• Title/Summary/Keyword: spatial view

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Development of Automatized Quantitative Analysis Method in CT Images Evaluation using AAPM Phantom (AAPM Phantom을 이용한 CT 영상 평가 시 자동화된 정량적 분석 방법 개발)

  • Noh, Sung Sun;Um, Hyo Sik;Kim, Ho Chul
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers
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    • v.51 no.12
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    • pp.163-173
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    • 2014
  • When evaluating the spatial resolution images and evaluation of low contrast resolution using CT standard phantom, and might present a automated quantitative evaluation method for minimizing errors by subjective judgment of the evaluator be, and try to evaluate the usefulness. 120kVp and 250mAs, 10mm collimation, SFOV(scan field of view) of 25cm or more than, exposure conditions DFOV(display field of view) of 25cm, and were evaluated the 24 passing images and 20 failing images taken using a standard reconstruction algorithm by using the Nuclear Associates, Inc. AAPM CT Performance Phantom(Model 76-410). Quantitative evaluation of low contrast resolution and spatial resolution was using an evaluation program that was self-developed using the company Mathwork Matlab(Ver. 7.6. (R2008a)) software. In this study, the results were evaluated using the evaluation program that was self-developed in the evaluation of images using CT standard phantom, it was possible to evaluate an objective numerical qualitative evaluation item. First, if the contrast resolution, if EI is 0.50, 0.51, 0.52, 0.53, as a result of evaluating quantitatively the results were evaluated qualitatively match. Second, if CNR is -0.0018~-0.0010, as a result of evaluating quantitatively the results were evaluated qualitatively match. Third, if the spatial resolution, as a result of using a image segmentation technique, and automatically extract the contour boundary of the hole, as a result of evaluating quantitatively the results were evaluated qualitatively match.

Implementation of GIS-based Application Program for Circuity and Accessibility Analysis in Road Network Graph (도로망 그래프의 우회도와 접근도 분석을 위한 GIS 응용 프로그램 개발)

  • Lee, Kiwon
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.84-93
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    • 2004
  • Recently, domain-specific demands with respect to practical applications and analysis scheme using spatial thematic information are increasing. Accordingly, in this study, GIS-based application program is implemented to perform spatial analysis in transportation geography with base road layer data. Using this program, quantitative estimation of circuity and accessibility, which can be extracted from nodes composed of the graph-typed network structure, in a arbitrary analysis zone or administrative boundary zone is possible. Circuity is a concept to represent the difference extent between actual nodes and fully connected nodes in the analysis zone. While, accessibility can be used to find out extent of accessibility or connectivity between all nodes contained in the analysis zone, judging from inter-connecting status of the whole nodes. In put data of this program, which was implemented in AVX executable extension using AvenueTM of ArcView, is not transportation database information based on transportation data model, but layer data, directly obtaining from digital map sets. It is thought that computation of circuity and accessibility can be used as kinds of spatial analysis functions for GIS applications in the transportation field.

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Artifact Reduction in Sparse-view Computed Tomography Image using Residual Learning Combined with Wavelet Transformation (Wavelet 변환과 결합한 잔차 학습을 이용한 희박뷰 전산화단층영상의 인공물 감소)

  • Lee, Seungwan
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.295-302
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    • 2022
  • Sparse-view computed tomography (CT) imaging technique is able to reduce radiation dose, ensure the uniformity of image characteristics among projections and suppress noise. However, the reconstructed images obtained by the sparse-view CT imaging technique suffer from severe artifacts, resulting in the distortion of image quality and internal structures. In this study, we proposed a convolutional neural network (CNN) with wavelet transformation and residual learning for reducing artifacts in sparse-view CT image, and the performance of the trained model was quantitatively analyzed. The CNN consisted of wavelet transformation, convolutional and inverse wavelet transformation layers, and input and output images were configured as sparse-view CT images and residual images, respectively. For training the CNN, the loss function was calculated by using mean squared error (MSE), and the Adam function was used as an optimizer. Result images were obtained by subtracting the residual images, which were predicted by the trained model, from sparse-view CT images. The quantitative accuracy of the result images were measured in terms of peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) and structural similarity (SSIM). The results showed that the trained model is able to improve the spatial resolution of the result images as well as reduce artifacts in sparse-view CT images effectively. Also, the trained model increased the PSNR and SSIM by 8.18% and 19.71% in comparison to the imaging model trained without wavelet transformation and residual learning, respectively. Therefore, the imaging model proposed in this study can restore the image quality of sparse-view CT image by reducing artifacts, improving spatial resolution and quantitative accuracy.

