• Title/Summary/Keyword: story addition

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Analysis of Stereo 3D Content Factors Causing Viewer's Discomfort (시청자의 불편감을 유발하는 스테레오 3D 영상 콘텐츠 요소 분석)

  • Kim, Woo-Youl;Seo, Young-Ho;Kim, Dong-Wook
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.37C no.10
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    • pp.870-887
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    • 2012
  • This paper qualitatively analyzes the stereo 3D content factors causing viewer's discomfort. For this, we perform a subjective test that each subject strokes a specific key whenever he or she feels discomfort during watching stereo 3D contents. Also we extract the quantitative values of the factors in the 3D contents to obtain the temporal changes of the factors. Those two sets of data are used to analyze the contents to find the content factors which cause viewer's discomfort. The factors to be considered are the amount and the frequency of the disparity change, story of the contents, situation or environments of a scene, movement and position of the image or camera, color and luminance information as well as disparities themselves. Most researches have dealt with each factor causing viewer's discomfort but this paper focuses on the composite factors rather than each of them. That is, this paper deals with the various strong and weak factors and their composites causing viewer's discomfort in addition to the big disparities which have been mostly so far.

A Study on a Rooftop Biotope Creation Technique Reflecting the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Concept - Focusing on the UNESCO Building Rooftop - (유네스코 생물권보전지역 개념을 도입한 옥상 생물서식공간 조성 기법에 관한 연구 -유네스코회관 옥상을 사례로-)

  • Kim, Kwi-Gon;Cho, Dong-Gil
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.32-43
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    • 2004
  • Targeting a rooftop biotope created in urban area, this study aims at verifying a creation technique reflecting an urban biosphere reserve concept as well as its function as the habitats of various wild animals. To this end, a set of processes of a biosphere reserve-based basic conception and master plan, sectoral plans, construction and monitoring were applied to the rooftop of 12-story UNESCO Building in Seoul. In particular, the rooftop habitats were divided into core area, buffer zone and transition area, and habitats and facilities suitable to the characteristics of each space were planned. By aligning a plantation planning map with environmental conditions such as topography and water, creation of diverse habitats was enabled. As a result, a set of various habitats including wetlands, wild grassland, shrubs, forest trees and vegetable fields was created at the site. Species living in these habitats included 148 plant species, 62 insect species, 2 amphibian species, 3 fishery species and 3 bird species. The rooftop eco-park of UNESCO Building, which was created one year ago, is assessed as an important space for conservation of biodiversity as well as a place where a biosphere reserve concept was well applied. Meanwhile, for this rooftop biotope to be a pioneer of urban biosphere reserve-based types, a number of principles & methodologies suggested in this study need to be applied, In a perspective of landscape ecology, maintenance efforts should be linked with green areas in neighboring areas, which are the sources of species, In addition, considering that the rooftop biotope is a restored ecosystem, theories and approaches from restoration ecology should be applied. On-going monitoring on environmental changes is also required as the site is located in the urban center, Ultimately, rooftop biotopes including the case study area should contribute in promoting the socio-economic, cultural, and spiritual sustainability as well as environmental sustainability of a city.

A Study on Earthquke Damage Estimation of Non Precede Designed Reinforced Concrete Apartment in Korea (국내 비내진 설계 철근콘크리트 아파트에 대한 지진피해 예측 연구)

  • Kwon, Ki-Hyuk;Ko, Yong-Bum
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation
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    • v.5 no.4 s.19
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    • pp.95-105
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    • 2005
  • Korea is located away from plate boundaries which are not safe from earthquakes. However, having witnessed the large-scale earthquake in the Tangshan region in 1976 deemed as a safe plate, it should not be assured that Korea is absolutely safe from earthquakes. In addition, many seismologists have claimed that there indeed is a high possibility of earthquakes above mid scale that would occur in Korea. Because it is impossible to prevent earthquake, studies on seismic design and earthquake disaster control system are widely being conducted. However, studies on early response to earthquakes or recovery process are still very limited, and only a few studies for establishing earthquake damage evaluation system are being conducted. Thus, this study aimed to present essential data for establishing earthquake damage evaluation system that takes into account the real situation of structures in Korea. In this study, a nonseimically reinforced concrete apartment structure in Gangnamgu was selected as an standard type of such structures and its earthquake damage was estimated. The result of damage evaluation based on the derivation of vulnerability function and realtive story displacement was compared to that abtained using HAZUS Program Vulnerability Function.

