• 제목/요약/키워드: strong consonants

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일본어 모국어 화자의 한국어 경음 지각 (Investigation about Japanese perception of Korean Tense Consonants)

  • 권연주
    • 말소리와 음성과학
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    • 제7권2호
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    • pp.77-83
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    • 2015
  • The aim of this paper is to investigate Japanese speakers' perception of Korean tense consonants. In a range of perceptual experiments Japanese participants were directed to label Korean stimuli using Japanese katakana characters. The analysis of the results showed a strong influence of Japanese phonology in the responses. Japanese perception of sokuon was increased, (1) when the tense consonants were in word medial position, (2) when tense consonants were other than /s/, (3) when the tense consonant followed voiceless consonants, (4) when the consonants were part of a cluster sharing their point of articulation, (5) when preceding vowel were other than /u/, (6) when following vowel were /u/. This result, showing preference for phonology, is in harmony with previous research on the Japanese sokuon perception using Japanese (Takeyasu 2009, Matsui 2011), and Italian (Tanaka & Kubozono 2008) stimuli.

서반아어 자음에 대한 음성학적 연구 -한국인의 서반아어 자음습득 과정을 중심으로- (A Phonetic Study of Spanish Consonants - On the Process of Koreans' Spanish Consonants Acquisition-)

  • 박지영
    • 대한음성학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한음성학회 1996년도 10월 학술대회지
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    • pp.409-414
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    • 1996
  • The aim of this paper is to research on the actual condition of Koreans' Spanish consonants pronunciation with an emphasis on describing the phonetic different of Korean speakers and Spanish speakers. 40 Spanish words were chosen for the speech sampling, and 10 Spanish majoring Korean students from Seoul or Kyunggi Province and 3 Spanish speakers form Castile, Spain participated in the interview. The most noticeable phonetic differences of Korean speakers' pronunciation comparing with Spanish speakers are abstracted as follows: 1) The voiced stops are pronounced voiceless or weak voiced. 2) The voiced stops are slightly aspirated. 3) The length of voiceless consonants is quite longer than the length of proceeding vowel. 4) Fricatives and affricates are somewhat fronter, and weaker in the degree of friction. 5) There is a strong tendency to geminate dental lateral /l/ such as 'pelo' and to vocalize palatal lateral /$\rightthreetimes$/ such as 'calle' 6) Unlike in Spanish speech flap $\mid$r$\mid$ and trill [r] are pronounced similarly in Korean speech.

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한국 EFL 학습자들의 영어 순자음의 인지 (Identification of English labial consonants by Korean EFL learners)

  • 초미희
    • 한국콘텐츠학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국콘텐츠학회 2006년도 추계 종합학술대회 논문집
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    • pp.788-791
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    • 2006
  • 기존의 유표성 이론에 따르면, 마찰음이 파열음보다 유표적이므로 발음하기 어렵다는 것은 잘 알려진 사실이다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 한국 EFL 학습자들이 발음하기 어려운 마찰음 [f, v]를 어떻게 인지하는지 살펴보기 위해서 영어 순자음 [p, b, f, v]를 판별하는 실험을 기획하였다. 40명의 한국 학생들이 영어 순자음이 들어간 임시어를 인지하는 테스트를 실행한 결과, 순자음의 운율적 위치가 인지 정확도를 결정짓는데 영향을 미침을 발견하였고 특히 유표성 이론의 예상과 달리 무성 마찰음[f]의 정확도가 비강세 모음사이의 위치를 제외한 모든 위치에서 높게 나왔다. 영어 순자음의 평균인지 정확도는 강세 모음사이와 어두 초성에서 높은 반면에 어말 종성과 비강세 모음사이에서는 낮았다.

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Vowel length difference before voiced/voiceless consonants in English and Korean

  • Moon, Seung-Jae
    • 말소리와 음성과학
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    • 제9권4호
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    • pp.35-41
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    • 2017
  • The existence and the extent of vowel length difference before voiced/voiceless consonants in English and Korean are examined in three groups: (1) Korean-speaking Americans (group A), (2) immigrants who moved to the U.S. in their early teens (group I), and (3) Koreans who have been in the U.S. for less than 3 years (group K). 14 subjects were recorded reading 10 English and 10 Korean sentences. The results show that the three groups exhibit different patterns of the vowel length difference: Group A shows a very strong tendency of vowel lengthening before voiced consonants in both English and Korean, while Group I shows less degree of vowel lengthening, and Group K shows almost no tendency of vowel length difference in both languages. This strongly suggests that, (1) unlike English, Korean does not have the vowel length difference depending on the following consonants, and (2) the vowel lengthening effect observed in Korean (L2) speech in group A may be the result of transfer of the phonetic trait acquired in English (L1). It also implies that, in teaching pronunciation, some facts such as the vowel length difference cannot be expected to be acquired automatically for the learners of English, but have to be taught explicitly.

