• 제목/요약/키워드: substitutes

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석면 대체물질의 종류 및 건강영향 고찰 (A Review on the Asbestos Substitutes and Health Hazards)

  • 박승현;안정호
    • 한국산업보건학회지
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    • 제23권3호
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    • pp.184-195
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    • 2013
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study is to provide information in reference to the health hazards of asbestos substitutes. Methods: This study was conducted by reviewing the literature on the types of asbestos substitutes, product development using alternative materials and the health effects associated with asbestos substitutes. Results: Synthetic or natural fibers such as synthetic vitreous fiber, polyamide, attapulgite, sepiolite and wollastonite are known as asbestos substitutes. According to the patents data of the United States and Europe since the 1970s, many asbestos-free products have been developed in a variety of industries. Health hazards of some asbestos substitutes including synthetic vitreous fibers have been evaluated by many experts, however, additional researches are required to be carried out in the future. Conclusions: Alternatives to asbestos are necessary to develop the asbestos-free products. Health hazards for only several asbestos substitutes have been assessed so far and occupational exposure limit has not been established for many asbestos substitutes yet. Therefore, even though workers are handling asbestos-free products, it is recommended to control the working environment well enough in order to minimize the exposure of workers to dusts or fibers caused during the working process.

변혁적 리더십행위와 리더십 대체요인이 직무만족에 미치는 효과 (The Substitution Effect of Leadership Substitutes for Transformational Leadership in Nursing Organization)

  • 김정희
    • 대한간호학회지
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    • 제36권2호
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    • pp.361-372
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    • 2006
  • Purpose: This paper was conducted to examine the effects of transformational leadership behaviors, within the substitutes for leadership model(Kerr & Jermier, 1978). Method: Data was collected from 181 staff nurses in 3 general hospitals, with self-reporting questionnaires(MLQ developed by Bass, rd-SLS developed by Podsakoff, et at., and MSQ developed by Weiss, et al.). Descriptive statistics, factor analysis, Cronbach's alpha and moderated regression analysis were used. Result: 1) The transformational leader behaviors and substitutes for leadership each had correlations with job satisfaction. 2) The total amount of variance accounted for by the substitutes for leadership was substantially greater than by the transformational leadership behaviors. 3) Few of the substitutes variables moderated the relationships between the transformational leader behaviors and job satisfaction in a manner consistent with that specified by Howell, Dorfman, and Kerr(1986). Conclusion: The finding of this study suggest that leaders need to have a better understanding of those contextual variables that influence job satisfaction. Thus future research should focus attention on the moderating effects of substitutes, as well as the things that leaders can do to influence them. In addition, it may be good to examine the effects of substitutes on other criterion variables.

Dental alloplastic bone substitutes currently available in Korea

  • Ku, Jeong-Kui;Hong, Inseok;Lee, Bu-Kyu;Yun, Pil-Young;Lee, Jeong Keun
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
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    • 제45권2호
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    • pp.51-67
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    • 2019
  • As dental implant surgery and bone grafts were widely operated in Korean dentist, many bone substitutes are commercially available, currently. For commercially used in Korea, all bone substitutes are firstly evaluated by the Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW) for safety and efficacy of the product. After being priced, classified, and registration by the Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service (HIRA), the post-application management is obligatory for the manufacturer (or representative importer) to receive a certificate of Good Manufacturing Practice by Ministry of Food and Drug Safety. Currently, bone substitutes are broadly classified into C group (bone union and fracture fixation), T group (human tissue), L group (general and dental material) and non-insurance material group in MOHW notification No. 2018-248. Among them, bone substitutes classified as dental materials (L7) are divided as xenograft and alloplastic bone graft. The purpose of this paper is to analyze alloplastic bone substitutes of 37 products in MOHW notification No. 2018-248 and to evaluate the reference level based on the ISI Web of Knowledge, PubMed, EMBASE (1980-2019), Cochrane Database, and Google Scholar using the criteria of registered or trademarked product name.

Types and Health Hazards of Fibrous Materials Used as Asbestos Substitutes

  • Park, Seung-Hyun
    • Safety and Health at Work
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    • 제9권3호
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    • pp.360-364
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    • 2018
  • Asbestos has been banned in many countries but many countries, including developing countries, are still using asbestos or materials containing asbestos. Substitute materials have been studied and developed over a long period of time because of the hazards of asbestos, and many people have recently shown interest in the hazards of substitute materials. However, comprehensive information about the types of asbestos substitutes, their use and health hazards, and references for the protection for the health of workers is limited. The purpose of this study is to provide people in the related industries with information on the types and health hazards of fibrous materials that can be used as asbestos substitutes. According to the patent resources from the United States and Europe, fibrous materials have been used to develop asbestos-free products since before 1980. Recently, the health hazards of asbestos substitutes have been assessed and many additional researches are required. However, only some of the substitute materials have been assessed for health hazards, and health hazard data has not been sufficient in many cases. Therefore, efforts should be made to minimize workers' exposure to substitute materials that do not contain asbestos.

