• Title/Summary/Keyword: stream service

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OneNet Cloud Computing Based Real-time Home Security System (OneNet 클라우드 컴퓨팅 기반 실시간 홈 보안 시스템)

  • Kim, Kang-Chul;Zhao, Yongjiang
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.101-108
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    • 2021
  • This paper builds a real-time home security system based on the OneNet cloud platform to control the status of the house through a smartphone. The system consists of a local part and a cloud part. The local part has I/O devices, router and Raspberry Pi (RPi) that collects and monitors sensor data and sends the data to the cloud, and the Flask web server is implemented on a Rasberry Pi. When a user is at home, the user can access the Flask web server to obtain the data directly. The cloud part is OneNet in China Mobile, which provides remote access service. The hybrid App is designed to provide the interaction between users and the home security system in the smartphone, and the EDP and RTSP protocol is implemented to transmit data and video stream. Experimental results show that users can receive sensor data and warning text message through the smartphone and monitor, and control home status through OneNet cloud.

Analysis of Characteristics in the Land Cover Types of Inland Wetlands Using the National Wetland DB at South Korea (국가습지 DB를 활용한 남한 내륙습지의 토지피복 유형 특성 분석)

  • Lee, Ye-Seul;Yoon, Hye-Yeon;Lee, Seong-Ho;JANG, Dong-Ho;Yun, Kwang-Sung;Lee, Chang-Su
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.71-88
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    • 2020
  • This study modified the properties and boundaries of the inland wetland types through the structural edit of the National Wetland DB, and analyzed the characteristics of the different land cover by area and the entire inland wetlands of South Korea. The inland wetlands of the Gangwon Basin had a small area of waters. In addition, the ratio of natural barren was high, reflecting the characteristics of the upper reaches of the large river in the east and west part of Gangwon Province. The Geum River Basin had a high percentage of aggregate land due to the development of large alluvial land, and the ratio of artistic barren was low, so various ecosystem service of wetland elements were distributed evenly. The Nakdong River Basin had a high proportion of waters as water level in the channel rose due to the installation of 4 Major Rivers Beam, and the ratio of Natural barren was low. Moreover, the water level of the main attributes flowing into the Nakdong River drainage system was not high, so the ratio of vegetation concentration was high. The Yeongsan River Basin showed that Waters had the high proportion. And the distribution of Natural barrens represented differently according to the Yeongsan River Basin and the Seomjin River Basin. Finally, Sand and Gravels supplied to rivers during precipitation were deposited in the main stream of the Han River Basin, and the differences between the side and high side was large in the area, reflecting the characteristics of the mouth of a river, so the Natural barren of Clay was distributed.

The Method for Real-time Complex Event Detection of Unstructured Big data (비정형 빅데이터의 실시간 복합 이벤트 탐지를 위한 기법)

  • Lee, Jun Heui;Baek, Sung Ha;Lee, Soon Jo;Bae, Hae Young
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.99-109
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    • 2012
  • Recently, due to the growth of social media and spread of smart-phone, the amount of data has considerably increased by full use of SNS (Social Network Service). According to it, the Big Data concept is come up and many researchers are seeking solutions to make the best use of big data. To maximize the creative value of the big data held by many companies, it is required to combine them with existing data. The physical and theoretical storage structures of data sources are so different that a system which can integrate and manage them is needed. In order to process big data, MapReduce is developed as a system which has advantages over processing data fast by distributed processing. However, it is difficult to construct and store a system for all key words. Due to the process of storage and search, it is to some extent difficult to do real-time processing. And it makes extra expenses to process complex event without structure of processing different data. In order to solve this problem, the existing Complex Event Processing System is supposed to be used. When it comes to complex event processing system, it gets data from different sources and combines them with each other to make it possible to do complex event processing that is useful for real-time processing specially in stream data. Nevertheless, unstructured data based on text of SNS and internet articles is managed as text type and there is a need to compare strings every time the query processing should be done. And it results in poor performance. Therefore, we try to make it possible to manage unstructured data and do query process fast in complex event processing system. And we extend the data complex function for giving theoretical schema of string. It is completed by changing the string key word into integer type with filtering which uses keyword set. In addition, by using the Complex Event Processing System and processing stream data at real-time of in-memory, we try to reduce the time of reading the query processing after it is stored in the disk.

