• Title/Summary/Keyword: space extension

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A Blockchain-based User Authentication Model Using MetaMask (메타마스크와 연동한 블록체인 기반 사용자 인증모델)

  • Choi, Nakhoon;Kim, Heeyoul
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.119-127
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    • 2019
  • This paper proposes a new authentication model to solve the problem of personal information takeover and personal information theft by service providers using centralized servers for user authentication and management of personal information. The centralization issue is resolved by providing user authentication and information storage space through a decentralize platform, blockchain, and ensuring confidentiality of information through user-specific symmetric key encryption. The proposed model was implemented using the public-blockchain Ethereum and the web-based wallet extension MetaMask, and users access the Ethereum main network through the MetaMask on their browser and store their encrypted personal information in the Smart Contract. In the future, users will provide their personal information to the service provider through their Ethereum Account for the use of the new service, which will provide user authentication and personal information without subscription or a new authentication process. Service providers can reduce the costs of storing personal information and separate authentication methods, and prevent problems caused by personal information leakage.

A Study on the Characteristic of Internal Changing of Departments after Establishment in General Hospital - Focused on the KS Hospital - (국내 종합병원의 건립후 나타난 부문별 내부변화 특성에 관한 연구 - KS 병원의 사례를 중심으로 -)

  • Cho, Jun-Young;Yang, Nae-Won
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.75-82
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    • 2008
  • Weeks who is an architect in England suggest that let us consider the hospital architecture as not determined architecture but an undetermined architecture. Because it has been changing unexpectedly. The changing process of hospital architecture is required that it has to involve the new function and be a role model because of variations of environmental factors. For silving the requirements above mentioned, hospital architecture takes the way of appropriateness inner origin form and finally it considers new formation. The 53% of hospital buildings in Korea were built in 1980s. For 30years, these buildings have been not only extended a buildings but also changed in parts of functions and sizes on buildings which are original. The purpose of this study is producing the basic references which suggest solution to face on the changing of hospital building during planning it in the future using by analysis of variation inside the hospital building and grasping of characters in each departments. Each department is analyzed as follows. There is no inner change but only expansion partly by enlargement of building. In the outpatient, there is not only expansion by enlargement of building and but also extension toward other parts and the rate of variation of inside is high. In the diagnostic treatment, there are differences in diagnostic treatment. Surgical suit and diagnostic imaging have been expanded by enlargement than the change of inside. But the others of the departments have been changed by change of inside and also there are sometimes changes of inner walls.

A Basic Study on The Architectural Characteristic of the Group Home in Japan (일본 그룹 홈의 건축적 특징에 관한 기초연구)

  • Yang, Yoon-Sil;Kim, Tae-Il
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.248-256
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    • 2014
  • According to data from the national office of Statistics Korea and Ministry of Health and Welfare, as the elderly population increases, the dementia elderly population continues to increase and its future population growth rate is expected to be even faster. In particular, the Dementia Management Act has been in effect since February 2012, and active efforts has been made for a policy for the dementia management. The purpose of this study is to establish standards on building plans based on the appropriate scale and spatial configuration on facilities planning for the elderly with dementia. Specifically, the basic data were collected with a request for a total of 103 points on the basis of a database of group homes in the survey managed by the Japan Association of Group Homes. Specific information of the research includes the management body of facilities operation, scale of the facilities, number of units and configuration of personal living space, and the collected survey data and drawings were statistically proceed and analyzed using the SPSS WIN 20.0. analysis results are summarized as follows. first, most of the group homes come to the small size of the 1-2 story home ; the approximate number of units is one or two per home, and each unit consists of nine rooms. second, a number of group homes with the building area of $300m^2$ have the U-shaped arrangement which is advantageous in the extension and facilities maintenance. In conclusion, this study is to be the fundamental data for judgments that can be used to establish standards for the facilities for the dementia elderly whose population continues to increase. In addition, further study is necessary to establish suitable design conditions of our country.

