• Title/Summary/Keyword: stereo analysis

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A Complexity Reduction Method of MPEG-4 Audio Lossless Coding Encoder by Using the Joint Coding Based on Cross Correlation of Residual (여기신호의 상관관계 기반 joint coding을 이용한 MPEG-4 audio lossless coding 인코더 복잡도 감소 방법)

  • Cho, Choong-Sang;Kim, Je-Woo;Choi, Byeong-Ho
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.47 no.3
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    • pp.87-95
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    • 2010
  • Portable multi-media products which can service the highest audio-quality by using lossless audio codec has been released and the international lossless codecs, MPEG-4 audio lossless coding(ALS) and MPEG-4 scalable lossless coding(SLS), were standardized by MPEG in 2006. The simple profile of MPEG-4 ALS, it supports up to stereo, was defined by MPEG in 2009. The lossless audio codec should have low-complexity in stereo to be widely used in portable multi-media products. But the previous researches of MPEG-4 ALS have focused on an improvement of compression ratio, a complexity reduction in multi-channels coding, and a selection of linear prediction coefficients(LPCs) order. In this paper, the complexity and compression ratio of MPEG-4 ALS encoder is analyzed in simple profile of MPEG-4 ALS, the method to reduce a complexity of MPEG-4 ALS encoder is proposed. Based on an analysis of complexity of MPEG-4 ALS encoder, the complexity of short-term prediction filter of MPEG-4 ALS encoder is reduced by using the low-complexity filter that is proposed in previous research to reduce the complexity of MPEG-4 ALS decoder. Also, we propose a joint coding decision method, it reduces the complexity and keeps the compression ratio of MPEG-4 ALS encoder. In proposed method, the operation of joint coding is decided based on the relation between cross-correlation of residual and compression ratio of joint coding. The performance of MPEG-4 ALS encoder that has the method and low-complexity filter is evaluated by using the MPEG-4 ALS conformance test file and normal music files. The complexity of MPEG-4 ALS encoder is reduced by about 24% by comparing with MPEG-4 ALS reference encoder, while the compression ratio by the proposed method is comparable to MPEG-4 ALS reference encoder.

Review on asbestos analysis (석면 분석방법에 대한 고찰)

  • Ham, Seung hon;Hwang, Sung Ho;Yoon, Chungsik;Park, Donguk
    • Journal of Korean Society of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.213-232
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    • 2009
  • This document was prepared to review and summarize the analytical methods for airborne and bulk asbestos. Basic principles, shortcomings and advantages for asbestos analytical instruments using phase contrast microscopy(PCM), polarized light microscopy(PLM), X-ray diffractometer (XRD), transmission electron microscopy(TEM), scanning electron microscopy(SEM) were reviewed. Both PCM and PLM are principal instrument for airborne and bulk asbestos analysis, respectively. If needed, analytical electron microscopy is employed to confirm asbestos identification. PCM is used originally for workplace airborne asbestos fiber and its application has been expanded to measure airborne fiber. Shortcoming of PCM is that it cannot differentiate true asbestos from non asbestos fiber form and its low resolution limit ($0.2{\sim}0.25{\mu}m$). The measurement of airborne asbestos fiber can be performed by EPA's Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) method, World Health Organization (WHO) method, International Standard Organization (ISO) 10312 method, Japan's Environmental Asbestos Monitoring method, and Standard method of Indoor Air Quality of Korea. The measurement of airborne asbestos fiber in workplace can be performed by National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) 7400 method, NIOSH 7402 method, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) ID-160 method, UK's Health and Safety Executive(HSE) Methods for the determination of hazardous substances (MDHS) 39/4 method and Korea Occupational Safety and Health Agency (KOSHA) CODE-A-1-2004 method of Korea. To analyze the bulk asbestos, stereo microscope (SM) and PLM is required by EPA -600/R-93/116 method. Most bulk asbestos can be identified by SM and PLM but one limitation of PLM is that it can not see very thin fiber (i.e., < $0.25{\mu}m$). Bulk asbestos analytical methods, including EPA-600/M4-82-020, EPA-600/R-93/116, OSHA ID-191, Laboratory approval program of New York were reviewed. Also, analytical methods for asbestos in soil, dust, water were briefly discussed. Analytical electron microscope, a transmission electron microscope equipped with selected area electron diffraction (SAED) and energy dispersive X-ray analyser(EDXA), has been known to be better to identify asbestiform than scanning electron microscope(SEM). Though there is no standard SEM procedures, SEM is known to be more suitable to analyze long, thin fiber and more cost-effective. Field emission scanning electron microscope (FE-SEM) imaging protocol was developed to identify asbestos fiber. Although many asbestos analytical methods are available, there is no method that can be applied to all type of samples. In order to detect asbestos with confidence, all advantages and disadvantages of each instrument and method for given sample should be considered.