Design and Implementation of a Transparent Security Infrastructure using Filter and Transformer (필터와 트랜스포머를 이용한 투명한 보안기반의 설계 및 구현)

  • Kim, Yong-Min;Lee, Do-Heon;Noh, Bong-Nam;Choi, Rak-Man;Ine, So-Ran
    • The Transactions of the Korea Information Processing Society
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    • v.5 no.4
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    • pp.975-983
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    • 1998
  • In these days, information communication systems are based on both open distributed computing technologies and object-oriented techniques like inheritance, encapsulation and object reuse to support various system configuration and application. As information systems are interconnected through unsecure networks, the need for the secure information exchange is more critical than before. In this paper, we have designed and implemented a transparent CORBA-basce Security infrastructure with authentication, security context association, access control and security information management to support a secure applications in distributed object environment. SESAME Ver. 4 was adopted as an external security service to manage user privilege attributes and to distribute keys for data encryption, decryption and integrity. Using filter and transformer with an interface to Object Request Broker, it provides a transparent security service to applications. The filter objects are special classes that allow additional parameters to be inserted into messages before they are sent and removed just after they are received. The transformer objects are special classes that allow direct access to the byte stream of every messages for encryption and decryption before it is sent and just after it is received. This study is to implement the access control interceptor(ACI) and the secure invocation interceptor(SII) of secure ORB defined in CORBA using filter and transformer.

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Analysis of Water Infrastructure Sustainability Index: Using Weighting and Cluster Analysis (물 인프라 지속가능성 지수 분석: 가중치 분석과 군집분석을 활용하여)

  • Ryu, Jaena;Kang, Daewoon
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.38 no.3
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    • pp.417-428
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to raise the necessity of ensuring sustainability of water infrastructures in economic, social and environmental sectors by using index that evaluates the sustainability centering on water supply and wastewater utilities. This study identified sub-indexes that should be stressed among different indexes in economic, social and environmental aspects and those indexes were compared by each clusters of cities. The principal component analysis was used to calculate the weights of the sub-indexes, and the k-mean cluster analysis was conducted to classify the clusters. As a result of the weighting analysis, financial independence, service revenue ratio, subsidy ratio, population coverage ratio, deterioration, stream/river ecosystem health and river water quality were found to be the major variables in assessing sustainability. Cities were then classified into two groups using the k-mean cluster analysis. The overall sustainability scored high in the economic sector was relatively satisfactory, but it was necessary to improve the environmental sustainability. The group with relatively good environmental sustainability showed low score in the overall sustainability and required improvements in the economic sector.

S-XML Transformation Method for Efficient Distribution of Spatial Information on u-GIS Environment (u-GIS 환경에서 효율적인 공간 정보 유통을 위한 S-XML 변환 기법)

  • Lee, Dong-Wook;Baek, Sung-Ha;Kim, Gyoung-Bae;Bae, Hae-Young
    • Journal of Korea Spatial Information System Society
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.55-62
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    • 2009
  • In u-GIS environment, we collect spatial data needed through sensor network and provide them with information real-time processed or stored. When information through Internet is requested on Web based applications, it is transmitted in XML. Especially, when requested information includes spatial data, GML, S-XML, and other document that can process spatial data are used. In this processing, real-time stream data processed in DSMS is transformed to S-XML document type and spatial information service based on web receive S-XML document through Internet. Because most of spatial application service use existing spatial DBMS as a storage system, The data used in S-XML and SDBMS needs transformation between themselves. In this paper, we propose S-XML a transformation method using caching of spatial data. The proposed method caches the spatial data part of S-XML to transform S-XML and relational spatial database for providing spatial data efficiently and it transforms cached data without additional transformation cost when a transformation between data in the same region is required. Through proposed method, we show that it reduced the cost of transformation between S-XML documents and spatial information services based on web to provide spatial information in u-GIS environment and increased the performance of query processing through performance evaluation.

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Evaluating of Risk Order for Urban Road by User Cost Analysis (사용자비용분석을 통한 간선도로 위험순위 산정에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Jung-Ha;Park, Tae-Hoon;Im, Jong-Moon;Park, Je-Jin;Yoon, Pan;Ha, Tae-Jun
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.23 no.7 s.85
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    • pp.77-86
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    • 2005
  • Level of service(LOS) is a quantify measure describing operational conditions within a traffic stream, generally, in terms of such service measures as speed, travel time, freedom to measures, traffic interruptions, comfort and convenience. The LOS is leveled by highway facilities according to measure of effectiveness(MOE) and then used to evaluate performance capacity. The current evaluation of a urban road is performed by only a aspect of traffic operation without any concepts of safety. Therefore, this paper presents a method for evaluation of risk order for urban road with new MOE, user cost analysis, considering both smooth traffic operation(congestion) and traffic safety(accident). The user coat is included traffic accident cast by traffic safety and traffic congestion cost by traffic operation. First of all, a number of traffic accident and accident rate by highway geometric is inferred from urban road traffic accident prediction model (Poul Greibe(2001)) Secondly, a user cost is inferred as traffic accident cast and traffic congestion cost is putting together. Thirdly, a method for evaluation of a urban road is inferred by user cost analysis. Fourthly a accident rate by segment predict with traffic accidents and data related to the accidents in $1996{\sim}1998$ on 11 urban road segments, Gwang-Ju, predicted accident rate. Traffic accident cost predict using predicted accident rate, and, traffic congestion cost predict using predicted average traffic speed(KHCM). Fifthly, a risk order are presented by predicted user cost at each segment in urban roads. Finally, it si compared and evaluated that LOS of 11 urban road segments, Gwang-Ju, by only a aspect of traffic operation without any concepts of safety and risk order by a method for evaluation of urban road in this paper.

