• Title/Summary/Keyword: stellar statistics

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Physical Dimensions of Planet-hosting Stars

  • Bach, Kiehunn;Kang, Wonseok
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.44 no.1
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    • pp.85.1-85.1
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    • 2019
  • Accurate estimation of the masses, the ages, and the chemical abundances of host stars is crucial to understand physical characteristics of exo-planetary systems. In this study, we investigate physical dimensions of 94 planet-hosting stars based on spectroscopic observation and stellar evolutionary computation, From the high resolution echelle spectroscopy of the BOES observation, we have analysed metallicities and alpha-element enhancements of host stars. By combining recent spectro-photometric observations, stellar parameters are calibrated within the frame work of the standard stellar theory. In general, the minimum chi-square estimation can be strongly biased in cases that stellar properties rapidly changes after the terminal age main-sequence. Instead, we adopt a Bayesian statistics considering a priori distribution of stellar parameters during the rapid evolutionary phases. we determine a reliable set of stellar parameters between theoretical model grids. To overcome this statistical bias, (1) we adopt a Bayesian statistics considering a priori distribution of stellar parameters during the rapid evolutionary phases and (2) we construct the fine model grid that covers mass range ($0.2{\sim}3.0M_{\odot}$) with the mass step ${\Delta}M=0.01M_{\odot}$, metallicities Z = 0.0001 ~ 0.04, and the helium and the alpha-element enhancement. In this presentation, we introduce our calibration scheme for several hosting stars.

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Improving CMD Areal Density Analysis: Algorithms and Strategies

  • Wilson, R.E.
    • Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.121-130
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    • 2014
  • Essential ideas, successes, and difficulties of Areal Density Analysis (ADA) for color-magnitude diagrams (CMD's) of resolved stellar populations are examined, with explanation of various algorithms and strategies for optimal performance. A CMD-generation program computes theoretical datasets with simulated observational error and a solution program inverts the problem by the method of Differential Corrections (DC) so as to compute parameter values from observed magnitudes and colors, with standard error estimates and correlation coefficients. ADA promises not only impersonal results, but also significant saving of labor, especially where a given dataset is analyzed with several evolution models. Observational errors and multiple star systems, along with various single star characteristics and phenomena, are modeled directly via the Functional Statistics Algorithm (FSA). Unlike Monte Carlo, FSA is not dependent on a random number generator. Discussions include difficulties and overall requirements, such as need for fast evolutionary computation and realization of goals within machine memory limits. Degradation of results due to influence of pixelization on derivatives, Initial Mass Function (IMF) quantization, IMF steepness, low Areal Densities ($\mathcal{A}$), and large variation in $\mathcal{A}$ are reduced or eliminated through a variety of schemes that are explained sufficiently for general application. The Levenberg-Marquardt and MMS algorithms for improvement of solution convergence are contained within the DC program. An example of convergence, which typically is very good, is shown in tabular form. A number of theoretical and practical solution issues are discussed, as are prospects for further development.

Functional Data Classification of Variable Stars

  • Park, Minjeong;Kim, Donghoh;Cho, Sinsup;Oh, Hee-Seok
    • Communications for Statistical Applications and Methods
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.271-281
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    • 2013
  • This paper considers a problem of classification of variable stars based on functional data analysis. For a better understanding of galaxy structure and stellar evolution, various approaches for classification of variable stars have been studied. Several features that explain the characteristics of variable stars (such as color index, amplitude, period, and Fourier coefficients) were usually used to classify variable stars. Excluding other factors but focusing only on the curve shapes of variable stars, Deb and Singh (2009) proposed a classification procedure using multivariate principal component analysis. However, this approach is limited to accommodate some features of the light curve data that are unequally spaced in the phase domain and have some functional properties. In this paper, we propose a light curve estimation method that is suitable for functional data analysis, and provide a classification procedure for variable stars that combined the features of a light curve with existing functional data analysis methods. To evaluate its practical applicability, we apply the proposed classification procedure to the data sets of variable stars from the project STellar Astrophysics and Research on Exoplanets (STARE).

