• Title/Summary/Keyword: superior man

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Forehead reconstruction using modified double-opposing rotation-advancement flaps for severe skin necrosis after filler injection

  • Kim, Jinwoo;Hwang, Woosuk
    • Archives of Craniofacial Surgery
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.64-67
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    • 2018
  • Varying degrees of complications can occur after hyaluronic acid filler injections. Tissue necrosis due to interruption of the vascular supply is an early complication that can be severe. If the site of tissue necrosis due to the filler injection is the forehead, successfully reconstructing the region without distorting the key landmarks is challenging. We describe the case of a 50-year-old man who experienced widespread forehead skin necrosis after hyaluronic acid filler injection in the glabellar area. We successfully covered the forehead area with a $3{\times}4-cm^2$ midline necrotic tissue using the modified double-opposing rotation-advancement flap method. Although modified double-opposing rotation-advancement flap closure has the disadvantage of leaving a longer scar compared to conventional double-opposing rotation-advancement flap closure, the additional incision line made along the superior border of the eyebrow aids in camouflaging the scar and decreases eyebrow distortion. Therefore, it is believed that the modified double-opposing rotation-advancement flap technique is an excellent tool for providing adequate soft tissue coverage and minimal free margin distortion when reconstructing widespread skin necrosis in the central mid-lower forehead that can occur after filler injection in the glabellar area.

A Clinical Study on the Dimensional Accuracy of the Combined Impression (Alginate & Agar-Agar) (Alginate와 Agar-Agar에 의한 연합인상법의 촌법정도에 관한 임상적 연구)

  • Ha, Ju-Tai;Lee, Jung-Man;Choi, Boo-Byung
    • The Journal of the Korean dental association
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    • v.17 no.9 s.124
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    • pp.701-708
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    • 1979
  • A series of combined impressions, alginate impressions and rubber base impression made of the lower left quadrant of one subject having a cast gold crown with six reference marks on lower let 1st molar. the combined impressions of hydrocolloid were removed from the mouth at 2.5min, after the insertion of the tray. The alginate impressions were removed from the mouth at 2min, after the insertion of the tray. The rubber base impressions were removed from the mouth at 10min. The effect on the accuracy of the combined impressions, alginate impressions and rubber base impressions was obtained following results by comparing the distances between the reference marks in indirect stone cast with the standard measurements of the cast gold crown prior to cementation. The findings through this study could be summarized as follows; 1. The accuracy of combined impression was superior to that of alginate impression, but it was inferior to that of rubber base impressions. 2. Combined impressions produced a little distortion of the mesio-distal length, alginate impressions produced the largest distortion, ut rubber base impressions produced the least distortion.

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Pre-processing Faded Measurements for Bearing-and-Frequency Target Motion Analysis

  • Lee, Man-Hyung;Moon, Jeong-Hyun;Kim, In-Soo;Kim, Chang-Sup;Choi, Jae-Weon
    • International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.424-433
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    • 2008
  • An ownship with towed array sonar (TAS) has limited maneuvers due to its dynamic feature, bearing and frequency measurements of a target which are not detected continuously but are often lost in ocean environment. We propose a pre-processing algorithm for the faded bearing and frequency measurements to solve the BFTMA problem of TAS under limited detection conditions. The proposed pre-processing algorithm to restore the faded bearing and frequency measurements is implemented to perform a BFTMA filter even if the measurements of a target are not continuously detected. The Modified Gain Extended Kalman Filter (MGEKF) method based on the Interacting Multiple Model (IMM) structure is applied for a BFTMA filter algorithm to estimate the target. Simulations for the various conditions were carried out to verify the applicability of the proposed algorithms, and confirmed superior estimation performance compared with the existing Bearings-Only TMA (BOTMA).

The Characteristics of High Power AlGaAs/AlGaAs Infrared LED with DDH structure (DDH 구조를 갖는 고출력 AlGaAs/AlGaAs 적외선 LED소자의 특성)

  • Lee, Eun-Cheol;Ra, Yong-Choon;Eom, Moon-Jong;Lee, Cheol-Jin;Sung, Man-Young;Sung, Yung-Kwon
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 1996.07c
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    • pp.1459-1461
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    • 1996
  • The optical and electrical properties of High Power AlGaAs/AlGaAs Infrared LED with DDH( Double power Double Hetero Junction) structure are investigated. The high power LED is recently studied in order to apply to high speed communication devices. The power out of AlGaAs/AlGaAs with DDH structure is 13.0[mW], the forward voltage is 1.45[V], and the average decrease rate of power out is about 5[%] after aging test. The optical and electrical properties of DDH structure LED are superior than that of SH structured LED. The DDH structured LED is suitable to the high speed communication devices.

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Physicochemical Characteristic of Astringent Persimmons according to Cultivar and Harvest time (떫은 감의 품종별 수확시기에 따른 물리화학적 특성)

  • Lee, Jin-Man;Hur, Sang-Sun
    • Journal of the Korean Applied Science and Technology
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.748-757
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    • 2015
  • This experiment was carried out the quality of astringent and dried persimmon according to various cultivars and harvesting time. There were need for proper selecting cultivar of astringent persimmon and knowing proper mature degree of persimmon in order to enhance the quality of dried persimmons. Immature persimmons showed lower moisture content, color value and higher hardness than riped and over-riped persimmons. The total quality of riped and over-riped fruit were superior than un-riped fruit.

