• Title/Summary/Keyword: stars: Population I

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    • Journal of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.48 no.6
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    • pp.333-341
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    • 2015
  • A search for hot and bright white dwarfs (WDs) in the Milky Way globular clusters M13 (NGC 6205) and M22 (NGC 6656) is carried out using the deep and homogeneous V I photometric catalog of Anderson et al. and and Sarajedini et al., based on data taken with the ACS/WFC aboard the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). V versus V − I color-magnitude diagrams (CMDs) of M13 and M22 are constructed and numerous spurious detections are rejected according to their photometric quality parameters qfit(V ) and qfit(I). In the case of M13, further radial restriction is applied to reject central stars with higher photometric errors due to central crowding. From each resultant V versus V −I CMD, sixteen and thirteen WD candidates are identified in M13 and M22, respectively. They are identified as stellar objects in the accompanying ACS/WFC images and are found to be randomly distributed across the central regions of M13 and M22. Their positions in the CMDs are in the bright part of the DA WD cooling sequences indicating that they are true WDs. In order to confirm their nature, follow-up spectroscopic observations are needed.


    • Publications of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.265-266
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    • 2015
  • A search for luminous white dwarfs (WDs) in several nearby Galactic globular clusters (GCs) was carried out using the deep and homogeneous photometric catalog of Galactic GCs taken with the ACS/WFC aboard the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) by Sarajedini et al. and Anderson et al- It resulted in the identification of luminous WD candidates in the GCs M13 (NGC 6205) and M22 (NGC 6656). The purpose of the present study is to identify luminous WDs in the deep and homogeneous V versus V - I color-magnitude diagrams (CMDs) of several nearby Galactic GCs taken with the ACS/WFC aboard the HST. Using photometric data for the GCs M13 and M22 that are now in the public domain, the V versus V - I CMDs of the GCs M13 and M22 were constructed. Many spurious detections in the CMDs were removed using the photometric quality parameters qfit(V) and qfit(I), and a radial restriction was applied to the CMDs to remove the central stars with higher photometric errors due to central crowding. From each resultant V versus V - I CMD of the GCs M13 and M22, a dozen or so luminous WD candidates were identified. They were confirmed as stellar objects in the accompanying ACS/WFC images and their positions in the CMDs were in the bright part of the DA WD cooling curve. Therefore, the luminous WD candidates in the GCs M13 and M22 seem to be true luminous WDs, and spectroscopic observations are needed to confirm their true identity.

Relative merits of different types of multi-wavelength observations to constrain galaxy physical parameter

  • Pacifici, Camilla
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.35.2-35.2
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    • 2013
  • I will present a new approach to constrain galaxy physical parameters from the combined interpretation of stellar and nebular emission in wide ranges of observations. This approach relies on a comprehensive library of synthetic spectra, assembled using state-of-the-art models of star formation and chemical enrichment histories, stellar population synthesis, nebular emission and attenuation by dust. We focus on the constraints set by 5-band photometry and low- and medium-resolution spectroscopy at optical rest wavelengths on a few physical parameters characterizing the stars and interstellar medium. Since these parameters cannot be known a priori for any galaxy sample, we assess the accuracy to which they can be retrieved by simulating 'pseudo-observations' using models with known parameters. We find that the combined analysis of stellar and nebular emission in low-resolution (50A FWHM) galaxy spectra provides valuable constraints on all physical parameters. The approach can be extended to the analysis of any type of observation and during this talk i will present some applications to observed galaxies up to redshift 1.5.

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  • Matsumoto, T.;Seo, H.J.;Jeong, W.S.;Lee, H.M.;Matsuura, S.;Matsuhara, H.;Oyabu, S.;Pyo, J.;Wada, T.
    • Publications of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.363-365
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    • 2012
  • We report a search for fluctuations of the sky brightness toward the North Ecliptic Pole with AKARI, at 2.4, 3.2, and $4.1{\mu}m$. The stacked images with a diameter of 10 arcminutes of the AKARI-Monitor Field show a spatial structure on the scale of a few hundred arcseconds. A power spectrum analysis shows that there is a significant excess fluctuation at angular scales larger than 100 arcseconds that cannot be explained by zodiacal light, diffuse Galactic light, shot noise of faint galaxies, or clustering of low-redshift galaxies. These findings indicate that the detected fluctuation could be attributed to the first stars of the universe, i.e., Population III stars.