Induction of Apoptosis by N-phenyl-O-phenylthionocarbamate substitutes in SK-MEL-28 human skin cancer cell line

  • Choi, Su-La;Kho, Chang-Won;Shim, Joung-Hyun;Park, Byoung-Chul;Yoon, Do-Young;Sung, Nack-Do;Kim, Won-Sik;Myung, Pyung-Keun
    • 대한약학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한약학회 2002년도 Proceedings of the Convention of the Pharmaceutical Society of Korea Vol.2
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    • pp.230.1-230.1
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    • 2002
  • In this study, anti-cancer effect of N-phenyl-O-phenylthionocarbamate (PPTC) substitutes was investigated. and the apoptotic mechanism by these substrates was examined on SK-MEL -28 human skin cancer cell line. SK-MEL -28 cell was treated at various concentrations for 48hr. and then MTT assay was performed to gain IC$\sub$50/ value and examine cytotoxicity of PPTC substitutes, and quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) between cell and these PPTC substitutes was examined. (omitted)

  • PDF

Evaluation of an Amniotic Membrane-Collagen Dermal Substitute in the Management of Full-Thickness Skin Defects in a Pig

  • Kim, Hyunji;Son, Daegu;Choi, Tae Hyun;Jung, Samhyun;Kwon, Sunyoung;Kim, Junhyung;Han, Kihwan
    • Archives of Plastic Surgery
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    • 제40권1호
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    • pp.11-18
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    • 2013
  • Background To minimize the inflammatory reaction and improve healing, a new modified dermal substitute composed of an atelocollagen, chondroitin-6-sulfate, and amniotic membrane (AM) was applied to full-thickness skin defects in a pig. Atelocollagen was extracted from bovine skin, and two modified dermal substitutes were generated according to the cross-linking type. Methods The AM-collagen dermal substitutes were characterized and compared with currently used dermal substitutes in a pig skin defect model. There were five experimental groups: dehydrothermal (DHT) cross-linking atelocollagen with the AM on the top (AM-DHT), DHT and chemical cross-linking atelocollagen with the AM on the top (AM-DHT/chemical), Terudermis, Integra, and AlloDerm. After $3{\times}3cm$ full-thickness skin defects on the back of a pig were created, each dermal substitutes dermal substitutes was randomly grafted on the defects. Two weeks after grafting, autologous partial-thickness skin was over-grafted on the neodermis. The take rate of the dermal substitutes, skin, and histological sections were all assessed at 1, 2, and 4 weeks postoperatively. Results More rapid healing and a higher take rate were evident in the AM-DHT and Terudermis groups. Histological examination revealed fewer inflammatory cells and more fibroblast hyperplasia in these two groups. Four weeks after surgery, the amount of newly formed collagen was significantly more appropriate in the AM-DHT group. Conclusions These observations provide supporting evidence that a newly developed amniotic-collagen dermal substitute may inhibit inflammatory reactions and promote wound healing.

Strategic Trade Policies under International Process R&D Competition with or without Market Leaders

  • Yang, Il-Seok
    • Journal of Korea Trade
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    • 제24권2호
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    • pp.53-67
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    • 2020
  • Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to study strategic trade policies under international process research and development (R&D) competition with or without market leaders for free trade and a subsidy regime and compare the effects of R&D subsidies and export subsidies on the equilibrium levels of firm profit and social welfare. Design/methodology - For the analysis, we use previous work by Haaland and Kind (2008) and construct a differentiated goods duopoly model, wherein two firms compete via quantity in a third-country market for free trade and the subsidy regime. We consider simultaneous-move quantity competition when the two firms choose their quantities simultaneously and sequential-move quantity competition when they choose their quantities sequentially. The results are compared to those of Balboa, Daughety and Reinganum (2004), who studied export subsidies. Findings - The following are the findings. First, the results of firm preference orderings regarding firm position from Dowrick (1986) and Balboa, Daughety and Reinganum (2004) may not hold in our model when the firms' strategies are strategic substitutes under free trade. Second, the preference rankings under Cournot competition for free trade and a subsidy regime are the same as those in the strategic trade policy of export subsidy. Third, except for the cases of too close substitutes and complements, the results of firm and government preferences regarding firm position are different from those of Balboa, Daughety and Reinganum (2004) in that Stackelberg leadership in a subsidy regime is advantageous when the goods are substitutes but is disadvantageous when the goods are complements. Moreover, the equilibrium level of firm profit is the highest in the Cournot-Nash play when the goods are substitutes in a subsidy regime. Fourth, except for the cases of too close substitutes and complements, the results of firms' and their respective governments' trade regime preferences are similar to those of Balboa, Daughety and Reinganum (2004) in that a Stackelberg leader firm and government prefer free trade if the goods are substitutes and prefer a subsidy regime if the goods are complements. Furthermore, a Stackelberg follower firm and government strongly prefer a subsidy regime to free trade. Originality/value - By analyzing the effects of R&D subsidies and export subsidies in international markets, we can find similarities and differences between them in international markets.

