• Title/Summary/Keyword: spatial problem

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A Study on the Simulation of Daily Precipitation Considering Spatial Probability Characteristics (공간적(空間的) 확률구조(確率構造)를 고려(考慮)한 일강수량(日降水量)의 모의발생(模擬發生)에 관한 연구(硏究))

  • Lee, Jae Joon;Lee, Won Hwan
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.31-42
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    • 1986
  • The probabilistic model was developed to give a spatial simlation of precipitation series to solve the problem of future need of water resources. The simulation of daily precipitation series at the sub-base stations was induced from the spatial structure of rainfall occurrence probability between the base station and the sub-base stations in the watershed. In this study Hadong was chosen as the base station in Seomjin river basin and Imsil, Boseong, Soonchang, Dongbok, and Gurye were also selected as the sub-base stations. The results of this study are as follows; 1) The separation technique of spatial precipitation state showed effectiveness in the spatial simulation method because the occurrence probability by each precipitation state (Wet-Wet, Dry-Wet, Wet-Dry, and Dry- Dry system) represented the stable value. 2) The daily precipitation series of the sub-base stations which were simulated from those of the base station showed that the simulated annual mean precipitations were similar to the observed data, but the precipitations in summer were decreased slightly. 3) The correlogram and power spectrum of the simulated monthly precipitation for the sub-base stations showed those of the observed sample with good agreement.

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Development and Application of Landslide Analysis Technique Using Geological Structure (지질구조자료를 이용한 산사태 취약성 분석 기법 개발 및 적용 연구)

  • 이사로;최위찬;장범수
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.247-261
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    • 2002
  • There are much damage of people and property because of heavy rain every year. Especially, there are problem to major facility such as dam, bridge, road, tunnel, and industrial complex in the ground stability. So the counter plan for landslide or ground failure must be necessary In the study, the technique of regional landslide susceptibility assessment near the Ulsan petrochemical complex and Kumgang railway bridge was developed and applied using GIS. For the assessment, the geological structures such as bedding and fault were surveyed and the geological structure, topographic, soil, forest, and land use spatial database were constructed using CIS. Using the spatial database, the factors that influence landslide occurrence, such as slope, aspect, curvature and type of topography, texture, material, drainage and effective thickness of soil, type, age, diameter and density of forest, and land use were calculated or extracted from the spatial database. For application of geological structure, the geological structure line and fault density were calculated. Landslide susceptibility was analyzed using the landslide-occurrence factors by probability method that is summation of landslide occurrence probability values per each factors range or type. The landslide susceptibility map can be used to assess ground stability to protect major facility.

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A study on enhanced D-InSAR technique Considering Spatial and Temporal Coherence (공간적·시간적 긴밀도를 고려한 개선된 D-InSAR 기법에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Won Eung;Yoon, Hong Sik;Youm, Min Kyo;Kim, Han Bual
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.67-74
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    • 2017
  • The D-InSAR is a technique for precisely measuring the subsidence of subsidence using difference of two SAR images. In order to calculate the subsidence using D-InSAR, a high coherence between master image and the slave image is essential. Since the existing D-InSAR method calculates the displacement based on the total coherence, the accuracy of the subsidence is lowered when the coherence map contains mountains or bare-land. In order to solve this problem, in this study, a point having a temporal coherence and spatial coherence of 0.7 or more was extracted to form TIN, and the subsidence was calculated based on this TIN. In addition, we compared the existing D-InSAR technique with the new D-InSAR technique considering spatial and temporal coherence. As a result, the new D-InSAR technique showed smaller standard deviation, relative variance, variation coefficient and quadrature deviation than the existing D-InSAR technique. It is also easy to grasp the trend of the subsidence.

Application of Multi-satellite Sensors to Estimate the Green-tide Area (황해 부유 녹조 면적 산출을 위한 멀티 위성센서 활용)

  • Kim, Keunyong;Shin, Jisun;Ryu, Joo-Hyung
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.34 no.2_2
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    • pp.339-349
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    • 2018
  • The massive green tide occurred every summer in the Yellow Sea since 2008, and many studies are being actively conducted to estimate the coverage of green tide through analysis of satellite imagery. However, there is no satellite images selection criterion for accurate coverage calculation of green tide. Therefore, this study aimed to find a suitable satellite image from for the comparison of the green tide coverage according to the spatial resolution of satellite image. In this study, Landsat ETM+, MODIS and GOCI images were used to coverage estimation and its spatial resolution is 30, 250 and 500 m, respectively. Green tide pixels were classified based on the NDVI algorithm, the difference of the green tide coverage was compared with threshold value. In addition, we estimate the proportion of the green tide in one pixel through the Linear Spectral Unmixing (LSU) method, and the effect of the difference of green tide ratio on the coverage calculation were evaluated. The result of green tide coverage from the calculation of the NDVI value, coverage of green tide usually overestimate with decreasing spatial resolution, maximum difference shows 1.5 times. In addition, most of the pixels were included in the group with less than 0.1 (10%) LSU value, and above 0.5 (50%) LSU value accounted for about 2% in all of three images. Even though classified as green tide from the NDVI result, it is considered to be overestimated because it is regarded as the same coverage even if green tide is not 100% filled in one pixel. Mixed-pixel problem seems to be more severe with spatial resolution decreases.