A Rusty but Provocative Knife? The Rationale behind China's Sanction Usage

  • Huang, Wei-Hao
    • Journal of Contemporary Eastern Asia
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.30-48
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    • 2019
  • China has initiated a series of "economic sanctions" against South Korea, affecting Korean pop stars visiting China and Korean investments in China. Sanctions were imposed on South Korea in response to the decision of South Korea to deploy Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) in 2016. Furthermore, the Global Daily assembled local population to boycott Korean products and investments in China. However, the Chinese Foreign Ministry has never positively confirmed these activities as economic sanctions to South Korea related to the THAAD installation. In other words, the Chinese government singled a relatively weak message via these sanctions to South Korea. As a result, the THADD implementation continued in South Korea. In the paper, I interpret China's rationale to impost puzzling economic sanctions, which have a weak resolution, to South Korea and Taiwan. As signaling theory argues, economic sanctions with insufficient resolution, which are more likely to fail, is a more provocative foreign policy. By reviewing China's sanctions usage to South Korea and Taiwan, I propose arguments of bureaucratic competition to answer why China launched such sanctions to other countries: those are caused by domestic institutions who are seeking reward from the Communist Party of China. By comparing shifts of leadership between domestic agencies, the paper provides evidence to support the proposed argument. I also include two alternative explanations to strengthen the proposed argument, albeit connecting the paper with other two larger streams of research, which address analyses of China's aggressive foreign policies as well as the domestic politics of economic sanctions.

Carnegie Hubble Program II : Overview and Research Status

  • Yang, Soung-Chul
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.40 no.1
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    • pp.46.4-47
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    • 2015
  • Carnegie Hubble Program II (hereafter CHP II) is a large Hubble Space Telescope (HST) observing campaign in the cycle 22 composed of a total of 184 orbits (132 primes + 52 parallels), which aims to measure H0 directly with an unprecedented accuracy. Unlike our previous efforts in CHP I which used Cepheids as a yardstick, CHP II takes the Population II (Pop II) distance indicators such as RR Lyraes and tip of the red giant branch stars (TRGBs) to set up a new calibration to Type Ia supernovae (SN Ia) distance. The Pop II distance scales have two immediate advantages over the classical Cepheid method: 1) The period-luminosity relation of the RR Lyrae has a scatter that is a factor of 2 smaller; 2) The RR Lyrae/TRGB distance scale can be applied to both elliptical and spiral galaxies. This will provide a great systematic benefit by ultimately allowing us to double the number of SN Ia distances based on geometry. By taking advantage of this Pop II route, we expect to measure H0 value to 3 % of error which will be the highest accuracy H0 measurement to date using the "Distance Ladder" method. In this talk I will present a brief background/overview on the CHP II, observations/data acquisition status, and ongoing research progress/preliminary results.

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High Mass X-ray Binary and IGOS with IGRINS

  • Chun, Moo-Young;Moon, Dae-Sik;Jeong, Ueejeong;Yu, Young Sam
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.39 no.2
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    • pp.95-95
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    • 2014
  • The mass measurement of neutron stars or black holes is of fundamental importance in our understanding of the evolution of massive stars and core-collapse supernova explosions as well as some exotic physics of the extreme conditions. Despite the importance, however, it's very difficult to measure mass of these objects directly. One way to do this, if they are in binary systems, to measure their binary motions (i.e., Doppler shifts) which can give us direct information on their mass. Recently many new highly-obscured massive X-ray binaries have been discovered by new hard X-ray satellites such as INTEGRAL and NuSTAR. The new highly-obscured massive X-ray binaries are faint in the optical, but bright in the infrared with many emission lines. Based on the near-infrared spectroscopy, one can first understand the nature of stellar companions to the compact objects, determining its spectral types and luminosity classes as well as mass losses and conditions of (potential) circumstellar material. Next, spectroscopic monitoring of these objects can be used to estimate the mass of compact objects via measuring the Doppler shifts of the lines. For the former, broad-band spectroscopy is essential; for the latter, high-resolution spectroscopy is critical. Therefore, IGRINS appears to be an ideal instrument to study them. An IGRINS survey of these new highly-obscured massive X-ray binaries can give us a rare opportunity to carry out population analyses for understanding the evolution of massive binary systems and formation of compact objects and their mass ranges. In this talk, we will present a sample near-infrared high resolution spectra of HMXB, IGR J19140+0951 and discuss about its spectral feature. These spectra are obtained on 13th July, 2014 from IGRINS commissioning run at McDonald 2.7m telescope. And at final, we will introduce the upgrade plan of IGRINS Operation Software (IGOS), to gather the input from IGRINS observer.

