• Title/Summary/Keyword: space plane

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Case Study on Failure of Rock Slope Caused by Filling Material of Clay (점토 충전물에 의한 암반사면 파괴사례 연구)

  • Kim, Yong-Jun;Lee, Young-Huy;Kim, Sun-Ki;Kim, Ju-Hwa
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.16 no.5 s.64
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    • pp.368-376
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    • 2006
  • After heavy rainfall, It was occurred massive plane failure along bedding plane of shale in the center of rock slope. It was observed filling material and trace of underground water leakage around of the slope. We tried to find the cause for slope failure, and the result of examination showed that primary factors of the failure were low shear strength of clay filling material and water pressure formed within tension crack existed in the top of the slope. In this research, in order to examine the features of shear strength of filled rock joint, shear test of filled rock joint was conducted using of artificial filling material such as sand and clay..Also we made an investigation into the characteristics of shear strength with different thickness of filling materials.

Baggage Recognition in Occluded Environment using Boosting Technique

  • Khanam, Tahmina;Deb, Kaushik
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.11 no.11
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    • pp.5436-5458
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    • 2017
  • Automatic Video Surveillance System (AVSS) has become important to computer vision researchers as crime has increased in the twenty-first century. As a new branch of AVSS, baggage detection has a wide area of security applications. Some of them are, detecting baggage in baggage restricted super shop, detecting unclaimed baggage in public space etc. However, in this paper, a detection & classification framework of baggage is proposed. Initially, background subtraction is performed instead of sliding window approach to speed up the system and HSI model is used to deal with different illumination conditions. Then, a model is introduced to overcome shadow effect. Then, occlusion of objects is detected using proposed mirroring algorithm to track individual objects. Extraction of rotational signal descriptor (SP-RSD-HOG) with support plane from Region of Interest (ROI) add rotation invariance nature in HOG. Finally, dynamic human body parameter setting approach enables the system to detect & classify single or multiple pieces of carried baggage even if some portions of human are absent. In baggage detection, a strong classifier is generated by boosting similarity measure based multi layer Support Vector Machine (SVM)s into HOG based SVM. This boosting technique has been used to deal with various texture patterns of baggage. Experimental results have discovered the system satisfactorily accurate and faster comparative to other alternatives.

Relation of the measuring values in cephalometric radiographs and TMJ tomographs (두부규격방사선사진과 측두하악관절 단층방사선사진 계측치간의 상관관계)

  • Han, Jin-Woo
    • Imaging Science in Dentistry
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.19-26
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    • 2007
  • Purpose : To examine whether the maxillofacial skeletal morphology correlates with the condylar position and the anatomic characteristics of articular eminence using measurements of lateral cephalometric radiographs and individualized sagittal temporomandibular joint (TMJ) tomographs. Materials and Methods : I compared measurements of 202 TMJs of 101 orthodontic patients of Kangnung National University Dental Hospital. 1 used Pearson's correlation for comparison of the measuring values in lateral cephalometric radiographs and individualized sagittal TMJ tomographs. Results : Large occlusal plane angle tendency showed decreased width of posterior eminence slope, decreased depth of articular fossa and decreased posterior slope angle of eminence. Large mandibular plane angle tendency showed decreased superior joint space, decreased depth of articular fossa and decreased posterior slope angle of eminence. Large genial angle tendency showed decreased depth of articular fossa, decreased posterior slope angle of eminence and anterior position of condylar head. Large anterior facial height and large posterior facial height tendency showed increased width of posterior slope of eminence, increased depth of articular fossa, increased posterior slope angle of eminence and posterior position of condylar head. Conclusion : Maxillofacial skeletal morphology has correlation with the anatomic characteristics of TMJ. Individualized sagittal TMJ tomographs can provide useful information for anatomical analysis of TMJ.

