• Title/Summary/Keyword: stream water treatment

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A Study on the Quality Improvement of Secondary Treatment Effluent Utilize the Natural Purification Method (자연정화공법을 이용한 2차 하수처리수의 수질 개선에 관한 연구)

  • Ahn, Tae Woong;Choi, I Song;Oh, Jong Min
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.79-87
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    • 2009
  • This study was performed for the application of porous concrete blocks and aquatic plants for the water purification in small urban stream. This study investigated the ability of water purification according to various environments, algae and aquatic plants. When the porous concrete was used as contact media, the average removal efficiencies of SS, BOD and COD were 85~95%, 50~60% and 65~75%, respectively. Also, when the porous concrete and aquatic plants was used the average removal efficiency of SS, BOD and COD were 90~95%, 60~70% and 70~80%, respectively. As the results, average removal efficiency of total nitrogen, at the condition of the porous concrete and aquatic plants, was about 40-50%, then, that of total phosphorus was about 60-70%.

Algal Bioassay for the Treated and Raw Wastewater in the Kyongan Stream (경안천에서 하수처리수와 생하수에 대한 algal bioassay)

  • Lee, Ok-Hee;Hwang, Soon-Jin;Cho, Kyung-Je;Shin, Jae-Ki
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.34 no.3 s.95
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    • pp.192-198
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    • 2001
  • The Kyongan Stream and the inlet part of Paltang Reservoir are under significant influence of the effluent of sewage wastewater treatment plant (SWTP) and untreated domestic wastewater (DOW). The fertility of wastewater was evaluated through bioassay using natural phytoplankton population diluted in five levels. The concentrations of $NH_4$, SRP and SRSi were positively correlated with the biomass of phytoplankton. P concentration showed stronger correlation (r = 0.959, p<0.001)than other nutrients. Compared with the initial concentrations, $NH_4$ concentrations in samples from SWTP and DOW decreased 96% and 7%, respectively during the cultivation, and those of SRSi decreased 97% and 60%. However, $NO_3$ concentrations in samples neither showed any particular change nor any increase. Chl-a concentration ranged between $20\;{\mu}g/l$ and $125\;{\mu}g/l$, which maximum value increased up to 83 times. Estimated from the relationship between chl-a and SRP, the P concentration that can maintain the biomass of algae under mesotrophic state (<25\;{mu}g$\;chl-a/l$) was $83\;{mu}g\; P/l$. The volume of flow to maintain this level solely by natural dilution was about $16{\sim}25$ times of in flowing volume in the stream. However, it is not feasible to tap water of such quantity. Therefore, it is imperative to build an advanced sewage wastewater treatment facility that can reduce $NH_4$ and SRP concentrations that promote the growth of phytoplankton in discharged water.

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Ecological Health Assessments and Water Quality Patterns in Youdeung Stream (유등천에서의 생태학적 건강도 평가 및 수질양상)

  • Lee, Jae-Yon;Jang, Ha-Na;An, Kwang-Guk
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.38 no.3 s.113
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    • pp.341-351
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    • 2005
  • Ecological stream health, based on the index of biological integrity (IBI) , was evaluated at five sampling locations of Youdeung Stream during August-October 2004. For the study, we also analyzed spatial and temporal patterns of conventional water quality over tine period of 1995 ${\sim}$ 2004, using the water chemistry dataset, obtained from the Ministry of Environment, Korea. The water quality parameters used here were conductivity, total suspended solids (TSS), biochemical oxygen demand $(BOD_5)$, chemical oxygen demand $(COD_{mn})$, total nitrogen (TN), and total phosphorus (TP). The multi-metric model values averaged 27.8 in the stream and ranged 24 ${\sim}$ 32. The health condition was judged as 'Fair' to 'Poor' conditions, according to the stream health criteria of US EPA (1993). Longitudinal variation occurred from the upstream to downstream reach; largest differences in all water quality variables occurred between Site 5 and the other sites. This was mainly attributed to the impacts of wastewater treatment plants near the locations. Also, relative proportions of tolerance and omnivore species increased in downstream reaches. The model values, however, did not match the values, based on water quality parameters. We assume that this may be associated with primarily reduced water volumn during dry season in the stream along with modified physical habitat conditions.

Flood Characteristics at Nakdong Estuary with 1 Dimensional Unsteady Model (1차원 부정류 모형을 활용한 낙동강 하류의 홍수 특성)

  • Lee, Sang-jin;Shin, Hyun-Ho;Kim, Joo-Cheol;Hwang, Man-Ha
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.149-155
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    • 2010
  • Rainfalls would increase the discharges or stages of tributary channels in natural watersheds, which in turn augment the magnitude of main stream stages. Rising of water surface elevation in main streams can affect and damage the human activities because of the possibilities of the breakdown or overflow of the embankment. Therefore it is necessary to establish the structural or non-structural alternatives for the sake of prevention or treatment of those disasters. Many mathematical models to analyze the flood flows in natural watercourses have been proposed as the non-structural alternatives so far. In this study one of the such models, FLDWAV developed by NWS(National weather Service), is applied to the downstream reach of Nakdong river. Model calibration is performed on various Manning's roughness coefficients at the gauging stations. The simulation results are compared well with hydrological estimations of flood discharges considering the effects of multipurpose dams upstream of control points.

