• Title/Summary/Keyword: terrace land

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A Study on a New Working-system of Mechanical Land Clearing and Development of Fertle Soil. (기계개간의 새로운 작업체계와 숙지화 촉진에 관한 연구)

  • Hwang, Eun
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.2162-2176
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    • 1971
  • From the ancient times our forefathers settled down in this peninsular and cultivated the hills and waste-lands into fields. Instead of fertilizing the lands they moved to find other fertile lands and lived a feudal life of agriculture and various machines played a main role in the land reclamation. The best method of land clearing, the time and efficiency in the operation and the effect of growing crops should sysematically analized prior to the time of 3rd Five-year Economic Development(1972-1976) in order to cultivated 210,000 ha of waste-land or the modernization of our country. The present study was investigated to find out a new working-system of mechanical land clearing and development of fertile soil. The results are as follows: 1) The land reclamation in natural slope is much more encourageable in land clearing and farming when the slope is below ten grades than bench terrace. 2) Weeds were mixed with soil in the land clearing work in order to supply organic materials and to make soil swollen instead of burning of just removing. 3) The equipments such as bulldozers, harrows, power tillers and so on should be prepared in order to do a systematic work in the land clearing. 4) The work of pulling-up roots is dependent upon the forms of roots spreading under the ground. The work of the pulling-up the straight roots was most difficult. 5) The land clearing work of the wrinkled style blocks was easy in pulling up roots and in the time of first plowing. The harrowing work could also be simply done. 6) The amount of soil carried was $240m^3/10a$, 15.6% increased amount from the standard block, while the required time of clearing work was 2 hours 15 minutes 45 seconds/10a, the one third of time required for the standard block. 7) The time disc harrowing work increased 50%, or 15 minutes/10a compared to the harrowing work required in the cultivated soil. 8) The time of rotary tilling increased 2.4 times or 1 hour 47 minutes 43 seconds/10a compared to the time required in the cultivated soil. 9) The reclamed land should be fertilized according to the soil quality, especially added fertilizer should be more than 1,200kg/10a, limes 20kg/10a. In order to produce added fertilizer grass fields should be needed. 10) The experiment of pasture growing is now progressing and therefore the effect of land clearing and the degree of developed soil will be investigated before long.

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Land-Cover Change Detection of Western DMZ and Vicinity using Spectral Mixture Analysis of Landsat Imagery (선형분광혼합화소분석을 이용한 서부지역 DMZ의 토지피복 변화 탐지)

  • Kim, Sang-Wook
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.158-167
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    • 2006
  • The object of this study is to detect of land-cover change in western DMZ and vicinity. This was performed as a basic study to construct a decision support system for the conservation or a sustainable development of the DMZ and Vicinity near future. DMZ is an is 4km wide and 250km long and it's one of the most highly fortified boundaries in the world and also a unique thin green line. Environmentalists want to declare the DMZ as a natural reserve and a biodiversity zone, but nowadays through the strengthening of the inter-Korean economic cooperation, some developers are trying to construct a new-town or an industrial complex inside of the DMZ. This study investigates the current environmental conditions, especially deforestation of the western DMZ adopting remote sensing and GIS techniques. The Land-covers were identified through the linear spectvral mixture analysis(LSMA) which was used to handle the spectral mixture problem of low spatial resolution imagery of Landsat TM and ETM+ imagery. To analyze quantitative and spatial change of vegetation-cover in western DMZ, GIS overlay method was used. In LSMA, to develop high-quality fraction images, three endmembers of green vegetation(GV), soil, water were driven from pure features in the imagery. Through 15 years, from 1987 to 2002, forest of western DMZ and vicinity was devastated and changed to urban, farmland or barren land. Northern part of western DMZ and vicinity was more deforested than that of southern part. ($52.37km^2$ of North Korean forest and $39.04km^2$ of South Korean were change to other land-covers.) In case of North Korean part, forest changed to barren land and farmland and in South Korean part, forest changed to farmland and urban area. Especially, In North Korean part of DMZ and vicinity, $56.15km^2$ of farmland changed to barren land through 15 years, which showed the failure of the 'Darakbat' (terrace filed) project which is one of food increase projects in North Korea.

