• Title/Summary/Keyword: surgical mask

검색결과 39건 처리시간 0.02초

Particle Filtration Efficiency Testing of Sterilization Wrap Masks

  • Chau, Destiny F.;O'Shaughnessy, Patrick;Schmitz, Michael L.
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • 제54권1호
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    • pp.31-36
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    • 2021
  • Objectives: Non-traditional materials are used for mask construction to address personal protective equipment shortages during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. Reusable masks made from surgical sterilization wrap represent such an innovative approach with social media frequently referring to them as "N95 alternatives." This material was tested for particle filtration efficiency and breathability to clarify what role they might have in infection prevention and control. Methods: A heavyweight, double layer sterilization wrap was tested when new and after 2, 4, 6, and 10 autoclave sterilizing cycles and compared with an approved N95 respirator and a surgical mask via testing procedures using a sodium chloride aerosol for N95 efficiency testing similar to 42 CFR 84.181. Pressure testing to indicate breathability was also conducted. Results: The particle filtration efficiency for the sterilization wrap ranged between 58% to 66%, with similar performance when new and after sterilizing cycles. The N95 respirator and surgical mask performed at 95% and 68% respectively. Pressure drops for the sterilization wrap, N95 and surgical mask were 10.4 mmH2O, 5.9 mmH2O, and 5.1 mmH2O, respectively, well below the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health limits of 35 mmH2O during initial inhalation and 25 mmH2O during initial exhalation. Conclusions: The sterilization wrap's particle filtration efficiency is much lower than a N95 respirator, but falls within the range of a surgical mask, with acceptable breathability. Performance testing of non-traditional mask materials is crucial to determine potential protection efficacy and for correcting misinterpretation propagated through popular media.

Respiratory Protection for LASER Users

  • Lee, Sang Joon;Chung, Phil-Sang;Chung, Sang Yong;Woo, Seung Hoon
    • Medical Lasers
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    • 제8권2호
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    • pp.43-49
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    • 2019
  • The plume produced by vaporizing tissue with a laser contains a variety of contaminants called laser-generated air pollutants (LGACs). LGACs consist of a mixture of toxic gas components, biomicroparticles, dead and living cells, and viruses. Toxic odors and thick smoke from surgical incisions and the coagulation of tissues can irritate eyes and airways, as well as cause bronchial and pulmonary congestion. Because of the potential risk of the smoke, it is advisable to appropriately remove it from the surgical site. We recommend using a smoke evacuator to remove the smoke. Suction nozzles should be placed as close as possible to the surgical site in a range of 2 cm or less. In-line filters should be used between the inlet and outlet of the surgical site. All air filtration devices should be capable of removing particles below 0.1 microns in size. The filter pack should be handled according to infection control procedures in the operating room. The laser mask can be an auxiliary protective device if it is properly worn. Some smoke inhaled under the nose wrap or over the side of the mask will not be filtered. As in electrosurgical operations, a suitable mask should be worn while smoke is present.

구개측으로 식립된 상악 전치부 임플란트 환자에서 3D 프린터를 이용한 Gingival mask 수복 증례 (Gingival mask using 3D Printer for a patient with palatally installed implant in maxillary anterior area)

  • 정경식;김나홍;김성용;이용상
    • 대한치과보철학회지
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    • 제58권4호
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    • pp.363-368
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    • 2020
  • 적절하지 않은 위치에 식립된 임플란트의 보철물은 심미적, 기능적 문제를 나타낼 수 있으나 이를 해결하기는 어려운 때가 많다. 이러한 경우에 재식립 혹은 연조직 및 경조직 이식을 포함하는 외과적 방법을 고려해 볼 수 있지만 결과 예측이 힘들며 긴 치유 기간 및 술 후 불편감과 추가적인 수술 비용이 동반된다. 반면, 보철적 방법으로는 치은 색상의 세라믹이 포함된 고정성 보철물을 제작하거나 가철성 보철물인 gingival mask 제작 등을 생각해볼 수있다. 본 증례에서는 80세의 남환이 과도하게 구개측으로 식립된 임플란트로 인한 상순과 보철물 사이의 음식물 저류에 대한 불편감 및 심미적인 부분에 대한 불만족을 주소로 내원하였고, gingival mask를 제작하여 단 기간 내에 만족스러운 결과를 얻었기에 이를 보고하고자 한다.

Flexible laryngeal mask airway management for dental treatment cases associated with difficult intubation

  • Tsukamoto, Masanori;Hitosugi, Takashi;Yokoyama, Takeshi
    • Journal of Dental Anesthesia and Pain Medicine
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    • 제17권1호
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    • pp.61-64
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    • 2017
  • Nasotracheal intubation is generally a useful maxillofacial surgery that provides good surgical access for intraoral procedures. When nasotracheal intubation is difficult, laryngeal mask airway (LMA) insertion can be performed, and the flexible $LMA^{TM}$ (FLMA) is also useful for anesthetic management. However, the FLMA provides limited access to the mouth, which restricts the insertion of instrumentation and confines the surgical field available. Here, we present our experience using the FLMA airway management for dental treatment cases involving difficulty with intubation.