폴란드인이 한국어 학습에 나타난 발음상의 음성학적 문제 (Basic Phonetic Problems Encountered by Poles Studying Korean.)

  • 안나 빠라돕스카
    • 대한음성학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한음성학회 1996년도 10월 학술대회지
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    • pp.247-251
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    • 1996
  • This paper is intended as a preliminary study on phonetic and phonological differences between Polish and Korean languages. In this paper an attempt is made to examine the most conspicious difficulties encountered by Polish learners who begin to speak Korean (and in doing so, 1 would hope that it might be of help to future learners of both languages). Since the phoneme inventory and general phonetic rules for both languages are very different, teaching and learning accurate pronunciation is extremely difficult for both the Poles and Koreans without any previous phonetic training. In the case of Polish and Korean we can see how strong and persistent the influences of the mother-tongue are on the target language. As an example I would like to discuss the basic differences between Polish and Korean consonants. The most important consonantal opposition in Polish is voice-/voicelessness (f. ex.; 〔b〕 / 〔p〕, 〔g〕 / 〔k〕) while in Korean, opposition such as voice-/voicelessness is of secondary importance. Therefore Korean speakers do not perceive the difference between Polish voiced and voiceless consonants. On the other hand, Polish speakers can not distinguish Korean lenis / fortis / aspirated consonants (f. ex.; ㅂ 〔b〕 / ㅃ 〔p〕 / ㅍ〔ph〕, ㄱ 〔g〕 / ㄲ 〔k〕 / ㅋ 〔kh〕)) opposition. The other very important factor is palatalization which is of vital importance in Polish and, because of this, Polish speakers are extremely sensitive to it. In Korean palatalization is not important phonetically and Korean speakers do not distinguish between palatalized and non-palatalized consonants. The transcription used here is based on ' The principles of the International Phonetic Association and the Korean Phonetic Alphabet ' (1981) by Hyun Bok Lee.

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Phonological processes of consonants from orthographic to pronounced words in the Buckeye Corpus

  • Yang, Byunggon
    • 말소리와 음성과학
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    • 제11권4호
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    • pp.55-62
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    • 2019
  • This paper investigates the phonological processes of consonants in pronounced words in the Buckeye Corpus and compares the frequency distribution of these processes to provide a clearer understanding of conversational English for linguists and teachers. Both orthographic and pronounced words were extracted from the transcribed label scripts of the Buckeye Corpus. Next, the phonological processes of consonants in the orthographic and pronounced labels were tabulated separately by onsets and codas, and a frequency distribution by consonant process types was examined. The results showed that the majority of the onset clusters were pronounced as the same sounds in the Buckeye Corpus. The participants in the corpus were presumed to speak semiformally. In addition, the onsets have fewer deletions than the codas, which might be related to the information weight of the syllable components. Moreover, there is a significant association and strong positive correlation between the phonological processes of the onsets and codas in men and women. This paper concludes that an analysis of phonological processes in spontaneous speech corpora can contribute to a practical understanding of spoken English. Further studies comparing the current phonological process data with those of other languages would be desirable to establish universal patterns in phonological processes.

한국 학습자들의 영어 순자음 혼동 (Confusion in the Perception of English Labial Consonants by Korean Learners)

  • 초미희
    • 한국콘텐츠학회논문지
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    • 제9권1호
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    • pp.455-464
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    • 2009
  • 영어 마찰음을 발음하기 어려운 점은 잘 알려졌는데, 한국 대학생들이 마찰음을 포함하는 영어 순자음을 인지하는데도 마찬가지로 어려움을 느끼는지 알아보기 위하여 40명의 한국 대학생들을 대상으로 영어 순자음이 들어간 임시어를 4가지 다른 운율적 위치(초성, 종성, 강세 앞 모음사이, 강세 뒤 모음사이)에서 인지하는 테스트를 실행하였다. 실험 참가자들은 초성이나 강세 앞 모음사이처럼 강한 위치의 자음을 종성이나 강세 뒤 모음사이의 약한 위치보다 더 정확하게 판별하는 인지패턴을 보여주었다. 한국 학생들의 인지의 어려움은 모든 운율 위치에서 영어 목표자음의 조음방법 혼동 때문에 대부분 발생하였다. 그밖에, 조음장소와 유무성의 혼동도 일어났는데, 조음장소의 혼동은 모든 운율 위치에서 주로 [f]의 음향적 속성 때문에 일어났으며 유무성의 혼동은 운율 위치의 영향 때문에 발생하였다. 이러한 조음방법, 조음장소, 유무성의 혼동은 목표자음의 음성적 속성 그리고/또는 피실험자의 모국어 속성으로 설명되었다.

