• Title/Summary/Keyword: structural detail

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Seismic Performance of High Strength Steel(HSA800) Beam-to-Column Connections with Improved Horizontal Stiffener (개량수평스티프너를 보강한 고강도강(HSA800) 접합부 내진성능평가)

  • Oh, Sang Hoon;Park, Hae Yong
    • Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.361-373
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    • 2014
  • As the height and beam span of buildings built in the construction market increase, increasingly higher quality is being required of the construction materials. In response to this trend, 800MPa tensile strength class steel was developed in domestic company. Currently, experiments applying flexural member, compression member, and connections are continuously conducted, but a design guideline for high strength steel has yet to be established. Among those construction materials, for the high strength steel beam-to-column connections, the evaluation of implementing ductile connections for the high strength steel beam-to-column connections is producing pessimistic results and the number of related researches is inadequate because of the high yield ratio, which is the characteristic of high strength steel. This study on implementation of ductile connections made of high strength steel was conducted using the connection detail as the variable, for the purpose of enhancing the deformation capacity of high strength steel beam-to-column connections. Cyclic loading test and nonlinear finite element analysis were conducted with full-scale mock-up connection models with the applied connection details. As a result, the structural performance of high-strength steel beam-to-column connection with presented detail was contented with demand of Special Moment Frames of KBC standard.

The Impact Structure on Co-Creation, Shared Value and Customer Satisfaction of Customer Acceptance for Servicescape: Focusing on Theme Park Service (서비스스케이프에 대한 고객수용이 공동창조 및 공유가치와 고객만족에 미치는 영향 구조: 테마파크서비스를 중심으로)

  • Ahn, Yeon S.
    • Journal of Service Research and Studies
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.97-107
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to demonstrate the effect of customer acceptance of servicescape on customer satisfaction focusing in theme park service. In particular, the degree of usefulness and ease of use perceived for servicescape will ultimately have the impact on customer satisfaction through the process of service co-creation and shared values creation. In order to demonstrate this structural influence relationship, a survey of 247 undergraduate and graduate students taking service management course was conducted. The customer's acceptance of the servicescape affects the co-creation activities of the service. It creates value and contributes to the improvement of satisfaction. Looking at the results of this study in detail, it is necessary to take into consideration the usefulness of the theme park employees' clothes and symbols, etc. in servicescape, and the convenience of the facility itself is important. This servicescape reveals that customers should be comfortable with the use of real-time information on the site and that customer satisfaction can be improved by creating new shared value. This study has been limited to the theme park service which has a large-scale service field and the distribution status of many customers in real time, so it is limited to apply to the other services with detail reinterpreting.

A Fundamental Study of VIV Fatigue Analysis Procedure for Dynamic Power Cables Subjected to Severely Sheared Currents (강한 전단 해류 환경에서 동적 전력케이블의 VIV 피로해석 절차에 관한 기초 연구)

  • Chunsik Shim;Min Suk Kim;Chulmin Kim;Yuho Rho;Jeabok Lee;Kwangsu Chea;Kangho Kim;Daseul Jeong
    • Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea
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    • v.60 no.5
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    • pp.375-387
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    • 2023
  • The subsea power cables are increasingly important for harvesting renewable energies as we develop offshore wind farms located at a long distance from shore. Particularly, the continuous flexural motion of inter-array dynamic power cable of floating offshore wind turbine causes tremendous fatigue damages on the cable. As the subsea power cable consists of the helical structures with various components unlike a mooring line and a steel pipe riser, the fatigue analysis of the cables should be performed using special procedures that consider stick/slip phenomenon. This phenomenon occurs between inner helically wound components when they are tensioned or compressed by environmental loads and the floater motions. In particular, Vortex-induced vibration (VIV) can be generated by currents and have significant impacts on the fatigue life of the cable. In this study, the procedure for VIV fatigue analysis of the dynamic power cable has been established. Additionally, the respective roles of programs employed and required inputs and outputs are explained in detail. Demonstrations of case studies are provided under severely sheared currents to investigate the influences on amplitude variations of dynamic power cables caused by the excitation of high mode numbers. Finally, sensitivity studies have been performed to compare dynamic cable design parameters, specifically, structural damping ratio, higher order harmonics, and lift coefficients tables. In the future, one of the fundamental assumptions to assess the VIV response will be examined in detail, namely a narrow-banded Gaussian process derived from the VIV amplitudes. Although this approach is consistent with current industry standards, the level of consistency and the potential errors between the Gaussian process and the fatigue damage generated from deterministic time-domain results are to be confirmed to verify VIV fatigue analysis procedure for slender marine structures.