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Three Dimensional Analysis Using Digital Elevation Model on the Coastal Landform of the Sacheon Bay, South Sea of Korea (수치고도 모델을 이용한 사천만 해안지역의 3차원 지형분석)

  • Lee, Min-Boo;Kim, Nam-Shin;Han, Kyun-Hyeung
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.203-216
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    • 2003
  • The process of constructing coastal digital elevation model(DEM), for the 3 dimensional analysis, is composed by abstracting land layers for land elevation and water depth, reprojecting UTM, relocating geographical grid, and interpolating works. The geomorphic set of shallow sea, including tidal current, tidal zone deposition, and water depth distribution, was analyzed by eye search of Landsat TM image, masking of land zone, band combination and regression analysis. Some horizontal differences, between combined DEM and surveyed data of shallow sea, was corrected for analysis. Analyzed geomorphic elements are stream channel, alluvial fan, coastal terrace, tidal current. and shallow sea bank. Results of analysis present that transported fluvial materials influence tidal sedimentation, especially from Gahwacheon river, for the role of artificial draining flooding waters from Jinyang Reservoir, almost in the summer season. In the coastal area with less tidal current, more fine materials are deposited. The influence of currental deposition are higher on small pockets with west coast of well developed terraces. The lower skirt of alluvial fans developed into the tidal zone of shallow sea. Small pocket type bays are closed by coastal current, and less influenced from tidal deposition. The bank of Jinju Bay are developed originally from submerging of remnant erosional mountain ranges, and play on the role of trapping fine materials.

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Stratigraphical Research of the Quaternary Deposits in the Korean Peninsula (韓半島 第四紀 地層의 層序的 考察)

  • Lee, Dong-Young
    • The Korean Journal of Quaternary Research
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.3-20
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    • 1987
  • With regard to the Quaternary formations in the Korean Peninsula, very few studies have been done specially from a stratigraphic viewpoint. The alluvial sediments filling in the valleys have often been considered as the only formation of Quaternary age (more precisely of the Holocone) and so the Pleistocene was regarded as an erosional or nondepositional episode. This is apparently evident from a quick look at the general geological maps of the Peninsula, which show a lithological sequence of Mesozoic or Paleozoic substrata immediately overlain by Holocene alluvium. Likewise, the Pleistocene period was described in terms of unconformity in most local or regional stratigraphical successions of the Peninsula. Recently several different types of Quaternary formation, besides the so-called Holocene alluvium in the valley plain have been found around the Peninsula. They consist of coastal deposits, marine or fluviatile terrace deposits, ancient valley fill deposits or slope deposits. Some parts of the volcanic sediments in Jeju Is. are also known as the Quaternary sequence. Thus the Quaternary deposits in the Peninsula are far more developed than previously known to gelolgists. Moreover the importance of Quaternary research became recently apparent in Korea due to the shortage of raw materials and to the policy of an optimum land-use. Advanced constructions and land reclamation have required more precise engineering parameters of loose materials and an estimation of land stability. This does not imply only the engineering, or the structural properties of the loose material, but at the same time the basic study of the sediments from the stratigraphical and environmental viewpoints has been necessary. In this connection, Quaternary outcrops specially along the coastal fringe of the Peninsula have been mapped, profiled and sampled for sedimentological, clay-mineralogical and palaeomagnetic studies. All these results are compiled for the core of the Quaternary stratigraphy of the Peninsula.

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Commercial Cluster Characteristics in Residential District Focusing on Garosu Street (주거지내 상업화 발생영역에서 군집형성현상과 영향요인 연구 - 가로수길을 대상으로 -)

  • Hong, Ha-Yeon;Koo, Ja-Hoon
    • Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX
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    • v.46 no.2
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    • pp.57-77
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    • 2016
  • This paper analysis spatial correlation applying commercial activating factor and categories clusters among have homogeneity in garosu street which are rising commercial issue in residential district. Based on this research we can draw several implications. Firstly, Garosu street are forming unique space around fassion feature like clothes and food and Beverage stores are supporting main functions. secondly, in terms of utilization of semi-public space in individual buildings, main Street are using display goods and put product.Also restaurants and cafes are using public space as terrace seats. These results mean principal road emphasizes displaying and passing but inner road emphasizes taking a break and staying. Third, repetitive action between high rising vacancy and new building cause negative effects city decline and lossing identity. So residents and merchants should cooperate and make communities for sustainable district.

