• Title/Summary/Keyword: spatial view

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A Study on the Development of 3D Virtual Reality Campus Tour System for the Adaptation of University Life to Freshmen in Non-face-to-face Situation - Autonomous Operation of Campus Surrounding Environment and University Information Guide Screen Design Using Visual Focus Movement - (비대면 상황에서 신입생 대학생활적응을 위한 3차원 가상현실 캠퍼스 투어시스템 개발연구 - 시야초점의 움직임을 활용한 캠퍼스주변 환경의 자유로운 이동과 대학정보안내화면 GUI설계 -)

  • Lim, Jang-Hoon
    • Journal of Information Technology Applications and Management
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.59-75
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    • 2021
  • This study aims to establish a foundation for autonomous driving on campus and communication of abundant university information in the HCI environment in a VR environment where college freshmen can freely travel around campus facilities. The purpose of this study is to develop a three-dimensional VR-style campus tour system to establish a media environment to provide abundant university information guidance services to freshmen in non-face-to-face situations. This study designed a three-dimensional virtual reality campus tour system to solve the problem of discontinuity in which VR360 filming space does not lead to space like reality, and to solve many problems of expertise in VR technology by constructing an integrated production environment of tour system. We aim to solve the problem of inefficiency, which requires a large amount of momentum in virtual space, by constructing a GUI that utilizes the motion of the field of view focus. The campus environment was designed as a three-dimensional virtual reality using a three-dimensional graphic design. In non-face-to-face situations, college freshmen freely transformed the HMD VR device, smartphone, FPS operation mode of the gyroscope sensor. The design elements of the three-dimensional virtual reality campus tour system were classified as ①Visualization of factual experiences, ②Continuity of space movement, ③Operation, automatic operation mode, ④Natural landscape animation, ⑤Animation according to wind direction, ⑥Actual space movement mode, ⑦Informatization of spatial understanding, ⑧GUI by experience environment, ⑨Text GUI by building, ⑩VR360, 3D360 Studio Environment, ⑪Three-dimensional virtual space coupling block module, ⑫3D360-3D Virtual Space Transmedia Zone, ⑬Transformable GUI(VR Device Dual Viewer-Gyro Sensor Full Viewer-FPS Operation Viewer) and an integrated production environment was established with each element. It is launched online (http://vautu.com/u1) by constructing a GUI for free driving mode and college information screens to adapt to college life for freshmen, and designing an environment that can be used simultaneously by current media such as PCs, Android, and iPads. Therefore, it conducted user research, held a development presentation, a forum on excellence in university innovation support projects, and applied it as a system on the website of a particular university. College freshmen will be able to experience university information directly from the web and app to the virtual reality campus environment.

Slim Mobile Lens Design Using a Hybrid Refractive/Diffractive Lens (굴절/회절 하이브리드 렌즈 적용 슬림 모바일 렌즈 설계)

  • Park, Yong Chul;Joo, Ji Yong;Lee, Jun Ho
    • Korean Journal of Optics and Photonics
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    • v.31 no.6
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    • pp.281-289
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    • 2020
  • This paper reports a slim mobile lens design using a hybrid refractive/diffractive optical element. Conventionally a wide field of view (FOV) camera-lens design adopts a retrofocus type having a negative (-) lens at the forefront, so that it improves in imaging performance over the wide FOV, but with the sacrifice of longer total track length (TTL). However, we chose a telephoto type as a baseline design layout having a positive (+) lens at the forefront, to achieving slimness, based on the specification analysis of 23 reported optical designs. Following preliminary optimization of a baseline design and aberration analysis based on Zernike-polynomial decomposition, we applied a hybrid refractive/diffractive element to effectively reduce the residual chromatic spherical aberration. The optimized optical design consists of 6 optical elements, including one hybrid element. It results in a very slim telephoto ratio of 1.7, having an f-number of 2.0, FOV of 90°, effective focal length of 2.23 mm, and TTL of 3.7 mm. Compared to a comparable conventional lens design with no hybrid elements, the hybrid design improved the value of the modulation transfer function (MTF) at a spatial frequency of 180 cycles/mm from 63% to 71-73% at zero field (0 F), and about 2-3% at 0.5, 0.7, and 0.9 fields. It was also found that a design with a hybrid lens with only two diffraction zones at the stop achieved the same performance improvement.

