Estimation of fire Experiment Prediction by Utility Tunnels Fire Experiment and Simulation (지하공동구 화재 실험 및 시뮬레이션에 의한 화재 설칠 예측 평가)
- Fire Science and Engineering
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- v.15 no.1
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- pp.23-33
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- 2001
The utility tunnels are the important facility as a mainstay of country because of the latest communication developments. However, the utilities tunnel is difficult to deal with in case of a fire accident. When a cable burns, the black smoke containing poisonous gas will be reduced. This black smoke goes into the tunnel, and makes it difficult to extinguish the fire. Therefore, when there was a fire in the utility tunnel, the central nerves of the country had been paralyzed, such as property damage, communication interruption, in addition to inconvenience for people. This paper is based on the fire occurred in the past, and reenacting the fire by making the real utilities tunnel model. The aim of this paper is the scientific analysis of the character image of the fire, and the verification of each fire protection system whether it works well after process of setting up a fire protection system in the utilities tunnel at a constant temperature. The fire experiment was equipped with the linear heat detector, the fire door, the connection water spray system and the ventilation system in the utilities tunnel. Fixed portion of an electric power supply cable was coated with a fire retardant coating, and a heating tube was covered with a fireproof. The result showed that the highest temperature was
The meteorological ecology of a soybean variety (Glycine max Merrill) and its characteristics are important factors in selecting soybean variety suitable for the environment. This experiment was conducted to estimate the meteorological- ecological characteristics of soybean for 27 crop cultivation regions in North Korea. The meteorological ecology of each region was determined by the last harvest date and the maximum growth day determined using the daily minimum temperature of the region. The soybean meteorological group for 27 regions in North Korea was classified by eight groups. The last harvest date of group I, the south-west and south-east areas, was from October 21 to 29, which was the latest harvest date among the eight groups. It became shorter toward the central inland and mountainous areas of group IV, and it ranged from September 18 to October 2. The maximum number of growth days was 153~160 days in group I, and 100~111 days in group IV-3, the northernmost area of the east coast. Assuming total growth days as 110 days, the ranges of last flowering dates (and the day length) of group I, II, III, and IV were August 12~19 (day length of 13.5~13.8 h), August 2~6 (14-14.2 h), July 27~August 2 (14.2~14.4 h), and July 10~22 (14.5~14.8 h), respectively. The accumulative temperature of 110 growth days was above 2,400℃ in group II-1, the south to north area of the west inland, and above 2,300℃ in all regions except Cheongjin, Seonbong, and Jung-gang. The accumulative temperature calculated based on the maximum growth day was above 3,000℃ in group I and II-1 and above 2,500℃ in group II-2, the central area of the east coast, III-1, the central inland area, and IV-1, the central inland mountain area.
The Saemangeum Reclamation Project was launched as a national project in 1991 to reclaim a large coastal area of 401 km
Since the celadons excavated from the Son-gok 2-ri 4th kiln site are located in the Beopcheon temple site and at close range, the similarity to the celadons excavated from the Beopcheon temple site is being raised. Thus, this study examined the correlation using a natural-scientific method. In this study, historical ceramic properties of total 19 celadons were examined and they were scientifically analyzed. First of all, according to the scientific analysis, chemical compositions of celadon clay showed a dispersed distribution at RO2 3.79-7.77mole and RO+R2O 0.33-0.49mole. When the microstructure was analyzed, most celadons excavated from the Beopcheon temple site, Wonju, which are estimated to be used in real life, had a favorable state, and some celadons from the Son-gok 2-ri 4th kiln site were found not to be glazed and sintered properly. When analyzing body crystalline phases of the celadons using the XRD method, quartz and mullite were extracted from all of the samples. And corundum was extracted from sg4 sample. Though firing temperature of each sample was different, they were mostly fired to temperatures between 1150 and
The wall shear stress in the vicinity of end-to end anastomoses under steady flow conditions was measured using a flush-mounted hot-film anemometer(FMHFA) probe. The experimental measurements were in good agreement with numerical results except in flow with low Reynolds numbers. The wall shear stress increased proximal to the anastomosis in flow from the Penrose tubing (simulating an artery) to the PTFE: graft. In flow from the PTFE graft to the Penrose tubing, low wall shear stress was observed distal to the anastomosis. Abnormal distributions of wall shear stress in the vicinity of the anastomosis, resulting from the compliance mismatch between the graft and the host artery, might be an important factor of ANFH formation and the graft failure. The present study suggests a correlation between regions of the low wall shear stress and the development of anastomotic neointimal fibrous hyperplasia(ANPH) in end-to-end anastomoses. 30523 T00401030523 ^x Air pressure decay(APD) rate and ultrafiltration rate(UFR) tests were performed on new and saline rinsed dialyzers as well as those roused in patients several times. C-DAK 4000 (Cordis Dow) and CF IS-11 (Baxter Travenol) reused dialyzers obtained from the dialysis clinic were used in the present study. The new dialyzers exhibited a relatively flat APD, whereas saline rinsed and reused dialyzers showed considerable amount of decay. C-DAH dialyzers had a larger APD(11.70