Hwasan Wetland Vegetation in Gunwi, South Korea: with a Phytosociological Focus on Alder (Alnus japonica (Thunb.) Steud.) Forests (군위군 화산습지의 식생: 오리나무림을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Jong-Won;Lee, Seung-eun;Lee, Jung-a
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.50 no.1
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    • pp.70-78
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    • 2017
  • The Hwasan wetland vegetation is observed at mountain basin (644~780 m a.s.l.) where had become a potential land for indigenous people since prehistoric period. We phytosociologically investigated old-growth alder (Alnus japonica) forests using the $Z\ddot{u}rich$-Montpellier School's method and analyzed their spatial distribution pattern by actual vegetation map. Species performance was determined by using coverage and r-NCD. Viburnum opulus var. calvescens-Alnus japonica community syntaxonomically belonging to the Alnetea japonicae was first described and composed of three subunits: Salix koreensis subcommunity, typical subcommunity, and Pyrus ussuriensis subcommunity. Present plant community was compared with vicariant syntaxa such as Molinia japonica-Alnus japonica community, Rhamno nipponicae-Alnetum japonicae, and Aceri-Salicetum koreensis. Hwasan's alder forest, an alluvial terrace vegetation type on valley fan in the montane zone, is evaluated as vegetation class [I], which is a sort of benchmark plant community potentially on mountain wetlands in southeastern part of the Korean Peninsula. Simultaneously we suggested an establishment of the national strategy for habitat conservation free from hydrologically radical transform due to military utilization.

A Study On the Classification and Characteristics of Wetlands - Cases on the Watershed of Tumen River downstream in China - (중국 두만강 하류 유역의 습지 분류 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Zhu, Wei-Hong;Kim, Kwi-Gon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.35-50
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    • 2002
  • This study aims to understand wetland distribution and type-specific classification features with a focus on Tumen River downstream in China by adjusting and improving the classification system used in Korea with a reference to international wetland classification systems and their criteria & methods. In this study, wetland types were determined based on hydrology, vegetation, and soil conditions, which are the most basic elements of wetlands. Also, topography analytical map, vegetation analytical map, and soil analytical map for wetland classification were developed and used based on currently available topography map, vegetation map, and soil map. In addition, codes were defined based on topography, location, hydrology, and vegetation. The result shows that, in the Tumen River downstream, wetlands are often found near natural revetment and terrace land & river-bed lakes. In the discovered wetlands, riverine, lacustrine, and inland wetlands were mostly found at system level. Riparian and human-made wetlands were also identified. At a sub-system level, perennial and seasonal wetlands were found to a similar degree. At a class level, perennial open water, herbal plants, and shrubs were mostly found and sandy plain, hydrophytes, and forest tree types were also observed. An overall detailed classification shows that a total of 17 wetland types were found and a large distribution of sand dunes and river-bed lakes, which are scarce in Northeast Asia, indicates that other rare wetland types such as palustrine seasonal sand plain wetland and lacustrine seasonal sand plain wetland may be discovered.

A Study on the Information of Landforms in the vicinity of the Hantan River (한탄강(漢灘江) 일대(一帶)의 지표기복(地表起伏)에 관한 정보(情報))

  • Kim, Joo-Hwan
    • Journal of the Speleological Society of Korea
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    • no.72
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    • pp.19-30
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study is to clarified the geology and geomorphic characteristics of the Hantan River Basin. In this area, some kind of landforms are developed such as pre-land forms, lava plateau, and present landforms etc. Some river terraces are peculiar features in the area. Some conclusions are as follows : The vicinity of the Hantan River is lava plateau formed from the volcanic activity. Some steptoes are located in the lava plateau. Baekeuiri formation means the river bed boulder beneath the lava formation. The development of drainage patterns are unstable and the bifurcation ratio, the ratio of mean length of the river are lower than the other rivers. The relative height of the terraces is about $5{\sim}25m$ and the terraces are alluvial terraces. In the Jiktang Fall area, bedrock is granite and basalt plateau covered the bedrock. In that point, the old erosion surface is relatively steeper than the horizontal-basalt plateau. Vertical columnar joints are developed and weathering materials creep on the valley wall. The cross section of the landform of the Kosukjung vicinities are somewhat different from the landforms of Jiktang Fall. The bedrock near the Kosukjung is granite that is the same with the Jiktang Fall. But the cross section shows a asymmetrical curve from each side.

