• Title/Summary/Keyword: stomatal

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UV Effect on Plant Growth

  • Kondo, Noriaki;Tou, Seiji;Takahashi, Shinya;Nakajima, Nobuyoshi
    • Journal of Photoscience
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.158-161
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    • 2002
  • UV-B radiation gives harmful effects on plants, such as production of several types of DNA lesions, and growth inhibition. On the other hand, plants have some protective mechanisms, including filtering effect due to accumulation of phenolic compounds in epidermal cells and reactivation of DNA lesions, which are enhanced by UV-B irradiation. We have investigated the mechanism of UV-B effects on plants using cucumber seedlings as plant materials. Cucumber plants were cultivated in an artificially lit growth chamber. Supplemental UV-B irradiation, of which intensity was almost equal to the level of natural sunlight, retarded the growth of first leaves. The growth retardation must result trom the inhibition of cell division and/or cell growth. Microscopical observation of leaf epidermis suggested that the growth retardation might be mainly caused by cell growth inhibition. The retardation was, however, restored within 2 or 3 days after the termination of UV-B irradiation. It is known that UV-B irradiation lowers the activity of photo system II (PS II). In the present experimental conditions, however, UV-B irradiation has little effect on PS II activity as estimated by chlorophyll fluorescence. The stomatal conductance, a major factor determining photosynthetic rate, of first leaves increased during the growth. The increase of stomatal conductance was suppressed by UV-B irradiation and restored by termination of the irradiation. It has not been clear, however, what mechanisms are involved in the suppression of increase of stomatal conductance.

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Effects of Ozone Environmental Stress on Growth and Stomatal Response in the F2 Hybrid Poplar (Populus trichocarpa × Populus deltoides) (오존 환경(環境)이 잡종(雜種) 포플러의 생장(生長)과 기공개폐(氣孔開閉)에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Woo, Su-Young
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.87 no.1
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    • pp.50-56
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    • 1998
  • Thirty-six $F_3$ hybrid poplar (Populus trichocarpa${\times}$P. deltoides) clones were fumigated with ozone to select for ozone sensitive and resistant clones. Fumigation was applied for 6 to 8 hours each day for approximately 3 months at ozone concentrations of 90 to 115 ppb using by open-top chambers. Height, diameter, number of leaves, total biomass, biomass components, root/shoot ratios, leaf drop and stomatal response were investigated. In summary, ozone generally reduced height, diameter, number of leaves, total biomass, and root/shoot ratios. Ozone stress induced leaf drop and foliar senescence in trees. This study showed very low relationship between total biomass and stomatal conductance. Increased plant resistant to ozone is not always correlated with stomatal behaviour. Probably, characterization of biochemical and other physiological responses to ozone exposure can provide a better understanding of tree response to ozone environment.

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Epidermal Structure and Stomatal Types in Vegetative and Reproductive Organs of Three Species of Bryophyllum (Bryophyllum 3종의 영양기관과 생식기관에서 표피구조와 기공유형)

  • 정우규
    • Journal of Plant Biology
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.43-57
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    • 1987
  • The epidermal structure and stomatal types in vegetative and reproductive organs of three species of Bryophyllum(B. crenatum, B. diagremontion, B. tubiflorum) were described. The epidermal cells were polygonal, isodiametric, and rectangular in the leaves and stems, and elongated cells in the stamens, styles, and ovaries. These cells were commonly thick, and arched or sinuous in the leaves, epiphylous bunds, petals and ovaries. They were straight in the stems, petioles, pedicels, and peduncles. In both vegetative and reproductive organs, the subsidiary cell walls were commonly thin and mostly arched in all the organs. The great majority of the mature stomata in all the organs were helicocytic type with a helix of four to six subsidiary cells. The mature stomata varied from organ to organ with regard to the number and arangement of subsidiary cells. The ontogenetic type of stomata in all the organs was mostly helico-eumesogenous type. This type was subdivided into three subtypes such as parahelico-eumesogenous, anomohelico-eumesogenous, and diahelico-eumesogenous stomata on the basis of the division angle fo the guard mother cell. Sometimes, the anisoeumesogenous type was found in various organs. This type was subdivided into three subtypes such as paraniso-eumesogenous, anomoaniso-eumesogenous, and dianisoeummesogenous stomata. The tetra-eumesogenous and duplotetra-eumesogenous types were rarely found; the former in the leaf of B. crenatum and the latter in the leaf of B. diagremontiana. Anomometric patterns in the mesogenous categorry of stomatal types was observed in a few organs of all the materials. A new stomatal type with tetra-eumesogenous stoma within a girdle of three subsidiary cells fo aniso-eumesogenous in the leaf of B. diagremontiana was firstly observed in the vascular plants. This stoma was termed the cotetra-aniso-eumesogenous type. Anormal stomata such as aborted stomata, single guard cells, stoma with a constricted part in the middle of large guard cells, and arrested stomata were found in the various organs of all the materials.