Flares and Starspots : Direct Evidences for Stellar Activities bin Low-mass Stars

  • Chang, Seo-Won;Byun, Yong-Ik
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.49.1-49.1
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    • 2010
  • The optical lightcurves of flare events can be regarded as a direct indicator about the existence of magnetic activity in low-mass stars. Stellar flares are generated by magnetodynamic processes in the stellar interiors as on the Sun and indicate that the locally intensified active regions still exist on the photosphere. However previous photometric observations are limited to a few selected active objects because of their faintness and randomness of the flare occurrence. Based on dedicated deep (r~23), long-term (24 night) time-series monitoring of the open cluster M37 from MMT 6.5m transit survey program, we searched for flare-like transient phenomena in the 3,052 M-dwarf lightcurves with relatively high-temporal resolution (30s-90s). In order to collect all statistical significant events, we applied the change-point analysis with filtering algorithm using local statistics. We found a number of flares from 412 M-dwarf stars that are probable cluster members. Nearly half of them have periodic brightness variations with a near or distorted sinusoidal shape. With a small exception of binary cases, most of these variations appear to reflect the presence of large starspots resulting in rotational brightness modulations. We will discuss the relationship among magnetic activity indicators and dependence on spectral type.

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    • Publications of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.535-537
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    • 2015
  • Interpreting ultraviolet-to-infrared (UV-to-IR) observations of galaxies in terms of constraints on physical parameters-such as stellar mass ($M_{\ast}$) and star formation rate (SFR)-requires spectral synthesis modelling. We investigate how increasing the level of sophistication of the standard simplifying assumptions of such models can improve estimates of galaxy physical parameters. To achieve this, we compile a sample of 1048 galaxies at redshifts 0.7 < z < 2.8 with accurate photometry at rest-frame UV to near-IR wavelengths from the 3D-HST Survey. We compare the spectral energy distributions of these galaxies with those from different model spectral libraries to derive estimates of the physical parameters. We find that spectral libraries including sophisticated descriptions of galaxy star formation histories (SFHs) and prescriptions for attenuation by dust and nebular emission provide a much better representation of the observations than 'classical' spectral libraries, in which galaxy SFHs are assumed to be exponentially declining functions of time, associated with a simple prescription for dust attenuation free of nebular emission. As a result, for the galaxies in our sample, $M_{\ast}$ derived using classical spectral libraries tends to be systematically overestimated and SFRs systematically underestimated relative to the values derived adopting a more realistic spectral library. We conclude that the sophisticated approach considered here is required to reliably interpret fundamental diagnostics of galaxy evolution.


    • Journal of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.85-88
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    • 2005
  • Construction of the Virtual Observatory (VO) is a great concern to the astronomical community in the 21st century. We present an outline of the concept and necessity of the va and the current status of various VO projects including the 15 national ones and the International Virtual Observatory Alliance (IVOA). We summarize the possible science cases that could be solved by using the VO data/tools, real science cases which are the results of using current VO tools, and our own work of using AstroGrid, the United Kingdom national VO, for a research on star formation history of galaxies.


  • Trippe, Sascha
    • Journal of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.47 no.1
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    • pp.15-39
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    • 2014
  • Polarization is a basic property of light and is fundamentally linked to the internal geometry of a source of radiation. Polarimetry complements photometric, spectroscopic, and imaging analyses of sources of radiation and has made possible multiple astrophysical discoveries. In this article I review (i) the physical basics of polarization: electromagnetic waves, photons, and parameterizations; (ii) astrophysical sources of polarization: scattering, synchrotron radiation, active media, and the Zeeman, Goldreich-Kylafis, and Hanle effects, as well as interactions between polarization and matter (like birefringence, Faraday rotation, or the Chandrasekhar-Fermi effect); (iii) observational methodology: on-sky geometry, influence of atmosphere and instrumental polarization, polarization statistics, and observational techniques for radio, optical, and $X/{\gamma}$ wavelengths; and (iv) science cases for astronomical polarimetry: solar and stellar physics, planetary system bodies, interstellar matter, astrobiology, astronomical masers, pulsars, galactic magnetic fields, gamma-ray bursts, active galactic nuclei, and cosmic microwave background radiation.