Total Phosphorus Removal Rate of a Subsurface-Flow Wetland System Constructed on Floodplain During Its Initial Operation Stage (고수부지에 조성한 수질정화 여과습지의 초기운영단계 총인 제거)

  • Yang, Hongmo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.6 no.6
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    • pp.49-55
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    • 2003
  • Total phosphorous removal rate was examined of a subsurface-flow treatment wetland system which was constructed on floodplain in the down reach of the Kwangju Stream in Korea from May to June 2001. Its dimensions were 29 meter in length, 9 meter in width and 0.65 meter in depth. A bottom layer of 45 cm in depth was filled with crushed granite with about 15~30 mm in diameter and a middle layer of 10 cm in depth had pea pebbles with about 10 mm in diameter. An upper layer of 5 cm in depth contained course sand. Reeds(Phragmites australis) were transplanted on the surface of the system. They were dug out of natural wetlands and stems were cut at about 40 cm height from their bottom ends. Water of the Kwangju Stream flowed from a submerged dam into it via a pipe by gravity flow and treated effluent was funneled back into the Stream. The number of reed stems increased from 80 stems/$m^2$ in July 2001 to 136 stems/$m^2$ in September 2001. The hight of stems was 44.2 cm in July 2001 and 75.3 cm in September 2001. The establishment of reeds at early operating stage of the system was good. Volume and water quality of inflow and outflow were investigated from July 2001 through December 2001. The average inflow was 40 $m^3$/day and hydraulic detention time was about 1.5 days. The concentration of total phosphorous n influent and effluent was 0.83 and 0.33 mg/L, respectively. The removal rate of total phosphorous averaged about 60%. The removal efficiency was slightly higher, compared with that of subsurface-flow wetlands operating in North America, whose retention rate of total phosphorous was reported to be about 56%. The good abatement rate could be attributed to sedimentation of particle phosphorous in pores of the media and adsorption of phosphorous to the biofilm developed on the surface of them. Increase of standing density of reeds within a few years will develop root zones which may lead to increment in the phosphorous retention rate.

광양광산 갱내수에 의한 하천 생태계 영향 평가 및 갱내수의 처리

  • Lee Geun-Yeong;Kim Ju-Yong;Lee Byeong-Tae;Kim Gyeong-Ung;An Gwang-Guk;Gwon Yeong-Ho;Kim Jeong-Yeon;Park Yeong-Seok
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Soil and Groundwater Environment Conference
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    • 2005.04a
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    • pp.397-401
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    • 2005
  • Acid mine drainage and waste of abandoned mine area have caused serious water pollution and destruction of an ecosystem because of exposing to environment without an appropriate treatment. Gwang-yang mine area also has a serious problem in the nearby residential area and waterway ecosystems. The objectives of this research are to develop the most suitable remediation system for acid mine drainage by using waste materials, and to diagnose stream environments impacted by acid mine drainage through the new ecological health assessment methodology, and thus ultimately providing a restoring methodology to mining regions. In the water system health assessment, the result of ESHI model, RBP and Karr suggested by US EPA is revised by ecological features of our country, come to ESHI score 13; 'Very poor' at some points. Together with pH value and heavy metal concentration, it's the aggravation of ecological health index caused by chemical disturbances. In the acid mine drainage treatment, we apply marine shells and slags to this system. Slags had the best removal ability for heavy metals, but pH value was more than 10 exceeding the standard for drain water. In case of marine shells, pH of treated water maintained 7 to 8, and concentrations of Fe and Zn decreased significantly after treatment.

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Impact of urbanization on Nwaorie and Otamiri Rivers in Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria

  • Ogbomida, Emmanuel T.;Emeribe, Chukwudi N.
    • Advances in environmental research
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.119-129
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    • 2013
  • The study examined the effect of urbanization on the water quality of Nwaorie and Otamiri Rivers in Owerri metropolis, Imo State, South-East Nigeria. Water samples were collected from Nwaorie and Otamiri Rivers from four sampling stations up and down stream. Water parameters analyzed using standard procedures were: color, turbidity, temperature, pH, total hardness, total solids, metals (Iron and magnesium), anions (nitrate and ammonia) and Fecal coliform. Results showed increased levels of coloration, iron, ammonia, turbidity and fecal coliform which exceeded the World Health Organization (WHO) permissible limits for drinking water. Increase in these parameters indicated influx of industrial effluent from the nearby industries and indiscriminate disposal of wastes at the bank of the rivers. Application of ANOVA showed various degree of variation in pollutants levels between the two rivers and at different sampling points. River Nwaorie was observed to be more impacted than River Otamiri. High values of iron observed from the study could be deleterious to human health if the river water is consumed without treatment. The study, therefore, recommended proper waste management and disposal as well as effluent treatments in Owerri municipal against pollution of surface water.

