• Title/Summary/Keyword: spatial problem

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The assessment of the Spatial Variation of the Wind Field using the Meso-velocity Scale and its Contributing Factors (중간 속도 규모를 이용한 바람장의 균질성 평가 및 영향요소 분석)

  • Lee, Seong-Eun;Shin, Sun-Hee;Ha, Kyung-Ja
    • Atmosphere
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.343-353
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    • 2010
  • A regional wind network with complex surface conditions must be designed with sufficient space and time resolution to resolve the local circulations. In this study, the spatial variations of the wind field observed in the Seoul and Jeju regional networks were evaluated in terms of annual, seasons, and months to assess the spatial homogeneity of wind fields within the regional networks. The coherency of the wind field as a function of separation distance between stations indicated that significant coherency was sometimes not captured by the network, as inferred by low correlations between adjacent stations. A meso-velocity scale was defined in terms of the spatial variability of the wind within the network. This problem is predictably most significant with weak winds, dull prevailing wind, clear skies and significant topography. The relatively small correlations between stations imply that the wind at a given point cannot be estimated by interpolating winds from the nearest stations. For the Seoul and Jeju regional network, the meso-velocity scale has typically a same order of magnitude as the speed of the network averaged wind, revealing the large spatial variability of the Jeju network station imply topography and weather. Significant scatter in the relationship between spatial variability of the wind field and the wind speed is thought to be related to thermally-generated flows. The magnitude of the mesovelocity scale was significantly different along separation distance between stations, wind speed, intensity of prevailing wind, clear and cloudy conditions, topography. Resultant wind vectors indicate much different flow patterns along condition of contributing factors. As a result, the careful considerations on contributing factors such as prevailing wind in season, weather, and complex surface conditions with topography and land/sea contrast are required to assess the spatial variations of wind field on a regional network. The results in the spatial variation from the mesovelocity scale are useful to represent the characteristics of regional wind speed including lower surface conditions over the grid scale of large scale atmospheric model.

An Evaluation For Spatial Resolution, Using A Single Target On A Medical Image (의료영상에서 단일 표적을 이용한 공간분해능 평가)

  • Lee, Kyung-Sung
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.39 no.4
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    • pp.631-636
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    • 2016
  • Hitherto, spatial resolution has commonly been evaluated by test patterns or phantoms built on some specific distances (from close to far) between two objects (or double targets). This evaluation method's shortcoming is that resolution is restricted to target distances of phantoms made for test. Therefore, in order to solve the problem, this study proposes and verifies a new method to efficiently test spatial resolution with a single target. For the research I used PSF and JND to propose an idea to measure spatial resolution. After that, I made experiments by commonly used phantoms to verify my new evaluation hypothesis inferred from the above method. To analyse the hypothesis, I used LabVIEW program and got a line pixel from digital image. The result was identical to my spatial-resolution hypothesis inferred from a single target. The findings of the experiment proves only a single target can be enough to relatively evaluate spatial resolution on a digital image. In other words, the limit of the traditional spatial-resolution evaluation method, based on double targets, can be overcome by my new evaluation one using a single target.

On Mathematical Representation and Integration Theory for GIS Application of Remote Sensing and Geological Data

  • Moon, Woo-Il M.
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.37-48
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    • 1994
  • In spatial information processing, particularly in non-renewable resource exploration, the spatial data sets, including remote sensing, geophysical and geochemical data, have to be geocoded onto a reference map and integrated for the final analysis and interpretation. Application of a computer based GIS(Geographical Information System of Geological Information System) at some point of the spatial data integration/fusion processing is now a logical and essential step. It should, however, be pointed out that the basic concepts of the GIS based spatial data fusion were developed with insufficient mathematical understanding of spatial characteristics or quantitative modeling framwork of the data. Furthermore many remote sensing and geological data sets, available for many exploration projects, are spatially incomplete in coverage and interduce spatially uneven information distribution. In addition, spectral information of many spatial data sets is often imprecise due to digital rescaling. Direct applications of GIS systems to spatial data fusion can therefore result in seriously erroneous final results. To resolve this problem, some of the important mathematical information representation techniques are briefly reviewed and discussed in this paper with condideration of spatial and spectral characteristics of the common remote sensing and exploration data. They include the basic probabilistic approach, the evidential belief function approach (Dempster-Shafer method) and the fuzzy logic approach. Even though the basic concepts of these three approaches are different, proper application of the techniques and careful interpretation of the final results are expected to yield acceptable conclusions in cach case. Actual tests with real data (Moon, 1990a; An etal., 1991, 1992, 1993) have shown that implementation and application of the methods discussed in this paper consistently provide more accurate final results than most direct applications of GIS techniques.

