• 제목/요약/키워드: static and dynamic evaluation

검색결과 516건 처리시간 0.027초

윈도우즈 GUI 환경을 이용한 모터내장형 고속주축계의 정특성/동특성 해석시스템 개발

  • 이용희;김석일;이재윤
    • 한국정밀공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국정밀공학회 1995년도 추계학술대회 논문집
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    • pp.836-840
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    • 1995
  • Recently, the motor-integrated spindle spindle systems have been used to simplify the machine tool structure, to improve the motion flexibility of machine tool, and to perform the high-speed machining. In this study, a static and dynamic analysis system for motor-integrated high-speed spindle systems is developed based on Timoshenko theory, finite element method and windows programming techniques. Since the system has various analysis modules related to static deformation analysis, modal analysis, frequency response analysis, unbalance response analysis and so on, it is useful in performing systematically the design and evaluation processes of motor-integrated high-speed spindle systems under windows GUI encironment.

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Evaluation of ASCE 61-14 NSPs for the estimation of seismic demands in marginal wharves

  • Smith-Pardo, J. Paul.;Reyes, Juan C.;Sandoval, Juan D.;Hassan, Wael M.
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • 제69권1호
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    • pp.95-104
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    • 2019
  • The Standard ASCE 61-14 proposes the Substitute Structure Method (SSM) as a Nonlinear Static Procedure (NSP) to estimate nonlinear displacement demands at the center of mass of piers or wharves under seismic actions. To account for bidirectional earthquake excitation according to the Standard, results from independent pushover analyses in each orthogonal direction should be combined using either a 100/30 directional approach or a procedure referred to as the Dynamic Magnification Factor, DMF. The main purpose of this paper is to present an evaluation of these NSPs in relation to four wharf model structures on soil conditions ranging from soft to medium dense clay. Results from nonlinear static analyses were compared against benchmark values of relevant Engineering Design Parameters, EDPs. The latter are defined as the geometric mean demands that are obtained from nonlinear dynamic analyses using a set of 30 two-component ground motion records. It was found that SSM provides close estimates of the benchmark displacement demands at the center of mass of the wharf structures. Furthermore, for the most critical pile connection at a landside corner of the wharf the 100/30 and DMF approaches produced displacement, curvature, and force demands that were reasonably comparable to corresponding benchmark values.

석유화학 플랜트 배관계의 응력 및 진동 평가와 적용에 관한 연구 (A Study on Stress and Vibration Evaluations and Application of Piping System in Petrochemical Plant)

  • 민선규;최명진;장승호
    • 한국공작기계학회논문집
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    • 제11권3호
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    • pp.110-116
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    • 2002
  • Here are shown on stress and vibration evaluations and application of piping system in petrochemical plant with and actual example. While stress evaluation by thermal growth has no argument on the calculated results, vibrational evaluations have some different results in accordance with the evaluation methods. In case of the static stress evaluation the ASME B3l.3 code defines 7000 cycles of fatigue lift: in operating the piping system with a design condition. However, the method of vibrational evaluation on piping systems in petrochemical plants has not been established clearly, yet. In this stuffy, it is purposed to present the requirement of a vibrational evaluation method for petrochemical plant piping system, with an actual application.

Evaluation of Progressive Collapse Resisting Capacity of Tall Buildings

  • Kwon, Kwangho;Park, Seromi;Kim, Jinkoo
    • 국제초고층학회논문집
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    • 제1권3호
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    • pp.229-235
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    • 2012
  • In this paper the progressive collapse potential of building structures designed for real construction projects were evaluated based on arbitrary column removal scenario using various alternate path methods specified in the GSA guidelines. The analysis model structures are a 22-story reinforced concrete moment frames with core wall building and a 44-story interior concrete core and exterior steel diagrid structure. The progressive collapse resisting capacities of the model structures were evaluated using the linear static, nonlinear static, and nonlinear dynamic analyses. The linear static analysis results showed that progressive collapse occurred in the 22-story model structure when an interior column was removed. However the structure turned out to be safe according to the nonlinear static and dynamic analyses. Similar results were observed in the 44-story diagrid structure. Based on the analysis results, it was concluded that, compared with nonlinear analysis procedures, the linear static method is conservative in the prediction of progressive collapse resisting capacity of building structure based on arbitrary column removal scenario.