Quality Evaluation of Drone Image using Siemens star (Siemens star를 이용한 드론 영상의 품질 평가)

  • Lee, Jae One;Sung, Sang Min;Back, Ki Suk;Yun, Bu Yeol
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.40 no.3
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    • pp.217-226
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    • 2022
  • In the view of the application of high-precision spatial information production, UAV (Umanned Aerial Vehicle)-Photogrammetry has a problem in that it lacks specific procedures and detailed regulations for quantitative quality verification methods or certification of captured images. In addition, test tools for UAV image quality assessment use only the GSD (Ground Sample Distance), not MTF (Modulation Transfer Function), which reflects image resolution and contrast at the same time. This fact makes often the quality of UAV image inferior to that of manned aerial image. We performed MTF and GSD analysis simultaneously using a siemens star to confirm the necessity of MTF analysis in UAV image quality assessment. The analyzing results of UAV images taken with different payload and sensors show that there is a big difference in σMTF values, representing image resolution and the degree of contrast, but slightly different in GSD. It concluded that the MTF analysis is a more objective and reliable analysis method than just the GSD analysis method, and high-quality drone images can only be obtained when the operator make images after judging the proper selection the sensor performance, image overlaps, and payload type. However, the results of this study are derived from analyzing only images acquired by limited sensors and imaging conditions. It is therefore expected that more objective and reliable results will be obtained if continuous research is conducted by accumulating various experimental data in related fields in the future.

Research on the Urban Green Space Connection Paths forthe Enhancement of Ecological Function - Focused on Suwon - (녹지축의 생태적 기능 강화를 위한 도시녹지 연결경로 도출 연구 - 수원시 대상 -)

  • Choi, Jaeyeon;Kim, Suryeon;Park, Chan;Song, Wonkyong;Jung, Kyungmin;Kim, Eunyoung
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.201-213
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    • 2022
  • Creation and administration of green space are emphasized to solve the environmental problem and the management of green space in urban area. Urban area with high development pressure faces green space fragmentation, so the planned approach is needed to improve the continuity of green space. However, the current institutional green axis, used to enhance continuity of urban space is merely an abstract concept under the master plan so that is not a consistent framework for urban green continuity providing no detailed information such as position and path. Therefore, in order to consistently manage green space in continuous point of view, it is insufficient not being connected to each individual green space development projects. This study proposes a method for finding the connection path to enhance urban green space continuity. This proposed method consists of two phases. First phase is finding nodes to connect current green space and second is to calculate the least cost path. We calculate connection cost using NDMI (Normalized Difference Moisture Index), impervious ratio and official land cost, applying to Suwon city and potential greening site that was planned in official master plan. According to the results, we confirm a possibility of finding a cost-effective connection path with detailed spatial information instead of unrealistic abstract concepts and discuss worth applying to a legally plan and policy.

Subject Development of Fashion Model utilizing Capstone Design (캡스톤 디자인을 활용한 패션 모델의 교과목 개발)

  • Park, Keun-Jung;Kim, Jang-Hyeon
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.108-117
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    • 2021
  • The educational approach using Capstone Design is gradually expanding with the change in social and educational paradigms. Course development utilizing the Capstone Design in models in the department of fashion can create a positive effect in that it enhances the practical capabilities of the fashion model and expands the perspective of various fields related to fashion shows. This study proved the educational efficacy by applying the Capstone Design to the model work presentation course and investigating the implications of the design from the instructor's perspective. The research methods used to guide this course utilizing the Capstone Design were theatrical research and model development research. This study showed that learners' satisfaction for this course combined with Capstone Design was very high, and students were very satisfied with the progress of the class. The instructor's point of view in progressing this course showed the need for education from an in-depth and convergence perspective related to fashion, improvement of temporal and spatial utilization of space, concerns about establishing connections with experts and various industries, and expanding the scope of education through continuous exchanges and cooperation with industry.