대체육의 아미노산 조성 및 아연 생체 이용률의 영양학적 분석 (Nutritional analysis of amino acid composition and zinc bioavailability in plant-based meats)

  • 강서현;이솔민;장민서;김수린;임영균;김유진;장원형
    • 분석과학
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    • 제37권3호
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    • pp.155-165
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    • 2024
  • 본 연구는 비건 인구의 증가 및 비건 문화의 확대에 발맞추어 대체육 제품에 대한 시장의 요구가 커짐에 따라, 대체육의 영양학적인 부적합의 가능성이 제시된 아미노산 조성과 아연 생체 이용률의 측면에서 대체육 제품이 동물성 육류 제품을 영양학적으로 대체할 수 있는지 평가하고자 수행되었다. 텐더 형태의 동물성 계육 제품 1종과 대체육 제품 2종을 선정하여 HPLC를 통한 아미노산 함량 및 조성측정, ICP-AES를 이용한 아연, 칼슘 등의 미량 원소 함량 측정, 아연 생체 이용률 저해 화학종인 피트산의 침전 추출 및 UV-Vis 분석을 통한 정량을 수행하고, 측정 결과를 실제 제품 섭취의 맥락에 맞추어 적용, 분석하였다. 연구 결과, 대체육 제품에서 valine, lysine 등 일부 필수 아미노산 함량이 동물성 육류 제품에 비해 부족하고, 제품을 통해 권장 섭취량을 달성하기 어려운 것으로 나타났다. 아연 생체 이용률의 경우, 칼슘에 의한 아연 생체 이용률 저해는 유의미하지 않을 것으로 분석되었으며, 같은 대체육이라 하더라도 제품 원재료의 아연 함량, 피트산 함량에 따라 낮은 단계에서부터 높은 단계까지 다양한 아연 이용률을 보였다. 따라서 아연 함량이 높고 피트산 함량이 낮은 식물성 원재료를 선정, 적절히 가공함으로 적절한 아연 생체 이용률을 달성하는 대체육 제품을 생산할 수 있을 것으로 보인다.

백서두개골 결손부에서 천연물유래 탄산칼슘염 골대체의 골치유에 관한 조직계측학적 평가 (Histomorphometric evaluation of bone healing with natural calcium carbonate-derived bone substitutes in rat calvarial defect)

  • 이충호;장제희;이재목;서조영;박진우
    • Journal of Periodontal and Implant Science
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    • 제38권1호
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    • pp.83-90
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    • 2008
  • Purpose: This study investigated the osteoconductivity of natural calcium carbonate-derived bone substitutes, hen eggshell (ES), and compared with those of commercial bone substitutes. Materials and Methods: Osseous defects created in the rat calvaria were filled with particulated ES(ES-1), ES with calcium-deficient hydroxyapatite surface layer (ES-2), Biocoral(Inoteb, France), and Bio-Oss(Geistlich Pharma, Wolhusen, Switzerland). After 4 and 8 weeks of healing, histomorphometic analysis was performed to evaluate the amount of newly formed mineralized bone area (NB%). Results: Histologic and histomorphometric analysis showed new bone formation and direct bony contact with the grafted materials in all groups. At 4 weeks, Biocoral group showed greater NB% compared to Bio-Oss and ES-1 groups (P<0.05). At 8 weeks, Biocoral and ES-2 groups showed significantly greater NB% compared to Bio-Oss group (P<0.05). Conclusion: These results indicate that natural calcium carbonate-derived bone substitutes with microporous calcium-deficient hydroxyapatite surface layer may be an effective materials treating osseous defects.

AIDS 모형을 이용한 국내산 및 수입산 새우 수요체계 분석 (A Study on Demand System of Domestic and Imported Shrimp using AIDS model)

  • 강한애;박철형
    • 수산경영론집
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    • 제54권2호
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    • pp.31-44
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    • 2023
  • This study examines the demand system of shrimp imported from top four countries and domestically produced by using AIDS (Almost Ideal Demand System) model. Top four import countries are Vietnam, Ecuador, China, and Malaysia based on the value of imports in 2021. As results of the analysis, the demand system of shrimp turn out to be below. First, the relationship of domestic shrimp and imported shrimp (Ecuadorian and Vietnamese) is identified as complements or substitutes depending on whether the income effect is considered. This result implies that imported shrimp supplements domestic supply against excess demand while homogeneous shrimp products competes with domestic shrimp in fish market. Second, the relationship among imported shrimps turned out to be both substitutes and complements. Especially, the Vietnamese shrimp is complementary with Chinese and Malaysian shrimp, but substitutes of Ecuadorian. It is assumed that adjoining Asian countries shares similar shrimp species and processing system which differentiates from Ecuadorian. Finally, the study included quarter as dummy variable and GDP as instrumental variable of expenditure in the model. The result confirmed that domestic shrimp is highly on demand during the main production season while imported shrimp is mainly demanded during the rest of the season.