• Title/Summary/Keyword: spatial problem

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  • Jeong Seung-Mi;Kim Se-Hoon;Yoo Je-Hyeon
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • v.44 no.2
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    • pp.243-249
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    • 2006
  • Statement of problem: It is important to have a correct presurgical treatment plan before any implant surgery. It must contain substantial information about the patient concerned. However, the standard classification only notifies the dentist about various structural, pathological and physiological dimensions Due to diverse structure of the jaw bone, current standard classification does not tell spatial dimensions of the available bone for implant insertion sites. Purpose of study: The purpose of this study is to report the establishment of the systematic implant treatment plan and its clinical treatment using $Implan^(R)$ program which is based on ASCIi-classification that is available for future diagnosis and scale of treatment and for systematic implant insertion. Results: By assisting the systemic measurement of the available alveolus dimension during implant surgery, it was easy to set initial implant treatment plan. Conclusion: Using $Implan^(R)$ program which is based on ASCIi-classification system that allows the establishment of systemic implant treatment plan and successful clinical performance, it was possible to establish the founding or initial implant treatment plan , the acquisition of information, and the systematization of documentation.

A Study on the Spatial Interdependence in the Interior Space of Housing According to the Planning of Circulation System - Based on the Korean and German Cases - (통로공간의 구성체계에 따른 주거 내부공간의 상호결합특성에 관한 연구 - 한국과 독일의 주택 평면 사례를 중심으로 -)

  • 전남일
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • no.39
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    • pp.83-91
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    • 2003
  • The planning of circulation area and circulation path are very important elements for layout of interior space of housing. This study is, therefore, aimed at synthetical review of that area from a functional, structural and socio-cultural point of view as well as typological analysis of that area. In the interior space of housing the networking of spaces according to the circulation route imply divers aspects of independent or dependant significances. It is thus, closely related with to whether circulation area open or closed, whether circulation path concentrated or distributed, and whether it passes Individual rooms or not. With regard to relationship with public and private spaces, there are many grounds for combining each other. This study also tried to develope program for planning of circulation system, utilizing typological analysis of them. At the same time this study suggests examples for layout of housing spaces. It is expected that the results represented In the form of systematic diagram will deserve to be a tool for providing an appropriate solution to the problem of diversity of user's needs.

A Study of the Development of City Parks in Japan since the 1970's

  • Tsukada, Shinya;Yuzawa, Akira
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture Conference
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    • 2007.10b
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    • pp.54-59
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this paper is to study the development of city parks in Japan since the 1970's. The result of investigation is as follows; (1) Regarding research of city parks since 1970, applying the qualification theory III, The researches of the park were divided into the categories as follows; ( i ) children's playground, (ii) the spatial function of green tracts of land, (iii) the evaluation of actual use viewpoint , (iv) the historical viewpoint, ( v ) the natural environment protection viewpoint, and (vi) the social capital, citizen's participation and park management viewpoint. (2) the researches of the actual use viewpoints are increasing. This trend shows that the research viewpoints have been shifted from the individual using to the various subjects of using. (3) The researches of the historical viewpoint, researches focusing on Asia are increasing. This trend shows that the research viewpoints have been shifted to the relationship between the planning and the realization. (4) The research on the natural environmental protection viewpoints has seen a large expansion from the evaluation of forest in parks. (5) The social capital, citizen's participation and park management viewpoint were increased, as well as community development and the spreading effect.

