• Title/Summary/Keyword: spatial problem

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The Study for the Optimal Location of Fire Stations in Seoul (서울시의 소방서 최적입지에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Geun-Young;Kang, Sung-Il
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation
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    • v.2 no.1 s.4
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    • pp.153-159
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    • 2002
  • Disasters are the phenomena that we have to prevent the occurrence in order to keep the safety to human lives and properties, and if occurred, we have to minimize the economic, social, and mental costs of the occurred disasters or incidents. This research analyzes the optimal location of fire stations in terms of served population maximization in Seoul. This research introduces "the maximal covering location problem(MCLP)," one of the optimization techniques, as the primary research method. This research also applies a geographic information system into spatial distribution analyses of existing fire stations and observed fire incidents. Results from the analyses show that the existing location of fire stations and branches need to be improved. The dispatch location of fire engines should be reconsidered for rapid services of fire fighting.

A Unified Method for Vocal Source Separation From Stereophonic Music Signals (스테레오 음악 신호에서의 보컬 음원 분리를 위한 통합 알고리즘)

  • Kim, Min-Je;Jang, In-Seon;Kang, Kyeong-Ok
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.47 no.5
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    • pp.89-99
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    • 2010
  • A unified method for separating musical sources, singing voice for example, from stereophonic mixtures is provided. We usually have two observed signals in stereophonic music contents, where more than two instruments are played together. If we regard each instrument as source, this problem becomes an underdetermined source separation problem and cannot be solved by conventional methods, which infers the spatial environment of the downmixing process happens. Instead, source-specific information has been exploited to recover a particular instrumental source. This paper provides a unifying structure consists of heterogenious ad-hoc separate algorithms, which are designed for separating vocal sources using stereophonic channel information and dominant pitch information of the sources, respectively. Experiments on real world music contents show that the proposed unification can neutralize the drawbacks of the two ad-hoc separation algorithms and finally enhance the separation results.

Identifying Responsive Functional Modules from Protein-Protein Interaction Network

  • Wu, Zikai;Zhao, Xingming;Chen, Luonan
    • Molecules and Cells
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.271-277
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    • 2009
  • Proteins interact with each other within a cell, and those interactions give rise to the biological function and dynamical behavior of cellular systems. Generally, the protein interactions are temporal, spatial, or condition dependent in a specific cell, where only a small part of interactions usually take place under certain conditions. Recently, although a large amount of protein interaction data have been collected by high-throughput technologies, the interactions are recorded or summarized under various or different conditions and therefore cannot be directly used to identify signaling pathways or active networks, which are believed to work in specific cells under specific conditions. However, protein interactions activated under specific conditions may give hints to the biological process underlying corresponding phenotypes. In particular, responsive functional modules consist of protein interactions activated under specific conditions can provide insight into the mechanism underlying biological systems, e.g. protein interaction subnetworks found for certain diseases rather than normal conditions may help to discover potential biomarkers. From computational viewpoint, identifying responsive functional modules can be formulated as an optimization problem. Therefore, efficient computational methods for extracting responsive functional modules are strongly demanded due to the NP-hard nature of such a combinatorial problem. In this review, we first report recent advances in development of computational methods for extracting responsive functional modules or active pathways from protein interaction network and microarray data. Then from computational aspect, we discuss remaining obstacles and perspectives for this attractive and challenging topic in the area of systems biology.

Image Reconstruction Using Poisson Model Screened from Image Gradient (이미지 기울기에서 선별된 포아송 모델을 이용한 이미지 재구성)

  • Kim, Yong-Gil
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.117-123
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    • 2018
  • In this study, we suggest a fast image reconstruction scheme using Poisson equation from image gradient domain. In this approach, using the Poisson equation, a guided vector field is created by employing source and target images within a selected region at the first step. Next, the guided vector is used in generating the result image. We analyze the problem of reconstructing a two-dimensional function that approximates a set of desired gradients and a data term. The joined data and gradients are able to work like modifying the image gradients while staying close to the original image. Starting with this formulation, we have a screened Poisson equation known in physics. This equation leads to an efficient solution to the problem in FFT domain. It represents the spatial filters that solve the two-dimensional screened Poisson model and shows gradient scaling to be a well-defined sharpen filter that generalizes Laplace sharpening. We demonstrate the results using a discrete cosine transformation based this Poisson model.