Analysis for Practical use as KOMPSAT-2 Imagery for Product of Geo-Spatial Information (지형공간정보 생성을 위한 KOPMSAT-2 영상의 활용성 분석)

  • Lee, Hyun-Jik;You, Ji-Ho;Koh, Young-Chang
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.21-35
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    • 2009
  • KOMPSAT-2 is the seventh high-resolution image satellite in the world that provides both 1m-grade panchromatic images of the GSD and 4m-grade multispectral images of the GSD. It's anticipated to be used across many different areas including mapping, territory monitoring and environmental watch. However, due to the complexity and security concern involved with the use of the MSC, the use of KOMPSAT-2 images are limited in terms of geometric images, such as satellite orbits and detailed mapping information. Therefore, this study aims to produce DEM and orthoimage by using the stereo images of KOMPSAT-2, and to explore the applicability of geo-spatial information with KOMPSAT -2. Orientation interpretations were essential for the production of DEM and orthoimage using KOMPSAT-2 images. In the study, they are performed by utilizing both RPC and GCP. In this study, the orientation interpretations are followed by the generation of DEM and orthoimage, and the analysis of their accuracy based on a 1:5,000 digital map. The accuracy analysis of DEM is performed and the results indicate that their altitudes are, in general, higher than those obtained from the digital map. The altitude discrepancies on plains, hills and mountains are calculated as 1.8m, 7.2m, and 11.9m, respectively. In this study, the mean differences between horizontal position between the orthoimage data and the digital map data are found to be ${\pm}3.081m$, which is in the range of ${\pm}3.5m$, within the permitted limit of a 1:5,000 digital map. KOMPSAT-2 images are used to produce DEM and orthoimage in this research. The results suggest that DEM can be adequately used to produce digital maps under 1:5,000 scale.

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Quantitative Assessment of 3D Reconstruction Procedure Using Stereo Matching (스테레오 정합을 이용한 3차원 재구성 과정의 정량적 평가)

  • Woo, Dong-Min
    • Journal of IKEEE
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2013
  • The quantitative evaluation of DEM(Digital Elevation Map) is very important to the assessment of the effectiveness for the applied 3D image analysis technique. This paper presents a new quantitative evaluation method of 3D reconstruction process by using synthetic images. The proposed method is based on the assumption that a preacquired DEM and ortho-image should be the pseudo ground truth. The proposed evaluation process begins by generating a pair of photo-realistic synthetic images of the terrain from any viewpoint in terms of application of the constructed ray tracing algorithm to the pseudo ground truth. By comparing the DEM obtained by a pair of photo-realistic synthetic images with the assumed pseudo ground truth, we can analyze the quantitative error in DEM and evaluate the effectiveness of the applied 3D analysis method. To verify the effectiveness of the proposed evaluation method, we carry out the quantitative and the qualitative experiments. For the quantitative experiment, we prove the accuracy of the photo-realistic synthetic image. Also, the proposed evaluation method is experimented on the 3D reconstruction with regards to the change of the matching window. Based on the fact that the experimental result agrees with the anticipation, we can qualitatively manifest the effectiveness of the proposed evaluation method.

