• Title/Summary/Keyword: structural evaluation

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Structural Evaluation on the Impact of a Radioisotope Package

  • Chung, Sung-Hwan;Lee, Heung-Young;Ku, Jeong-Hoe;Seo, Ki-Seog;Han, Hyun-Soo
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.30 no.5
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    • pp.462-469
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    • 1998
  • A package to transport high-level radioactive materials is required to withstand normal transport and hypothetical accident conditions pursuant to the IAEA and domestic regulations. The package should maintain the structural safety not to release radioactive material in any condition. The structural safety of the package has been evaluated by tests using proto-type or scaled-down models, however, the method by analysis is gradually utilized due to recent advancement of computers and computer codes. In this paper, to evaluate the structural safety of a radioisotope package of the KAERI, the three dimensional impact analyses under 9m free drop and 1m puncture were performed with an explicit finite-element code, the LS-DYNA3D code. The maximum stress intensity on each part was calculated and the structural safety of the package was evaluated in accordance with the regulations.

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Generation and Evaluation of Structural Design Alternatives Using Multicriteria Optimization (다목적 최적화 방법을 이용한 구조설계 대안의 생성과 평가)

  • 양영순;유원선;김기화
    • Proceedings of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute Conference
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    • 1998.04a
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    • pp.199-209
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    • 1998
  • Since most engineering problems have had open-ended and ill-defined characteristics, design process is in advance attended with determination of alternatives based on realistic constraints after definition of appropriate problem. And it is completed with selection of best alternative through their comparison and investigation, and with performance of selected-alternative's detail design. As the process of structural design compared with that of general design, this paper presents a paradigm which can generate structural design alternatives, select optimum structure among them and simultaneously set its optimum design variables in reference of several objective as a result in more extended design region. For this purpose, specialized genetic algorithms which can handle design alternatives and multicriteria problems is used.

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A Study of the Thickness Effect using Structural Stress Approach for Fillet Welded Joints (구조 응력 기법을 적용한 필릿 용접부 두께 지수 산정에 관한 연구)

  • Xin, Wen-Jie;Oh, Dong-Jin;Kim, Myung-Hyun
    • Journal of Welding and Joining
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.37-42
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    • 2014
  • In this study, non-load-carrying fillet welded joints fabricated using EH grade-steel are evaluated with the structural stress approach. The thickness effect was investigated by a study on welded steel joints with thickness ranging from 25 to 80mm. As-welded joint for main plate thickness of 25 to 80mm, the fatigue strength is reduced gradually. On the other hand, in case of main plate thickness of 25 to 80mm, the structural stress concentration factor increases gradually. As a result, for structural stress approach, thickness effect is not required for correction. Based on these results, a new evaluation fillet welded joint for fatigue design purposes has been proposed FAT 125.

Development and Application of Metropolis Genetic Algorithm for the Structural Design Optimization (구조물의 설계 최적화를 위한 메트로폴리스 유전알고리즘의 개발 및 적용)

  • 박균빈;류연선;김정태;조현만
    • Proceedings of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute Conference
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    • 2003.10a
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    • pp.115-122
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    • 2003
  • A Metropolis genetic algorithm(MGA) is developed and applied for the structural design optimization. In MGA favorable features of Metropolis algorithm in simulated annealing(SA) are incorporated in simple genetic algorithm(SGA), so that the MGA alleviates the disadvantage of finding imprecise solution in SGA and time-consuming computation in SA. Performances of MGA are compared with those of conventional algorithms such as Holland's SGA, Krishnakumar's micro genetic algorithm(μGA), and Kirkpatrick's SA. Typical numerical examples are used to evaluate the favorable features and applicability of MGA From the theoretical evaluation and numerical experience, it is concluded that the proposed MGA is a reliable and efficient tool for structural design optimization.

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SHM by DOFS in civil engineering: a review

  • Rodriguez, Gerardo;Casas, Joan R.;Villalba, Sergi
    • Structural Monitoring and Maintenance
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    • v.2 no.4
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    • pp.357-382
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    • 2015
  • This paper provides an overview of the use of different Distributed Optical Fiber Sensor systems (DOFSs) to perform Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) in the specific case of civil engineering structures. Nowadays, there are several methods available for extracting distributed measurements from optical fiber, and their use have to be according with the aims of the SHM performance. The continuous-in-space data is the common advantage of the different DOFSs over other conventional health monitoring systems and, depending on the particular characteristics of each DOFS, a global and/or local health structural evaluation is possible with different accuracy. Firstly, the fundamentals of different DOFSs and their principal advantages and disadvantages are presented. Then, laboratory and field tests using different DOFSs systems to measure strain in structural elements and civil structures are presented and discussed. Finally, based on the current applications, conclusions and future trends of DOFSs in SHM in civil structures are proposed.