Resolution analysis of Fourier Hologram using integral imaging

  • Chen, Ni;Park, Jae-Hyeung;Kim, Nam
    • Proceedings of the Optical Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2009.10a
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    • pp.331-332
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    • 2009
  • We present an analysis on the quality factors of the Fourier hologram generated from multiple orthographic view images of three-dimensional object. In the analysis, we analyze both the maximum size of the reconstructed object and its spatial resolution. For the maximum size of the reconstruction, we found that the main factor is the orthographic projection angle interval. Too large projection angle interval causes overlapping in the reconstruction space domain. For the spatial resolution, there are three factors, i.e. the capturing lens array pitch which determines the spatial sampling rate of the original three-dimensional objects, the maximum orthographic projection angle, and the spatial frequency bandwidth of the object. The dominant factor is determined by the relationship between those three factors.

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A Multiresolution Model Generation Method Preserving View Directional Feature (시점과의 방향관계를 고려한 다단계 모델 생성 기법)

  • Kim, HyungSeok;Jung, SoonKi;Wohn, KwangYun
    • Journal of the Korea Computer Graphics Society
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 1998
  • The idea of level-of-detail based on multiresolution model is gaining popularity as a natural means of handling the complexity regarding the realtime rendering of virtual environments. To generate an effective multiresolution model, we should capture the prominent visual features in the process of simplifying original complex model. In this paper, we incorporate view dependent features such as silhouette features and backface features, to the generation process of multiresolution model. To capture the view directional parameter, we propose multiresolution view sphere. View sphere maps the directional relationship between object surface and the view. Using the view sphere, coherence in the directional space is mapped into spatial coherence in the view sphere. View sphere is generated in multiresolution fashion to simplify the object. To access multiresolution view sphere efficiently, we devise quad tree for the view sphere. We also devise a mechanism for realtime simplification process using proposed view sphere. Using proposed mechanism, regenerating simplified model in realtime is effectively done in the order of number of rendered vertices.

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Estimation of the Available Green Roof Area using Geo-Spatial Data (공간정보를 이용한 옥상녹화 가용면적 추정)

  • Ahn, Ji-Yeon;Jung, Tae-Woong;Koo, Jee-hee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.11-17
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    • 2016
  • The purposes of this research are to estimate area of greenable roof and to monitor maintaining of green roofs using World-View 2 images. The contents of this research are development of World-View 2 application technologies for estimation of green roof area and development of monitoring and maintaining of green roofs using World-View 2 images. The available green roof areas in Gwangjin-gu Seoul, a case for this study, were estimated using digital maps and World-View 2 images. The available green roof area is approximately 12.17% ($2,153,700m^2$) of the total area, and the roof vegetation accounts for 0.46% ($80,660m^2$) of the total area. For verification of the extracted roof vegetation, Vworld 3D Desktop map service was applied. The study results may be used as a decision-making tool by the government and local governments in determining the feasibility of green roof projects. In addition, the project implementer may periodically monitor to see whether roof greening has maintained for efficient management of projects, and a vast amount of World-View 2 images may be regularly used before and after the projects to contribute to sharing of satellite images information.

Calibration Method for the Panel-type Multi-view Display

  • Kim, Jonghyun;Lee, Chang-Kun;Hong, Jong-Young;Jang, Changwon;Jeong, Youngmo;Yeom, Jiwoon;Lee, Byoungho
    • Journal of the Optical Society of Korea
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.477-486
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    • 2015
  • We propose a novel calibration method which can be applied to all kinds of panel-type multi-view displays. We analyze how the angular, the axial, and the lateral misalignment affects the 3D image quality in a panel-type multi-view display. We demonstrate the ray optics simulation with a 3-view slanted parallax barrier system using pentile display for the quantitative calculation. Based on the analysis, we propose a new alignment pattern for all kinds of panel-type multi-view displays. The proposed pattern is sensitive to all of the angular, the axial, and the lateral misalignments. The high spatial frequency images and on and off alignment in the proposed pattern help observers to calibrate the system easily. We theoretically show the generality of the proposed alignment pattern and verify the pattern with image simulations and experiments.

