• Title/Summary/Keyword: teaching Korean intonation

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  • Makarova, Veronika
    • Proceedings of the KSPS conference
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    • 2000.07a
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    • pp.139-148
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    • 2000
  • This paper reports the results of an experimental phonetic study of intonation contrasts perception by speakers of British English, Japanese and Russian. Six series of re-synthesized two-syllable rise-fall contours with manipulated parameters of the rise in the first and the fall in the second syllable were employed in the experiment. Modifications of pitch height were executed in 2 st steps, and of duration - in 30ms steps. The subjects, who were native speakers of British English, Japanese and Russian, identified the sentence type of presented re-synthesized stimuli. The results of the experiments demonstrate overall similarity of the perception strategies across the three groups of subjects, especially regarding the thresholds of 'declarative' sentence type judgement. Non-declarative judgements are more language-specific. The results can be employed for the teaching of English, Japanese and Russian as foreign languages as well as for speech synthesis and recognition.

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A Study on the Detection and the Correction of Prosodic Errors Produced by Chinese Korean-Learners (중국인 학습자들의 한국어 강세구 실현양상과 오류진단 및 교정방안 연구)

  • Yune, Young-Sook
    • Phonetics and Speech Sciences
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.51-59
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the pitch pattern of Korean accentual phrases produced by Chinese Korean-learners in the reading of a Korean text. Korean accentual phrase is determined by a specific F0 contour. And the pitch contour of APs differ depending on their length and the nature of initial segment. In order to examine if Chinese speakers are also aware such a phonetic properties, we have examined the AP pitch contours produced by 15 Chinese speakers differing in proficiency, and compared them to pitch contours produced by six Korean native speakers. The results show that Chinese speakers' pitch errors were observed in initial segment-tone interaction and in type of pitch patterns. However, even though Chines speakers produced the same type of pitch patterns, internal tonal modulation differs from native speakers. Finally, on the basis of theses results, we proposed a teaching method that visualizes the F0 contour.

English Sounds to Japanese Ears

  • Yuichi Endo
    • Proceedings of the KSPS conference
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    • 2000.07a
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    • pp.47-58
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    • 2000
  • For the learners of English as a foreign language, oral repetition of model sentences is an e essential practice to improve their listening and speaking abilities of English. Skill training of both speech perception and production is involved in this practice. This paper reports on an observation of production e$\pi$ors in such practice made by Japanese college students in my class. The teaching material used is intended for acquainting the learners with basic English rhythm and intonation p patterns. The students were required to repeat each sentence in a series of conversations after a model reading. Although the vocabulary and expressions were rather limited, I monitored different kinds of errors in their repetition. Putting aside intonation, their difficulties are classified into five types; 1. Omission of words or morphemes, 2. Addition of unnecessary words or morphemes, 3. Replacement of words, 4. Japanization of English sounds, 5. Wrong rhythm caused by improper stress assignment. Accurate listening, especially to weakly stressed syllables and to assimilated sounds, as has often been pointed out, is the most difficult part in perception for them. Japanese sound system interferes in production of English sounds. More often than not their knowledge of grammar or the context does not work at all to guess the words they are hearing

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Cognition of Teachers' and Students' Awareness on Gender for the Contents of Korean Language Education (외국어로서 한국어 교육콘텐츠에서의 성별언어에 대한 인식)

  • Park, Deok-Jae
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.9 no.8
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    • pp.423-432
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    • 2009
  • This paper focuses on gender studies with respect to language education for KFL(Korean as a foreign language) students. It also attempts to view the role of gender as exerting influence on language learning and teaching, and surveys KFL teachers' awareness of the role of gender in Korean language education. It is conceivable that teachers who are aware of differences between female and male will be able to take these into account in their teaching; in doing so they will be more effective in their teaching than if they were to teach in ignorance of these differences. The survey for the teachers' awareness of gender difference was conducted through teachers' discussion as the follow-up measure of the questionnaire. A few teachers do not have a clear idea about the importance of gender differences in language teaching, but the majority have cognizance of the matter. For this research, a questionnaire was administered to 71 subjects, consisting 37 intermediate KFL students and 34 advanced KFL students. The result of the questionnaire reveals that 50.4% subjects use their words and intonation without recognizing the gender difference, on the other hand, 49.6% subjects recognize the gender differences in Korean language use. The result should be adopted as a sociolinguistic factor for the contents of second language education.

