• 제목/요약/키워드: stressed/unstressed English vowels

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한국인 상급 학습자의 영어 비강세 모음의 특징 -영어단어와 한국어에 외래어로 유입된 영어단어의 비교연구- (The phonetic realization of English unstressed vowels produced by Korean advanced learners : A comparative study of English words and English loanwords)

  • 강선미;강지은;김기호
    • 말소리와 음성과학
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    • 제4권1호
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    • pp.3-11
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    • 2012
  • The aim of this paper is to examine the phonetic realizations of English unstressed vowels produced by advanced Korean learners (KLs) of English compared with English native speakers (NSs) focusing on the comparative study of English words and English loanwords. The result shows that KLs are usually not native-like in producing the English unstressed vowel /ə/ and loanword orthography affects the way the KLs produce /?/. The vowel quality of the unstressed vowels produced by the KLs is different from that of the NSs. In duration and pitch, KLs show significantly less difference between the stressed and unstressed vowels than do the NSs. The KLs usually have a high pitch in the stressed and the last syllable while the NSs usually produce peak F0 in the stressed syllable. When the KLs have a similar vowel quality with that of the NSs, they produce a shorter duration of the unstressed vowels. However, there is no correlation between the realization of the pitch and the vowel quality in KLs speech.

영어의 비강세 약모음 schwa /e/의 음성실현 (Phonetic Realization of the Unstressed Weak Vowel 'Schwa' in English)

  • 김수정
    • 음성과학
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    • 제12권4호
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    • pp.167-180
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    • 2005
  • The present study examines the phonetic realizations of the unstressed weak vowel /e/ in English words produced by native and Korean ESL speakers. Traditionally, the stressed elements in utterance are considered to be prominent. In this sense, the unstressed weak vowel /e/ is predicted to be shorter in length, lower in pitch and intensity than the stressed vowels. The experiment shows that native English speakers correlate the unstressed weak vowel /e/ with both shorter duration and lower pitch; Korean ESL speakers correlate it with lower pitch only. We cannot find any significant statistical difference in intensity between /e/ and the stressed vowels in both cases. This study suggests it is important to acquire and produce the correct prosodic correlates of the unstressed weak vowel /e/ for Korean ESL speakers to command more natural English intonation, since /e/ is the most common vowel in English speech and consists of the English foot rhythm along with stressed vowels.

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강세에 따른 영어 모음의 포먼트 변이와 모음 발음 교육에의 응용 (The Formant Frequency Differences of English Vowels as a Function of Stress and its Applications on Vowel Pronunciation Training)

  • 김지은;윤규철
    • 말소리와 음성과학
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    • 제5권2호
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    • pp.53-58
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study is to compare the first two vowel formants of the stressed and unstressed English vowels produced by ten young males (in their twenties and thirties) and ten old males (in their forties or fifties) from the Buckeye Corpus of Conversational Speech. The results indicate that the stressed and unstressed vowels, /i/ and $/{\ae}/$ in particular, from the two groups are different in their formant frequencies. In addition, the vowel space of the unstressed vowels is somewhat smaller than that of the stressed vowels. Specifically, the range of the second formant of the unstressed vowels and that of the first formant of the unstressed front vowels were compressed. The findings from this study can be applied to the pronunciation training for the Korean learners of English vowels. We propose that teachers of English pay attention to the stress patterns of English vowels as well as their formant frequencies.

한국인 학습자의 영어 강세 실현과 모음 포먼트에 관한 연구 (A Study on Realizations of English Stress and Vowel Formant Frequency by Korean Learners)

  • 김지은
    • 말소리와 음성과학
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    • 제6권1호
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    • pp.39-45
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    • 2014
  • This study investigates twenty four Korean females' production of English front vowels focusing on the distinction in /i/ vs /ɪ/ and /ɛ/ vs /${\ae}$/ and formant values of stressed and unstressed vowels compared with those of native English speakers. The Korean learners were asked to read a textbook passage which includes ten sentences including target vowels. The major results indicate that: (1) Korean learners have trouble producing a distinct version (tense and lax) of front vowels in the paragraph reading; (2) The vowel space of the stressed vowels in a paragraph is smaller than that of embedded sentences; and (3) The vowel quality of the unstressed vowels produced by the Korean learners is similar to that of the native English speakers. The findings from this study can be applied to the pronunciation teaching for the Korean learners of English vowels and realization of English stress.

Acoustic analysis of English lexical stress produced by Korean, Japanese and Taiwanese-Chinese speakers

  • Jung, Ye-Jee;Rhee, Seok-Chae
    • 말소리와 음성과학
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    • 제10권1호
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    • pp.15-22
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    • 2018
  • Stressed vowels in English are usually produced using longer duration, higher pitch, and greater intensity than unstressed vowels. However, many English as a foreign language (EFL) learners have difficulty producing English lexical stress because their mother tongues do not have such features. In order to investigate if certain non-native English speakers (Korean, Japanese, and Taiwanese-Chinese native speakers) are able to produce English lexical stress in a native-like manner, speech samples were extracted from the L2 learners' corpus known as AESOP (the Asian English Speech cOrpus Project). Sixteen disyllabic words were analyzed in terms of the ratio of duration, pitch, and intensity. The results demonstrate that non-native English speakers are able to produce English stress in a similar way to native English speakers, and all speakers (both native and non-native) show a tendency to use duration as the strongest cue in producing stress. The results also show that the duration ratio of native English speakers was significantly higher than that of non-native speakers, indicating that native speakers produce a bigger difference in duration between stressed and unstressed vowels.