기상청 기상레이더 관측망을 이용한 합성 하이브리드 고도면 강우량(HSR)의 정확도 검증 (Accuracy Evaluation of Composite Hybrid Surface Rainfall (HSR) Using KMA Weather Radar Network)

  • 류근수;정성화;오영아;박홍목;이규원
    • 한국지구과학회지
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    • 제38권7호
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    • pp.496-510
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    • 2017
  • 본 연구는 기상청의 기상레이더 관측망을 이용한 하이브리드 고도면 강우추정 기법 기반의 새로운 정량적 합성강수량 추정 방법을 제시한다. HSR기법은 지형클러터, 빔차폐, 비 기상 에코 및 밝은 띠의 영향을 받지 않는 하이브리드 고도면의 반사도를 합성하는 것이 특징이다. HSR 합성반사도는 정적 HSR (STATIC)과 단일편파레이더에 대한 퍼지로직 기법과 이중편파레이더에 대한 시선방향 질감 기반의 품질관리 절차를 사용하는 동적 HSR (DYNAMIC) 합성으로 구분된다. STATIC과 DYNAMIC은 2014년 5월부터 10월까지 10개의 강우 사례에 대해 기상청 현업용 합성강우(MOSAIC)와 비교검증 하였다. 차폐 영역에서 STATIC, DYNAMIC, MOSAIC의 상관계수는 각각 0.52, 0.78, 0.69이며 평균 상대 오차는 각각 34.08, 30.08, 40.71%로 분석되었다.

Assessment of a concrete arch bridge using static and dynamic load tests

  • Caglayan, B. Ozden;Ozakgul, Kadir;Tezer, Ovunc
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • 제41권1호
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    • pp.83-94
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    • 2012
  • Assessment of a monumental concrete arch bridge with a total length of 210 meters having three major spans of 30 meters and a height of 65 meters, which is located in an earthquake-prone region in southern part of the country is presented in this study. Three-dimensional finite element model of the bridge was generated using a commercially available general finite element analysis software and based on the outcomes of a series of in-depth acceleration measurements that were conducted on-site, the model was refined. By using the structural parameters obtained from the dynamic and the static tests, calibrated model of the bridge structure was obtained and this model was used for necessary calculations regarding structural assessment and evaluation.

컴퓨터 애니메이션을 이용한 가로경관의 평가기법 연구 -정적 및 동적 시뮬레이션 기법의 비교- (A Study of Streetscape Evaluation Methods Using Computer Animation -A Comparison of Static and Dynamic Simulation Methods-)

  • 김충식;이인성
    • 한국조경학회지
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    • 제26권4호
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 1999
  • Previous research for visual assessment of streetscape employed static simulation methods to represent future landscape. However, streetscape is experienced sequentially, and thus dynamic simulations can be more effective. This study tried to adopt computer animation in the evaluation of streetscape, and examined its effects and possibilities. Three development scenarios for the redevelopment districts of Sokong-Ro and Banpo-Ro in Seoul were designed, and simulations were produced by three methods-photo-retouching, computer still image, and animation. A preference questionnaire was asked to 69 university students, and the effects of simulation methods on visual preference were examined. In addition, the frames of the animation were reclassed to identify the visibility of physical elements. The relationships between the visibility and visual preference were analyzed. The results showed that visual preference can be explained by three factors-Amenity, Tidiness, and Variousness-that account for 62.4% of the total variance, and the Amenity showed the highest proportion: 36.0%. Among the three simulation methods, animation showed the largest difference in preference for the most important factor(Amenity), and yielded the highest correlation between visibility of physical elements and Amenity. This result demonstrated that dynamic simulations can provide more accurate observation of visual changes, especially because the simulated landscape is experienced sequentially. The results also revealed that the sequential change in the visibility of physical elements can be examined easily and precisely by animation. This benefit of animation enables analysts to identify the points where the landscape varies the most, and thus visual preference should be evaluated.