The wall shear stress in the vicinity of end-to end anastomoses under steady flow conditions was measured using a flush-mounted hot-film anemometer(FMHFA) probe. The experimental measurements were in good agreement with numerical results except in flow with low Reynolds numbers. The wall shear stress increased proximal to the anastomosis in flow from the Penrose tubing (simulating an artery) to the PTFE: graft. In flow from the PTFE graft to the Penrose tubing, low wall shear stress was observed distal to the anastomosis. Abnormal distributions of wall shear stress in the vicinity of the anastomosis, resulting from the compliance mismatch between the graft and the host artery, might be an important factor of ANFH formation and the graft failure. The present study suggests a correlation between regions of the low wall shear stress and the development of anastomotic neointimal fibrous hyperplasia(ANPH) in end-to-end anastomoses. 30523 T00401030523 ^x Air pressure decay(APD) rate and ultrafiltration rate(UFR) tests were performed on new and saline rinsed dialyzers as well as those roused in patients several times. C-DAK 4000 (Cordis Dow) and CF IS-11 (Baxter Travenol) reused dialyzers obtained from the dialysis clinic were used in the present study. The new dialyzers exhibited a relatively flat APD, whereas saline rinsed and reused dialyzers showed considerable amount of decay. C-DAH dialyzers had a larger APD(11.70
Ultrasonic method is widely used for the evaluation of weathering index and of degree of deterioration because it is easily applicable
The empirical/statistical models to estimate the ground Particulate Matter (
The objective of this study is to contribute to drainage planning in the most realistic and economical way by establishing the relationship between rice yield reduction and overhead flooding by muddy water of each growth stage of paddy, which is the most important factor in determining optimum drainage facilities. This study was based on the data mainly from the experimental reports of the Office of Rural Development of Korea, Reduction Rate Estimation for Summer Crops, published by Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Japan and other related research documenta- tion. The results of this study are summarized as follows 1. Damages by overhead flooding are highest in heading stage and have the tendency of decrease in the order of booting stage, panicle formation stage, tillering stage, and stage just after transplanting. Damages by overhead flooding of each growing stage are as follows: a) It is considered that overhead flooding just after transplanting gives a little influence on plant growth and yield because the paddy has sufficient growth period from floo ding to harvest time. b) Jt is analyzed that according to the equation y=11 12x 0.908 which is derived from this study, damages by overhead flooding during tillering stage for 1, 2, 3 successive days are 11.1 %, 20.9%, and 30.2% respectively. c) Damages by overhead flooding after panicle formation stage are very serious because recovering period is very short after damage and ineffective tillering is much. Acc- ording to the equation y=9. 58x+10. Ol derived from this study, damages by overhead flooding fal 1,2,3,5 successive days are 19.6%, 29.2%, 38.8%, 57.9% respectively. d) Booting stage is the very important period in which young panicle has grown up almost completely and the number of glumous flower is fixed since reduction division takes place in the microspore mother cell and enbryo mother cell. According to the equation y=39. 66x 0.558 derived from this study, damages by overhead floodingfor 0.5, 1, 3, 5 successive days are 26.9%, 39.7%, 72. 2% and 97.4%, respectively. Therefore, damages by overhead flooding is very serious during the hooting stage. e) When ear of paddy emerges, flowering begins on that day or the next day; when paddy flowers, fertilization will be completed 2-3 hours after flowering. Therefore overhead flooding during heading stage impedes flowering and increases sterilizing percentage. From this reason damages of heading stage are larger than that of booting stage. According to the equation y-41 94x 0.589 derived from this study, damages by overhead flooding for 0.5, 1, 3, 5, successive days are 27.9%, 63.1 %, 80.1%, and 100% 2. Considering that temperature of booting stage is higher than that of beading stage and plant height of booting stage is ten centimeters shorter than that of heading stage, booting stage should be taken as a critical period for drainage planning because possi- bility of damage occurrence in booting stage is larger than that of heading stage. There-fore, it is considered that booting stage should be taken as critical period of paddy growth for drainage planning. 3. Overhead flooding depth is different depending on the stage of growth. In case, booting stage is adopted as design stage of growth for drainage planning, it is conside red that the allowable flooding depth for new varieties and general varieties are 70cm and 80cm respectively. 4. Reduction Rate Estimation by Wind and Flood for Rice Planting of the present design criteria for drainage planning shows damage by overhead flooding for 1 to 2, 3 to 4, 5 to 7 consecutive days; damages by overhead flooding varies considerably over several hours and experimental condition of soil, variety of paddy, and climate differs with real situation. From these reasons, damage by flooding could not be estimated properly in the past. This study has derived the equation which shows damages by flooding of each growth stage on an hourly basis. Therefore, it has become possible to compute the exact damages in case duration of overhead flooding is known.
Models to estimate solar radiation have been used because solar radiation is measured at a smaller number of weather stations than other variables including temperature and rainfall. For example, solar radiation has been estimated using the Angstrom-Prescott (AP) model that depends on two coefficients obtained empirically at a specific site (