• Title/Summary/Keyword: strong acid

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Production of Biodiesel from Waste Frying Oil by Transesterification on Zeolite Catalysts with Different Acidity (산성도가 다른 제올라이트 촉매에서 전이에스터화 반응에 의한 폐식용유로부터 바이오디젤 제조)

  • Koh, Tae-Suck;Chung, Kyong-Hwan
    • Applied Chemistry for Engineering
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.214-221
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    • 2008
  • The production of biodiesel by transesterification of waste frying oil was conducted on various zeolite catalysts with different acidity and pore structure. $H^+$ ion exchanged MOR, MFI, FAU, and BEA zeolites were employed in the reaction with silicalite which has no strong acid sites. $H^+$ ion exchanged MOR(10) zeolite, which has more acid sites and stronger acid strength than other zeolites, exhibited the highest methyl esters yield as 95%. Dealumination to the HMOR zeolite induced decreasing of acid amount and acid strength. It brought about the decrease of fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) yield. The yield increased linearly with enhancing of acid strength and increasing of amount of strong acid sites. The yields were independent on pore structure of the zeolites.

Inhibitory Effect of Doenjang(fermented Korean soy paste) Extracts and Linoleic Acid on the Growth of Human Cancer Cell Lines

  • Park, Kun-Young;Lee, Jeong-Min;Moon, Suk-Hee;Jung, Keun-Ok
    • Preventive Nutrition and Food Science
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.114-118
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    • 2000
  • The inhibitory effects of doenjang extracts and linoleic acid(LA) which was identified as one of the active compounds in doenjang on the growth of human cancer cells were studied, comparing to the actions on normal cells. Methanol extract and hexane fraction from doenjang exhibited the strong growth inhibitory effect on HT-29 human colon carcinoma cells. Inhibitory effects of chloroform, ethyl acetate, butanol and aqueous fractions on the cancer cells were observed, moderately or weakly. When cell counts of SNU-C$_1$human colon carcinoma cells were determined daily for 6 days, the inhibitory effect of hexane fraction on this cell line was higher than that of the methanol extract from doenjang. LA completely suppressed the growth of SNU-C$_1$cells after 4 days, while conjugated linoleic acid(CLA) resulted in 98% inhibition after 6 days. With the addition of LA and other free fatty acids such as stearic acid, oleic acid, linolenic acid and ${\gamma}$-linolenic acid (${\gamma}$-LnA) to the culture system, the growth of HT-29 cells and SNU-C$_1$cells was greatly suppressed after 6 days. Inhibitory effects of LA ${\gamma}$-LnA on the growth of these cells were stronger than other fatty acids. On the growth of AZ-521 human gastric carcinoma cells, LA and CLA completely cuppressed the growth of the cells after 4 days and 3 days, respectively. At the level of 0.001%~0.01% of LA, there was no cytotoxic effect on normal rat kidney cells and normal intestine human cells. These results showed that LA, a major active compound of doenjang, had strong inhibitory effects on the growth of human cancer cells without damaging normal cells.

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Alterations in Protein and Amino acid Contents During Growth on Culture Cells of Wild Viola (Viola patrinii DC.) (야생 흰 제비꽃(Viola patrinii DC.) 배양세포의 생성과정 중 단백질 및 아미노산의 함량변화)

  • 정용모;임현희;조영수;정정한;이재헌;서정해;권오창
    • Korean Journal of Plant Tissue Culture
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.181-184
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    • 2000
  • Proteins in friable and compact calli of Viola patrinii DC. were analysed. The protein contents in friable calli were lower than those in compact calli. In suspension culture, it increased to the maximum after 3 weeks culture from inoculation and decreased after 4 weeks culture. Several strong lavel signals were detected with the SDS-PAGE analysis. The polypeptides of 28, 31 and 35 KD were observed from the friable cell culture, from the compact cell culture strong band of 30 KD was determined, indicating that these polypeptides may be the major protein occurring during their cultures. Changes in amino acid contents during culture of the viola suspension cells were investigated the amino acid contents were greatest between two and three weeks culture of the viola suspension cells.

