• Title/Summary/Keyword: structural empowerment

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A Structural Relationship among Emotional Leadership of Educational Administrative Officials' Superiors, Empowerment, and Job Satisfaction (교육행정공무원 상급자의 감성리더십, 임파워먼트, 직무만족 간의 구조 관계)

  • LEE, Ki-Yong
    • Journal of Fisheries and Marine Sciences Education
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.936-946
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study is to examine structural relations between the emotional leadership of educational administrative officials' superiors and subordinates' empowerment and job satisfaction. To attain the study goal, this researcher finally selected 368 educational administrative officials working in Gyeongsangbuk-do and conducted statistical analysis. Accordingly, this study has drawn the following detailed conclusions: First, there is statistically significant positive correlation among the subfactors of the emotional leadership of educational administrative officials' superiors and subordinates' empowerment and job satisfaction. Second, it has been found that the hypothetical path model to explain the emotional leadership of educational administrative officials' superiors and subordinates' empowerment and job satisfaction is appropriate. In other words, among the goodness-of-fit indexes of the final study model, ${\chi}^2=203.657$ (p<.001), RMR equals .030, RMSEA is .093, GFI equals .910, and AGFI is .900. About its relative goodness-of-fit indexes, TLI equals .930, NFI is .933, CFI equals .948, and IFI is .949; therefore, all indexes have been found to be allowable. Third, emotional leadership of educational administrative officials' superiors have had this influence directly on job satisfaction. But, the total influence of the emotional leadership of educational administrative officials' superiors on job satisfaction is smaller than that on job satisfaction with the mediation of subordinates' empowerment.

Project Performance Improvement of Employees: A Psychological Empowerment Approach

  • Oh, Sung-Tae;Kim, Sodam;Kim, Hee-Woong
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.509-525
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    • 2016
  • According to the dynamic changes in the business environment, the structural transformation of firms has had an observable trend. An increasingly large number of firms have been transforming into either project-based organizations or project expert groups. This study aims to investigate the antecedents required for the optimal level of empowerment with consideration of the project-based team environmental nature and job characteristic. Three factors are applied to measure the significant effects on psychological empowerment as the result variables. To determine the antecedents and consequent factors of psychological empowerment, employees' interviews and precedent studies are used. For the empirical study, four determinants of empowerment variables are modeled into a second-order reflective construct. This study finds that psychological empowerment significantly affects performance. Therefore, this study can serve as a guideline for development and operating methods for project success.

The Effects of Community Participation Factors and Social Capital on Empowerment of Single Mother (한부모 여성의 공동체 참여요인과 사회자본이 임파워먼트에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, In-Sook
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare Studies
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    • v.43 no.2
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    • pp.207-233
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study is to understand direct and indirect impact and the paths of community participation and social capital, which affect improvement of single mother's community participation factors, social capital, and empowerment. To accomplish this purpose structural relationships between single mother's community participation factors, social capital and empowerment have been analyzed. For the analysis 420 single mothers, who had participated various types of communities, were surveyed and structural equation modeling had been used and optical theory structure model(χ2=86.851, df=28, GFI=.958, CFI=.944), which explains the structural relationship among the factors, had been chosen. From the result, first, there was differences between empowerment and community participation levels, which is single mothers' community participation factors, of the impact on social capital and empowerment. Empowerment level of community, which was mediated by community participation level and social capital, affected empowerment, in the other hand, community participation level affected empowerment more directly than the impact of social capital. Second, single mothers' community participation factor affected more improvement of empowerment when it mediated by the accumulation of social capital. Third, single mothers' social capital directly affected the most improvement of empowerment. Based on the fact the implications of the study were presented.

Structural Equation Modeling Analysis on Leadership, Empowerment and Organizational Effectiveness of Food Service Industry (외식산업의 리더십, 임파워먼트, 조직유효성에 관한 구조모형 분석)

  • Kim, Se-Ri
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.6 no.12
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    • pp.296-308
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    • 2006
  • This study aims to increase effectiveness of human resources management of food service industry by identifying relationships if influence among leadership of manager supervisor, employee' empowerment and organizational effectiveness in food service industry. To achieve the purpose of this study, documentary study and empirical study using a structural equation model analysis was conducted. Based upon the relationships among leadership, empowerment and organizational effectiveness in food service industry, comprehensive methods for human resources management can be presented.

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A Study on Empowerment Process through Independent Living Movement for the Disabled (장애인 자립생활운동에 나타난 임파워먼트 과정 연구)

  • Kim, Bong-Sun
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.62 no.2
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    • pp.375-397
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    • 2010
  • Previous studies on empowerment have commonly noted that current practice of empowerment understands empowerment only macroscopically and limitedly without reflecting the true idea of empowerment. In addition, they are emphasizing lack of information on specific techniques for the practice. Thus, the present study purposed to examine independent living movement for the disabled, which have experienced structural and institutional changes and produced actual improvements in policies as their results, and the characteristics of empowerment observed in the development process. According to the results of this study, empowerment consists of a total of five stages, and among them, the stage of conscientization is very important for individual empowerment and the stage of organization for macroscopic empowerment.

