• Title/Summary/Keyword: stereo system

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Supervised Hybrid Control Architecture for Navigation of a Personal Robot

  • Shin, Hyun-Jong;Im, Chang-Jun;Kim, Jin-Oh;Lee, Ho-Gil
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2003.10a
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    • pp.1178-1183
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    • 2003
  • As personal robots coexist with a person with a role to help a person, while adapting various human life and environment, the personal robots have to accommodate frequently-changing or different-from-home-to-home environment. In addition, personal robots may have many kinds of different Kinematic configurations depending on the capabilities. Some may have a mobile base and others may have arms and a head. The motivation of this study arises from this not-well-defined home environment and varying Kinematic configuration. So the goal of this study is to develop a general control architecture for personal robots. There exist three major architectures; deliberative, reactive and hybrid. We found that these are applicable only for the defined environment with a fixed Kinematic configuration. Neither could accommodate the above two requirements. For the general solution, we propose a Supervised Hybrid Architecture (SHA), in which we use double layers of deliberative and reactive controls, distributed control with a modular design of Kinematic configurations, and real-time Linux OS. Deliberative and reactive actions interact through a corresponding arbitrator. These arbitrators help a robot to choose an appropriate architecture depending on the current situation to successfully perform a given task. The distributed control modules communicate through IEEE 1394 for the easy expandability. With a personal robot platform with a mobile base, two arms, a head and a pan-tilt stereo eye system, we tested the developed SHA for static as well as dynamic environments. For this application, we developed decision-making rules for selecting appropriate control methods for several situations of navigation task. Examples are shown to show the effectiveness.

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Feature-based Disparity Correction for the Visual Discomfort Minimization of Stereoscopic Video Camera (입체영상의 시각 피로 최소화를 위한 특징기반 시차 보정)

  • Jung, Eun-Kyung;Kim, Chang-Il;Baek, Seung-Hae;Park, Soon-Yong
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.48 no.6
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    • pp.77-87
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    • 2011
  • In this paper, we propose a disparity correction technique to reduce the inherent visual discomfort while watching stereoscopic videos. The visual discomfort must be solved for commercial 3D display systems to provide natural stereoscopic videos to human eyes. The proposed disparity correction technique consists of horizontal and vertical disparity corrections. The horizontal disparity correction is implemented by controlling the depth budget of stereoscopic video using the geometric relations of a stereoscopic camera system. In addition, the vertical disparity correction is implemented by using a feature-based stereo matching algorithm. Conventional vertical disparity corrections have been done by only using camera calibration parameters, which still cause systematic errors in vertical disparities. In this paper, we minimize the vertical disparity as small as possible by using a feature-based correction algorithm. Through the comparisons of conventional feature-based correction algorithms, we analyze the performance of the proposed technique.

Virtual Reality Using X3DOM (X3DOM을 이용한 가상현실)

  • Chheang, Vuthea;Ryu, Ga-Ae;Jeong, Sangkwon;Lee, Gookhwan;Yoo, Kwan-Hee
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers
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    • v.54 no.1
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    • pp.165-170
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    • 2017
  • Web 3D technology can be used to simulate the experiments of scientific, medical, engineering and multimedia visualization. On the web environment, 3D virtual reality can be accessed well without strictly on operating system, location and time. Virtual Reality (VR) is used to depict a three-dimensional, computer generated realistic images, sound and other sensations to replicated a real environment or an imaginary setting which can be explored and interacted with by a person. That person is immersed within virtual environment and is able to manipulate objects or perform a series of action. Virtual environment can be created with X3D which is the ISO standard for defining 3D interactive, web-based 3D content and integrating with multimedia. In this paper, we discuss about X3D VR stereo rendering scene and propose new X3D nodes for the HMD VR (head mounted display virtual reality). The proposed nodes are visualized by the web browser X3DOM of X3D.

Efficient VLSI Architecture of Full-Image Guided Filter Based on Two-Pass Model (양방향 모델을 적용한 Full-image Guided Filter의 효율적인 VLSI 구조)

  • Lee, Gyeore;Park, Taegeun
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.41 no.11
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    • pp.1507-1514
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    • 2016
  • Full-image guided filter reflects all pixels of image in filtering by using weight propagation and two-pass model, whereas the existing guide filter is processed based on the kernel window. Therefore the computational complexity can be improved while maintaining characteristics of guide filter, such as edge-preserving, smoothing, and so on. In this paper, we propose an efficient VLSI architecture for the full-image guided filter by analyzing the data dependency, the data frequency and the PSNR analysis of the image in order to achieve enough speed for various applications such as stereo vision, real-time systems, etc. In addition, the proposed efficient scheduling enables the realtime process by minimizing the idle period in weight computation. The proposed VLSI architecture shows 214MHz of maximum operating frequency (image size: 384*288, 965 fps) and 76K of gates (internal memory excluded).

Generation of 3-Dimensional Landscape Map from Aerial Photos (항공사진을 이용한 3차원 경관도 제작)

  • Yeu, Bock-Mo;Jeong, Soo;Kim, Won-Dae
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.3 no.1 s.5
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    • pp.105-113
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    • 1995
  • Three-dimensional landscape map is very useful in terrain analysis as it looks like real shape of terrain. When three-dimensional landscape map is needed, landscape photos achieved at a position of high elevation or by airplane are generally used. But, this approach can not fully satisfy the user's need to get pictures from various view points. In addition, because photos have some geometric displacement caused by the principle of central projection of camera, it is hard to get accurate locations from the photo. This paper aims to get three-dimensional landscape map similar to real terrain feature from vertical stereo aerial photos by digital photogrammetric techniques. This approach can provide a very useful data for three-dimensional terrain analysis as a function of Geo-Spatial Information System.