The Structural Behavior of Strong Axis Connections by Type of Weak Axis Connection - In Case of Loading Gravity Load - (약축 접합부 형식에 따른 강축 접합부의 구조적 거동 - 연직하중이 작용하는 경우 -)

  • Kim, Sang Seup;Lee, Do Hyung;Ham, Jeong Tae
    • Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction
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    • v.16 no.2 s.69
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    • pp.275-284
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    • 2004
  • The behavior of the connection for beam-to-column weak axis connection and its details should be identified. Thus, each element is considered a panel zone, and the horizontal stiffener's presence or absence and position in bracket-type welding connection are used as variables to compare the behavior of strong axis connection and weak axis connection. In this study, the strength of connection is calculated by substituting the simple beam-strengthened vertical stiffeners for connection in the presence of horizontal stiffeners. In the absence of horizontal stiffeners, the strength of connection can be calculated using local flange bending strength considering local web yielding strength, web crippling, and web buckling strength. The results of the theoretical analysis and experiments are compared.

Conservation Scheme and Deterioration States of the Wanggung-ri Five-storied Stone Pagoda in the Iksan, Korea (익산 왕궁리 5층 석탑의 훼손현황과 보존방안 연구)

  • Yang, Hee-Jae;Lee, Chan-Hee;Kim, Sa-Dug;Choi, Seok-Won
    • 보존과학연구
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    • s.25
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    • pp.171-195
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    • 2004
  • This research presents an evaluation of the weathering and deterioration state of the Wanggung-ri five-storied stone pagoda in the Iksan (National Treasure No. 289) and suggests conservational schemes. A deterioration map of the pagoda was drawn from the aspects of petrological, physical, chemical, biological, structural and artificial weathering.The rock properties consisting of the pagoda were medium-grained biotite granite that had leucocratic phenocryst developed in parts. The body of each story suffered severely from the secondary contamination that turned the colors into light grey, pitch dark, yellowish brown, and reddish brown as well as granular decomposition, exfoliation and peel-off. The roof stones were heavy exfoliated or peeled off in most of the cases. In addition to the fine cracks, there were layered cracks on the corners. The roof stones of the3rd and 4th story in the north and west side had some stones fall-off, while those of the 2ndstory in the north side had steel reinforcement filled for a fixing purpose. Those of the 5th story showed big gaps that must have originated from cracks and were easily subject to granular decomposition and rainfall. The inside clay filler was missing in the lower part of the roof stones of the 4th and 5th story and the supporting stones, which were thus covered by light grey or pitch dark sediments. The contact area of the materials was about 70 % in the parts where there was a space due to the filler missing and washigher than 90 % in the lower parts of the pagoda. About 90 % or more of the roof stones surface of each story were covered by aerial plants that formed a thick biological mat. Thus it seemed necessary to come up with the conservational measures to remove the plans living on the surface of the stone materials, with the plans to prevent rain from falling inside, and with the water repellent and hardening treatments to postpone the surface weathering of the rock properties. All those measures and plans must be based on the results of long-term monitoring and thorough detail investigations.

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Fatigue life prediction based on Bayesian approach to incorporate field data into probability model

  • An, Dawn;Choi, Joo-Ho;Kim, Nam H.;Pattabhiraman, Sriram
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.427-442
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    • 2011
  • In fatigue life design of mechanical components, uncertainties arising from materials and manufacturing processes should be taken into account for ensuring reliability. A common practice is to apply a safety factor in conjunction with a physics model for evaluating the lifecycle, which most likely relies on the designer's experience. Due to conservative design, predictions are often in disagreement with field observations, which makes it difficult to schedule maintenance. In this paper, the Bayesian technique, which incorporates the field failure data into prior knowledge, is used to obtain a more dependable prediction of fatigue life. The effects of prior knowledge, noise in data, and bias in measurements on the distribution of fatigue life are discussed in detail. By assuming a distribution type of fatigue life, its parameters are identified first, followed by estimating the distribution of fatigue life, which represents the degree of belief of the fatigue life conditional to the observed data. As more data are provided, the values will be updated to reduce the credible interval. The results can be used in various needs such as a risk analysis, reliability based design optimization, maintenance scheduling, or validation of reliability analysis codes. In order to obtain the posterior distribution, the Markov Chain Monte Carlo technique is employed, which is a modern statistical computational method which effectively draws the samples of the given distribution. Field data of turbine components are exploited to illustrate our approach, which counts as a regular inspection of the number of failed blades in a turbine disk.