Health Status and Health Care Utilization in a Rural Area, Nepal (네팔 도서지역 주민들의 상병상태 및 의료이용양상)

  • Lee, Myung-Ken;Kim, Myung-Ho;Lee, Myung-Sun;Park, Kyoung-Ok
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.231-241
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    • 1996
  • The estimation of medical care status and the planning of health service program should be done according to each community resident's socio-medical background and public health service. In this point, it is most necessary to be set the exact and new socio-economic statistics data in Nepal, one of the worst countries in national health status. We surveyed 668 house, 3,425 residents in Dolka area, Nepal from January 25th to February 1st, 1995. 1. In personal characteristics, the ratio of men and women was similar, the person who were below 19 years old were 28.1% and the single were 52.4%. The illeterate person were 50.3% and the lower group in economic status which had been estimated by interviewers were 46.9%. 2. In sanitational characteristics, the person who used stream water or rainwater to drink were 42.2% and the person who always boiled water to drink were only 8.3%. The person who had not toilet in their house were 67.3% and the lower group in sanitational status which had been estimated by interviewers were 61.8%. 3. The prevalence rate of illness during the last one month were 8.6% and the chronic were 26.1% and the acute were 72.5%. The distribution of sickness symptom were headache, fever and joint pain in order and the person who took no medical treatment among the sick were 37.0%. The patterns of medical utilization were public health center, hospital and pharmacy in order. 4. Illness prevalence was significantly related to sex, age, merital status and educational experience. The residents who were women, 40 years old or more, married and had not educational experience were apt to take illness. 5. Medical utilization was significantly related to educational experience, job, distance from home to medical facilities and economic status. The person who had educational experience, were officer workers or merchants, lived near by medical facilities and had higher economic status took medical treatment very well.

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An Application-Independent Multimedia Adaptation Framework Using Only Minimum Unit Transcoder Set (최소 단위 트랜스코더 집합만을 이용한 응용 독립적 멀티미디어 적응 프레임워크)

  • Chon, Sung-Mi;Ryu, Dong-Yeop;Lim, Young-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.11 no.6 s.44
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    • pp.227-235
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    • 2006
  • MPEG-21's digital item adaptation technology becomes a new way for universal multimedia access. It needs transcoder to change media resource's format and so on according to delivery context Then, the use of heavy transcoder with various transcoding functions integrated into one altogether is so complicated and difficult in supporting universal multimedia access. Unit transcoder Is useful is to resolve this question, in which a transcoder has only one transcoding function. This requires considering how to compose a set of unit transcoders. Thus, given a set for end-to-end different service quality pairs according to the character of application as defined by user, this study suggests how to compose complete unit transcoders that can always create one and more transcoding path(s) for each pair in the set. This method has a question of creating too many transcoding paths for each pair or end-to-end different service quality. Thus, this study also suggests the algorithm that generates minimum unit transcoder sets to support multimedia adaptation with minimum unit transcoder. The algorithm suggested was implemented into multimedia stream engine, and this paper describes the results of experiment for this algorithm.

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A Study on Methodology of U-City Promotion(Top-Down vs Bottom-Up Approach Model) (U-City 추진방법론에 대한 고찰(Top Down vs Bottom Up 모델))

  • Lee, Sang-Hun;Kim, Hyong-Bok
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.131-144
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    • 2009
  • Recently, a lot of local autonomous entities are promoting Ubiquitous City(U-City) Construction by integrating Information Communication Technology(ICT) with city development, and also internationally, a lot of cities are making efforts to develop U-City to intensify a city's competitive strength and improve life quality of city dwellers. In keeping with such a stream of the times, each local autonomous entity and project developer are developing a lot of methodologies to establish optimal U-City in corresponding cities and also inquiring into a variety of development procedures, such as connecting existing urban development methods with information establishment methods. The method used usually is to establish Information strategy Plan(ISP) for a city which will be developed through consulting in the stage of city development planning. ISP is to establish vision & strategy for building the ubiquitous city and is a methodology including city vision, strategy, goal, and implementation method, etc. However, due to a lot of variables, such as a variety of city environment, establishment period, budget, information technology, and etc., it is difficult to contain establishment plans for every occasion in a similar method, in reality. Therefore, it is naturally necessary to suggest plans for city vision & strategy, and selection of element technology/service. Thus, this paper suggests models for vision & strategy establishment of U-City and suggests Top-Down Approach and Bottom-Up Approach method as a plan for U-City establishment. In addition, this paper analyzes general promotion methodologies for constructing U-City and analyzes how these two strategic methods [Top-Down Approach and Bottom-Up Approach] for city vision establishment are composed in such a methodology, to define and analyze its constituent plan.

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