Cubic normal distribution and its significance in structural reliability

  • Zhao, Yan-Gang;Lu, Zhao-Hui
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.263-280
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    • 2008
  • Information on the distribution of the basic random variable is essential for the accurate analysis of structural reliability. The usual method for determining the distributions is to fit a candidate distribution to the histogram of available statistical data of the variable and perform approximate goodness-of-fit tests. Generally, such candidate distribution would have parameters that may be evaluated from the statistical moments of the statistical data. In the present paper, a cubic normal distribution, whose parameters are determined using the first four moments of available sample data, is investigated. A parameter table based on the first four moments, which simplifies parameter estimation, is given. The simplicity, generality, flexibility and advantages of this distribution in statistical data analysis and its significance in structural reliability evaluation are discussed. Numerical examples are presented to demonstrate these advantages.

Evaluation of the Structural Integrity of a Sandwich Composite Train Roof Structure (샌드위치 복합재 철도차량 루프구조물의 구조안전성 평가)

  • Shin Kwang-Bok;Ryu Bong-Jo;Lee Jea-Youl;Lee Sang-Jin;Jo Se-Huen
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 2005.11a
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    • pp.338-343
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    • 2005
  • We have evaluated the structural integrity of a sandwich composite train roof which can find a lightweight, cost saving solution to large structural components for rail vehicles in design stages. The sandwich composite train roof was 11.45 meter long and 1.76 meter wide. The reinforced frame was inserted in sandwich panels to improve the structural performance of train roof structure and had the shape of hollow rectangular box. The finite-element analysis was used to calculate the stresses, deflections and natural frequencies of the sandwich composite train roof against the weight of air-condition system. The 3D sandwich FE model was introduced to simulate the hollow aluminum frames which jointed to both sides of the sandwich train roof. The results shown that the structural performance of a sandwich composite train roof under load conditions specified was proven and the use of aluminum reinforced frame was beneficial with regard to weight savings in comparison to steel reinforced frame.

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Evaluation of the Structural Stability of Platform Screen Door(PSD) (승강장 스크린 도어(PSD)시스템의 구조 안정성 평가)

  • Lee, Jae-Youl;Ryu, Bong-Jo;Jeon, Jae-Sun;Kim, Dong-Hyun;Lee, Eun-Kyu;Shin, Kwang-Bok
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 2006.11b
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    • pp.1190-1197
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    • 2006
  • We have evaluated the structural stability of a platform screen door due to train wind pressure. The platform screen door was installed at the ground and underground station and had 65 meters in length. Also, the platform screen door was a safety device because it was placed between the train and the platform. The finite element analysis was used to calculate the stresses and deflections of platform screen door caused by wind pressure using ANSYS 10.0. Quasi-static analysis was introduced to save calculating time and check quickly structural performances when compared to those of transient analysis. The results show that structural stability of the platform screen door under train wind pressure is proven and quasi-static analysis can quickly check the structural integrity of platform screen door.

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Structural Analysis of CANFLEX Fuel Bundles

  • H. Y. Kang;K. S. Sim;Lee, J. H.;Kim, T. H.;J. S. Jun;C. H. Chung;Park, J. H.;H. C. Suk
    • Proceedings of the Korean Nuclear Society Conference
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    • 1995.05a
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    • pp.1008-1013
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    • 1995
  • The CANFLEX fuel bundle has been developed by KAERI/AECL jointly to facilitate the use of various fuel cycles in CANDU-6 reactor. As one of the design evaluations, the structural analysis of the fuel bundles by hydraulic drag force is performed to evaluate the fuel integrity in the period of the refuelling in CANDU-6. The structural integrity is evaluated by FEM modelling for the complicated bundles configuration in channel. It is noted that the present analysis method is newly developed for the structural integrity evaluation. The analysis results show that the fuel bundle is shown to keep its structural integrity during the refuelling.

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Effects of Self Core Evaluation on the Customer Oriented Public Service: Mediating Effect of Job Engagement (지방공무원 핵심자기평가가 고객지향성에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Jeong Sook;Kim, Sung-Jong
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.15 no.8
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    • pp.209-217
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    • 2015
  • Main purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of the self core evaluation of local public officials on the customer-oriented public service provision. Structural Equation Model was applied to analyze the relationship between self core evaluation and customer oriented public service attitude. From theoretic point, establishing the relationship between psychological concept(self core evaluation) and attitude is contribution to existing literature in this area. Positive structural relationships between self core evaluation and customer-oriented attitude was confirmed from empirical analysis. While variable job engagement took intermediating role between self core evaluation and customer-oriented attitude. The result implies that organizational psychological approach might be a more effective policy measure to improve citizen's satisfaction for public services. For a extended periods, Korean government introduced various institutional arrangements to improve the customer satisfaction for public service. Hoever, the result was not satisfactory. The result of this study suggest psychological approach to improve public service customer satisfaction.