• Title/Summary/Keyword: superconductive electromagnets

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Analysis of 3D dynamic interaction between Hypertube Express (HTX) and its guideway

  • Seunghwan Park;Seung-Min Baek;Hyung-Jo Jung;Phill-Seung Lee;Man-Cheol Kim
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.92 no.4
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    • pp.365-380
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    • 2024
  • This paper proposes a three-dimensional (3D) dynamic interaction analysis algorithm between the Hypertube Express (HTX) and its guideway. HTX, which utilizes superconductive electromagnets, travels in a magnetically levitated state by leveraging the principles of induction and repulsion with the levitation and guidance coils of the guideway. This reduces frictional resistance, enabling high-speed travel. The guideway experiences dynamic loads due to the levitation and magnetic forces, while HTX is influenced by the irregularity and deformation of the guideway. The dynamic interaction between HTX and the guideway has a significant impact on both design and safety considerations. To address this, we aim to predict the dynamic behavior of both HTX and the guideway numerically. The system matrices of HTX and the guideway, along with their interaction forces, are calculated to perform a 3D dynamic interaction analysis. The guideway is modeled using shell finite elements, and to ensure realistic results, we apply a nonlinearly varying interaction stiffness based on the cruising speed and displacement of HTX. The irregularity of the guideway, which has a critical effect on the interaction, is incorporated into the model. The results of this analysis help to clarify the dynamic characteristics of both the HTX and its guideway. The proposed algorithm provides a foundation for the initial design of HTX and its guideway, contributing to future high-speed transportation systems.