Influence of Sensor Noise on the Localization Error in Multichannel SQUID Gradiometer System (다채널 스퀴드 미분계에서 센서 잡음이 위치추정 오차에 미치는 영향)

  • 김기웅;이용호;권혁찬;김진목;정용석;강찬석;김인선;박용기;이순걸
    • Progress in Superconductivity
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.98-104
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    • 2004
  • We analyzed a noise-sensitivity profile of a specific SQUID sensor system for the localization of brain activity. The location of a neuromagnetic current source is estimated from the recording of spatially distributed SQUID sensors. According to the specific arrangement of the sensors, each site in the source space has different sensitivity, that is, the difference in the lead field vectors. Conversely, channel noises on each sensor will give a different amount of the estimation error to each of the source sites. e.g., a distant source site from the sensor system has a small lead-field vector in magnitude and low sensitivity. However, when we solve the inverse problem from the recorded sensor data, we use the inverse of the lead-field vector that is rather large, which results in an overestimated noise power on the site. Especially, the spatial sensitivity profile of a gradiometer system measuring tangential fields is much more complex than a radial magnetometer system. This is one of the causes to make the solutions of inverse problems unstable on intervening of the sensor noise. In this study, in order to improve the localization accuracy, we calculated the noise-sensitivity profile of our 40-channel planar SQUID gradiometer system, and applied it as a normalization weight factor to the source localization using synthetic aperture magnetometry.

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Optimal EEG Channel Selection by Genetic Algorithm and Binary PSO based on a Support Vector Machine (Support Vector Machine 기반 Genetic Algorithm과 Binary PSO를 이용한 최적의 EEG 채널 선택 기법)

  • Kim, Jun Yeup;Park, Seung-Min;Ko, Kwang-Eun;Sim, Kwee-Bo
    • Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.527-533
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    • 2013
  • BCI (Brain-Computer Interface) is a system that transforms a subject's brain signal related to their intention into a control signal by classifying EEG (electroencephalograph) signals obtained during the imagination of movement of a subject's limbs. The BCI system allows us to control machines such as robot arms or wheelchairs only by imaging limbs. With the exact same experiment environment, activated brain regions of each subjects are totally different. In that case, a simple approach is to use as many channels as possible when measuring brain signals. However the problem is that using many channels also causes other problems. When applying a CSP (Common Spatial Pattern), which is an EEG extraction method, many channels cause an overfitting problem, and in addition there is difficulty using this technique for medical analysis. To overcome these problems, we suggest an optimal channel selection method using a BPSO (Binary Particle Swarm Optimization), BPSO with channel impact factor, and GA. This paper examined optimal selected channels among all channels using three optimization methods and compared the classification accuracy and the number of selected channels between BPSO, BPSO with channel impact factor, and GA by SVM (Support Vector Machine). The result showed that BPSO with channel impact factor selected 2 fewer channels and even improved accuracy by 10.17~11.34% compared with BPSO and GA.