A phase synthesis time reversal impact imaging method for on-line composite structure monitoring

  • Qiu, Lei;Yuan, Shenfang
    • Smart Structures and Systems
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.303-320
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    • 2011
  • Comparing to active damage monitoring, impact localization on composite by using time reversal focusing method has several difficulties. First, the transfer function of the actuator-sensor path is difficult to be obtained because of the limitation that no impact experiment is permitted to perform on the real structure and the difficulty to model it because the performance of real aircraft composite is much more complicated comparing to metal structure. Second, the position of impact is unknown and can not be controlled as the excitation signal used in the active monitoring. This makes it not applicable to compare the difference between the excitation and the focused signal. Another difficulty is that impact signal is frequency broadband, giving rise to the difficulty to process virtual synthesis because of the highly dispersion nature of frequency broadband Lamb wave in plate-like structure. Aiming at developing a practical method for on-line localization of impact on aircraft composite structure which can take advantage of time reversal focusing and does not rely on the transfer function, a PZT sensor array based phase synthesis time reversal impact imaging method is proposed. The complex Shannon wavelet transform is presented to extract the frequency narrow-band signals from the impact responded signals of PZT sensors. A phase synthesis process of the frequency narrow-band signals is implemented to search the time reversal focusing position on the structure which represents the impact position. Evaluation experiments on a carbon fiber composite structure show that the proposed method realizes the impact imaging and localization with an error less than 1.5 cm. Discussion of the influence of velocity errors and measurement noise is also given in detail.

A Study on The Structure and Contents of Streetscape Design Guideline as a Tool of Residents' Participation (주민참여 도구로써 가로경관 디자인 가이드라인 구성 연구)

  • Kang, Hye Yon;Lee, Yeun Sook
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.59-69
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    • 2012
  • In order to create humanitarian living environment with sustainable ecological environment, urban regeneration project has been implemented recently seeking diverse methods for residents'participation stressing the process of communication with the residents changing from the existing one way planning by limited number of experts. Particularly, it is essential to develop systematic tools to promote the voluntary and positive participation of the residents because residents have to perform as the master of urban streetscape design project that requires sophisticated knowledge and experience and also because the residents have to function as sustainable maintainers and managers of their streetscape. This study intends to identify the organizational structure and major contents of design guideline as a tool to support the voluntary and positive participation of the residents in streetscape maintenance. For this purpose based on the structural system and characteristics of Chicago streetscape design guideline that was developed as tool for residents' participation, efforts were made to set up framework of design guideline for sustainable streetscape project with the users' participation with their overall understanding and trust. In detail, the author studied the resident participatory process for sustainable maintenance and management in a long term landscape project and the principle and theories of design planning for streetscape that supports the utilizing behaviors of the users, and how this information should be linked and organized to form the structure and contents of design guideline. As a tool supporting residents' participation and helping the residents perform the responsible function as sustainable maintainers and managers of their streetscape through social maturity with ontological sense of masters of their local community as they experience the gradual processes of their streetscape maintenance project, streetscape design guideline has its meaning in the efforts that tried to achieve deep participation of the residents through researches converging the two academic sectors of urban architecture and social psychology.

A Schematic Estimation Model for Structure Costs of High-rise Buildings based on Vertical and Horizontal Elements (고층건물 수직·수평 요소기반 골조공사 개산견적 모델)

  • Nam, Dong-Hee;Park, Hyung-Jin;Koo, Kyo-Jin
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.3-10
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    • 2014
  • High-rise buildings need thorough cost management because of large size and high risk. Cost management makes a budget by establishing and analyzing detail element at planning phase, needs cost control as each design phase, then reflected to next design. This research develops a schematic estimation model based on vertical and horizontal elements at design phase for structure cost of high-rise buildings to reduce error range and use data as design management. Usability of the model is confirmed by case study. The estimation model is expected to contribute to making the cost model more effective and satisfactory to concerned in construction or budget department and manage keeping track of the cost.

Post-buckling finite strip analysis of thick functionally graded plates

  • Hajikazemi, M.;Ovesy, H.R.;Assaee, H.;Sadr, M.H.
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.49 no.5
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    • pp.569-595
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    • 2014
  • In this paper, a novel semi-energy finite strip method (FSM) is developed based on the concept of first order shear deformation theory (FSDT) in order to attempt the post-buckling solution for thin and relatively thick functionally graded (FG) plates under uniform end-shortening. In order to study the effects of through-the-thickness shear stresses on the post-buckling behavior of FG plates, two previously developed finite strip methods, i.e., semi-energy FSM based on the concept of classical laminated plate theory (CLPT) and a CLPT full-energy FSM, are also implemented. Moreover, the effects of aspect ratio on initial post-buckling stiffness of FG rectangular plates are studied. It has been shown that the variation of the ratio of initial post-buckling stiffness to pre-buckling stiffness ($S^*/S$) with respect to aspects ratios is quite independent of volume fractions of constituents in thin FG plates. It has also been seen that the universal curve representing the variation of ($S^*/S$) with aspect ratio of a FG plate demonstrate a saw shape curve. Moreover, it is revealed that for the thin FG plates in contrast to relatively thick plates, the variations of non-dimensional load versus end-shortening is independent of ceramic-metal volume fraction index. This means that the post-buckling behavior of thin FG plates and the thin pure isotropic plates is similar. The results are discussed in detail and compared with those obtained from finite element method (FEM) of analysis. The study of the results may have a great influence in design of FG plates encountering post-buckling behavior.