An Analysis on the Characteristics in Spatial Distribution of Consumer Organizations (소비자단체의 공간적 분포 특성)

  • Ko, Daekyun;Han, Jihyung
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.16 no.11
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    • pp.45-55
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study was to provide the necessary data to explore the development plans of consumer organizations by looking at the spatial distribution of consumer organizations. This is because community-based consumer organizations can propose concrete measures to solve consumer problems more effectively. In this study, data of 11 consumer organizations and 815 branches were collected and analyzed using local indicators of spatial distribution and spatial lag model. First, it was difficult to find patterns according to the geographical characteristics of the spatial distribution of consumer organizations. Second, consumer organizations were more distributed in areas with large populations and businesses and large areas. Third, there is a discrepancy between the demand and supply of consumer organizations when compared with the number of consumer counseling. Based on this, it is necessary to constantly seek concrete development plans by supplementing the qualitative data on the activities of consumer organizations.

Analysing Spatial Usage Characteristics of Shared E-scooter: Focused on Spatial Autocorrelation Modeling (공유 전동킥보드의 공간적 이용특성 분석: 공간자기상관모형을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Sujae;Koack, Minjung;Choo, Sangho;Kim, Sanghun
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.54-69
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    • 2021
  • Policy improvement such as the revision of the Road Traffic Act are proposed for personal mobility(especially e-scooter) usage. However, there is not enough discussion to solve the problem of using shared e-scooter. In this study, we analyze the influencing factors that amount of pick-up and drop-off of shared e-scooter by dividing the Seoul into a 200m grid. we develop spatial auotcorrelation model such as spatial lag model, spatial error model, spatial durbin model, and spatial durbin error model in order to consider the characteristics of the aggregated data based on a specific space, and the spatial durbin error model is selected as the final model. As a result, demographic factor, land use factor, and transport facility factors have statistically significant impacts on usage of shared e-scooter. The result of this study will be used as basic data for suggesting efficient operation strategies considering the characteristics of weekday and weekend.

Analysis of the Mathematically Gifted 6th and 7th Graders' Spatial Visualization Ability of Solid Figures (입체도형에 대한 $6{\sim}7$학년 수학영재들의 공간시각화 능력 분석)

  • Ryue, Hyun-A;Chong, Yeong-Ok;Song, Sang-Hun
    • School Mathematics
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.277-289
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    • 2007
  • This research aims to look into the mathematically gifted 6th and 7th graders spatial visualization ability of solid figures. The subjects of the research was six male elementary school students in the 6th grade and one male middle school student in the 1th grade receiving special education for the mathematically gifted students supported by the government. The task used in this research was the problems that compares the side lengths and the angle sizes in 4 pictures of its two dimensional representation of a regular icosahedron. The data collected included the activity sheets of the students and in-depth interviews on the problem solving. Data analysis was made based on McGee's theory about spatial visualization ability with referring to Duval's and Del Grande's. According to the results of analysis of subjects' spatial visualization ability, the spatial visualization abilities mainly found in the students' problem-solving process were the ability to visualize a partial configuration of the whole object, the ability to manipulate an object in imagination, the ability to imagine the rotation of a depicted object and the ability to transform a depicted object into a different form. Though most subjects displayed excellent spatial visualization abilities carrying out the tasks in this research, but some of them had a little difficulty in mentally imagining three dimensional objects from its two dimensional representation of a solid figure.

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About a synergy effect in design and engineering (디자인과 공학의 시너지 효과에 관하여)

  • Park, Sun-Woo
    • Proceeding of KASS Symposium
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    • 2005.05a
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    • pp.69-76
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    • 2005
  • This paper deals with a problem about synergy effect in design and engineering. So far a design processing is paralleled to both in Korea, A cooperation between concept design and working plan must be kept up all the way. From three Personally designed footbridges 1 will make clear a total problem for throughout design processing. If we must solve a gaps between technology and art for structural design, we can get an unexpected result. It will be synergy effect between art and technology, design and engineering.