국내 출시 마스크의 바이오에어로졸 여과효율 평가 (Filtration Efficiencies of Commercial Face Masks in Korea for Biological Aerosols)

  • 최수은;최도선;장성재;박성준;윤충식;이기영;고광표;이정훈
    • 한국환경보건학회지
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    • 제48권2호
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    • pp.116-122
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    • 2022
  • Background: The recent COVID-19 pandemic is one of the worst disease outbreaks of the 21th century. Due to a lack of reliable antiviral therapeutics, wearing face masks is recommended to prevent airborne infection originating from virus-contaminated bioaerosols. Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate the filtration efficiencies of face masks that are commercially available in South Korea for a biological aerosol of Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) and murine coronavirus, a well-known surrogate for human coronaviruses. Methods: We collected six different kinds of commercial masks: two Korea Filter (KF)94 (KF94-1, KF94-2) masks, one surgical (Surgical-1) mask, one anti-droplet (KF-AD-1) mask, and two dust (Dust-1, Dust-2) face masks. S. aureus (ATCC 6538), a well-performing test bacteria and murine coronavirus (ATCC VR-764) were prepared under a suitable culture condition. Then, a mask biological filtration tester was used to examine the microbial filtration efficiencies of masks. Test microorganisms were quantitatively measured via cultivation methods and microbial filtration efficiencies were calculated appropriately. Results: All face masks showed over 99.6% filtration efficiency for S. aureus or murine coronavirus. There were no significant differences among the bacterial filtration efficiencies of the face masks. KF94-1 (99.97±0.08%) and Dust-1 mask (99.97±0.07%) showed the highest (over 99.9%) filtration efficiency for murine coronavirus. KF94-1 or Dust-1 masks showed a significant virus filtration efficiency compared to Surgical-1 mask (p<0.05; Mann-Whitney U test). Conclusions: All the commercially available face masks used in this study can filter S. aureus or murine coronavirus in bioaerosols efficiently, regardless of the mask type. Therefore, our results suggest that wearing a certified face mask is a reliable means to prevent the transmission of infectious airborne diseases via biological aerosols.

Advantages, Disadvantages, Indications, Contraindications and Surgical Technique of Laryngeal Airway Mask

  • Anubhav, Jannu;Ashim, Shekar;Ramdas, Balakrishna;Sudarshan, H.;Veena, G.C.;Bhuvaneshwari, S.
    • 대한두개안면성형외과학회지
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    • 제18권4호
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    • pp.223-229
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    • 2017
  • The beauty of the laryngeal mask is that it forms an air tight seal enclosing the larynx rather than plugging the pharynx, and avoid airway obstruction in the oropharynx. The goal of its development was to create an intermediate form of airway management face mask and endotracheal tube. Indication for its use includes any procedure that would normally involve the use of a face mask. The laryngeal mask airway was designed as a new concept in airway management and has been gaining a firm position in anesthetic practice. Despite wide spread use the definitive role of the laryngeal mask airway is yet to be established. In some situations, such as after failed tracheal intubation or in oral surgery its use is controversial. There are several unresolved issues, for example the effect of the laryngeal mask on regurgitation and whether or not cricoids pressure prevents placement of mask. We review the techniques of insertion, details of misplacement, and complications associated with use of the laryngeal mask. We then attempt to clarify the role of laryngeal mask in air way management during anesthesia, discussing the advantages and disadvantages as well as indications and contraindications of its use in oral and maxillofacial surgery.

다양한 호흡기 보호용 면체 마스크의 서브 마이크론 입자에 대한 여과 성능 평가 (Filtration Performance Evaluation of Various Respiratory Face Masks Against Sub-Micron Particles)

  • ;조희주;박현설
    • 한국입자에어로졸학회지
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    • 제19권1호
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2023
  • Respiratory face masks are protective facepieces that are designed to filter inhaled air. They are easy-to-use devices that can protect the wearer against various hazardous particles in the air. Respiratory face masks also prevent the spread of viruses and bacteria-containing droplets that are released from the coughing or sneezing of the infected people. During the COVID-19 pandemic, various types of face masks have circulated on the market. Their ability to filter sub-micron particles, which are the sizes of harmful particulate matter and airborne viruses, needs to be investigated. Their breathability, the easiness of breath through the mask, also needs to be considered. In this study, wwe evaluated the performance of filters used for different types of face masks certified by different standards including Korean (KF94, KF80, KF-AD), USA (N95), and Chinese (KN95) standards. We also tested the filters of nanofiber masks and surgical masks for which there are no standards for filtration test. The N95 mask filters showed the highest quality factor for capturing virus-sized particles. The other types of mask filters have acceptable performance except for nanofiber mask filters whose performance is very low.