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Simulations of Transmittance for the ITO/Ag/ITO Multiple Transparent Electrode Layers by 3 Dimensional FDTD Method (3차원 FDTD 방법에 의한 ITO/Ag/ITO 다층 투명전극막의 투과도 시뮬레이션)

  • Kim, Ki Rak;Cho, Eou Sik;Kwon, Sang Jik
    • Journal of the Semiconductor & Display Technology
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.88-92
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    • 2020
  • As a highly conductive and transparent electrode, the optical transmittances of ITO/Ag/ITO were simulated and compared with the experimental results. The simulations are based on the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method in solving linear Maxwell equations. In our simulations, the computation domain is set in the XZ-plane with 3D dimension, and a plane wave with variable wavelengths ranging from 250 nm to 850 nm is incident in the z-direction at normal incidence to the ITO/Ag/ITO film surrounded by free-air space. As the results through both simulations and experiments, it was shown that the thickness combinations by the ITO layers of about 40 nm and the Ag layer of about 10 nm could be most suitable conditions as a high conductive transparent electrode having the transmittance similar to that of a single ITO layer.

A Study on the Layout and Floor Plan of Hyangkyo Architecture at Youngdong districts in Gangwon-do (강원 영동지방 향교건축의 배치 및 평면특성에 관한 연구)

  • Rim, Sang-Kyu;Chai, Hee-Jai
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Rural Architecture
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.53-60
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    • 2010
  • This study aims to research the local characteristics of layout and floor plan at Hyangkyo Archiecture in Youngdong districts of Gangwon-do. Hyangkyo which were the institutional places of Chosun Dynasty used for stability and order of the dynasty as well as for the education of people. This thesis studies and analyzes the regularity which appears in the formation of architecture mainly in the aspects of layout, plane formality. Jeon-hak-hoo-myo is the arraying formality in which Myungryundang and Daesungjun are placed on a line of one axis with Myungryundang placed lower in the front and Daesungjun place higher in the back and this formality is applied for a land that slopes. The layout formation of Gangkak space is divided into Jeonjaehudang-type and Jeondanghujae-type. This study analyze arrangement type and plane characteristics about local old time school belonging to the Confucian shrine construction at Youngdong districts in Gangwon-do, there is purpose of research to wish to clear the regional special quality of local old time school belonging to the Confucian shrine construction at Youngdong districts in Gangwon-do.

An Analysis of the Hybrid Finite Element Method for Scattering and Radiation by Microstrip Patch Antennas and Arrays Residing in a Cavity in a Ground Plane (접지평면상의 공간에 위치한 마이크로스트립 페치 단일 안테나와 배열 안테나에 의한 산란과 복 사에 관한 혼합유한요소법 해석)

  • 안중수;박동희;권희훈
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.19 no.12
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    • pp.2468-2478
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    • 1994
  • A hybrid finite element method is presented for a characterization of scattering an radiation properties of microstrip patch and arrays residing in a cavity recessed in a ground plane. The technique combines the finite element and boundary integral methods to formulate a system for the solution of fields at the aperture and the scattering field and radar cross sections at free space. By virture of the finite element method, the proposed technique is applicable to patch antennas and arrays residing on or embeded in a layered dielectric loss/lossless substrate and is also capable of treating various feed configuration. Several numerical results are presented demonstrating the validity, efficiency and capability of the technique.

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  • Han, Sung-Hee;Nahm, Dong-Soek
    • The korean journal of orthodontics
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    • v.18 no.1 s.25
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    • pp.253-265
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    • 1988
  • This study was designed to compare the normal head posture group with the extended head posture group in order to investigate the relatinship between head posture and craniofacial morphology. The subjects were devided into two groups; one included 80 children with normal head posture and occlusion, and the other 60 malocclusion patients with extended head posture. Their lateral cephalograms were traced and analysed based on 38 selected items. The following conclusion were reached. 1. The craniocervical angulations in normal group; OPT to SN, CVT to SN, OPT to FH and CVT to FH angles were 101.7,104.8,91.7and100.7101.7,104.8,91.7and100.7, respectively. 2. Compared with normal group, experimental group showed increase in mandibular plane angle, decrease in facial plane angle, airway space and posterior facial height but, there were insignificant differences in anterior facial height and tongue level between two groups. 3. Of the craniocervical angulations, OPT to FH angle was most highly correlated to the variables of the craniofacial morphology. 4. The effect of craniocervical angulation on craniofacial morphology in experimental group was different from that in comparison of normal group and experimental group.