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Enzyme-Htstochemical Studie5 of Esterase and Phosphatase on Developing Spirometra erinacei (Spirometra ernacei의 발육에 따른 Esterase와 Phosphatase의 조직 화학적 연구)

  • 곽기훈;김창환
    • The Korean Journal of Zoology
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.225-235
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    • 1988
  • This study was carried out to compare distribution and isozyme pattern of nonspecific esterase, acid phosphatase and alkaline phosphatase on developing sparganum and adult of Spinometra erinacei by using enzyme-histochemical method and electrophoresis The sparganum and adult were recovered from rats and cat that were infected by sparganum. The results obtained were as follows: Nonspecific esterase had a strong activity in the parenchymal musculature of sparganum and adult, but no detectable level in ihe tegument. A total of 7 and 8 nonspecific esterase bands were detectable in sparganum and adult, respectively. Of these bands, band 3 and 4 were major bands in sparganum and adult. Acid phosphatase had a strong activity in the tegument and the epidermal musculature of sparganum, but no detectable level in the parenchymal musculature. A total of 3 bands were detectable in sparganum and adult. Of these bands, band 3 was major band in sparganum and adult. Alkaline phosphatase had a strong activity in the tegument and the epidennal musculature of sparganum and of adult, but no detectable level in the parenchymal musculature. A total of 2 and 4 bands were detectable in sparganum and adult. Of these bands, band 2 was major band in sparganum and adult. Based on the present results isozyme band patterns showed qualitative and quantitative changes in each tissues of sparganum and of adult during the development.

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Localization and isozyme patterns of phosphatase in Fibricola seoulensis (Fibricola seoulensis에서 phosphatase의 분포와 동위효소유형)

  • 김홍자;김창환
    • Parasites, Hosts and Diseases
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.353-362
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    • 1993
  • The present study was carried out to investigate the localization and isozyme patterns of acid phosphatase and alkaline phosphatase in metacercariae and in adults of F. seoulensis by enzyme-histochemistry method and electrophoresis. Acidphosphatase showed a strong activity at pH 5 in the intestinal caecum of adults, but showed no reactions in the nonsubstrate control and in the inhibitor-treated control. Alkaline phosphatase showed a strong activity at pH 8 in the intestinal caecum and the tribocytic organ of adults, and in the intestinal caecum and in the genital anlagen of metacercariae. In non-denature PAGE, ten bands of protein fraction from the extracts of metacercariae and twenty-two bands from adults were detected. In denature PAGE, two protein bands having molecular weights of 192 kDa and 123 kDa were detected in the metacercariae, but absent from adult stage. In adults, protein fractions of 27.5 kDa, 24.5 kDa, 21.4 kDa, 18 kDa, 16 kDa and 15 kDa were detected. In non-denature PAGE, isozymes of acid phosphatase showed the most strong activity at pH 5, whereas no activity was shown at pH 2 and pH 7. One isozyme 85 kDa, 73 kDa and 62 kDa) in adults.

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Preparation and Characterization of Acid Amplifiers containing electron withdrawing group (전자끄는기를 갖는 산 증식제의 합성 및 특성 연구)

  • Lee, Eun-Ju;Jeong, Yeon-Tae
    • Journal of the Korean Graphic Arts Communication Society
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.21-34
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    • 2003
  • Acid amplifiers derived from a certain class of sulfonates suffer from autocatalytic decomposition in the presence of a strong acid to give corresponding sulfonic acid, which catalyze the composition of the parent sulfonates, leading to the liberation of more of the same sulfonic acids in an exponential manner. In this research we synthesized and evaluated 4-hydroxy-4'-(2-trifluoromethyl)benzenesulfonyloxy isopropylidene dicyclohexane (1), 4,4'-di-(2-trifluoromethyl)benzenesulfonyloxy isopropylidene dicyclohexane (2), 4-hydroxy-4'-(3-trifluoromethyl)benzenesulfonyloxy isopropylidene dicyclohexane (3) and 4,4-di-(3-trifluoromethyl)benzenesulfonyloxy isopropylidene dicyclohexane (4) as novel acid amplifiers with electron withdrawing group. These acid amplifiers (1-4) showed reasonable thermal stability for resist processing temeprature and exhibited higher photosensitivity compared to poly(tert-butyl methacrylate) film without acid amplifiers. Application of acid amplifiers to photofunctional materials, including photoresists, are described as a consequence of the combination of the acid amplifiers with photoacid generator.