Salmonella Invasion Gene Regulation: A Story of Environmental Awareness

  • Jones Bradley D.
    • Journal of Microbiology
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    • v.43 no.spc1
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    • pp.110-117
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    • 2005
  • Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium causes human gastroenteritis and a systemic typhoid-like infection in mice. A critical virulence determinant of Salmonella is the ability to invade mammalian cells. The expression of genes required for invasion is tightly regulated by environmental conditions and a variety of regulatory genes. The hilA regulator encodes an OmpR/ToxR family transcriptional regulator that activates the expression of invasion genes in response to both environmental and genetic regulatory factors. Work from several laboratories has highlighted that regulation of hilA expression is a key point for controlling expression of the invasive phenotype. A number of positive regulators of hilA expression have been identified including csrAB, sirA/barA, pstS, hilC/sirC/sprA, fis, and hilD. HilD, an AraC/XylS type transcriptional regulator, is of particular importance as a mutation in hilD results in a 14-fold decrease in chromosomal hilA::Tn5lacZY-080 expression and a 53-fold decrease in invasion of HEp-2 cells. It is believed that HilD directly regulates hilA expression as it has been shown to bind to hilA promoter sequences. In addition, our research group, and others, have identified genes (hilE, hha, pag, and lon) that negatively affect hilA transcription. HilE appears to be an important Salmonella-specific regulator that plays a critical role in inactivating hilA expression. Recent work in our lab has been directed at understanding how environmental signals that affect hilA expression may be processed through a hilE pathway to modulate expression of hilA and the invasive phenotype. The current understanding of this complex regulatory system is reviewed.

Utilization Research of Cultural Heritage Resources (Sosuseowon & Buseoksa) and Primary Components Analysis for Development of Yeongju Local Food Content (영주향토음식 콘텐츠개발을 위한 주성분분석 및 문화유산 (소수서원, 부석사) 자원의 활용 연구)

  • Choi, Eun Young;An, Hui Jeong
    • The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition
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    • v.30 no.5
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    • pp.1068-1079
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    • 2017
  • This study was applied to the PCA (Primary Components Analysis) for the sixteen table setting at the 2017 Yeongju local food contest. In this contest, we have developed a seonbibansang and a temple one-dish meal. As a result of the correlation analysis, the applicability and composition were 0.7980, harmony and taste were 0.7747 and easiness and composition were 0.7435. In the Primary Component $Y_1$, all the variables $X_1{\cdots}X_{10}$ mean that the quality of the food had positive values greater than zero. The second Primary Component $Y_2$ has a large positive value while $X_4$, $X_5$, $X_6$, $X_7$, $X_9$ have negative values. $Y_2$ is a value representing the sanitation variable, and can be considered a traditional and characteristic table setting natural to the native food in Yeongju. In addition, we developed an-hyangbansang and seonmyoaecheong food content by applying PCA factors (the elements of harmony, ease and sanitation). Table setting of an-hyangbansang provided energy 61.5%, protein 20.0% and fat 18.5% and seonmyoaecheong provided energy 62.7%, protein 15.4% and fat 22.2%. This satisfied the necessary amount of caloric nutrient intake that could be provided in a meal. Especially through story-telling, a modern interpretation - or rebranding - of local and traditional foods could make these traditional food products familiar to consumers currently. The developed table setting is felt to be conductive to the possible commercialization and introduction of traditional food into the mainstream commercial food service industry.

A case study on the promotional animation of the mobile game 'Honour Of Kings' (모바일 게임 <왕자영요>의 홍보 애니메이션 사례연구)

  • JIANG, QIANQIAN;Chung, Jean-Hun
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.19 no.8
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    • pp.293-299
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    • 2021
  • With the development of OSMU mode in the game industry, the most popular 3D mobile game 'Honour Of Kings' in China, in addition to the entertainment effects of the game itself, has paid more attention to the production of promotional animation video contents in recent years. The huge animation market is generating abundant game revenue for 'Honour Of Kings'. This paper selected the most popular game promotional animations 'MU BIAO' and 'Bu Ye Chang'an' through a survey of 30 CG promotional animation in the official story station of 'Honour of Kings'. Important elements such as rich stories and the special effects of the gorgeous scenes, etc are summarized. Through the research of this paper, grasped the importance of promotional animation content in the game industry, and can expect the common growth of the game industry and the animation industry, which is one of the ways to create high profits in the game market.

Expanding character roles and replacing worldviews in character-centric storytelling

  • Seo, Hyun Kyung
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.26 no.11
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    • pp.67-74
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    • 2021
  • This paper intends to analyze the role expansion of characters, which was an important factor in setting the worldview in storytelling. With the development of media, the way of setting the worldview began to change. At the center of these changes are 'Transmedia' and 'Metaverse', which have recently been receiving attention. With the development of trans media, where the intersection and convergence of media is actively attempted, characters are breaking free from their innate limitations, crossing various media, and performing various activities in new stories. In addition, in the metaverse, an extended concept of the real world, avatars play a role in constructing and expanding the metaverse world as users and creators. By analyzing these changes, we would like to deal with the phenomenon in which character setting, which was used as an element in orthodox world view setting, replaces the world view.