The Role of Songs for the Acquisition of English Prosody in Elementary School - Centering on suprasegmentals - (노래의 활용이 초등학교 영어의 운율습득에 미친 효과 연구 - 초분절음을 중심으로 -)

  • Hong, Kyung-Suk
    • Proceedings of the KSPS conference
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    • 2004.05a
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    • pp.251-255
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this paper is to examine the effect of using songs for the acquisition of English Prosody in elementary school. For the purpose, 8 classes were chosen to teach songs for four months, and listening tests and reading test were performed for analyzing the effect. The result is as follows : (1) The result of listening test showed that the average scores of the experimental classes were higher than those of comparative classes, and it was more effective in lower grades than in upper grades. (2) In pronunciation tests, the pronunciations of experimental classes were more similar to native speaker's pronunciation that those of comparative classes in intonation, lexical stress and sentence stress. (3) Singing songs repeatedly is more important than learning many songs. It means that to give the chances to sing as many times as possible is advisable for teaching pronunciation.

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Korean Speaker's Edge Tone Patterns of English Conjunctive Utterances (한국인 학습자의 영어 접속사 발화에 나타난 가장자리성조 패턴)

  • Lee, Joo-Kyeong
    • Speech Sciences
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.141-152
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    • 2005
  • This paper shows the tonal patterns of English conjunctive utterances produced by Korean speakers of English, presenting that Korean speakers realize either the H - phrase tone or the H% boundary tone at the phrase-final part of the conjunctive utterances. Based on Pierrehumbert & Hirschberg's (1990) claim that either H- or H% tone indicates that a phrase is related to the following one, Korean speakers seem to produce the satisfactory patterns of edge tones in conjunctive sentences. In the experiment, we made up conjunctive sentences including both coordinate conjunctions such as and, but, or, and so and subordinate conjunctions like if, when and though. We varied the stimuli according to the existence of a comma and the lengths of connecting words and phrases. We also divided the subjects into two levels of English proficiency based on their English written test scores to see if Korean speakers' performance ability of edge tones is related with their general competence of English. Results show that Korean speakers produced 84% of the H- phrase tone in intermediate phrases and H-L% and L-H% boundary tones in intonational phrases. Also, coordinate and subordinate conjunctions show little difference in their tonal contours, and the existence of a comma or the lengths of connecting words and phrases do not affect Korean speakers' production of the H- phrasal tone and the H% boundary tone. This may suggest that pitch accents, rather than edge tones, should be put more focus on in teaching English intonation in Korea as much work has already shown that Korean speakers have serious problem with producing pitch accents in speaking English.

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An Investigation of Science Teachers' Questioning Considering the Context of Discourse and Exploring Factors Influencing Their Questioning (담화맥락을 고려한 과학교사의 발문 활용에서 나타나는 특징과 발문 활용에 영향을 미치는 요인 탐색)

  • Sunghoon Kim;Junbeen Lim;Taehee Noh
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.44 no.5
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    • pp.473-485
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    • 2024
  • In this study, three secondary science teachers' questioning considering the context of discourse were investigated, and the factors influencing their questioning were explored. The questions were categorized into questions that elicit students' opinions or probe their thinking, questions in response to student utterances, questions for classroom management, and rhetorical questions. The results showed that questions related to scientific concepts were classified differently depending on the teachers' intent. Only one teacher frequently used questions that related to students' everyday life experiences. Two teachers, when using "questions asking for students' thoughts," mostly led students to give short or limited option answers. These teachers primarily considered the interactive aspect of questioning but did not account for the cognitive aspect. Teachers often used "questions utilizing student utterances" when students provided answers aligned with scientific concepts. Teachers also used "questions that simply repeated student utterances" with varying intonation to indicate whether the students' responses were correct or incorrect. "Affective questions" were rarely used by the teachers. One teacher did not use "management questions" to check students' understanding or progress, failing to confirm students' comprehension. Characteristics of students, the teachers' teaching and learning beliefs, knowledge about questioning, and subject matter knowledge collectively influenced the teachers' questioning strategies. Based on the results, practical implications for improving science teachers' questioning skills were discussed.