Changes in Spatial Resolution at Position of the Detector in Digital Mammography System (디지털 엑스선유방촬영장치에서 검출기 위치에 따른 공간분해능의 변화)

  • Kim, Hye-Min;Chon, Kwon Su
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.215-222
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    • 2016
  • X-ray mammography is the most effective method for the diagnosis of calcified lesions of various breast diseases. To reduce patient dose and to obtain optimal image required for diagnosis, the performance of the mammography system should be maintained continuously. Because the target (anode) angle of the X-ray tube is measured from the central X-ray, the effective angle can be slightly different in view of the position on the detector, which can result in degrading spatial resolution of the imaging within the field of view. In this study, we measured the MTF to examine spatial resolution for positions on the detector in the digital mammography system. For a tungsten wire of $50{\mu}m$ diameter, the highest spatial frequency was obtained. It meant that a wire diameter for measuring MTF through LSF should be small compared to the pixel size of the detector used in the mammography system. The spatial resolution showed slightly different performance according to positions on the detector. The center position gave the best spatial resolution and positions away from the center showed the degraded performance although the difference of the spatial resolution was small. The effective focal spot size of the full width at half maximum also showed similar result. It concluded that the slightly increase of the effective focal spot size gave the degradation of the spatial resolution for positions on the detector.

Reconsideration of the Spatial Composition of the Korean Traditional Village (한국 전통마을의 공간구성 재론(再論))

  • KIM, Kiduk
    • Journal of Korean Historical Folklife
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    • no.57
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    • pp.197-228
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    • 2019
  • This study was conducted under the judgement that there was a need to make several mentions by reference to studies about the spatial composition of the traditional village. The judgement was not about the dimension that there was a problem about the spatial composition of the existing village but that it would be effective to make a fresh reorganization of it in a little more detail. As a result, this study presented seven spaces in the spatial composition of the traditional village. It attempted to analyze it by dividing it into four spaces such as ① natural space, ② residential space and work space, ③ moving space and boundary space and ④ play space and ritual space to fit its basic nature. First of all, it made a pictorial presentation of the basic form of the spatial composition of the traditional farming village in the late Joseon Dynasty which was most general and whose form has been handed down up to the present. And it described the composition of each space accordingly. It was not intended for a specific village. So it presented the historical change, the behavior of the members surrounding the village and a difference according to the nature of the village, which were judged to be very important in explaining the items of the composition of each space. As a result, it was found that the spatial composition of the traditiona Korean village well embodied the framework of their life in terms of their view of nature, lifestyle and worldview. The view of nature acted on the spatial composition of the village as a whole and is well reflected in the natural space in particular. Their lifestyle is reflected in the residential space, farming space, moving space and play space, and their worldview is spcifically mirrored in the boundary space and ritual space. In particular, this study focused on how to take a look at the element of Feng-Shui in discussing the spatial composition of the village.

Implementation of Multiview Stereoscopic 3D Display System using Volume Holographic Lenticular Sheet (VHLS 광학판 기반의 다시점 스테레오스코픽 3D 디스플레이 시스템의 구현)

  • 이상우;이맹호;김은수
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.29 no.5C
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    • pp.716-725
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    • 2004
  • In this paper, a new multiview stereoscopic 3D display system using a VHLS(volume holographic lenticular sheet) is suggested. The VHLS, which acts just like an optical direction modulator, can be implemented by recording the diffraction gratings corresponding each directional vector of the multiview stereoscopic images in the holographic recording material by using the angularly multiplexed recording property of the conventional volume hologram. Then, this fabricated VHLS is attached to the panel of a LCD spatial light modulator and used to diffract each of the multiview image loaded in a SLM to the corresponding spatial direction for making a 3D stereo view-zone. Accordingly, in this paper, the operational principle and characteristics of the VHLS are analyzed and an optimized 4-view VHLS is fabricated by using a commercial photopolymer. Then, a new VHLS-based 4-view stereoscopic 3D display system is implemented. Through some experimental results using a 4-view image synthesized with adaptive disparity estimation algorithm, it is suggested that implementation of a new VHLS-based multiview stereoscopic 3D display system can be possible.