Study on the Production Methods and Conservation Treatment of the Gold Earrings Excavated from the Ancient Tombs in Seokchon-dong in Seoul (석촌동 고분군 출토 금제이식의 제작기법 연구 및 보존처리)

  • Kim, Yeseung;Jeong, Seri;Lee, Dahye;Jang, Minkyeong;Kim, Naeun;Yang, Seokjin
    • Conservation Science in Museum
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    • v.26
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    • pp.143-160
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    • 2021
  • The Seoul Baekje Museum has been conducting excavations at the Ancient Tomb Complex in Seokchon-dong, Seoul (Historic Site No. 243), known to be tombs of the royal family and the ruling class during the Hanseong period of the Baekje Kingdom. In this study, gold earrings that were revealed during the excavation underwent scientific analysis and conservation treatment. Stereo microscopy, SEM, X-ray imaging, CT, and XRF were applied in the analysis, and the characteristics, internal structure, and composition of the earrings as well as their production method were investigated. The results confirmed that the main hoops of the gilt-bronze earrings were made of copper cores gilt using mercury amalgamation. The findings also revealed that the hexahedron in the middle pendant was made by connecting small rings using molten gold powder, and the pendant sphere at the end was formed by soldering two hemispheres. As for the two thin-hoop earrings, they showed similar surface compositions but were made using different methods, with one made from a copper core wrapped with a gold plate and the other made by bending a gold rod. The gold content varied depending on the item and the place of measurement, but overall the earrings showed a relatively high gold content of approximately 19 to 21K. The purity of the golden earrings and the sophisticated manufacturing techniques applied indicate the high status of the buried person and of the tomb complex in Seokchong-dong.

A Robust Object Detection and Tracking Method using RGB-D Model (RGB-D 모델을 이용한 강건한 객체 탐지 및 추적 방법)

  • Park, Seohee;Chun, Junchul
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.61-67
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    • 2017
  • Recently, CCTV has been combined with areas such as big data, artificial intelligence, and image analysis to detect various abnormal behaviors and to detect and analyze the overall situation of objects such as people. Image analysis research for this intelligent video surveillance function is progressing actively. However, CCTV images using 2D information generally have limitations such as object misrecognition due to lack of topological information. This problem can be solved by adding the depth information of the object created by using two cameras to the image. In this paper, we perform background modeling using Mixture of Gaussian technique and detect whether there are moving objects by segmenting the foreground from the modeled background. In order to perform the depth information-based segmentation using the RGB information-based segmentation results, stereo-based depth maps are generated using two cameras. Next, the RGB-based segmented region is set as a domain for extracting depth information, and depth-based segmentation is performed within the domain. In order to detect the center point of a robustly segmented object and to track the direction, the movement of the object is tracked by applying the CAMShift technique, which is the most basic object tracking method. From the experiments, we prove the efficiency of the proposed object detection and tracking method using the RGB-D model.

Propriety analysis of Depth-Map production methods For Depth-Map based on 20 to 3D Conversion - the Last Bladesman (2D to 3D Conversion에서 Depth-Map 기반 제작 사례연구 - '명장 관우' 제작 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Hyo In;Kim, Hyung Woo
    • Smart Media Journal
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.52-62
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    • 2014
  • Prevalence of common three-dimensional display progresses, increasing the demand for three-dimensional content. Starting from the year 2010 to meet increasing 2D to 3D conversion is insufficient to meet demand content was presented as an alternative. But, Convert 2D to 3D stereo effect only emphasizes content production as a three-dimensional visual fatigue and the degradation of the Quality problems are pointed out. In this study, opened in 2011 'Scenes Guan', the 13 selected Scene is made of the three-dimensional transform the content and the Quality of the transformation applied to the Depth-Map is a visual representation of three-dimensional fatigue and, the adequacy of whether the expert has group interviews and surveys were conducted. Many of the changes are applied to the motion picture of the three-dimensional configurations of Depth-Map conversion technology used in many ways before and after the analysis of the relationship of cascade configurations to create a depth map to the stage. Experiments, presented in this study is a three-dimensional configuration of Depth-Map transformation can lower the production of a three-dimensional visual fatigue and improve the results obtained for a reasonable place was more than half of the experiment accepted the expert group to show a positive reaction were. The results of this study with a rapid movement to convert 2D images into 3D images of applying Depth-map configuration cascade manner to reduce the visual fatigue, to increase the efficiency, and has a three-dimensional perception is the result derived.