영국영어에서 치경공명자음 뒤의 /ju/ 분포 (Distribution of /ju/ After Coronal Sonorant Consonants in British English)

  • 황보영식
    • 영어영문학
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    • 제56권5호
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    • pp.851-870
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this paper is to investigate the distribution of /ju/ in British English, especially after the coronal sonorants /n, l, /r/. The sequence /ju/ is related with vowels such as /u/, /ʊ/, and /ʊ/, and has occasioned a variety of conflicting analyses or suggestions. One of those is in which context /j/ is deleted if we suppose that the underlying form is /ju/. The context differs according to the dialect we deal with. In British English, it is known that /j/ is deleted always after /r/, and usually after /l/ when it occurs in an unstressed word-medial syllable. To check this well-known fact I searched OED Online (the 2nd Edition, 1989) for those words which contain /n, l, r/ + /ju, jʊ, u, ʊ, (j)u, (j)ʊ/ in their pronunciations, using the search engine provided by OED Online. After removing some unnecessary words, I classified the collected words into several groups according to the preceding sonorant consonants, the positions, and the presence (or absence) of the stress, of the syllable where /ju/ occurs. The results are as follows: 1) the deletion of /j/ depends on the sonorant consonant which /ju/ follows, the position where it occurs, and the presence of the stress which /ju/ bears; 2) though the influence of the sonorant consonants is strong, the position and stress also have non-trivial effect on the deletion of /j/, that is, the word-initial syllable and the stressed syllable prefer the deletion of /j/, and word-medial and unstressed syllable usually retain /j/; 3) the stress and position factors play their own roles even in the context where the effect of /n, l, r/ is dominant.

Shapes of Vowel F0 Contours Influenced by Preceding Obstruents of Different Types - Automatic Analyses Using Tilt Parameters-

  • Jang, Tae-Yeoub
    • 음성과학
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    • 제11권1호
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    • pp.105-116
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    • 2004
  • The fundamental frequency of a vowel is known to be affected by the identity of the preceding consonant. The general agreement is that strong consonants trigger higher F0 than weak consonants. However, there has been a disagreement on the shape of this segmentally affected F0 contours. Some studies report that shapes of contours are differentiated based on the consonant type, but others regard this observation as misleading. This research attempts to resolve this controversy by investigating shapes and slopes of F0 contours of Korean word level speech data produced by four male speakers. Instead of entirely relying on traditional human intuition and judgment, I employed an automatic F0 contour analysis technique known as tilt parameterisation (Taylor 2000). After necessary manipulation of an F0 contour of each data token, various parameters are collapsed into a single tilt value which directly indicates the shape of the contour. The result, in terms of statistical inference, shows that it is not viable to conclude that the type of consonant is significantly related to the shape of F0 contour. A supplementary measurement is also made to see if the slope of each contour bears meaningful information. Unlike shapes themselves, slopes are suspected to be practically more practical for consonantal differentiation, although confirmation is required through further refined experiments.

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Voicing and Tone Correlation in L2 English

  • Kim, Mi-Ryoung
    • 음성과학
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    • 제12권4호
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    • pp.113-128
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    • 2005
  • The underlying premise of this study was that L1 production is easily transferred into L2 production. In neutral intonation, there is a consonant-tone correlation in Korean: High tone patterns are correlated with voiceless aspirated and tense consonants and Low-High tone patterns are correlated with lax or other voiced consonants. The purpose of this study was to see whether the correlation in Korean (L1) is transferred into English (L2) production and whether the degree of transfer differs depending on the degree of proficiency. Eight Korean speakers and two American speakers participated in the experiment. F0 contours of words and sentences were collected and analyzed. The results of the present study showed that there is a strong correlation between voicing and tone in L2 utterances. When utterance-initial consonant types were voiceless, the word or the sentence began with the H pattern; otherwise it had the LH pattern. The degree of interference differed depending on the degree of proficiency: less proficient speakers showed a stronger correlation in terms of the magnitude (Hz) and size (ms) of the effects on F0. The results indicate that the consonant-tone correlation in L1 is strongly transferred into L2 production and the correlation transfer can be one of the actual aspects that cause L2 speakers to produce deviant L2 accents and intonation.

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