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Online Recognition of Handwritten Korean and English Characters

  • Ma, Ming;Park, Dong-Won;Kim, Soo Kyun;An, Syungog
    • Journal of Information Processing Systems
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.653-668
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    • 2012
  • In this study, an improved HMM based recognition model is proposed for online English and Korean handwritten characters. The pattern elements of the handwriting model are sub character strokes and ligatures. To deal with the problem of handwriting style variations, a modified Hierarchical Clustering approach is introduced to partition different writing styles into several classes. For each of the English letters and each primitive grapheme in Korean characters, one HMM that models the temporal and spatial variability of the handwriting is constructed based on each class. Then the HMMs of Korean graphemes are concatenated to form the Korean character models. The recognition of handwritten characters is implemented by a modified level building algorithm, which incorporates the Korean character combination rules within the efficient network search procedure. Due to the limitation of the HMM based method, a post-processing procedure that takes the global and structural features into account is proposed. Experiments showed that the proposed recognition system achieved a high writer independent recognition rate on unconstrained samples of both English and Korean characters. The comparison with other schemes of HMM-based recognition was also performed to evaluate the system.

Simulating Depositional Changes in River and It's Prediction (그래픽 모사기법을 이용한 하천 변천의 재현과 예측)

  • Lee, Young-Hoon
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.27 no.6
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    • pp.579-592
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    • 1994
  • A case study is presented where a fluvial system is modeled in three dimensions and compared to data gathered from a study of the Arkansas River. The data is unique in that it documents changes that affected a straight channel that was excavated within the river by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Excavation plan maps and sequential aerial photographs show that the channel underwent massive deposition and channel migration as it returned to a more natural, meandering path. These records illustrate that stability of fluvial system can be disrupted either by catastrophic events such as floods or by subtle events such as the altering of a stream's equilibrium base level or sediment load. SEDSIM, Stanford's Sedimentary Basin Simulation Model, is modified and used to model the Arkansas River and the geologic processes that changed in response to changing hydraulic and geologic parameters resulting from the excavation of the channel. Geologic parameters such as fluid and sediment discharge, velocity, transport capacity, and sediment load are input into the model. These parameters regulate the frequency distribution and sizes of sediment grains that are eroded, transported and deposited. The experiments compare favorably with field data, recreating similar patterns of fluid flow and sedimentation. Therefore, simulations provide insight for understanding and spatial distribution of sediment bodies in fluvial deposits and the internal sedimentary structure of fluvial reservoirs. These techniques of graphic simulation can be contributed to support the development of the new design criteria compatible with natural stream processes, espacially drainage problem to minimize environmental disruption.

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  • Park, Hyun-Sang;Lim, Jung-Eun;Ra, Jong-Beom
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Broadcast Engineers Conference
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    • 1999.06a
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    • pp.159-164
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    • 1999
  • Homogeneous but distinct visual objects having low-contrast boundaries are usually merged in most of the segmentation algorithms. To alleviate this problem, an efficient image segmentation algorithm based on a bottom-up approach is proposed by using spatial domain information only. For initial image segmentation, we adopt an efficient marker extraction algorithm conforming to the human visual system. Then, two region-merging algorithms are successively applied so that homogeneous visual objects can be represented as simple as possible without destroying low-contrast real boundaries among them. The resultant segmentation describes homogeneous visual objects with few regions while preserving semantic object shapes well. Finally, a size-based region decision procedure may be applied to represent complex visual objects simpler, if their precise semantic contents are not necessary. Experimental results show that the proposed image segmentation algorithm represents homogeneous visual objects with a few regions and describes complex visual objects with a marginal number of regions with well-preserved semantic object shapes.

Assessment of Irrigation Efficiencies using Smarter Water Management (농촌수자원 스마트 물관리를 활용한 농업용수의 관개효율 평가)

  • Nam, Won Ho;Choi, Jin Yong;Hong, Eun Mi;Kim, Jin Taek
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.55 no.4
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    • pp.45-53
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    • 2013
  • Efficient water operation and management of an irrigation system plays an important element in the sustainability of irrigated agriculture. An agricultural water is delivered in many open canals of irrigation delivery system by reservoirs. The poor water distribution and management in an irrigation system is a major factor leading to low water efficiency. It is necessary to compare the estimated irrigation demands with the actual water supplies for decision making to maintain the water supply according to demand strategy. Smarter water management, new technologies and improvement of water management system, is essential to solve the problem of water efficiency and availability. In this paper, the irrigation efficiencies according to water delivery performance indicator were measured with automatic water gauge at irrigation canals, and calculated from spatial and temporal distribution of water supply for the lack of planning in water delivery. The analysis of results are obtain an insight into possible improvement methods to develop canal water management policies that enable irrigation planners to optimally manage scarce available water resources.