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    • Publications of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.99-101
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    • 2015
  • Massive stars are some of the most influential objects in the Universe, shaping the evolution of galaxies, creating chemical elements and hence shaping the evolution of the Universe. However, the processes by which they form and how they shape their environment during their birth processes are not well understood. We use NH3NH3 data from "The H2OH2O Southern Galactic Plane Survey" (HOPS) survey to define the positions of dense cores/clumps of gas in the southern Galactic plane that are likely to form stars. Then, using data from "The Millimetre Astronomy Legacy Team 90 GHz" (MALT90) survey, we search for the presence of infall and outflow associated with these cores. We subsequently use the "3D Molecular Line Radiative Transfer Code" (MOLLIE) to constrain properties of the infall and outflow, such as velocity and mass flow. The aim of the project is to determine how common infall and outflow are in star forming cores, and therefore to provide valuable constraints on the timescales and physical process involved in massive star formation. Preliminary results are presented here.

Propagation of plane waves in an orthotropic magneto-thermodiffusive rotating half-space

  • Sheokand, Suresh Kumar;Kumar, Rajeshm;Kalkal, Kapil Kumar;Deswal, Sunita
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.72 no.4
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    • pp.455-468
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    • 2019
  • The present article is aimed at studying the reflection phenomena of plane waves in a homogeneous, orthotropic, initially stressed magneto-thermoelastic rotating medium with diffusion. The enuciation is applied to generalized thermoelasticity based on Lord-Shulman theory. There exist four coupled waves, namely, quasi-longitudinal P-wave (qP), quasi-longitudinal thermal wave (qT), quasi-longitudinal mass diffusive wave (qMD) and quasi-transverse wave (qSV) in the medium. The amplitude and energy ratios for these reflected waves are derived and the numerical computations have been carried out with the help of MATLAB programming. The effects of rotation, initial stress, magnetic and diffusion parameters on the amplitude ratios are depicted graphically. The expressions of energy ratios have also been obtained in explicit form and are shown graphically as functions of angle of incidence. It has been verified that during reflection phenomena, the sum of energy ratios is equal to unity at each angle of incidence. Effect of anisotropy is also depicted on velocities of various reflected waves.

The influence of the coupling effect of physical-mechanical fields on the forced vibration of the hydro-piezoelectric system consisting of a PZT layer and a viscous fluid with finite depth

  • Zeynep Ekicioglu, Kuzeci;Surkay D., Akbarov
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.85 no.2
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    • pp.247-263
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    • 2023
  • The paper deals with the study of the mechanical time-harmonic forced vibration of the hydro-piezoelectric system consisting of the piezoelectric plate and compressible viscous fluid with finite depth. The exact equations of motion of the theory of linear electro-elasticity for piezoelectric materials are employed for describing the plate motion, however, the fluid flow is described by employing the linearized Navier-Stokes equations for a compressible (barotropic) viscous fluid. The plane-strain state in the plate and the plane flow of the fluid are considered and the corresponding mathematical problems are solved by employing the Fourier transform with respect to the space coordinate which is on the coordinate axis directed along the platelying direction. The expressions of the corresponding Fourier transform are determined analytically, however, the inverse transforms are found numerically. Numerical results on the interface pressure and the electrical potential are obtained for various PZT materials and these results are discussed. According to these results, in particular, it is established that the electromechanical coupling effect can significantly decrease the interface pressure.