• Title/Summary/Keyword: strategies for success

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A Comparative Study on the Self-help Approach in Rural Development between Vietnam's New Rural Development and Korea's Saemaul Undong

  • Do, Trang Thu;Nguyen, Hanh Thi My;Vu, Trang Thu
    • East Asian Economic Review
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.91-125
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    • 2016
  • Vietnam's "Doi Moi", initiated in 1986, translated to high economic growth and rapid urbanization for the country, but also widened the gap between rural and urban areas. Vietnam's National Target Program on New Rural Development for 2010-2020 was aimed at developing the rural economy and improving the living standards of rural people, but after five years the urban-rural gap remains substantial. Two of the main reasons are the lack of investment capital and lack of effective ways to mobilize community involvement. In contrast, during the 1970s, rural areas in Korea experienced huge improvements under the "Saemaul Undong" movement. The program's success at promoting sustainable development in Korea's rural areas has inspired rural programs in other developing countries. In this paper, we compare and contrast the two movements to provide explanations for the different results between the two countries. Based on this analysis, and policy implications stemming from it, we recommend resource mobilization strategies to change villagers' attitude and increase their involvement in Vietnam's rural development movement, aligning with the inclusivity principle "people know, people discuss, people do and people check".

An Empirical Study on Critical Success Factors of ERP System according to BPR implementation timing (BPR 실시시점에 따른 ERP시스템의 주요성공요인에 관한 실증적 연구)

  • Choi, Kwang-Don
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.10 no.4 s.36
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    • pp.315-336
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study is to derive critical success factors for ERP system implementation by integrating managerial, technical, human resource and organizational culture factors which have been proposed as influencing factors for the performance of ERP system implementation in previous studies. The main results of this study are as follows. First, it derives 33 success factors through comprehensive review of various factors which may affect ERP system implementation performance, and categorizes them into one of three stages : preparation stage, implement stage, and settle-down and stabilization stage. Second, this study tests whether there are different correlations or not between the success factors of each ERP system implementation stage and ERP system implementation performance depending upon the strategies of ERP system implementation. As a result, it is shown that some of success factors have significantly different correlations with performance variables in accordance with BPR implementation timing.

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A Study on Business Strategies and Success Factors of Social Network Service and Enterprises: Focusing on Representative SNS of Korea, China, and USA (소셜 네트워크 서비스 기업의 비즈니스 전략과 성공요인 분석에 관한 연구 : 한국, 중국, 미국의 대표적인 SNS을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Cheol-Min;Kim, Chang-Su;Park, Kyung-Won;Ahn, Hyun-Sook
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.12 no.7
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    • pp.177-187
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    • 2014
  • In this paper, representative social network services(SNS) of Korea, China, and America such as Cyworld, Renren and Facebook were analyzed in regards to their business strategies and successful factors. From the analysis results, it was found that their common business strategies are strengthening a sense of belonging by providing differentiated customer services and by increasing customer satisfaction and this kind of strategies were naturally connected to the corporate marketing. So, Maintaining their own differentiated services, SNS companies should make a constant efforts to meet customers' needs on the base of success factors. Companies which will carry out marketing with SNS should also improve their images through communication with customers, utilizing services provided by SNS companies which match well with companies using SNS as a means of marketing. As various extensive researches are being conducted on SNS which enabled online networking, such findings will be usefully referred for similar researches and will provide theoretical basis and practical guidelines for future researches.

Critical Success Factors for Implementing Software Test Automation (SW 테스트 자동화 구현을 위한 핵심성공요인에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Sungyong;Min, Daihwan;Rim, Seongtaek;Chai, Bong-soo
    • Journal of Information Technology Applications and Management
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    • v.27 no.6
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    • pp.101-116
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    • 2020
  • This study attempts to derive critical success factors and prioritize activities for implementing the automation of software test. Software testing proceeds in five steps of test plan, test case design, test scripting & test environment setup, test execution & evaluation, and test closure. From the literature, twenty influence factors in the five steps were identified. Focus Group Interviews with ten experts in software testing selected fourteen factors on the basis of importance and feasibility. Some factors were further divided to clarify their meanings and the number of influence factors finally became twenty one. A survey on the influence factors was conducted with 75 IT professionals. An importance-feasibility analysis was applied to the survey responses and classified the influence factors into four groups of essential factors, critical factors, low priority factors, and minimal factors. Essential factors include objectives for test automation, strategies for test automation, test automation training, test automation education, setting up test automation environment, setting up test environment, test automation tool selection. Critical factors include management's continued support, management's continued interest, role of automation engineers, and skills of automation engineers. This result suggests that a lot of efforts should be put into SW test plan for the successful SW test automation and SW automation should proceed in consideration with the priorities and resource consumption.

A Study on the Effective Implementation of ERP System for Information System upon University Administration

  • Kim, Yeong-Real;Park, Sang-Hwan
    • Proceedings of the Korea Society for Industrial Systems Conference
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    • 2007.02a
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    • pp.82-86
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    • 2007
  • This dissertation searched for a social function and role of university, and problems of information-oriented universities through the analysis of the present conditions of university ERP systems in Korea. The purpose of this study is to find main success factors by investigating case studies on university ERP systems (university own development systems, Korean ERP systems, foreign ERP systems, etc.) and by referring to documentary records on the existing research. Especially this study observed university management. from an innovative aspect by studying success factors for information-oriented university connecting general functions of universities like education, research, and administration service, etc. This study result will suggest outline effective and practical implementation strategies for university administration information systems.