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The Workplace Empowerment on Staff Nurses' Organizational Commitment and Intent to Stay (임상간호사가 지각하는 임파워먼트, 조직몰입 및 잔류의도)

  • Yom, Young-Hee
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.23-31
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    • 2006
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to test the empowerment structural model based on Kanter's work empowerment theory. Method: A predictive, nonexperimental design was used in a sample of 279 nurses from 3 university affiliated hospitals. Data were collected with self-administered questionnaires and analyzed using mean, standard deviation, pearson correlation coefficient and path analysis. Results: The results showed that the overall fitness of the hypothethical model to the data was good(chi-square=.7751, df=4, p=.942, GFI=.999, AGFI=.996, RMSEA=.000). Both formal power and informal power directly influenced on nurses' perceived empowerment level and empowerment directly influenced on nurses' organizational commitment and indirectly influenced on nurses' intent to stay. Conclusion: The results imply that hospital and nurse managers should provide the empowering working condition for nurses to be stayed in hospitals.

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The Effect Nursing Organizational Culture on Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intention in General Hospital : The Mediating Effect of Empowerment (종합병원의 간호조직문화가 간호사의 직무만족과 이직의사에 미치는 영향 : 임파워먼트의 매개효과 검정)

  • Park, Jae-San;Lee, Mi-Soon
    • The Korean Journal of Health Service Management
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2011
  • The objective of this study is to identify the relationship between nursing organizational culture and job satisfaction and turnover intention. Furthermore this study analyzed the mediating effect of empowerment on the relationship between two variables. Data were collected by self-administered questionnaires. Structural Equation Modeling(SEM) analysis was conducted. The major findings of this study are as follows: nursing organizational culture having a positive effect on empowerment and organizational effectiveness. The empowerment as a mediating role between nursing organizational culture and job satisfaction and turnover intention was statistically significant. This finding showed that desirable organizational culture and improvement of empowerment is necessary to maintain nursing staff's organizational loyalty and eventually to improve total organizational performance.

The Structural Relationship among Emotional Intelligence, Empowerment, Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Service Quality: Focusing on specialized hospital services

  • SHIM, Kyu-Yeol;OH, Sang-Hyun
    • The Journal of Economics, Marketing and Management
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.27-35
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    • 2020
  • Purpose - This study is aiming to understand the critical role of employees' organizational citizenship behavior in evaluation of employee service quality. This paper examined what emotional intelligence and empowerment affect to their organizational citizenship behavior and service quality. Research design - Data were collected by questionnaires through specialized hospital services. Survey was conducted on patients who have been treated at a spine specialized hospital. Results - Emotional intelligence and empowerment have direct effects on organizational citizenship. Service quality is a function of organizational citizenship. The results showed that emotional and motivated capabilities of individuals influenced organizational citizenship behavior. Managerially, this study contributes to the understanding of the role of organizational citizenship behavior in service sector. Conclusions - The relationship between service quality and organizational citizenship behavior and also examined the effect of combination of creative and voluntary behavioral attributes such as emotional intelligence and psychological empowerment have on voluntary organizational citizenship behavior. The results showed that in order to induce organizational citizenship behavior, emotional intelligence should be facilitated and empowerment enlarged.

The Study on the Mediating Effect of Caring Empowerment in the Relationship between Caring Burden and Life Design of Caregivers of Disabled Children (장애자녀부모의 돌봄부담감과 라이프디자인의 영향관계에서 돌봄효능감의 매개효과 연구)

  • Lee, Yu-Ri
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.503-510
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    • 2017
  • This study aimed to investigate the mediating effect of caring empowerment in the relationship between caring burden and life design. To get the results, a survey was conducted, targeting caregivers of disabled children and caring burden, caring empowerment, life design measures were used in the survey. Key outcomes of the analysis were as follows. First, it was verified that caring burden and caring empowerment, caring empowerment and life design had a direct relationship. Second, it was analyzed that caring empowerment had a full mediating effect in the relationship between caring burden and caring empowerment. Based in these results, comprehensive interventions for activating life design were proposed.

An Analysis of Research Reported in Korea on the Empowerment (임파워먼트에 관한 국내 간호논문분석)

  • Moon, Myeong-Ja
    • The Korean Journal of Rehabilitation Nursing
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.201-212
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    • 2003
  • This study was for understanding about the current situation of internal nursing research related to empowerment and for suggesting the direction the research on empowerment should improve. 17 nursing research articles between 1991 and 2001 were analyzed and their analysis results showed that the research on empowerment tends increasing in number. Looking at study methods, survery and research had a majority of researchs and the target of research was mainly nurses. Empowerment concept is a process that it helps to be able to assert the control about factors which influence on human life. This process suggested the precondition and result on empowerment in view of nursing that it includes broader systematic, structural and social responsibility in making individual taking responsibility on his health in management. Empowerment is to enhance the power and its basic starts from his own empowerment. The contents of his own empowerment is to improve his own ability(including spiritual, physical, and social ability), to connote also his own confidence enhancement which looks at himself as positive and strong, and to run after the his internal repletion through strengthening of his positive aspect. Based on above his own empowerment, the empowerment that builds the capability of group or organization is eventually to strengthen the spirit of individual and organization. Finally, this concept means that it can have an usefulness about nursing practice, education, administration and research. With the foundation of this research analysis, although the research on empowerment is largely limited to nurse, in future this should be applied to various nursing targets. In addition, the research on diverse applying methods including program develoment which bases on this concept should be made.

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