼중수소 농도 실측치와 예측치의 비교 평가)

  • Jang, Si-Young;Kim, Chang-Kyu;Rho, Byung-Hwan
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.75-80
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    • 2000
  • The predicted results of INDAC code were compared with measured $^3H$ concentrations in air and pine-needle around the Wolsung site. The optimal sets of input data to INDAC were in addition selected by comparing the measured values with the predicted values of INDAC based on various conditions such as the release modes of effluents into the environment, the classification of wind classes, and the consideration of terrain. The predicted $^3H$ concentrations in air and pine-needle were shown to have good agreement with measured values, although there are some limitations such as uncertainties in measured values, complex topology around the site, and the land-sea breeze effects. The assumption on the $^3H$ behavior in vegetables or plants that the ratio of $^3H$ concentration in plant water to $^3H$ concentration in atmospheric water is 1/2 was shown to be conservative in terms of the audit calculation performed by the regulator. It was also found that data sets based on mixed mode and no terrain data were not appropriate for the audit calculation ensuring the compliance with regulations. Thus, if the mixed mode is considered as the release mode of effluents into the environment, meteorological data measured at 58 m height and terrain data should be used to evaluate the atmospheric dispersion factor.

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Enhancement of Geomorphology Generation for the Front Land of Levee Using Aerial Photograph (항공영상을 연계한 하천 제외지의 지형분석 개선 기법)

  • Lee, Geun Sang;Lee, Hyun Seok;Hwang, Eui Ho;Koh, Deuk Koo
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.28 no.3D
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    • pp.407-415
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    • 2008
  • This study presents the methodology to link with aerial photos for advancing the accuracy of topographic survey data that is used to calculate water volume in urban stream. First, GIS spatial interpolation technique as Inverse Distance Weight (IDW) and Kriging was applied to construct the terrain morphology to the sand-bar and grass area using cross-sectional survey data, and also validation point data was used to estimate the accuracy of created topographic data. As the result of comparison, IDW ($d^{-2}_{ij}$, 2nd square number) in Sand-bar area and Kriging Spherical model in grass area showed more efficient results in the construction of topographic data of river boundary. But the differences among interpolation methods are very slight. Image classification method, Minimum Distance Method (MDM) was applied to extract sand-bar and grass area that are located to river boundary efficiently and the elevation value of extracted layers was allocated to the water level point value. Water volume with topographic data from aerial photos shows the advanced accuracy of 13% (in sand-bar) and 12% (in grass) compared to the water volume of original terrain data. Therefore, terrain analysis method in river linking with aerial photos is efficient to the monitoring about sand-bar and grass area that are located in the downstream of Dam in flooding season, and also it can be applied to calculate water volume efficiently.

Estimation of the Flood Area Using Multi-temporal RADARSAT SAR Imagery

  • Sohn, Hong-Gyoo;Song, Yeong-Sun;Yoo, Hwan-Hee;Jung, Won-Jo
    • Korean Journal of Geomatics
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.37-46
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    • 2002
  • Accurate classification of water area is an preliminary step to accurately analyze the flooded area and damages caused by flood. This step is especially useful for monitoring the region where annually repeating flood is a problem. The accurate estimation of flooded area can ultimately be utilized as a primary source of information for the policy decision. Although SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) imagery with its own energy source is sensitive to the water area, its shadow effect similar to the reflectance signature of the water area should be carefully checked before accurate classification. Especially when we want to identify small flood area with mountainous environment, the step for removing shadow effect turns out to be essential in order to accurately classify the water area from the SAR imagery. In this paper, the flood area was classified and monitored using multi-temporal RADARSAT SAR images of Ok-Chun and Bo-Eun located in Chung-Book Province taken in 12th (during the flood) and 19th (after the flood) of August, 1998. We applied several steps of geometric and radiometric calculations to the SAR imagery. First we reduced the speckle noise of two SAR images and then calculated the radar backscattering coefficient $(\sigma^0)$. After that we performed the ortho-rectification via satellite orbit modeling developed in this study using the ephemeris information of the satellite images and ground control points. We also corrected radiometric distortion caused by the terrain relief. Finally, the water area was identified from two images and the flood area is calculated accordingly. The identified flood area is analyzed by overlapping with the existing land use map.