Problems and Improvement Measures for the transformation of World Geodetic System (지적공부의 세계측지계 변환에 따른 문제점 및 개선방안)

  • Kim, Geun-Bae;Jeong, Gu-Ha;Jeon, Jeong-Bae
    • Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX
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    • v.49 no.2
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    • pp.123-134
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    • 2019
  • The introduction of the world geodetic reference system in cadastral sector can apply the international standardization of cadastral survey and can be the basis for the creation of new industries by merging with other industries based on spatial information. With the introduction of the world geodetic reference system, non-coincidence land may cause problems which are whether the cadastral record and the real estate register are not consistent, etc. This problem infringes on the protection of ownership of citizens suggested in the main purpose of 「Act On The Establishment, Management, Etc. Of Spatial Data」. We have analyzed at overlapping cases between private land and overlapping cases between national and public land and suggested institutional improvement measures to solve problems arising on the site. As a result, it will be necessary to introduce a transformation verification measure by the world geodetic reference system in order to assign a function as a cadastral records to mapping converted to the world geodetic reference system. It is also expected that the legal and institutional basis should be established for alert adjustment and positioning through verification measures. Finally, it is difficult to determine the transformation factor as the co-ordinates of common points also differ because survey results vary by work area. Therefore, it is deemed necessary to consider the requirement to use the cadastral measurement basis by the world geodetic reference system in 2021.

The Spatial Composition for Animation Competency Education -By Focusing on the Studio Environment and Spatial Composition of Walt Disney (애니메이션 분야 역량기반 교육을 위한 공간구성 -Walt Disney스튜디오 작업환경과 공간구성 사례를 중심으로)

  • Lee, Hyun-seok
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.46
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    • pp.1-22
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    • 2017
  • The practical learning requires the new paradigm in its content of education and environment along with the rapid development of information communication technology and the expansion of digital content industry. Especially, the animation education, core area of digital content industry, has attempted to improve the content and method of education by focusing on creativity, convergence and practical education. However, education environment in the previous form of computer laboratory has not been reflected the characteristics of animation education. In the light of this, this research would suggests the effective education environment implemented animation job competency and the characteristics of animation production. Firstly, the problem of previous educational environment will be explored through looking at computer rooms of domestic Universities. The characteristics of animation production consisted of Pre-production, Main-production, Post-production and elements of animation job competency will be reviewed by focusing on three phases of production, Pre-production, Main-production and Post-production, and six particular jobs, concept art, modeling & texturing, animating, lighting, VFX and compositing. Secondly, 6 types of space adapted from space syntax, possibly explored the embedded meaning of the structure of space and environment, will be reviewed by focusing on integration, separation and interaction. Thirdly, based on the characteristics of animation production, the element of animation job competency, 6 types of space, analytical tools about animation project education will be deducted, and the case study regarding animation studio, Walt Disney studio, will be processed by focusing on its production environment and spatial composition by focusing on Pre-production, Main-production, Post-production. Fifthly, the effective spatial composition for animation project education will be explored based on the interpretation of literature reviews and case study. In regard to this, the research addresses the spatial composition reflected the characteristics of practical learning and job competency in animation education, which differs from the previous form of standardized education spaces.

Design of Small-sized Scintillation Pixel Detector with a Light Guide made of the Same Material as the Scintillation Pixel (섬광 픽셀과 동일한 물질로 광가이드를 적용한 매우 작은 섬광 픽셀 검출기 설계)

  • Seung-Jae Lee;Byungdu Jo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.523-529
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    • 2023
  • In order to achieve excellent spatial resolution, very small scintillation pixels are used in detectors of positron emission tomography for small animals. However, by using these very small scintillation pixels, scintillation pixels at the edge of the array may overlap in a flood image. To solve this problem, a light guide capable of changing the distribution of light was used. Depending on the material of the light guide, the light spreading tendency is different, and accordingly, the presence or absence of overlapping is different depending on the material of the light guide used. In this study, instead of the conventional glass light guide, a detector using the same material as the scintillation pixel was designed. A scintillator light guide has a higher refractive index than a glass light guide, so the light spread is different. Flood images were acquired to evaluate the degree of separation of the scintillation pixels at the edge of the detector using the two light guides. The degree of separation was evaluated by calculating the distance between the center and the spatial resolution of the image of two scintillation pixels at the edge of the obtained flood image. As a result, when the scintillator light guide was used, better spatial resolution was shown, and the distance between centers of scintillation pixels was wider. When a detector is constructed using a scintillator light guide instead of a conventional glass light guide, it is possible to use a smaller scintillation pixel, thereby securing better spatial resolution.