Preliminary Study of Heavy Minerals in the Central Yellow Sea Mud (황해중앙이질대 퇴적물에 대한 중광물 예비 연구)

  • Lee, Bu Yeong;Cho, Hyen Goo;Kim, Soon-Oh;Yi, Hi Il
    • Journal of the Mineralogical Society of Korea
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2016
  • We studied the heavy minerals in 46 surface sediments collected from the Central Yellow Sea Mud (CYSM) to characterize the type, abundance, mineralogical properties and distribution pattern using the stereo-microscopy, field-Emission scanning electron microscopy (FE SEM) and chemical analysis through the energy dispersive spectrometer (EDS). Heavy mineral assemblages are primarily composed of epidote group, amphibole group, garnet group, zircon, rutile and sphene in descending order. Epidote group and amphibole group minerals account for more than 50% of total heavy minerals. The minerals in epidote group, amphibole group and garnet group in studied area are epidote, edenite and almandine, respectively. When we divided the CYSM into two regions by $124^{\circ}E$, the eastern region contain higher contents of epidote and (zircon + rutile), which are more resistant to weathering but lower of amphibole, which is less resistant to weathering than the western region. Based on this results, it is possible to estimate that the eastern region sediments are transported for a long distance while western region sediments are transported for a short distance from the source area. In the future, the additional study on the heavy minerals in river sediments flowing into the Yellow Sea and much more samples for marine sediments must be carried out to interpret exactly the provenance and sedimentation process.

A Study on the Selection and Applicability Analysis of 3D Terrain Modeling Sensor for Intelligent Excavation Robot (지능형 굴삭 로봇의 개발을 위한 로컬영역 3차원 모델링 센서 선정 및 현장 적용성 분석에 관한 연구)

  • Yoo, Hyun-Seok;Kwon, Soon-Wook;Kim, Young-Suk
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.33 no.6
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    • pp.2551-2562
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    • 2013
  • Since 2006, an Intelligent Excavation Robot which automatically performs the earth-work without operator has been developed in Korea. The technologies for automatically recognizing the terrain of work environment and detecting the objects such as obstacles or dump trucks are essential for its work quality and safety. In several countries, terrestrial 3D laser scanner and stereo vision camera have been used to model the local area around workspace of the automated construction equipment. However, these attempts have some problems that require high cost to make the sensor system or long processing time to eliminate the noise from 3D model outcome. The objectives of this study are to analyze the advantages of the existing 3D modeling sensors and to examine the applicability for practical use by using Analytic Hierarchical Process(AHP). In this study, 3D modeling quality and accuracy of modeling sensors were tested at the real earth-work environment.

The Morphology and Morphometry of the Olfactory Organ of Southern King Spine Loach, Iksookimia hugowolfeldi (Cypriniformes, Cobitidae) (한국고유종 남방종개 Iksookimia hugowolfeldi 후각기관의 형태 및 형태계측학적 연구)

  • Kim, Hyun Tae;Park, Jong Young
    • Korean Journal of Ichthyology
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.49-54
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    • 2020
  • The morphometry and morphology of the olfactory organ of the southern king spine loach Iksookimia hugowolfeldi were investigated by stereo microscopy and statistical analysis. Its external morphology consists of two holes, the anterior and posterior nostrils. The anterior nostril (0.35~0.53 mm in diameter) forms tubular process protruding vertically from each side of the snout. The posterior nostril (0.32~0.68 mm in major diameter) is a eye-like hole parallel to the skin. Internally, the rosette structure is set with 14 to 21 lamellae and medium raphe on the inner floor. In morphometry, its lamellar number (male vs. female; 18±1.8 vs. 17±1.6, P<0.05) and lamellar number to standard length ratio (24.2±1.3% vs. 21.7±2.5%, P<0.05) was larger in male than female. The lamellar number and standard length have high correlation in male (P<0.001) but not in female (P=0.170). It seems that such characteristics of the olfactory organ of I. hugowolfeldi are related to its bottom-dwelling life which digs and takes a rest under sand and sexual dimorphism by a distinct degree in olfactory dependence for reproduction of each sex.