Site Evaluation of Automated Monitoring Networks in Han River (한강수계 수질오염 자동측정망의 합리적인 측정지점 선정에 관한 조사연구)

  • Cho, Yong-Mo;Oh, Jung-Woo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Water and Wastewater
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.91-98
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    • 1997
  • At present, automated monitoring of water quality in Han river has been operated at each water treatment plant. But the automated measurement sites must be choosen newly because water source in Seoul move to the upper stream of Chamshil weir. In this study, automated monitoring sites in Han river were reviewed, and the proper sites for automated monitoring of water quality have been selected by Qual2E model, RMA model, water sampling guidline, Sanders' method and topograpical characteristics of Han river in order to resonable operate. 8 sites have been selected as follows: (1) the site of immediately after Paldang drainage (2) the left site and a right site of $Gu{\check{u}}i$ water intake (3) the left site and a right site at Noryangjin(Han river bridge) (4) the site between Shingok weir and Anyangchun confluence point(Hangju bridge) (5) the site of Chungryangchun downstream(existence) (6) the site of Tanchun downstream(existence) (7) the site of Anyangchun downstream(existence) (8) the site of Wangsukchun downstream. The results proposed resonable operating management of network and economical system built up.

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Phosphorous Removal Rate of a Surface-Flow Treatment Wetland System Constructed on Floodplain During Its Initial Operating Stage (하천고수부지 수질정화 자유수면인공습지의 초기운영단계 인제거)

  • Yang, Hong-Mo
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.251-254
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    • 2003
  • Phosphorous removal rate and emergent plant growth were examined of a surface-flow constructed treatment wetland system, whose dimensions were 31 meter in length and 12 meter in width. The system was established on floodplain in the down reach of the Kwangju Stream in Korea in one and half months from May to June 2001. Cattails(Typha angustiflora) were transplanted in the system. They were dug out of natural wetlands and stems were cut at about 40 cm height from their bottom ends. Water of the Kwangju Stream were funneled into it via a pipe by gravity flow and its effluent were discharged back into it. The stems of cattails grew from 45.2 cm in July 2001 up to 186 cm in September 2001 and the number of cattail stems per square meter increased from 22 in July 2001 to 53 in September 2001. The early establishment of cattails was good. Volume and water quality of inflow and outflow were analyzed from July 2001 through December 2001. Inflow averaged $40\;m^3/day$ and hydraulic retention time was about 1.5 days. The concentration of total phosphorous in influent and effluent was 0.85 mg/L, 0.41 mg/L, respectively. The average removal rate of total phosphorous in the system was about 52%. The retention efficiency was slightly lower, compared with that in surface-flow wetlands operating in North America, whose retention efficiency was reported to be about 57%. The lower abatement rate could result from the initial stage of the system and inclusion of two cold months into the six-month monitoring period. Root rhizosphere in wetland soils and litter-soil layers on bottoms were not properly developed. Increase of standing density of cattails within a few years will establish both root zones and substrates beneficial to the removal of phosphorous, which may lead to increase of the phosphorous retention rate. The system was submerged one time by heavy storm during the monitoring period. The inundation, however, scarcely disturb its environment.

Removal Efficiency of Water Contents using Inertial Impaction Separator with Change in Relative Humidity (입구 습도 변화에 따른 관성 충돌 방식의 액적 분리장치의 수분제거효율 변화)

  • Song, Dong Keun;Lee, Sin Young;Hong, Won Seok;Shin, Wanho;Kim, Gyujin;Kim, Hanseok
    • Particle and aerosol research
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.247-252
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    • 2013
  • Removal of water contents in a gas is needed in industrial field of gas processing related on energy production/conversion, and environmental treatment. Inertial separators are economic devices for separating droplets from the gas stream. For design and incorporation of inertial pre-treatment separator, characteristics of removal of water contents with various operation conditions are needed. In this study, removal efficiency of water droplets at various flowrates (5-14 SCMM) and relative humidity (R.H.) conditions (40%, and 90%) has been investigated. At low R.H. condition, the removal characteristic is similar to the removal of solid particles. But, droplet growth resulting from the condensation of water vapor at high R.H. condition, is significant and it made increase in removal efficiency of droplet phase of water contents. For rapid removal of water contents, an effective method to enhancing condensation growth of water droplets is highly needed.