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김치에서 분리한 유산균의 생육에 미치는 오미자 (Schizandra chinensis) 추출물의 영향

  • 이신호;임용숙
    • Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.224-228
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    • 1997
  • This studies were carried out to investgate the effects of omija (Schizandra chinensis) extracts(OE) on the growth of lactic acid bacteria (LAB, HYO-1 and HYO-2) isolated from home-made kimchi. The growth of isolated LAB was inhibited apparently in modified MRS broth containing 1% or 2% of OE. The growth of isolated LAB was inhibited by pH control with HCI to 4.3 or 3.7, the same pH of modified MRS broth containing 1% or 2% of OE. The strong growth inhibitory properties against isolated LAB were shown by fumaric and itaconic acid among various organic acids of Schizandra chinensis, such as citric acid, malic acid, lactic acid, fumaric acid, itaconic acid and acetic acid. The isolated LAB were indentified as Lactobacillus plantarum.

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A Study on Curing Rate of Non-Yellowing Type Acrylic Urethane Resins (무황변 Acrylic Urethane수지의 경화속도에 대한 연구)

  • Suh, C.S.;Park, T.W.
    • Applied Chemistry for Engineering
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    • v.5 no.4
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    • pp.743-747
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    • 1994
  • The catalytic effects of carboxylic acid and dibutyltin dilaurate(DBTL) on the curing rate of acrylic polyol with isocyanate prepolymer were investigated. In this work reaction of a biuret type aliphatic isocyanate with acrylic polyol follows the second order reaction in the thin film state. Carboxylic acid of acrylic polyol has a strong catalytic effect on the isocyanate groups and influences greatly on curing rate, also DBTL is more effective catalysis on acrylic polyol without carboxylic acid than with carboxylic acid.

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Syntheses and Central Nervous Depressant Activities of Piperine Derivatives (V) (피페린 유도체의 합성 및 중추 억제작용에 관한 연구(V) -Methylenedioxyphenylalkenoic Acid Amide 유도체-)

  • 도경삼;임중기;우경식;이은방
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.163-168
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    • 1986
  • Thirteen compounds were synthesized by condensing the N-heterocyclic amines (piperidine, pyrrolidine, morpholine) and secondary aliphatic amines (dimethylamine, diethylamine) with 3,4-methylenedioxyphenylalkenoic acid chlorides for developing CNS depressants. Among them, N, N-diethyl-3,4-methylenedioxycinnamamide (IX) and N, N-dimethyl-5-(3,4-methylenedioxyphenyl)-2, 4-pentadienoic acid amicle (XII) exhibited strong activity in antagonism against pentylenetetrazole-induced convulsion, strychnine-induced convulsion and maximal electroshock seizure. N, N-Dimethyl-3, 4-methylenedioxycinnamide (VIII) showed more potent activity in antagonism against strychnine-induced convulsion and maximal electroshock seizure and in the prolongation of hexobarbital sleeping time.

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Isolation of a new sapogenin from alibizzia julibrissin

  • You, Yong-Hyo;Woo, Won-Sick;Park, Jae-Sue;Kang, Sam-Sik
    • Archives of Pharmacal Research
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.33-38
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    • 1982
  • From the hydrosate of the strong uterotonic active saponin of Albizzia julibrissin a new sapogenin, mechaerinic acid mmethylester together with acacic acid lactone was isolated and characterized.

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