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A Study on Obtaining Tree Data from Green Spaces in Parks Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Images: Focusing on Mureung Park in Chuncheon

  • Lee, Do-Hyung;Kil, Sung-Ho;Lee, Su-Been
    • Journal of People, Plants, and Environment
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.441-450
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    • 2021
  • Background and objective: The purpose of study is to analyze the three-dimensional (3D) structure by creating a 3D model for green spaces in a park using unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) images. Methods: After producing a digital surface model (DSM) and a digital terrain model (DTM) using UAV images taken in Mureung Park in Chuncheon-si, we generated a digital tree height model (DHM). In addition, we used the mean shift algorithm to test the classification accuracy, and obtain accurate tree height and volume measures through field survey. Results: Most of the tree species planted in Mureung Park were Pinus koraiensis, followed by Pinus densiflora, and Zelkova serrata, and most of the shrubs planted were Rhododendron yedoense, followed by Buxus microphylla, and Spiraea prunifolia. The average height of trees measured at the site was 7.8 m, and the average height estimated by the model was 7.5 m, showing a difference of about 0.3 m. As a result of the t-test, there was no significant difference between height values of the field survey data and the model. The estimated green coverage and volume of the study site using the UAV were 5,019 m2 and 14,897 m3, respectively, and the green coverage and volume measured through the field survey were 6,339 m2 and 17,167 m3. It was analyzed that the green coverage showed a difference of about 21% and the volume showed a difference of about 13%. Conclusion: The UAV equipped with RTK (Real-Time Kinematic) and GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) modules used in this study could collect information on tree height, green coverage, and volume with relatively high accuracy within a short period of time. This could serve as an alternative to overcome the limitations of time and cost in previous field surveys using remote sensing techniques.

A Study on the Development of Topographical Variables and Algorithm for Mountain Classification (산지 경계 추출을 위한 지형학적 변수 선정과 알고리즘 개발)

  • Choi, Jungsun;Jang, Hyo Jin;Shim, Woo Jin;An, Yoosoon;Shin, Hyeshop;Lee, Seung-Jin;Park, Soo Jin
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.1-18
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    • 2018
  • In Korea, 64% of the land is known as mountain area, but the definition and classification standard of mountain are not clear. Demand for utilization and development of mountain area is increasing. In this situation, the unclear definition and scope of the mountain area can lead to the destruction of the mountain and the increase of disasters due to indiscreet permission of forestland use conversion. Therefore, this study analyzed the variables and criteria that can extract the mountain boundaries through the questionnaire survey and the terrain analysis. We developed a mountain boundary extraction algorithm that can classify topographic mountain by using selected variables. As a result, 72.1% of the total land was analyzed as mountain area. For the three catchment areas with different mountain area ratio, we compared the results with the existing data such as forestland map and cadastral map. We confirmed the differences in boundary and distribution of mountain. In a catchment area with predominantly mountainous area, the algorithmbased mountain classification results were judged to be wider than the mountain or forest of the two maps. On the other hand, in the basin where the non-mountainous region predominated, algorithm-based results yielded a lower mountain area ratio than the other two maps. In the two maps, we was able to confirm the distribution of fragmented mountains. However, these areas were classified as non-mountain areas in algorithm-based results. We concluded that this result occurred because of the algorithm, so it is necessary to refine and elaborate the algorithm afterward. Nevertheless, this algorithm can analyze the topographic variables and the optimal value by watershed that can distinguish the mountain area. The results of this study are significant in that the mountain boundaries were extracted considering the characteristics of different mountain topography by region. This study will help establish policies for stable mountain management.

Classification of Wind Sector for Assessment of Wind Resource and Establishment of a Wind Map in South Korea (남한지역 풍력자원 평가 및 바람지도 구축을 위한 바람권역 분류)

  • Jung, Woo-Sik;Lee, Hwa-Woon;Park, Jong-Kil;Kim, Hyun-Goo;Kim, Eun-Byul;Choi, Hyun-Jung;Kim, Dong-Hyuk;Kim, Min-Jung
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.18 no.8
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    • pp.899-910
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    • 2009
  • We classified wind sectors according to the wind features in South Korea. In order to get the information of wind speed and wind direction, we used and improved on the atmospheric numerical model. We made use of detailed topographical data such as terrain height data of an interval of 3 seconds and landuse data produced at ministry of environment, Republic of Korea. The result of simulated wind field was improved. We carried out the cluster analysis to classify the wind sectors using the K-means clustering. South Korea was classified as 8 wind sectors to the annual wind field.