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An Efficient Spatial Index Technique based on Flash-Memory (플래시 메모리 기반의 효율적인 공간 인덱스 기법)

  • Kim, Joung-Joon;Sim, Hee-Joung;Kang, Hong-Koo;Lee, Ki-Young;Han, Ki-Joon
    • Journal of Korea Spatial Information System Society
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.133-142
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    • 2009
  • Recently, with the advance of wireless internet and the frequent use of mobile devices, demand for LBS(Location Based Service) is increasing, and research is required on spatial indexes for the storage and maintenance of spatial data to provide efficient LBS in mobile device environments. In addition, the use of flash memory as an auxiliary storage device is increasing in order to store large spatial data in a mobile terminal with small storage space. However, the application of existing spatial indexes to flash-memory lowers index performance due to the frequent updates of nodes. To solve this problem, research is being conducted on flash-memory based spatial indexes, but the efficiency of such spatial indexes is lowered by low utilization of buffer and flash-memory space. Accordingly, in order to solve problems in existing flash-memory based spatial indexes, this paper proposed FR-Tree (Flash-Memory based R-Tree) that uses the node compression technique and the delayed write operation technique. The node compression technique of FR-Tree increased the utilization of flash-memory space by compressing MBR(Minimum Bounding Rectangle) of spatial data using relative coordinates and MBR size. And, the delayed write operation technique reduced the number of write operations in flash memory by storing spatial data in the buffer temporarily and reflecting them in flash memory at once instead of reflecting the insert, update and delete of spatial data in flash-memory for each operation. Especially, the utilization of buffer space was enhanced by preventing the redundant storage of the same spatial data in the buffer. Finally, we perform ed various performance evaluations and proved the superiority of FR-Tree to the existing spatial indexes.

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초등수학 기하문제해결에서의 시각화 과정 분석

  • Yun, Yea-Joo;Kim, Sung-Joon
    • East Asian mathematical journal
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.553-579
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    • 2010
  • Geometric education emphasize reasoning ability and spatial sense through development of logical thinking and intuitions in space. Researches about space understanding go along with investigations of space perception ability which is composed of space relationship, space visualization, space direction etc. Especially space visualization is one of the factors which try conclusion with geometric problem solving. But studies about space visualization are limited to middle school geometric education, studies in elementary level haven't been done until now. Namely, discussions about elementary students' space visualization process and ability in plane or space figures is deficient in relation to geometric problem solving. This paper examines these aspects, especially in relation to plane and space problem solving in elementary levels. Firstly we propose the analysis frame to investigate a visualization process for plane problem solving and a visualization ability for space problem solving. Nextly we select 13 elementary students, and observe closely how a visualization process is progress and how a visualization ability is played role in geometric problem solving. Together with these analyses, we propose concrete examples of visualization ability which make a road to geometric problem solving. Through these analysis, this paper aims at deriving various discussions about visualization in geometric problem solving of the elementary mathematics.

A Study on the Stabilization Process of Tensegrity System using the Force Density Method (내력밀도법을 이용한 텐세그러티 구조물의 안정화 기법에 관한 연구)

  • Sur, Sam-Yeol;Koh, Kwang-Ung
    • Journal of Korean Association for Spatial Structures
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    • v.3 no.4 s.10
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    • pp.77-84
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    • 2003
  • Tensegrity systems are stable structures which are reticulated spatial structures composed of compressive straight members, struts and cables. But there are some difficulties concerning surface stability, surface formation and construction method. One of the ways to solve this problem reasonably is combination of tesile members and rigid members. This structure is a type of flexible strutural system which is unstable initially because the cable material has little initial rigidity. Therefore tensegrity structure need to be introduced to the Initial stress for the self-equilibrated system having stable state. The rigidification of tensegrity systems is related to selfstress states which can be achieved only when geometrical and mechanical requirements are simultaneously satisfied. In this paper, for the stabilization of tesnsegrity structure it is proposed the modified self-equilibrated equation and the range of the various geometrical parameter about unit system. And we generate the model of double layed single curvature arch using the new squew quadruplex unit system.

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