Design a Four Layer Depth-Encoding Detector Using Quasi-Block Scintillator for High Resolution and Sensitivity (고분해능 및 고민감도를 위한 준 블록 섬광체를 사용한 네 층의 반응 깊이 측정 검출기 설계)

  • Seung-Jae Lee;Byungdu Jo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.65-71
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    • 2024
  • To achieve high resolution and sensitivity of positron emission tomography (PET) for small animals, the detector is constructed using very thin and long scintillation pixels. Due to the structure of these scintillation pixels, spatial resolution deterioration occurs outside the system's field of view. To solve this problem, we designed a detector that could improve spatial resolution by measuring the interaction depth and improve sensitivity by using a quasi-block scintillator. A quasi-block scintillator size of 12.6 mm x 12.6 mm x 3 mm was arranged in four layers, and optical sensors were placed on all sides to collect light generated by the interaction between gamma rays and the scintillator. DETECT2000 simulation was performed to evaluate the performance of the designed detector. Flood images were acquired by generating gamma-ray events at 1 mm intervals from 1.3 mm to 11.3 mm within the scintillator of each layer. The spatial resolution and peak-to-peak distance for each location were measured in an 11 x 11 array of flood images. The average measured spatial resolution was 0.25 mm, and the average distance between peaks was 1.0 mm. Through this, it was confirmed that all locations were separated from each other. In addition, because the light signals of all layers were measured separately from each other, the layer of the scintillator that interacted with the gamma rays could be completely separated. When the designed detector is used as a detector in a PET system for small animals, it is considered that excellent spatial resolution and sensitivity can be achieved and image quality can be improved.

Development and application of program for mathematically gifted students based on mathematical modeling : focused on Voronoi diagram and Delaunay triangulation (영재교육을 위한 수학적 모델링 프로그램의 개발 및 적용 :보로노이 다이어그램과 들로네 삼각분할을 중심으로)

  • Yu, Hong-Gyu;Yun, Jong-Gug
    • Communications of Mathematical Education
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.257-277
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this research is divide into two kinds. First, develop the mathematical modeling program for mathematically gifted students focused on Voronoi diagram and Delaunay triangulation, and then gifted teachers can use it in the class. Voronoi diagram and Delaunay triangulation are Spatial partition theory use in engineering and geography field and improve gifted student's mathematical connections, problem solving competency and reasoning ability. Second, after applying the developed program to the class, I analyze gifted student's core competency. Applying the mathematical modeling program, the following findings were given. First, Voronoi diagram and Delaunay triangulation are received attention recently and suitable subject for mathematics gifted education. Second,, in third enrichment course(Student's Centered Mathematical Modeling Activity), gifted students conduct the problem presentation, division of roles, select and collect the information, draw conclusions by discussion. In process of achievement, high level mathematical competency and intellectual capacity are needed so synthetic thinking ability, problem solving, creativity and self-directed learning ability are appeared to gifted students. Third, in third enrichment course(Student's Centered Mathematical Modeling Activity), problem solving, mathematical connections, information processing competency are appeared.

Finite element analysis of elastic solid/Stokes flow interaction problem

  • Myung, Jin-Suk;Hwang, Wook-Ryol;Won, Ho-Youn;Ahn, Kyung-Hyun;Lee, Seung-Jong
    • Korea-Australia Rheology Journal
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.233-242
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    • 2007
  • We performed a numerical investigation to find out the optimal choice of the spatial discretization in the distributed-Lagrangian-multiplier/fictitious-domain (DLM/FD) method for the solid/fluid interaction problem. The elastic solid bar attached on the bottom in a pressure-driven channel flow of a Newtonian fluid was selected as a model problem. Our formulation is based on the scheme of Yu (2005) for the interaction between flexible bodies and fluid. A fixed regular rectangular discretization was applied for the description of solid and fluid domain by using the fictitious domain concept. The hydrodynamic interaction between solid and fluid was treated implicitly by the distributed Lagrangian multiplier method. Considering a simplified problem of the Stokes flow and the linearized elasticity, two numerical factors were investigated to clarify their effects and to find the optimum condition: the distribution of Lagrangian multipliers and the solid/fluid interfacial condition. The robustness of this method was verified through the mesh convergence and a pseudo-time step test. We found that the fluid stress in a fictitious solid domain can be neglected and that the Lagrangian multipliers are better to be applied on the entire solid domain. These results will be used to extend our study to systems of elastic particle in the Stokes flow, and of particles in the viscoelastic fluid.