Constraining Cosmological Parameters with Gravitational Lensed Quasars in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey

  • Han, Du-Hwan;Park, Myeong-Gu
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.34-34
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    • 2014
  • We investigate the constraints on the matter density ${\Omega}m$ and the cosmological constant ${\Omega}{\Lambda}$ using the gravitational lensed QSO (Quasi Stellar Object) systems from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) by analyzing the distribution of image separation. The main sample consists of 16 QSO lens systems with measured source and lens redshifts. We use a lensing probability that is simply defined by the gaussian distribution. We perform the curvature test and the constraints on the cosmological parameters as the statistical tests. The statistical tests have considered well-defined selection effects and adopt parameter of velocity dispersion function. We also applied the same analysis to Monte-Carlo generated mock gravitational lens samples to assess the accuracy and limit of our approach. As the results of these statistical tests, we find that only the excessively positively curved universe (${\Omega}m+{\Omega}{\Lambda}$ > 1) are rejected at 95% confidence level. However, if the informations of the galaxy as play a lens are measured accurately, we confirm that the gravitational lensing statistics would be the most powerful tool.

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Turbulent Properties in Two Molecular Clouds: Orion A and ρ Ophiuchus

  • Yun, Hyeong-Sik;Lee, Jeong-Eun;Choi, Yunhee;Lee, Seokho;Choi, Minho;Kang, Hyunwoo;Tatematsu, Ken'ichi;Offner, Stella S.R.;Gaches, Brandt A.L.;Heyer, Mark H.;Evans, Neal J. II;Yang, Yao-Lun
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.42 no.1
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    • pp.33.1-33.1
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    • 2017
  • Molecular clouds are the sites of stellar birth, and conditions within the clouds control the mode and tempo of star formation. In particular, turbulence largely determines the density and velocity fields, and can affect the gas kinetic temperature as it decays via shocks. However, despite its central role in star formation and many years of study, the properties of turbulence remain poorly understood. As a part of the TRAO key science program, "Mapping turbulent properties of star-forming molecular clouds down to the sonic scale (PI: Jeong-Eun Lee)", we mapped the northern region of the Orion A molecular cloud and the L1688 region of the ${\rho}$ Ophiuchus molecular cloud in 2 sets of lines (13CO 1-0/C18O 1-0 and HCN 1-0/and HCO+ 1-0) using the Taeduk Radio Astronomy Observatory (TRAO) 14-m telescope. We analyze these maps using a python package 'Turbustat', a toolkit which contains 16 different turbulent statistics. We will present the preliminary results of our TRAO observations and various turbulence statistical analyses.

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  • Moon, Jun-Sung;Kim, Hong-Geun;Choi, Hyunseop;Oh, Kyuseok;Yi, Sukyoung K.
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.41.2-41.2
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    • 2013
  • We present the statistical properties of a volume-limited sample of 7,429 nearby (z = 0.033-0.044) galaxies from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 7. By performing a visual inspection, we classified our sample galaxies according to the Hubble sequence (Hubble 1926, 1936). Then we excluded apparently smaller and flatter galaxies from our database because morphology classification on them turned out to be difficult. Our results cover structural (e.g. concentration index, color, magnitude, stellar mass, etc.), spectroscopic (e.g. velocity dispersion, $H{\beta}$ absorption line, Fe absorption line, Mg absorption line, accretion rate, $H{\alpha}$ emission line, etc.), and environmental (e.g. density, etc.) properties of each morphology type based on morphology distribution. For this analysis, we used the recent re-measurements of spectral line strengths by Oh and collaborators (2011). Our statistics confirm the up-to-date understanding on galaxy populations, e.g., correlations between morphology and line strengths and in turn derived ages and so on.

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