The Meaning of Namgyeong on Shimchungga of Shin, Jae-hyo (신재효 판소리 사설 <심청가>에 구현된 남경의 중의적 의미)

  • Lee, Moon Sung
    • (The) Research of the performance art and culture
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    • no.36
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    • pp.169-184
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    • 2018
  • This paper reveals the double meaning of the temporal background and spatial background on Shimchungga. Its temporal background is the fictional and romantic time of the story, while the time of the weary lives of ordinary people is realistic and historical in the late Joseon Dynasty. The spatial background has a dual meaning that reminds us of the ancient capital of China and Seoul of the Joseon Dynasty. Namgyeong, a spatial background is fictional and romantic where the daughter of the public, Simcheong, becomes "The mother of all the people." In addition, Namgyeong reminds us of Seoul, the capital of Joseon Dynasty. Shimchungga is based on the customs and manners of the late Joseon Dynasty, and it is embodied by borrowing time and space from China. It is recalled Joseon's as backgrounds of China First of all, Namgyeong on Shimchungga is the ultimate attraction of the free imagination of the ordinary people as well as Shin, Jae-hyo in the late Joseon Dynasty.

A study on Kim Ji Heon's film scenarios (문화 환경과 드라마트루기의 적용 양상 연구 - 김지헌의 시나리오를 중심으로)

  • OH, Young Mi
    • Cross-Cultural Studies
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    • v.22
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    • pp.99-123
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    • 2011
  • This paper extracted formal characteristics appearing repetitively in Kim Ji Heon's scenario works making a study of them and examined them from the perspective of the aspects of the confrontation between the author' external environments and the world of his creation. This viewpoint comprehensively implies the two aspects of the acceptance of public needs and the creativity his scenarios have in universal characteristics of the film and scenario community where he made his debut as a scenario writer and played activities most actively. In addition, we investigated how literary features are expressed concretely in the world of his works who has been evaluated as a writer with excellent 'literary value.' His scenario world whose base is humanity and existential questions also performs a function as the reading scenario by realizing one literary perfection in itself and poetic description rather than referential function as a film script, which indicates the aspects of values his scenarios have in the existing creation practice focused on story telling, and especially, in the case of "Manchoo-Late fall" it was found that it expanded the areas of literary value through the beauty of modern form. Through this analysis it is seen that the need was exposed to reconsider problematic recognitions that he was not able to be positioned properly as a writer despite the excellent literary values of Kim Ji Heon's scenarios. This study has a meaning as a start in our research climate where the research on Korean scenario writers is not made in an earnest way but it is necessary to keep making more thorough studies including other scenarios which are not organized into the collection of works, and it is also necessary to make a comparative study with cinematized film texts in our view.

Damage detection of shear buildings using frequency-change-ratio and model updating algorithm

  • Liang, Yabin;Feng, Qian;Li, Heng;Jiang, Jian
    • Smart Structures and Systems
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.107-122
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    • 2019
  • As one of the most important parameters in structural health monitoring, structural frequency has many advantages, such as convenient to be measured, high precision, and insensitive to noise. In addition, frequency-change-ratio based method had been validated to have the ability to identify the damage occurrence and location. However, building a precise enough finite elemental model (FEM) for the test structure is still a huge challenge for this frequency-change-ratio based damage detection technique. In order to overcome this disadvantage and extend the application for frequencies in structural health monitoring area, a novel method was developed in this paper by combining the cross-model cross-mode (CMCM) model updating algorithm with the frequency-change-ratio based method. At first, assuming the physical parameters, including the element mass and stiffness, of the test structure had been known with a certain value, then an initial to-be-updated model with these assumed parameters was constructed according to the typical mass and stiffness distribution characteristic of shear buildings. After that, this to-be-updated model was updated using CMCM algorithm by combining with the measured frequencies of the actual structure when no damage was introduced. Thus, this updated model was regarded as a representation of the FEM model of actual structure, because their modal information were almost the same. Finally, based on this updated model, the frequency-change-ratio based method can be further proceed to realize the damage detection and localization. In order to verify the effectiveness of the developed method, a four-level shear building was numerically simulated and two actual shear structures, including a three-level shear model and an eight-story frame, were experimentally test in laboratory, and all the test results demonstrate that the developed method can identify the structural damage occurrence and location effectively, even only very limited modal frequencies of the test structure were provided.