An Efficient Partial Distortion Search Algorithm using the Spatial and Temporal Correlations for Fast Motion Estimation (고속 움직임 추정을 위한 시공간적 상관관계 기반의 효율적인 부분 왜곡 탐색 알고리즘)

  • Ha, Dong-Won;Cho, Hyo-Moon;Lee, Jong-Hwa
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SD
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    • v.47 no.1
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    • pp.79-85
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    • 2010
  • In video standards such as H.264/AVC, motion estimation (ME) / compensation (MC) is regarded as a vital component in a video coder as it consumes a large amount of computation resources. The full search technique, which is used in general video codecs, gives the highest visual quality but also has the problem of significant computational load. To solve this problem, many fast algorithm has benn proposed. Among them, NPDS show that can maintain its video quality very close to the full search technique while achieving computation reduction by using a halfway-stop technique in the calculation of block distortion measure. In this paper, we proposed algorithm by determining minimum distortion measure with predictive motion vector and using the new search order. As the result, we can check that the proposed algorithm reduces the computational load 95% in average compared to the full search, respectively with the PSNR lost about 0.04dB.

Improved Radial Sweep Algorithm for 3-dimensional Terrain Modelling (3차원 지형 모델링을 위한 개선된 Radial Sweep 알고리즘)

  • Ryoo, Seung-Taek;Ahn, Chung-Hyun;Yoon, Kyung-Hyun
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.5 no.2 s.10
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    • pp.77-85
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    • 1997
  • Researches in the field of Computer Graphics and Geographical Information Systems(GIS) have extensively studied the method of photo-realistic landscape modelling, because it have become a commom requirement in applications such as flight simulators, mission rehearsal, and construction planning. A common approach to the display of terrain uses a Digital Elevation Model(DEM). DEM is an evenly spaced array of the terrain elevation data and can be obtained from stereo satellite data. With the DEM data, the process of 3D terrain modelling consists of three steps. The first step is to extract the meaningful data (such as peak, pit, passes...) from DEM data based on LOD(Level Of Detail) criteria. The second is to construct the 3D surface by TIN, which represents a surface as a set of non-overlapping continuous triangular facets of irregular size and shape. The third is a rendering of 3D terrain model. The goal of this research is a construction of 3D terrain with TIN. To do this, we are going to app]y Radial Sweep Algorithm. Radial Sweep Algorithm for generating TIN works quickly and efficiently. However, it does not solve the problem caused by the approximated nature of triangulated surface. To solve this problem, this research derive improved radial sweep algorithms with the optimal triangle definition.

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Cell-based Participant Management Model in Distributed Virtual Environment (셀분할 모델에 기반한 가상공간 다중참여자 관리기법)

  • 유석종
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2003.10a
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    • pp.527-531
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    • 2003
  • Previous researches on scalability problem of distributed virtual environment (DVE) have been mainly focused on spatial partitioning of area of interest (AOI). Congestion phenomena by avatar groups in AOI have been neglected relatively. However, AOI congestion is highly related to scalability of DVT because it exhausts system resources such as network bandwidth and rendering time, and could be a bar to perform collaboration among participants. In this paper, this will be defined as the problem that must be solved for the realization of the scalable DVE, and a model will be proposed to measure and control congestion situation in AOI. The purposes of the proposed model are to prevent high density of participants in AOI, and to protect stable collaboration in DVE. For evaluation of the performance it is compared with a previous method by defining the resource cost model which is dynamically activated to AOI congestion.

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The Technique of GIS Application for Transportation Impact Assessment (교통영향평가를 위한 GIS의 적용기법)

  • Yang, In-Tae;Kim, Dong-Moon;Kim, Yeon-Jun
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.4 no.2 s.8
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    • pp.91-98
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    • 1996
  • Transportation impact assessment which can take precaution for the traffic problem to control a plan on to expand traffic facilities through these results analyzed with the business for making a big problem of traffic is a very important course on the traffic management system as well as the traffic plan and it is necessary to collect and to edit and to analyze a great deal of data fully in object zone. So it is worth while to treat the collected data on to computer. Therefore Geographic Information System will give a remarkable result to Traffic Influence Evaluation everywhere. GIS not only can join the graphic or attribute data correctly and fast, but can achieve it prominent function for intention decision means. Then total system for Landuse of surrounding district, development-plan state, traffic-facility state, traffic-development public plan state and traffic demand is animated on Traffic Influence Evolution.

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