Enhancing CT Image Quality Using Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks for Applying Post-mortem Computed Tomography in Forensic Pathology: A Phantom Study (사후전산화단층촬영의 법의병리학 분야 활용을 위한 조건부 적대적 생성 신경망을 이용한 CT 영상의 해상도 개선: 팬텀 연구)

  • Yebin Yoon;Jinhaeng Heo;Yeji Kim;Hyejin Jo;Yongsu Yoon
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.46 no.4
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    • pp.315-323
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    • 2023
  • Post-mortem computed tomography (PMCT) is commonly employed in the field of forensic pathology. PMCT was mainly performed using a whole-body scan with a wide field of view (FOV), which lead to a decrease in spatial resolution due to the increased pixel size. This study aims to evaluate the potential for developing a super-resolution model based on conditional generative adversarial networks (CGAN) to enhance the image quality of CT. 1761 low-resolution images were obtained using a whole-body scan with a wide FOV of the head phantom, and 341 high-resolution images were obtained using the appropriate FOV for the head phantom. Of the 150 paired images in the total dataset, which were divided into training set (96 paired images) and validation set (54 paired images). Data augmentation was perform to improve the effectiveness of training by implementing rotations and flips. To evaluate the performance of the proposed model, we used the Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR), Structural Similarity Index Measure (SSIM) and Deep Image Structure and Texture Similarity (DISTS). Obtained the PSNR, SSIM, and DISTS values of the entire image and the Medial orbital wall, the zygomatic arch, and the temporal bone, where fractures often occur during head trauma. The proposed method demonstrated improvements in values of PSNR by 13.14%, SSIM by 13.10% and DISTS by 45.45% when compared to low-resolution images. The image quality of the three areas where fractures commonly occur during head trauma has also improved compared to low-resolution images.

Optimization of Dual Layer Phoswich Detector for Small Animal PET using Monte Carlo Simulation

  • Y.H. Chung;Park, Y.;G. Cho;Y.S. Choe;Lee, K.H.;Kim, S.E.;Kim, B.T.
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Medical Physics Conference
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    • 2003.09a
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    • pp.44-44
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    • 2003
  • As a basic measurement tool in the areas of animal models of human disease, gene expression and therapy, and drug discovery and development, small animal PET imaging is being used increasingly. An ideal small animal PET should have high sensitivity and high and uniform resolution across the field of view to achieve high image quality. However, the combination of long narrow pixellated crystal array and small ring diameter of small animal PET leads to the degradation of spatial resolution for the source located at off center. This degradation of resolution can be improved by determining the depth of interaction (DOI) in the crystal and by taking into account the information in sorting the coincident events. Among a number of 001 identification schemes, dual layer phsowich detector has been widely investigated by many research groups due to its practicability and effectiveness on extracting DOI information. However, the effects of each crystal length composing dual layer phoswich detector on DOI measurements and image qualities were not fully characterized. In order to minimize the DOI effect, the length of each layer of phoswich detector should be optimized. The aim of this study was to perform simulations using a simulation tool, GATE to design the optimum lengths of crystals composing a dual layer phoswich detector. The simulated small PET system employed LSO front layer LuYAP back layer phoswich detector modules and the module consisted of 8${\times}$8 arrays of dual layer crystals with 2 mm ${\times}$ 2 mm sensitive area coupled to a Hamamatsu R7600 00 M64 PSPMT. Sensitivities and variation of radial resolutions were simulated by varying the length of LSO front layer from 0 to 10 mm while the total length (LSO + LuYAP) was fixed to 20 mm for 10 cm diameter ring scanner. The radial resolution uniformity was markedly improved by using DOI information. There existed the optimal lengths of crystal layers to minimize the variation of radial resolutions. In 10 cm ring scanner configuration, the radial resolution was kept below 3.4 mm over 8 cm FOV while the sensitivity was higher than 7.4% for LSO 5 mm : LuYAP 15 mm phoswich detector. In this study, the optimal length of dual layer phoswich detector was derived to achieve high and uniform radial resolution.

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Shaking table test on seismic response and failure characteristics of ground fissures site during earthquakes

