• 제목/요약/키워드: succinate-cytochrome c reductase

검색결과 3건 처리시간 0.015초

Effects of Polyacetylenes from Panax ginseng on Some Microsomal and Mitochondrial Enzymes

  • Kim, Young-Sook;Kim, Shin-Il;Hahn, Dug-Ryong
    • 생약학회지
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    • 제20권3호
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    • pp.154-161
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    • 1989
  • Effects of panaxydol, panaxynol and panaxytriol isolated from Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer on some enzyme activities were determined. Activities of ATPase, membrane-bound enzyme from Sarcoma 180 and rat liver were slightly inhibited by panaxydol. Activities of 5'-nucleotidase, membrane-bound enzyme and succinate cytochrome c reductase in mitochonidria from sarcoma 180 and rat livers were significantly inhibited in a dose-dependent manner by panaxynol. The inhibitory effects of panaxydol and panaxynol on succinate cytochrome c reductase activities were more potent than those on 5'-nucleotidase activities and panaxynol was found to be a very potent inhibitor of succinate cytochrome c reductase. Activities of glucose-6-phosphatase in endoplasmic reticulum from Sarcoma 180 and rat livers were not affected by all three polyacetylenes. These results suggested that the inhibitory effects of panaxydol and panaxynol on enzyme activities might contribute to their biological activities.

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Mitochondrial Damage and Metabolic Compensatory Mechanisms Induced by Hyperoxia in the U-937 Cell Line

  • Scatena, Roberto;Messana, Irene;Martorana, Giuseppe Ettore;Gozzo, Maria Luisa;Lippa, Silvio;Maccaglia, Alessandro;Bottoni, Patrizia;Vincenzoni, Federica;Nocca, Giuseppina;Castagnola, Massimo;Giardina, Bruno
    • BMB Reports
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    • 제37권4호
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    • pp.454-459
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    • 2004
  • Experimental hyperoxia represents a suitable in vitro model to study some pathogenic mechanisms related to oxidative stress. Moreover, it allows the investigation of the molecular pathophysiology underlying oxygen therapy and toxicity. In this study, a modified experimental set up was adopted to accomplish a model of moderate hyperoxia (50% $O_2$, 96 h culture) to induce oxidative stress in the human leukemia cell line, U-937. Spectrophotometric measurements of mitochondrial respiratory enzyme activities, NMR spectroscopy of culture media, determination of antioxidant enzyme activities, and cell proliferation and differentiation assays were performed. The data showed that moderate hyperoxia in this myeloid cell line causes: i) intriguing alterations in the mitochondrial activities at the levels of succinate dehydrogenase and succinate-cytochrome c reductase; ii) induction of metabolic compensatory adaptations, with significant shift to glycolysis; iii) induction of different antioxidant enzyme activities; iv) significant cell growth inhibition and v) no significant apoptosis. This work will permit better characterization the mitochondrial damage induced by hyperoxia. In particular, the data showed a large increase in the succinate cytochrome c reductase activity, which could be a fundamental pathogenic mechanism at the basis of oxygen toxicity.

신생 쥐 간의 Progesterone $6{\alpha}-Steroid$ Hydroxylase에 대한 연구 (Study on Progesterone $6{\alpha}-Steroid$ Hydroxylase from New-born Rat Liver)

  • 조도현;박연희;유연우
    • Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • 제27권2호
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    • pp.100-106
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    • 1984
  • 신생 쥐 간의 subcellular fraction의 특징과 $6{\alpha}$-steroid hydroxylase의 subcellular localization및 특성을 살펴본 결과는 다음과 같다. 1000g 30초 침전 fraction은 총 DNA의 95%를 차지하므로써 crude nuclei fraction으로 나타났으며 또한 5'-nucleotidase의 specific activity가 높은 것은 파괴되지 않은 세포에 기인된 것으로 생각이 되며, 1450g 10분 침전 fraction은 5'-nucleotidase의 activity가 가장 높으므로 crude plasma membrane fraction으로 동정하였으나 mitochondria가 같이 침전되어 있었으며, 9000g 20분 침전 fraction은 succinate-cytochrome C reductase의 activity가 가장 높아 mitochondria fraction으로 하였고, 105,000g 60분 상등액은 LDH가 가장 높아 cytosol로 하였으며, 105,000g 60분 침전은 남은 부분으로 microsome fraction으로 추정하였다. 각 fraction에 기질인 $3{\beta}$-hydroxy-$5{\alpha}$-pregnan-20-one을 incubation시킨 후의 생성된 steroid를 보면 crude nuclei fraction에서는 pregnadiol($5{\alpha}$-pregnane-$3{\alpha}/{\beta}$, $20{\alpha}$-diol)의 형성으로 $20{\alpha}$-reduction과 $3{\alpha}$-$3{\beta}$ iso${\beta}$merization을 볼 수 있었으며 crude plasma membrane fraction에서는 $20{\alpha}$-reduction과 $6{\alpha}$-hydroxylation을 볼 수 있었으며 crude mitochondria와 cytosol에서는 $20{\alpha}$-reduction만을 crude microsome에서는 $16{\alpha}$-hydroxylation을 볼 수 있었으므로 $6{\alpha}$-hydroxylase는 crude plasma membrane에 존재함을 확인하였다. 한편 $6{\alpha}$-steroid hydroxylase에 존재함을 확인하였다. 한편 $6{\alpha}$-steroid hydroxylase의 최대 활성도는 pH 7에서 나타났으며 progesterone은 hydroxylation을 시키지 못한 반면 $3{\alpha}$-hydroxy-$5{\alpha}$-pregnan-20-one은 $6{\alpha}$-hydroxylation이 되었다.

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