A Study on the Creation of Parks in North Korea (북한의 공원 및 유원지 형성에 관한 연구)

  • 김동찬;김광래;안봉원;서주환;김신환
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.29-43
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    • 1995
  • In this study on the creation of parks in North Korea, which is closely re]toted to the developmental stages in North Korea, park construction plans are investigated according to the following periods: 1) from the Liberation of Korea in 1945 to the outbreak of the Korean War, 2) from the end of the Korean War to the 1950's, 3) 1960's and 4) 1970's and 1980's Major North Korean parks are also presented and common characteristics of park-making in North Korea are analyzed in the following way : 1) the character and function of the parks, 2) the development of landscaping, 3) the creation of unique North Korean parks. This study was conducted through archival research of North Korean documents and it may be limited due to the intrinsic problem of reliability that the documents have, and also to an impossoble on-the-spot survey. However this study is of value because it presents North Korean parks, as yet unpublished in South Korea, and it can be used as valuable information for further study and especially for the planning of parks and green space system in preparation for a probable unified Korea. For a profound stuffy, broader and more accurately detailed North Korean documents must be obtained and opened to the public. A comparative study on the principles of spatial composition and design elements of the parka in South and North Korea mutt also be conducted so as to find a model for the Korean park for a future unified Korea.

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Object oriented linking of GIS to assess ground water quality in Dharmapuri district, India

  • Devi, K.K.Manjula;M, Prashanthi Devi.;Kumar, D. Nandha;Balasubramanian, S
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.1439-1441
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    • 2003
  • The World Health Organisation has identified ‘Fluorosis’as a serious bone disease caused by groundwater. Though the fluoride content in groundwater is a natural phenomenon, when the permissible limit of fluoride is exceeded the consequences may be fatal. This study is identified areas of high fluoride content in the Dharmapuri district of India, which is one of the major districts severely affected by fluorosis (WHO). The approach to this problem is by using GIS as a tool to locate areas of high risk. Ground Water samples collected from 35 randomly located wells (open / bore wells) in the district were analysed for fluoride content. The results were compared with the standards of WHO (World Health Organisation ), ICMR (Indian Council of Medical Research ), BIS (Bureau of Indian Standard) and PHE (Public Health Engineering) and interpolated using IDW and spline methods using Arcview GIS 3.2 a. A computer based automated information system was developed in Arcview Avenue 3.2a, so as to enable the user to visit the risk areas at his desktop and to remediate measures as and when required.

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A Study on Interior Space Programming and spatial Cognition of the High-Speed Train station (고속철도 역사 실내공간 구성과 표현에 관한 연구)

  • 오인욱
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • no.18
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    • pp.103-109
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    • 1999
  • The purpose of this research is to suggest the ultimate solution to the interior elements and ways to express specific function within interior design of the new high-speed train station in Korea through careful studies based on the characteristics of each areas in the stations. During the research, it became very clear that the most important points in designing of the high speed train station's interior space can be found from close examination on whether each space allocation was thoughtfully organized to provide enough space to accommodate various activities of the users. Another point is to realize, within the space program, that there should be a clear understanding of the future expansion plan and reserving sufficient areas for the future growth. Also the problem of requiring larger floor areas to accommodate various functions divided by separate units must be recognized simultaneously during the programming. The new high-sped train must be able to function as a multi service facility of the future. In summary this research is to present datas and suggestion to various areas in the station and redefine its new meaning of train station space program with much borader concept which can be adopted to the process of better space programing.

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