영어 발음 교육

  • 이영길
    • Proceedings of the KSPS conference
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    • 1997.07a
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    • pp.258-259
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    • 1997
  • 1. 외국어로서의 영어 교육에 있어서 발음 지도는 어느 정도의 영어 수준에 도달하기를 기다릴 필요없이 가능한 한 저학년에서부터 직접 지도되어야 한다. 즉 영어 교육은 영어 발음 교육부터 시작되는 것이 가장 바람직하다. 어느 정도의 수준 높은 문법 이론을 알고 있는 (대)학생들이라도 발음에 관한 한 많은 연습이 요구되는 경우가 흔히 있다. 바꿔 말하면 이러한 학생들은 그들이 갖고 있는 문법 지식만큼 발음에 대한 적극적인 구사력도 당연히 발휘할 수 있어야할 것이다. 영어 교육을 강조할 때 문장 구조와 어휘 교육이 중요시된다면 발음 또한 조기 교육 단계부터 영어 교육 프로그램의 필수불가결한 요소로 인식되어야 한다. 그렇다면 제일 처음 무엇을 어떻게 시작 해야할 것인가\ulcorner 흔히 음소(phoneme)라는 말의 최소 단위부터 시작하여 자음군(consonant cluster)과 같은 음 결합체를 가르친 다음 단어 강세(word stress)를 다루며, 마지막으로 문장 강세(sentence stress), 리듬(rhythm), 억양(intonation) 등을 포함함 이음말(connected speech)을 가르치는 순서가 될 수 있을 것이다. 그러나 이러한 방법이 이론상 논리적이긴 하지만 실제로 영어를 외국어로 배우는 우리 학생들에게는 얼마나 효과를 거둘 수 있는지 매우 의심스렵다. 오히려 가장 유익한 순서는 기본 억양 과 같은 적절한 표현과 함께 주어진 화맥 속에서의 의미 있는 문장 강세를 가르치고 그 다음에 그에 수반되는 중요한 소리의 발음을 지적해 주는 것이다. 예를 들면 Give it to him과 같은 구조를 교사가 구두로 제시할 때 단어 하나 하나를 강조한 나머지 너무 천천히 말하게 되면 전체 문장의 발음을 오히려 어렵게 만들어버린다. 중요한 것 은 기본 의사소통에 필요한 부분에 초점을 맞추는 일이다. 개별 단어에 부수되는 문제점은 '보충 지도'(remedial teaching)로 교정이 가능하다. 2. 우리의 초등학교 영어 교육의 현황을 고려할 때 비록 발음 지도가 쉬운 일은 아니지만 미래 지향적 결과를 기대할 때 우선 두 가지를 생각할 수 있다. 첫째로 현재의 교육대학교의 교사양성에 있어서 영어교육의 교과과정을 염두에 두지 않을 수 없다. 1981년도부터 교육대학교가 4년제가 명실공히 영어과로 운영되기는 수년밖에 되지 않는 실정이다. 현재의 교과과정도 현장에서 영어교육을 담당하기에는 불충분할 뿐만 아니라 영어발음에 관한 뚜렷한 과정이 없는 실정이다. 혼히 외국인 강사가 담당하는 이른바 영어회화 시간이 곧 발음 시간도 될 수 있다고 생각하기 쉬우나 이것은 전적으로 별개의 문제이다. 따라서 체계적인 발음 교육을 할 수 있는 교과과정이 되기를 바란다. 3. 앞에서 언급했듯이 4년제 이전에 졸업한 현직 교사들은 재학 중 영어 발음에 관한 지도를 받아본 적이 없다. 여기서 중요한 것은 이들 교사들에게 적절하고도 충분한 발음 교육을 시켜야 하는 연수 과정이다. 소리로 듣고 말해야 하는 초둥 영어 교육에 서 교사의 발음에 관한 지식은 그 중요성을 아무리 과대평가해도 지나치지 않을 것이다. 문제는 연수 내용이다. 적어도 현재까지 실시되어 온 초둥영어교육 담당자 연수 교과목 내용은 핵심을 찾기 힘들 정도로 교파목이 다양하고 산만하다. 따라서 예를 들면 영어발음 지도에 관한 과목도 마지못해 끼워 넣는 식의 과목 배정이다. 여기에 고작 할당된 시간은 많아야 4시간 정도이다. 대학에서 한 학기에도 부족한 영어 발음을 아 무런 배경 지식도 없는 초등 교사들에게 4시간 동안 무엇을 어떻게 가르칠 것인가\ulcorner

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