Effect of Mask Wearing and Type on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Accuracy, Fatigue and Physiological Changes

  • Sung-Hwan Bang;Hyo-Suk Song;Gyu-Sik Shim;Hee-Jeong Ahn
    • 한국컴퓨터정보학회논문지
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    • 제28권7호
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    • pp.113-120
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    • 2023
  • 본 연구는 심폐소생술 시 착용하는 마스크의 유형에 따라 심장압박의 정확도, 피로도 및 생리학적 변화를 파악하고자 한다. 연구는 2022년 5월 9일부터 12일까지 D대학교 응급구조과 재학생 중 BLS provider를 소지하고 있는 학생 총 24명을 대상자로 선정하여 수술 마스크(Dental mask), 미세입자 94%차단마스크(KF94 mask)를 각각 12명씩 착용하고 총 7회에 걸쳐 2분간 심폐소생술을 실시하였다. 연구 결과, 마스크 유형에 따른 구조자의 가슴압박의 질 분석에는 KF94를 착용한 그룹에서 압박속도(F=24.91, p<.001),와 손의 위치불량(F=14.54, p=.024)에서 유의한 차이를 보였고, 피로도를 분석한 결과에서는 Dental mask그룹(F=51.16, p<.001)과 KF94그룹(F=63.49, p<.001) 모두에서 유의한 차이를 보였다. 생리학적 변화를 분석한 결과에서 심박동수를 살펴보면, Dental mask그룹(F=34.79, p<.001)과 KF94그룹(F=35.55, p<.001) 모두에서 유의한 차이를 보였고, 호흡수 측정결과에서도 Dental mask그룹(F=25.02, p=.001)과 KF94그룹(F=23.03, p=.002) 모두에서 유의한 차이를 보였다. 따라서 현장활동의 가장 중요한 심폐소생술시에는 효율적인 가슴압박의 정확도와 구조자의 피로도 및 생리학적 변화의 감소를 위해서는 구조자의 유형에 따른 개인보호장비를 착용하는 것이 필요할 것이다.

Sevoflurane 흡입진정에서 어려운 기도관리를 위한 LMA 활용 (Use of Laryngeal Mask Airway in Sevoflurane Sedation for the Difficult Airway)

  • 유태민;도레미;송영균;김승오
    • 대한치과마취과학회지
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    • 제12권4호
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    • pp.235-241
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    • 2012
  • Although sevoflurane sedation have the advantage of the reduction of anxiety and pain relief, difficult airway is attributed to increased agitation, tachycardia, desaturation, ventilation difficulty, sedation failure. In the sedation for dental treatment, we should pay more attention to the airway management because dental procedures take place in the mouth of airway unlike any other area. The layngeal mask airway (LMA) has become commonly used device for airway management during anesthesia for relatively short procedures, such as minor oral surgery and dental procedures. It can be inserted without use of a larygoscope and muscle relexants, and insertion is easy to achieve and generally takes less time than endotracheal intubation. The LMA is an excellent barrier against aspiration of saliva, blood within the surgical field but should not be used in patients at risk of aspiration In this study, we reported that after a failure of airway management in inhalation sedation, we performed the short-emergency dental treatment successfully, using a laryngeal mask.

전신 마취하 후두 노출이 되지 않았던 후두 유두종 환자에 대하여 시도한 후두 마스크 전신 마취하 Pulsed Dye Laser 수술 치험 1예 (Surgical Experience of Pulsed Dye Laser Using Laryngeal Mask Airway Under General Anesthesia in Glottal Papillomatosis Patient who Had Previously Failed to Undergo Surgery Under General Anesthesia Due to Impossible Laryngeal Exposure)

  • 정현필;박준희;김원식;최홍식
    • 대한후두음성언어의학회지
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    • 제19권1호
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    • pp.54-57
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    • 2008
  • Non-visualization of larynx is one of the reasons for failure of vocal fold surgery. Many otorhinolaryngologists may have a trouble in choice of alternative treatment if they experience this situation. The laryngeal mask airway could be alternative approach for this situation. We report a glottal papillomatous patient who was treated by pulsed dye laser via laryngeal mask airway after failure of vocal fold surgery via endotracheal intubation. The patient was a 73-year-old man. Laryngoscopy revealed a severe diffuse papillomatous lesion on right true vocal cord, anterior commissure, and partial left true vocal cord. The patient was refered for difficult laryngeal exposure during laryngomicrosurgey under general endotracheal anesthesia.

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