Endovascular Treatment of Traumatic Arteriovenous Fistula in Young Adults with Pulsatile Tinnitus

  • Kim, Hyun Sik;Song, Joon Ho;Oh, Jae Keun;Ahn, Jun Hyong;Kim, Ji Hee;Chang, In Bok
    • Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society
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    • v.63 no.4
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    • pp.532-538
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    • 2020
  • Traumatic arteriovenous fistulas (AVFs) involving the external carotid artery are exceedingly rare in young adults. Since an AVF is the most common life-threatening cause for pulsatile tinnitus (PT), meticulous evaluation and treatment of patients with PT is crucial. Here, we present two traumatic AVF cases treated with coil embolization leading to no residual fistulous connections followed by an immediate and complete resolution of PT. A 20-year-old man developed left ear tinnitus three months after a traumatic brain injury involving the right temporal bone fracture. Cerebral angiography demonstrated an enlarged left middle meningeal artery (MMA) and a fistular point at the posterior branch of the MMA draining to the middle meningeal vein (MMV) and the left pterygoid plexus, suggesting an AVF. Another 18-year-old girl developed left tinnitus, left exophthalmos, and conjunctival injection 6 months after a traffic accident involving no demonstrable abnormal findings in the radiologic exam. Magnetic resonance angiography demonstrated a markedly dilated left MMA draining to the MMV, left cavernous sinus, and left superior ophthalmic vein. In both cases, coil embolization was performed with total obliteration of the fistular point.

A Novel Position Sensorless Speed Control Scheme for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Drives

  • Won, Tae-Hyun;Lee, Man-Hyung
    • KIEE International Transaction on Electrical Machinery and Energy Conversion Systems
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    • v.2B no.3
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    • pp.125-132
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    • 2002
  • PMSMS (permanent magnet synchronous motors) are widely used in industrial applications and home appliances because of their high torque to inertia ratio, superior power density, and high efficiency. For high performance control, accurate informations about the rotor position is essential. Sensorless algorithms have lately been studied extensively due to the high cost of position sensors and their low reliability in harsh environments. A novel position sensorless speed control for PMSMs uses indirect flux estimation and is presented in this paper. Rotor position and angular velocity are estimated by the proposed indirect flux estimation. Linkage flux and magnetic field flux are calculated by the voltage equations and the measured phase current without any integration. Instead of linkage flux calculation with integral operation, indirect flux and differential magnetic field are used for the estimation of rotor position. A proper rejection technique fur current noise effect in the calculation of differential linkage flux is introduced. The proposed indirect flux detecting method is free from the integral rounding error and linkage flux drift problem, because differential linkage flux can be calculated without any integral operation. Furthermore, electrical parameters of the PMSM can be measured by the proposed TCM (time compression method) for soft starting and precise estimation of rotor position. The position estimator uses accurate electrical parameters that are obtained from the proposed TCM at starting strategy. In the operating region, a proper compensation method fur temperature effect can compensate fir the estimation error from the variation of electrical parameters. The proposed novel position sensorless speed control scheme is verified by the experimental results.

A Study on the Design of the LIGBT Structure with Trap Injection for Improved Electrical Characteristics (트랩 주입의 구조적 설계에 따른 LIGBT의 전기적 특성 개선에 관한 연구)

  • Choo, Kyo-Hyuck;Kang, Ey-Goo;Lee, Jung-Hoon;Sung, Man-Young
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 1999.11d
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    • pp.932-934
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    • 1999
  • In this paper, the new IGBT structures with trap injection are proposed to improve switching characteristics of the conventional SOI LIGBT. The simulations are used in order to investigate the effects of the position, width and concentration of trap injection region using 2D device simulator MEDICI. And, their electrical characteristics are analyze and the optimum design parameters are extracted. As a result of simulation, the turn off time for the proposed LIGBT model A by the trap injection is $0.78{\mu}s$. And, the latch up voltage is 3.4V and forward blocking voltage is 168V which are superior to that of conventional structure. In addition, the proposed model is achieved more efficient in switching time and process effort. Therefore, It is shown that the trap injection is very effective to reduce the turn off time with a little increasing of on-state voltage drop if its design and process parameters are optimized.

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Arthroscopic Reduction and Internal Fixation with Cannulated Screw of a Transverse Glenoid Fracture (유경 나사를 이용한 견갑골 관절와 횡골절의 관절경적 정복 밑 내고정)

  • Noh Kyu Cheol;Yoo Jung Han;Kang Ki Man
    • Journal of Korean Orthopaedic Sports Medicine
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.176-180
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    • 2003
  • We describe in this report the accurate reduction of a transverse displaced glenoid fracture through arthroscopic control . We used the lateral and superior (Neviaser portal) portal of the arthroscopic surgery in the shoulder joint for the U 4.0-mm titanium cannulated cancellous screw fixation. The advantages of this treatment are excellent intra-articular visualiBation, decreased soft tissue dissection ,less blood loss, shortened postoperative recovery and early ROM exercise. There(ore, we report the method of operation and the cases .

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Mediastinal Parathyroid Cyst -1 case report - (종격동 부갑상선 낭종 -1례 보고-)

  • 정재일;김재욱;김승우;구본일;이혜경
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.59-62
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    • 2003
  • Mediastinal parathyroid cyst is a very rare disease and is usually found incidentally. Surgical excision is the treatment of choice and recurrence is very rare when complete excision is done. A 71-year-old man was referred to our department because of 6$\times$5cm sized right superior mediastinal mass found incidentally on chest X-ray Surgical excision was performed and pathologic findings were confirmed as mediastinal parathyroid cyst. The patient has been followed up postoperatively without recurrence for 4 months up to now. We report a case of mediastinal parathyroid cyst.