  • Chao, Zhang;Xuzhi, Nie;Zhongming, Xiong;Yuekui, Pang;Xiaolu, Yuan;Yan, Zhuge;Youjun, Xu
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.307-319
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    • 2023
  • Ground fissures have a huge effect on the integrity of surface structures. In high-intensity ground fissure regions, however, land resource would be wasted and city building and economic development would be limited if the area avoiding principle was used. In view of this challenge, to reveal the seismic response and seismic failure characteristics of ground fissure sites, a shaking table test on model soil based on a 1:15 scale experiment was carried out. In the test, the spatial distribution characteristics of acceleration response and Arias intensity were obtained for a site exposed to earthquakes with different characteristics. Furthermore, the failure characteristics and damage evolution of the model soil were analyzed. The test results indicated that, with the increase in the earthquake acceleration magnitude, the crack width of the ground fissure enlarged from 0 to 5 mm. The soil of the hanging wall was characterized by earlier cracking and a higher abundance of secondary fissures at 45°. Under strong earthquakes, the model soil, especially the soil near the ground fissure, was severely damaged and exhibited reduced stiffness. As a result, its natural frequency also decreased from 11.41 Hz to 8.05 Hz, whereas the damping ratio increased from 4.8% to 9.1%. Due to the existence of ground fissure, the acceleration was amplified to nearly 0.476 m/s2, as high as 2.38 times of the input acceleration magnitude. The maximum of acceleration and Arias intensity appeared at the fissure zone, which decreased from the main fissure toward both sides, showing hanging wall effects. The seismic intensity, duration and frequency spectrum all had certain effects on the seismic response of the ground fissure site, but their influence degrees were different. The seismic response of the site induced by the seismic wave that had richer low-frequency components and longer duration was larger. The discrepancies of seismic response between the hanging wall and the footwall declined obviously when the magnitude of the earthquake acceleration increased. The research results will be propitious to enhancing the utilizing ratio of the limited landing resource, alleviation of property damages and casualties, and provide a good engineering application foreground.

A Case Study on Field Campaign-Based Absolute Radiometric Calibration of the CAS500-1 Using Radiometric Tarp (Radiometric Tarp를 이용한 현장관측 기반의 차세대중형위성 1호 절대복사보정 사례 연구)

  • Woojin Jeon;Jong-Min Yeom;Jae-Heon Jung;Kyoung-Wook Jin;Kyung-Soo Han
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.39 no.6_1
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    • pp.1273-1281
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    • 2023
  • Absolute radiometric calibration is a crucial process in converting the electromagnetic signals obtained from satellite sensors into physical quantities. It is performed to enhance the accuracy of satellite data, facilitate comparison and integration with other satellite datasets, and address changes in sensor characteristics over time or due to environmental conditions. In this study, field campaigns were conducted to perform vicarious calibration for the multispectral channels of the CAS500-1. Two valid field observations were obtained under clear-sky conditions, and the top-of-atmosphere (TOA) radiance was simulated using the MODerate resolution atmospheric TRANsmission 6 (MODTRAN 6) radiative transfer model. While a linear relationship was observed between the simulated TOA radiance of tarps and CAS500-1 digital numbers(DN), challenges such as a wide field of view and saturation in CAS500-1 imagery suggest the need for future refinement of the calibration coefficients. Nevertheless, this study represents the first attempt at absolute radiometric calibration for CAS500-1. Despite the challenges, it provides valuable insights for future research aiming to determine reliable coefficients for enhanced accuracy in CAS500-1's absolute radiometric calibration.

Evaluation of Seasonal Landscape Images and Preference of Streetscapes - Focusing on Street of Prunus Species - (계절별 가로 경관이미지 및 선호도 평가 - 벚나무류 가로를 대상으로 -)

  • Shin, Jae-Yun;Jung, Sung-Gwan;Kim, Kyung-Tae;Lee, Woo-Sung
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.39 no.3
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    • pp.51-63
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study is to create a landscape image that considers the selection of techniques that can enhance landscape reproduction in streetscape evaluation using 3 dimensional simulations and to evaluate ways to verify similarities and the psychological changes on the part of users by season. In the comparison of technique, the Low(apply normal map) technique was selected for the natural representation of trees in a near and middle view and the Plane technique was selected for the distant view. As the result of the verification, all indicators of physical similarity were evaluated over 4.50 points and most indicators of psychological similarity were found to have no difference except for indicators of 'disordered orderly' and 'dirty - clean'. According to the results of analyzing the landscape simulation by season, images of 'bright', 'beautiful', and 'static', etc., were evaluated high for the spring streetscape. The images of 'open', 'refresh', and 'animate' appeared high in summer and images of 'warm' and 'dark' were found to be high in fall. On the other hand, all images were evaluated as low except for the 'orderly' image. In the preference of streetscape by season, summer and spring were highly preferred at 5.01 and 4.98 with winter as the lowest at 3.48. As the results of the analysis of preference factor, the spring streetscape was found to be a major influence in preference by 0.540 in 'aesthetics'. In the case of summer, 'order' was found to be high at 0.417 while influences in preference included 'variety' and 'aesthetics' in fall and 'variety', 'aesthetics', and 'order' in winter. A determination of suitable spatial planning using a comparative analysis of various city streets will be enabled through the methods of this study.