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Depth map temporal consistency compensation using motion estimation (움직임 추정을 통한 깊이 지도의 시간적 일관성 보상 기법)

  • Hyun, Jeeho;Yoo, Jisang
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.438-446
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    • 2013
  • Generally, a camera isn't located at the center of display in a tele-presence system and it causes an incorrect eye contact between speakers which reduce the realistic feeling during the conversation. To solve this incorrect eye contact problem, we newly propose an intermediate view reconstruction algorithm using both a color camera and a depth camera and applying for the depth image based rendering (DIBR) algorithm. In the proposed algorithm, an efficient hole filling method using the arithmetic mean value of neighbor pixels and an efficient boundary noise removal method by expanding the edge region of depth image are included. We show that the generated eye-contacted image has good quality through experiments.

Advanced Seam Finding Algorithm for Stitching of 360 VR Images (개선된 Seam Finder를 이용한 360 VR 이미지 스티칭 기술)

  • Son, Hui-Jeong;Han, Jong-Ki
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.23 no.5
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    • pp.656-668
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    • 2018
  • VR (Virtual Reality) is one of the important research topics in the field of multimedia application system. The quality of the visual data composed from multiple pictures depends on the performance of stitching technique. The stitching module consists of feature extraction, mapping of those, warping, seam finding, and blending. In this paper, we proposed a preprocessing scheme to provide the efficient mask for seam finder. Incorporating of the proposed mask removes the distortion, such as ghost and blurring, in the stitched image. The simulation results show that the proposed algorithm outperforms other conventional techniques in the respect of the subjective quality and the computational complexity.

Design and Implementation of Multiple View Image Synthesis Scheme based on RAM Disk for Real-Time 3D Browsing System (실시간 3D 브라우징 시스템을 위한 램 디스크 기반의 다시점 영상 합성 기법의 설계 및 구현)

  • Sim, Chun-Bo;Lim, Eun-Cheon
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.9 no.5
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    • pp.13-23
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    • 2009
  • One of the main purpose of multiple-view image processing technology is support realistic 3D image to device user by using multiple viewpoint display devices and compressed data restoration devices. This paper proposes a multiple view image synthesis scheme based on RAM disk which makes possible to browse 3D images generated by applying effective composing method to real time input stereo images. The proposed scheme first converts input images to binary image. We applies edge detection algorithm such as Sobel algorithm and Prewiit algorithm to find edges used to evaluate disparities from images of 4 multi-cameras. In addition, we make use of time interval between hardware trigger and software trigger to solve the synchronization problem which has stated ambiguously in related studies. We use a unique identifier on each snapshot of images for distributed environment. With respect of performance results, the proposed scheme takes 0.67 sec in each binary array. to transfer entire images which contains left and right side with disparity information for high quality 3D image browsing. We conclude that the proposed scheme is suitable for real time 3D applications.

Real 3-D Shape Restoration using Lookup Table (룩업 테이블을 이용한 물체의 3-D 형상복원)

  • Kim, Kuk-Se;Lee, Jeong-Gi;Song, Gi-Beom;Kim, Choong-Won;Lee, Joon
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.8 no.5
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    • pp.1096-1101
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    • 2004
  • The 3-D shape use to effect of movie, animation, industrial design, medical treatment service, education, engineering etc.... But it's not easy to make 3-D shape from the information of 2-D image. There are two methods in restoring 3-D video image through 2-D image; First the method of using a laser; Secondly the method of acquiring 3-D image through stereo vision. Instead of doing two methods with many difficulties, I figure out the method of simple 3-D image in this research paper. We present here a simple and efficient method, called direct calibration, which doesn't require any equations at all. The direct calibration procedure builds a lookup table(LUT) linking image and 3-D coordinates by a real 3-D triangulation system. The LUT is built by measuring the image coordinates of a grid of known 3-D points, and recording both image and world coordinates for each point; the depth values of all other visible points are obtained by interpolation.

U-city Construction Topographic features Extraction by Integration of Digital Aerial Photo and Laser Data (항공사진과 레이져 데이터의 통합에 의한 U-city 건설 지형 특성 자료 산출 연구)

  • Yeon, SangHo;Kim, Kwanghyun
    • Proceedings of the Korea Contents Association Conference
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    • 2009.05a
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    • pp.485-487
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    • 2009
  • The Spatial Image contents of Geomorphology 3-D environment is focused by the requirement and importance in the fields such as, national land development plan, telecommunication facility management, railway construction, general construction engineering, Ubiquitous city development, safety and disaster prevention engineering. The currently used DEM system using contour lines, which embodies geographic information based on the 2-D digital maps and facility information has limitation in implementation in reproducing the 3-D spatial city. Moreover, this method often neglects the altitude of the rail way infrastructure which has narrow width and long length. This As the results, We confirmed the solutions of varieties application for railway facilities management using 3-D spatial image contents and database design. Also, I suggested that U-city using topographical modeling about matching methods of high density elevation value using 3-D aerial photo with laser data are best approach for detail stereo modeling and simulation.

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