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Photosynthetic Characteristics of Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer I. Photosynthetic Response to Changes of Light Intensity and Leaf Temperature (고려인삼의 광합성 특성 I. 광도와 잎온도의 변화에 따른 광합성 반응)

  • 현동윤;황종규
    • Journal of Ginseng Research
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.240-245
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    • 1993
  • This study was conducted with ginseng plants to investigate photosynthetic response to changes of light intensity and leaf temperature. $CO_2$ uptake in diurnal course was highest in the first phase (8 00~5 : 30 Am.) on May 30, 1992. In $CO_2$ uptake related to stomatal conductance, these relationship was synchronized in diurnal course, but relationship between TEX>$CO_2$ uptake and intercellular $CO_2$ concentration in diurnal course was synchronized oppositely. Leaf temperature and light intensity at the highest $CO_2$ uptake were in the range of 23~$24^{\circ}C$) and 95$\mu$mol.$m^{-2}$.$s^{-1}$), $CO_2$ , respectively. In response to an increasing light intensity under a constant leaf temperature ($18^{\circ}C$), $CO_2$ uptake was increased throughout the light intensity sequence up to 250$\mu$mol.$m^{-2}$.$s^{-1}$), $CO_2$ When $CO_2$ uptake was measured with a series of leaf temperature under a constant light intensity (250 $\mu$mol.$m^{-2}$.$s^{-1}$), $CO_2$ uptake was highest at $18^{\circ}C$ as a 4.1$\mu$mol.$m^{-2}$.$s^{-1}$), $CO_2$ . Similar changes were also observed in stomatal conductance and intercellular $CO_2$ concentration. Evidences from several approaches indicate that synchronization of $CO_2$ uptake, stomatal conductance and intercellular $CO_2$ concentration were closely inter-related and changes of leaf temperature iuluenced the photo-response in photosynthetic processes.

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Epidermal Structure and Stomatal Types in Various Parts of Each Organ of Kalanchoe (Kalanchoe속의 기관 부위별 표피구조와 기공유형)

  • 정우규
    • Journal of Plant Biology
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.79-94
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    • 1987
  • This study was carried out to investigate the epidermal structure, the stomatal types, the ontogeny of stomara in various parts of each organ of K. blossfeldiana, K. kewensis, and K. tometosa belonging to Kalanchoe. The epidermal cells were polygonal or isodiametric ones in the leaves, and mostly rectangular, tetragonal, and elongated ones in the leaves, and mostly rectangular, tetragonal, and elongated ones in the other organs. The candelabrum-like, triradiate stellete trichomes in the aerial parts of all organs of K. tomentosa were found. The cuticular striations and square crystals of calcium oxalate in the epidermal cells of petals of K. blossfeldiana were observed. The great majority of the mature stomata in various parts of all the organs were commonly helicocytic types. This type was subdivided into three subtypes such as parahelicocytic, anomohelicocytic, and dianisocytic stomata on the basis of the division angle of the guard mother cells. Somethies, the anisocytic type was found in most organs. This type was subdivided into three subtyes such as paranisocytic, nomoanisocytic, and dianisocytic stomata in the same way as the helicocytic type. A new stomataltype with anisocytic stoma within a girdle of four subsidiary cells of tetracytic type in the leaf of K. kewensis was firstly observed in the vascular plants. This type was termed the coaniso-tetracytic type. The anomomeristic pattern in the mesogenous category of stomatal types was found in various organs of all the material plants. Developmental mode of stomata was constant in all the parts of each organ within the same plant. The stomata was observed to be a few similar stomatal types in various parts of each organ within the same plant. The ontogeny of all the types is eumesogenous or mesogenous type. The ontogenetic type of stomata was mostly helico-eumesogenous type in all the organs of all the material plants. The mature stoma varied from organ to in regard of the number and arrangement of subsidiary cells.