한국인 화자의 영어 발화 속도와 피치, 강세 간의 관계 연구 (A Study on the Relation among English Speech Rate, Pitch and Stress by Korean Speakers)

  • 김지은
    • 말소리와 음성과학
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    • 제6권3호
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    • pp.101-108
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    • 2014
  • This study investigates the relation among pitch range differences, speech rate and realization of stress. To identify the realization of the stress, vowel formants and durational differences of stressed and unstressed vowels are measured. The Korean learners were asked to read a textbook passage which includes nine sentences. The major results indicate that: (1) Korean speakers' pitch range is less than 50% of the native speakers; (2) There is a significantly negative relation between high-low pitch range and speech rate; (3) The vowel qualities and durations of the stressed and unstressed vowels are related to the speech rate. But these are not related to the high-low pitch range.

발음 숙련도 상위 성인 학습자들의 영어 발음에 대한 분석 (An analysis of English pronunciation for high-level proficiency adult learners)

  • 김지은
    • 말소리와 음성과학
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    • 제10권2호
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    • pp.39-44
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the English pronunciation for high-leveled adult Korean speakers based on pronunciation proficiency test. For this purpose, one native English speaker and eight Korean speakers' suprasegmental features such as sentence F0, standard deviation of vowels and stressed / unstressed vowels' F0, duration and intensity were measured and analyzed. The major results show that (1) high-leveled adult Korean speakers' sentence F0 was similar to that of native English speaker, (2) vowel durations, were less diverse than those of native English speakers, and (3) high-leveled adult Korean speakers utilize vowel duration more actively than F0 to indicate the stress assignment of vowels.

영국영어에서 치경공명자음 뒤의 /ju/ 분포 (Distribution of /ju/ After Coronal Sonorant Consonants in British English)

  • 황보영식
    • 영어영문학
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    • 제56권5호
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    • pp.851-870
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this paper is to investigate the distribution of /ju/ in British English, especially after the coronal sonorants /n, l, /r/. The sequence /ju/ is related with vowels such as /u/, /ʊ/, and /ʊ/, and has occasioned a variety of conflicting analyses or suggestions. One of those is in which context /j/ is deleted if we suppose that the underlying form is /ju/. The context differs according to the dialect we deal with. In British English, it is known that /j/ is deleted always after /r/, and usually after /l/ when it occurs in an unstressed word-medial syllable. To check this well-known fact I searched OED Online (the 2nd Edition, 1989) for those words which contain /n, l, r/ + /ju, jʊ, u, ʊ, (j)u, (j)ʊ/ in their pronunciations, using the search engine provided by OED Online. After removing some unnecessary words, I classified the collected words into several groups according to the preceding sonorant consonants, the positions, and the presence (or absence) of the stress, of the syllable where /ju/ occurs. The results are as follows: 1) the deletion of /j/ depends on the sonorant consonant which /ju/ follows, the position where it occurs, and the presence of the stress which /ju/ bears; 2) though the influence of the sonorant consonants is strong, the position and stress also have non-trivial effect on the deletion of /j/, that is, the word-initial syllable and the stressed syllable prefer the deletion of /j/, and word-medial and unstressed syllable usually retain /j/; 3) the stress and position factors play their own roles even in the context where the effect of /n, l, r/ is dominant.

한국인 영어학습자의 명사구 발화에서 영어 능숙도에 따른 관사와 단음절 명사 모음 길이 비교 (Comparison of vowel lengths of articles and monosyllabic nouns in Korean EFL learners' noun phrase production in relation to their English proficiency)

  • 박우지;모란;이석재
    • 말소리와 음성과학
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    • 제12권3호
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    • pp.33-40
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    • 2020
  • 본 연구는 기능어인 관사 및 1음절 내용어 명사로 구성된 명사구 내 두 단어의 모음 길이 비율과 영어 능숙도 사이의 상관관계를 밝히는 데 목적이 있다. 영어와 한국어 발음에 있어서 대표적 차이 중 하나는 발음상의 리듬이라는 특정적인 요소가 규칙적으로 나타나는지 여부이다. 특히 영어 발화시 내용어는 기능어 대비 상대적으로 더 두드러진(prominent) 소리를 가지게 되는데 이는 영어에서 내용어의 경우 강세를 갖게 되나 기능어의 경우 그 강세가 미비하거나 강세를 갖지 않기 때문이다. 따라서 영어의 내용어 단어 내 모음은 기능어 단어의 모음보다 길게 발음되며, 더 큰 소리로 발화되며, 더 높은 소리를 가지고 리듬을 만들어 내게 된다. 이를 근거로 본 연구에서는 내용어 내 강세를 갖는 모음과 기능어 내 강세를 갖지 않는 모음의 길이 차이에 초점을 두고 유창성이 평가된 L2 영어 음성 코퍼스(Rated K-SEC) 중 한국인 초등학생이 발화한 879(원어민 발화 20개 포함)개의 문장 내 명사구 음성 파일을 연구자료로 사용하였다. 이 879개의 문장은 영어 유창성 평가에 따라 4개의 등급으로 각각 재분류되었으며 이들 문장안에 들어 있는 명사구 내의 관사의 모음 길이와 명사의 모음 길이를 확인하고 그 비율을 측정하였다. 분석 결과 관사 모음 대비 명사 모음 길이 비율은 영어 능숙도와 양의 상관관계를 갖는 것을 확인하였다[Advanced(2.453)>Intermediate High(1.26)>Intermediate Low(1.034)>Novice(0.857)]. 또한 각 능숙도 그룹 간 내용어-기능어 간 모음 길이의 차이 및 그 비율의 차이가 통계적으로 유의미한 것으로 나타났다(p< .001). 이는 한국인 화자의 경우 영어 유창성이 높아질수록 영어 단어 발화 시 명사구 내의 기능어인 관사 모음보다 내용어인 명사 모음을 통계적으로 유의하게 더 길게 발화한다는 것을 의미한다.