A Study on Architectural Decorative Design of the Silla Buddhist Reliquaries in the $7{\sim}8th$ Centuries (7.8세기 신라 사리장엄에 표현된 건축의장 연구)

  • Kim, Sang-Tae
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.3-11
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    • 2007
  • We study, in this paper, on the decorative design of the Treasure-architectural form for the Silla Buddhist reliquary and this research went through the observation on the Buddhist Reliquaries of the Song-Lim-Sa, the Eastern-Western three floor pagodas in the Kam-Eun-Sa, the three floor pagodas in the Bul-Guk-Sa and the reportedly discovered Nam-Won. The Buddhist reliquaries of these 5 Reliquaries, when compared with those of China and Japan in the same period, they worshiped the Buddhist reliquary as a Buddhist God itself and put them as a part of the architectural decoration, being installed in the construction forms. In the form and the composition of the architecture, we can see those having been designed with very detailed and brightly decorated form. The Buddhist reliquaries in the Song-Lim-Sa and Kam-Eun-Sa, the most important ones in this research, were in a royal palace shape having completely the altar part, interior space part, and the ceiling part, which inform us the whole structure of the architecture in details. In particular, for the case of Kam-Eun-Sa, the columns in the shape of bamboo trees, the expression of the gates, the terrace of double parts formed of word-shape Man, and the statue of a general with superhuman ability in the shrine explain us the description of the Gyun-Bo-Tap-Pum of Lotus Sutra. After all these researches, we conclude that the Buddhist reliquaries in form of the Treasure-architecture represented the architectural style of the same period as a form of industrial arts and we can see that they tried to use all of their highly skilled and talented methods to describe the Buddhist Pure Land.

Morphological and Growth Characteristics of Sewon Poa pratensis L. ('세원' 왕포아 잔디(Poa pratensis L. 'Sewon')의 형태 및 생육특성)

  • Shim, Sang-Ryul;Jeong, Dae-Young;Ahn, Byung-Joon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.8 no.5
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    • pp.10-18
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    • 2005
  • The research was carried out to define the morphological and growth characteristics of Poa pratensis L.(Kentucky bluegrass) 'Sewon' in native to Korea. Poa pratensis 'Sewon' was collected at the terrace land on the river in Guiman-ri, Cheongcheon-myeon, Goesan-gun, Chungcheongbuk-do on May 5, 1995. The collected Poa pratensis 'Sewon' was grown under non-mowing naturally growing condition. The morphological characteristics of Poa pratensis 'Sewon' are as follows. : The height of plant was 21.6cm but was increased to 33cm at the flowering time. The height of first node from the base was 5.0cm and the length and width of leaf were 9.6cm and 4.1cm, respectively. The length of inflorecences was 37.8cm and the length of a spike was 7.3cm. Based on these morphological characteristics, Poa pratensis 'Sewon' was defined to dwarf~medium and coarse texture type Kennturky bluegrass. 1 to 9 scale of visual quality, visual color and visual density were measured. Poa pratensis 'Sewon' showed best turf qualities among native Kentucky bluegrasses. In spring and fall growing season, Poa pratensis 'Sewon' were measured to be excellent performances for turf qulities similar to foreign excellent quality cultivars such as Midnight, Nuglade and Brilliant Kentucky bluegrasses. But turf quality of Poa pratensis 'Sewon' decreased by plant disease according to temperature increase in summe compared to foreign excellent quality cultivars. So, Poa pratensis 'Sewon' should be improved of disease tolerent quality by incessant breeding work in order to compete foreign excellent quality cultivars.