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    • Publications of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.413-415
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    • 2015
  • How galaxy evolution differs in different environments is one of the intriguing questions in the study of structure formation. While galaxy properties are clearly distinguished in different environments in the local universe, it is still an open issue what causes this environmental dependence of various galaxy properties. To address this question, in this work, we investigate the build-up of passive galaxies over a wide redshift range, from z ~ 2 to z ~ 0.5, focusing on its dependence on galaxy environment. In the UKIDSS/Ultra Deep Survey (UDS) field, we identify high-redshift galaxy cluster candidates within this redshift range. Then, using deep optical and near-infrared data from Subaru and UKIRT available in this field, we analyze and compare the stellar population properties of galaxies in the clusters and in the field. Our results show that the environmental effect on galaxy star-formation properties is a strong function of redshift as well as stellar mass - in the sense that (1) the effect becomes significant at small redshift, and (2) it is stronger for low-mass ($M_{\ast}<10^{10}M_{\odot}$) galaxies. We have also found that galaxy stellar mass plays a more significant role in determining their star-formation property - i.e., whether they are forming stars actively or not - than their environment throughout the redshift range.


  • Jeong, Hyunjin;Yi, Sukyoung K.;Kyeong, Jaemann;Sarzi, Marc;Sung, Eon-Chang;Oh, Kyuseok
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.38.2-38.2
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    • 2013
  • Several studies have reported the presence of sodium excess objects having neutral atomic absorption lines at $5895{\AA}$ (NaD) and $8190{\AA}$ that are deeper than expected based on stellar population models that match the stellar continuum. The origin of these lines is therefore hotly debated. van Dokkum & Conroy proposed that low-mass stars (0.3M) are more prevalent in massive early-type galaxies, which may lead to a strong NaI 8190 line strength. It is necessary to test this prediction, however, against other prominent optical line indices such as NaD, Mgb, and Fe5270, which can be measured with a significantly higher signal-to-noise ratio than NaI 8190. We identified a new sample of roughly one thousand NaD excess objects (NEOs; ~8% of galaxies in the sample) based on NaD line strength in the redshift range 0.00${\alpha}$-enhanced" ([${\alpha}/Fe$] ~ 0.3), "metal-rich" ([Z/H] ~ 0.3), and, especially, "Na-enhanced" ([Na/Fe] ~ 0.3).

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  • Jeong, Hyunjin;Yi, Sukyoung K.;Kyeong, Jaemann;Sarzi, Marc;Sung, Eon-Chang;Oh, Kyuseok
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.47.2-47.2
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    • 2014
  • Several studies have reported the presence of sodium excess objects having neutral atomic absorption lines at $5895{\AA}$ (NaD) and $8190{\AA}$ that are deeper than expected based on stellar population models that match the stellar continuum. The origin of these lines is therefore hotly debated. van Dokkum & Conroy proposed that low-mass stars (0.3M) are more prevalent in massive early-type galaxies, which may lead to a strong NaI 8190 line strength. It is necessary to test this prediction, however, against other prominent optical line indices such as NaD, Mgb, and Fe5270, which can be measured with a significantly higher signal-to-noise ratio than NaI 8190. We identified a new sample of roughly one thousand NaD excess objects (NEOs; ~8% of galaxies in the sample) based on NaD line strength in the redshift range 0.00$H{\beta}$ line strengths and significant emission lines, which are indicative of the presence of young stellar populations. This result implies that the presence of the interstellar medium and/or dust contributes to the increase in NaD line strengths observed for these galaxies.

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