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Glocalization of e-Services (글로벌 e-서비스 기업의 현지 생존화 전략)

  • Min, Jae-H.
    • Korean Management Science Review
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.125-141
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    • 2011
  • We have recently witnessed many of global companies did not successfully adapt themselves to local markets, and finally exited the markets experiencing failures. The purpose of this study is to suggest practical glocalization strategies for global e-service companies to run their respective businesses in local markets with success. Glocalization is a terminology blending globalization and localization, meaning that global companies adapt themselves to local cultures, environment, languages, laws and regulations so as to survive and prosper in those markets while maintaining high quality of standards and processes they originally have for global competitive edge. Examining success stories as well as failure ones of global e-service companies having entered Asian markets, we provide marketing mix strategy for successful glocalization, and suggest some guidelines for prospective e-service companies wishing to enter local markets with different cultures and languages to fit themselves to new environments.

A Study on Determine SLV(Supplier Lifetime Value) for Selecting Supplier (공급자 선정을 위한 SLV(Supplier Lifetime Value) 결정에 관한 연구)

  • 채영철;양광모;강경식
    • Proceedings of the Safety Management and Science Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.113-116
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    • 2003
  • In the recent environment of globalization where fierce competitions exist between manufacturers, SRM(Supplier Relationship Management) plays important role in the strategies of companies, and managements of companies try their best efforts in establishing the strategy to accomplish the innovative relationship between supply chain channels. The structure of the partnerships we develop with not only customers but also suppliers will in many cases determine the degree of success of the relationship. A successful partnership provides an opportunity for shared risk while maximizing the opportunity for mutual success whether it's with supplier. To follow this paper show how SLV(Supplier Lifetime Value) can be used to structure the supplier in automotive part manufacturer, This method of selection is described, and a detailed example of how SLY can be used and allocation of order quantity for the selected suppliers also are provided.

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Optimal endoscopic drainage strategy for unresectable malignant hilar biliary obstruction

  • Itaru Naitoh;Tadahisa Inoue
    • Clinical Endoscopy
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    • v.56 no.2
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    • pp.135-142
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    • 2023
  • Endoscopic biliary drainage strategies for managing unresectable malignant hilar biliary obstruction differ in terms of stent type, drainage area, and deployment method. However, the optimal endoscopic drainage strategy remains unclear. Uncovered self-expandable metal stents (SEMS) are the preferred type because of their higher functional success rate, longer time to recurrent biliary obstruction (RBO), and fewer cases of reintervention than plastic stents (PS). Other PS subtypes and covered SEMS, which feature a longer time to RBO than PS, can be removed during reintervention for RBO. Bilateral SEMS placement is associated with a longer time to RBO and a longer survival time than unilateral SEMS placement. Unilateral drainage is acceptable if a drainage volume of greater than 50% of the total liver volume can be achieved. In terms of deployment method, no differences were observed in clinical outcomes between side-by-side (SBS) and stent-in-stent deployment. Simultaneous SBS boasts a shorter procedure time and higher technical success rate than sequential SBS. This review of previous studies aimed to clarify the optimal endoscopic biliary drainage strategy for unresectable malignant hilar biliary obstruction.

Traditional approach with ceramic (임상가를 위한 특집 2 - 심미 수복 - 같은 결과, 다른 접근 세라믹을 이용한 전통적인 접근법)

  • Lee, Seung-Kyu
    • The Journal of the Korean dental association
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    • v.51 no.11
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    • pp.595-603
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    • 2013
  • The requirements for the successful treatment of all-ceramic restorations are not so different from the ones of conventional restorations. "The provisional restoration followed by an adequate tooth reduction and the accurately fitting prostheses with corresponding to final impression" can be the examples of them. Nevertheless, the one which all-ceramic restorations are distinguished from conventional restorations is the additional procedure of so called "bonding". In addition to the application of resin cement between "inner surface of restoration and outer surface of abutment", bonding technology can be also applied to the treatment process of "Post and Core" in particular if the abutments are non-vital teeth. Core build-up for all-ceramic crown is conducted with fiber post and tooth colored composite by considering the properties of the restorations transmitting light. We know well that a vital abutment is easier than a non-vital one to get the targeted goals for clinical success in connection with esthetics and structure. The creation of "Post and Core" with bonding technique is a decisive factor for a long-term success if the abutment is non-vital tooth with dentinal collapse. I would like to share my clinical experience about "post & core build-up and all-ceramic restoration bonding" out of several success strategies of all-ceramic crown with this presentation.

The Successful Factors of Rural Community Development Project -Focusing on the Implementation System of New Rural Vitalization Plus Project- (농촌 지역개발사업의 성공 요인 -농촌신활력플러스 사업 추진체계를 중심으로-)

  • Jang, Eunmie;Lee, Minsoo;Park, Duk-Byeong
    • Journal of Agricultural Extension & Community Development
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.137-151
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    • 2021
  • The study aims to explore the success factors focus on the system for implementing the New Rural Vitalization Plus Project (NRVPP). It offers recommendations to bring the success of the community development projects and support the strategies in political and practical. Conclusions and recommendations for improving the practice of implementation are based on the results of the in-depth interview with 9 developers and experts joining the NRVPP. Findings show that the promotion team as the NGO for the community development project used the collaboration and cooperation network to progress for the success of the project although they suffered the political, legal, and institutional problems hindering the normal function of each promotion entity in municipalities. The implications of the study were presented in the conclusion section.