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Effect of Soil Water Content on Growth, Photosynthetic Rate, and Stomatal Conductance of Kimchi Cabbage at the Early Growth Stage after Transplanting (정식 후 초기 생장기 배추의 생장, 광합성 속도 및 기공전도도에 미치는 토양수분의 영향)

  • Kim, Sung Kyeom;Lee, Hee Ju;Lee, Hee Su;Mun, Boheum;Lee, Sang Gyu
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.151-157
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    • 2017
  • The objectives of this study were to determine the impact of soil water content on the growth, stomatal conductance, and photosynthesis of Kimchi cabbage and to evaluate proper parameters for development of growth models. There were five levels of irrigation amount treatments (0, 200, 300, 400, and 500 mL/d/plant) and those were commenced at one day after transplanting (DAT). We measured soil water content, stomatal conductance, photosynthesis characteristics, and the A-Ci curve. The growth of Kimchi cabbage as affected by irrigation amount was evaluated at 38 days after transplanting, however, the growth with 0 and 200 mL/d/plant irrigation amount treatments measured at 29 DAT. The relationship between soil water content and stomatal conductance was highly correlated ($r^2=0.999$) and the function represented by y = 6097.4x - 4.2984. The stomatal conductance of Kimchi cabbage leaves showed $300mmol{\cdot}m^{-2}{\cdot}s^{-1}$ when the soil water content was below $0.05m^3/m^3$. The stomatal conductance was rapidly decreased by scarcity of soil moisture. A-Ci curve indicated normal curve in fully irrigation treatment (500 mL/d/plant), however, $CO_2$ couldn't diffuse through the intercellular Kimchi cabbage leaves treated with 0 mL/d/plant. The dry weight of full irrigation treatment was greater approximately 6.8 times than that of deficit irrigation (0 mL/d/plant). In addition, leaf area index showed a logarithmic function (y = 16.573 + 3.398 ln x) with soil water content and that of R-squared represents 0.913. Results indicated that the soil water content was highly correlated with stomatal conductance and leaf area index. Indeed, the scarcity soil moisture reduced photosynthesis and retarded growth.

Studies on the Shade Tolerance, Light Requirement and Water Relations of Economic Tree Species(II) -Effects of Artificial Shade Treatment on the Water Potential and Stomatal Diffusive Resistance of Four Deciduous Hardwood Species- (주요경제수종(主要經濟樹種)의 내음성(耐陰性) 및 광선요구도(光線要求度)와 수분특성(水分特性)에 관한 연구(硏究)(II) -인공피음(人工被陰)이 활엽수(闊葉樹) 4종(種)의 수분(水分)포텐셜 및 기공증산저항(氣孔蒸散低抗)에 미치는 영향(影響)-)

  • Kwon, Ki Won;Choi, Jeong Ho;Chung, Jin Cheol
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.89 no.2
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    • pp.198-207
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    • 2000
  • The diurnal and seasonal changes of water potential and stomatal diffusive resistance were investigated with the effects of shade treatment to elucidate the water relations of the one year old seedlings of Betula platyphylla var. japonica, Zelkova serrata, Acer mono, and Prunus sargentii subjected to five levels of artificial shade treatments from full sun to nearly full shading of 2-6% relative light transmittance. Stomatal diffusive resistance measured in the four deciduous hardwood species studied changed variously by growing season and by species with the five shade treatments in the ranges of 1.7~25.1s/cm in 9 a.m., 2.3~33.3s/cm in 1 p.m., and 1.1~36.8s/cm in 5 p.m.. The measurements of stomatal diffusive resistance increased with increasing the shading, and were higher in September than in June or July in most of the species studied. The stomatal diffusive resistance measured in Zelkova serrata, Acer mono, and Prunus sargentii seemed to be approximately 3~4 times higher in nearly full shading treatment than in full sun. Water potential also changed variously by growing season and by species with five different shade treatments in the ranges of -0.17~-1.20MPa in 9 a. m., -0.30~-2.03MPa in 1 p. m., and -0.18~-1.34MPa in 5 p.m., respectively. On the reverse of stomatal diffusive resistance, the measurements of water potential were lower in September than in June or July in most of the species studied, and the seasonal differences were especially greater in Zelkova serrata comparing with the other species. The water potential seemed to be higher of approximately 2~3 times in nearly full shading treatment than in full sun in all of the species studied, but the differences among the shading treatments were less in water potential than in stomatal diffusive resistance. The differences of water potential following the gradient of five shading treatment seemed to be less in Betula platyphylla var. japonica than in the other species. In Acer mono and Prunus sargentii being some shade tolerant species, the water potential increased rapidly through about noontime with raising the shading level from full sun to the intermediate shading level of 22-28% relative light transmittance, but slowly with closing to full shading. In Betula platyphylla var. japonica and Zelkova serrata being shade intolerant species, the water potential increased gradually throughout the shading levels and the increment ranges were greater in Zelkova serrata than in Betula platyphylla var. japonica.