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기능적 발목관절 불안정성의 등속성 근력과 균형 및 보행 중에 근활성도와 발바닥압의 평가 (Evaluation of Muscle Activity and Foot Pressure during Gait, and Isokinetic Strength and Balance in Persons with Functional Ankle Instability)

  • 이선아;김아람;유경태;이호성
    • 대한물리의학회지
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    • 제13권3호
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    • pp.27-37
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    • 2018
  • PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to investigate and evaluate muscle activity and foot pressure during gait, and isokinetic strength and balance in persons with functional ankle instability (FAI). METHODS: Nine healthy subjects (CON, n=9) without FAI and 11 patients (FAI, n=11) with FAI participated in the study after having been screened with an ankle instability instrument and a balance error scoring system. In addition, FAI was classified as non-involved (FAI-N) or involved (FAI-I), and CON was classified as dominant or non-dominant. All subjects were evaluated for isokinetic strength (plantar flexion, dorsiflexion, inversion and eversion of $30^{\circ}/sec$ and $60^{\circ}/sec$), balance (static and dynamic), muscle activity (tibialis anterior, peroneus longus and gastrocnemius) and foot pressure (static and dynamic) during gait. RESULTS: Results showed that plantar flexion (p<.05), dorsiflexion (p<.05), inversion (p<.01) and eversion (p<.00) of $60^{\circ}/sec$ were significantly decreased in FAI-I compared to those in FAI-N and CON. C 90 of static balance with eyes open (p<.01) and closed (p<.00) were significantly increased in FAI compared to those in CON. Forward position of dynamic balance (p<.01) was significantly decreased in FAI compared to that in CON. Gastrocnemius and peroneus longus of dynamic muscle activity (p<.01), left and right weight distribution of static foot pressure (p<.00) and pressure distribution of dynamic foot pressure (p<.00) were significantly decreased in FAI-I compared to those in FAI-N. CONCLUSION: We demonstrated that ankle strength, balance, muscle activity and foot pressure were significantly correlated with FAI.

불안정 발판(Unstable Platform)에서 20대 연령의 균형능력 평가 (Evaluation of the Balance Ability for 20 to 29 Years Old on the Unstable Platform)

  • 권오윤;최홍식
    • 한국전문물리치료학회지
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    • 제3권3호
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 1996
  • The purpose of this study were to evaluate and compare the balance ability at different conditions in normal 20 to 29 years old on unstable platform, KAT 2000(Breg, Inc., Vista, CA. 1994). Static and dynamic BI(balance index) were measured 3psi and 5psi surface conditions. Static tests were done on right and left leg separately, then both legs together with the feet apart 20cm with the eyes opened and closed. Dynamic tests were done on both legs together with apart 20cm with the eyes opened. A dynamic test was performed in which the subject moved platform in a circular manner to chase a moving object on a computer screen. Seventy healthy students(average 21.6 years, male, female) were tested. In this study applied the paired t-test and correlation to determine the statistical significance of result. The results were as follow: 1) The mean static balance index of the Rt leg was $119.9{\pm}75.72$ on 3psi surface condition with the eyes opened, and that of the Lt leg was $224.3{\pm}121.16$. 2) The mean static balance index of the Rt leg was $93.1{\pm}24.16$ on 5psi surface condition with the eyes opened, and that of the Lt leg was $180.5{\pm}61.76$. 3) The mean static and dynamic balance index of both legs were $76.4{\pm}31.86$, $2187.6{\pm}696.99$ on 3psi with the eyes opened, and $68.3{\pm}14.82$, $1938.7{\pm}525.41$ on 5psi respectively. 4) The mean static balance index of the Rt leg was $517.8{\pm}220.87$ on 3psi surface condition with the eyes closed, and that of the Lt leg was $588.6{\pm}204.81$. 5) The mean static balance index of the Rt leg was $271.9{\pm}192.151$ on 5psi surface condition with the eyes closed, and that of the Lt leg was $363.4{\pm}98.97$. 6) The mean static balance index of both legs was $332.6{\pm}137.31$ on 3psi surface condition with the eyes closed, and that of the 5psi was $288.5{\pm}133.07$. 7) The balance index on 3psi surface condition was significantly higher than that of 5psi (p<0.05, p<0.01). 8) The balance index with the eyes closed was significantly higher than that of the eyes opened (p<0.05). 9) The balance index on the left leg was significantly higher than that of the right leg (p<0.05, p<0.01). 10) There was no correlation between static balance index and dynamic balance index. 11) Therewas no correlation between weight or height and balance index.

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