• 제목/요약/키워드: student serving participation programs

검색결과 1건 처리시간 0.014초

중·고등학생의 학교급식 인지도 및 만족도 증진을 위한 학생배식도우미제도의 활용 가능성 (Improving Perception and Satisfaction on Middle and High School Foodservice: The Role of Student Participation Program in Serving School Meals)

  • 박정은;최경숙
    • 대한지역사회영양학회지
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    • 제23권3호
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    • pp.243-256
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    • 2018
  • Objectives: We evaluated the extent to which implementation of student participation programs in serving school meals impacts student perception and satisfaction with school foodservice in middle and high school settings. Methods: Students' perception of management and satisfaction with quality attributes of school foodservice were assessed by questionnaire methods and compared by the program implementation status of student participation in serving school meals. Correlation and multiple regression analyses were performed to identify factors affecting perception and satisfaction. Results: The overall mean score for perception regarding the management of school foodservice was low (3.53 out of 10 points) and middle school students showed a higher mean score than high school students (4.10 vs. 2.94 points). In both middle and high schools, student perception was significantly higher in schools implementing the program. The average score for student satisfaction with the quality of school foodservice was 3.50 out of 5 points. Similarly, we observed a significantly higher satisfaction among middle versus high school students (3.93 vs. 3.04 points) and in schools implementing the program versus those that were not. Overall, student participation in serving school meals resulted in increases in satisfaction with school foodservice of 0.269 and 0.466 points among middle and high school students, respectively. Conclusions: Implementation of student participation in serving school meals could be used as a strategy to improve perception and satisfaction of students with their school foodservice. Establishment of guidelines of student serving participation programs encompassing different perspectives from students, dietitians and school faculties are warranted.