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Diurnal changes of Tissue Water Relations in Two Allopatric Tree Species (이소적 두 수종의 수분관계 일변화)

  • Park, Yong-Mok
    • The Korean Journal of Ecology
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.453-463
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    • 1996
  • Diurnal changes of microclimatic conditions and tissue water relations were measured at two sites where Carpinus laxiflora and C. cordata were allopatrically distributed. The microclimatic conditions at a site where C. laxiflora was distributed produced severe water stress condition during summer months. Daily maximum temperature reached $30.4^\circC$ and the highest vapor pressure deficit was 1.31 KPa when 13 rainless days were continued. During this period soil water content decreased to below the field capacity even at a depth of 20 cm and xylem pressure potential also decreased to ­2.04 MPa. However, turgor potential was maintained more than 0.4 MPa. Patterns of stomatal conductance were changed with evaporative demand and soil water availability. On the other hand, microclimatic conditions at a site where C. cordata was distributed were moderate water strees condition compared with those at a site C. laxiflora was distributed. Though soil water content was maintained above field capacity C. cordata showed a remarkable decrease in turgor potential and stomatal conductance throughout the experiment. These results indicate that there is a difference in habitat characteristics between the two species and C. laxiflora is more resistant than C. cordata to water stress.

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A Study on the Change of Photosynthetic Patterns by the Cladode Orientation of Opuntia lanceolata Haw. (부채仙人掌( Opuntia lanceolata Haw. )의 葉牀莖方位에 따른 光合成樣式의 變化에 관한 硏究)

  • Chang, Nam-Kee;Chang-Duck Jin;Young-Soo Kim
    • The Korean Journal of Ecology
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.99-108
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    • 1983
  • Diurnal acid fluctuation, stomatal resistance, and solar radiation with regard to the cladode orientation were investigated in Opuntia lanceolata Haw. growing at WPeolryeong-ri, Hallim-eup, Chejudo, Korea. Diurnal changes of titratable acidity showed the typical CAM pattern in all investigated cladodes. Water tissue in the cladode had the same pattern of acid fluctuation as mesophyll tissue. Stomatal resistance was low during the night, increased rapidly to be a peak right after sunrise and decreased again thereafter. The southern side of the cladode showed higher stomatal resistance than the northern side during the day time. It suggests that the stomata of the northern side opens under diffuse radiation. The amount of solar radiation varied depending upon the cladode orientation. It is thought that C4 acids move inter and intra mesophyll tissues in the cladode through the unknown pathways. RuBP carboxyulase activity in the cladode was very high at 14:00, but was not significant at 01:00. PEP-carboxylase had high activities both at 14:00 and at 01:00. The results of this study showed the possibility that O. lanceolata Haw. had the C3, C4 and CAM photosynthetic patterns under the environmental conditions at Weolryeong-ri.

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Analysis of Factors Rerated to Absorption Ability of Foliage Plants Exposed to $O_3$ (관엽식물의 오존($O_3$)흡수능에 관여하는 요인 분석)

  • 박소홍;배공영
    • Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.537-544
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    • 1998
  • We selected Spathiyhyllum patinii and Pachira aqkatica, since the former has high O3 absorption while the latter low absorption, and analyzed physiological factors such as diffusive coefficient, transpiration rate, photosynthetic rate, and CO2 absorption rate, which affected O3 absorption capacity There was significant relationship between gas absorption capacity and the other factors; photosynthetic rate, diffusive resistance, stomatal resistance and CO2 absorption rate. Therefore model formula for estimation of O3 absorption rate in plant was formulated by making use of these factors. There was difference for the estimation of O3 absorption rate according to plant species. In case of Spathiphyllum patinii, photosynthetic rate is an optimal factor for estimation of O3 absorption capacity. On the other hand, stomatal resistance and diffusive resistance are optimal factors of Pachira aquatica among various physiological ones. And we knew that CO2 absorption rate is a potential factor to evaluate gas absorption capacity regardless of plant species. But considering efficiency and practicality, diffusive resistance was the most effective factor for the estimation of O3 gas absorption.

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