Histopathologic study of laryngeal cancer with serial section (연속 대절편 제작을 이용한 후두암의 병리조직학적 연구)

  • 이강대;이종덕;유태현
    • Proceedings of the KOR-BRONCHOESO Conference
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    • 1993.05a
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    • pp.90-90
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    • 1993
  • When illustrating the therapeutical plan of laryngeal cancer, there are difficulties in obtaining the three dimensional volume of tumor, submucosal extension of tumor, and particularly whether or not invasion on laryngeal cartilage has occurred. In particular clinical significance is the invasion to the laryngeal framework, which correlates with poor prognosis due to high frequency of local recurrence and cervical metastasis. Therefore the purposes of histopathological evaluation according to serial section study after laryngectomy are firstly, apprehension of the spread of laryngeal cancer and the pattern of invasion to laryngeal cartilage and secondly, obtaining an aid to establish direction of management to make higher the validity of preoperative clinical diagnosis. The following results were obtained : 1. The pattern of tumor invasion in cartilage 1) The tumor invades ossified cartilage chiefly and invades nonossified cartilage in extensive lesion only. 2) The tumor spread through intramarrow space at invaded ossified cartilage with intact perichondrium. 3) The perichondrium is strong barrier. 2. The incidence of cartilage invasion in order of frequency is as follow thyroid, arytenoid, cricoid, epiglottic cartilage. 3. The transglottic cancer has higher incidence(811.8%)of cartilage invasion. 4. The sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy rate of preoperative CT scan was 100%, 62.5%, 82.3% respectively.

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Panel data analysis with regression trees (회귀나무 모형을 이용한 패널데이터 분석)

  • Chang, Youngjae
    • Journal of the Korean Data and Information Science Society
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    • v.25 no.6
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    • pp.1253-1262
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    • 2014
  • Regression tree is a tree-structured solution in which a simple regression model is fitted to the data in each node made by recursive partitioning of predictor space. There have been many efforts to apply tree algorithms to various regression problems like logistic regression and quantile regression. Recently, algorithms have been expanded to the panel data analysis such as RE-EM algorithm by Sela and Simonoff (2012), and extension of GUIDE by Loh and Zheng (2013). The algorithms are briefly introduced and prediction accuracy of three methods are compared in this paper. In general, RE-EM shows good prediction accuracy with least MSE's in the simulation study. A RE-EM tree fitted to business survey index (BSI) panel data shows that sales BSI is the main factor which affects business entrepreneurs' economic sentiment. The economic sentiment BSI of non-manufacturing industries is higher than that of manufacturing ones among the relatively high sales group.

Surgical Correction of Hexadactyly: Innovation of new technique and its application (여섯 손가락증의 수술적 교정: 새로운 수술 방법의 고안과 적용)

  • Tark, Kwan Chul;Lee, Myung Chul
    • Archives of Plastic Surgery
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    • v.36 no.5
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    • pp.642-648
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    • 2009
  • Purpose: Hexadactyly without thumb is a rare congenital anomaly of the hand where six triphalangeal digits are symmetrically distributed without thumb. Contrary to mirror hands, triphalangeal six digits are symmetrically distributed on each side at the midline with well - differentiated carpal bones, extensor tendons, one ulnar and one radius. The authors developed a new surgical technique based on a three - dimensional concept to correct the hexadactyly and applied to 2 cases of hexadactyly with good functional and aesthetic results. Here we document the surgical technique and its result. Methods: A 16 month old male patient visited our clinic with chief complaints of bilateral hexadactyly deformity. On physical examination most radial first and second digits showed no opposition and adduction motion on both side hands. Radiography showed 6 triphalangeal digits with normal development of carpal, radial and ulnar bone. Right side abnormality was corrected by removal of most radial side extra - digit, rotation and migration of 2nd ray to thumb position and creation of 1st web by transposing a mid - palm based rectangular palmar flap as in Snow & Littler procedure which has been being applied for correction of 1st web syndactyly in cleft hand deformity. Seven months later, left side abnormality was also corrected with the same procedure. Results: Postoperative appearances of the both hands were satisfactory. Flexion, extension, opposition and grasping were possible with the pollicized 2nd ray. Pinching power was 3.0 kg 15 months after surgery and 2.5 kg 22 months after in right hand respectively. Conclusion: In correction of hexadactyly deformity, satisfactory aesthetic and relevant functional results can be expected with authors' newly developed technique: removal of most radial digit, rotation and migration of 2nd digit to thumb position as well as creation of the 1st web space by transposition of mid - palm based rectangular flap.

A Study on a Novel Graph Visualization for the Tower of Hanoi (하노이의 탑의 새로운 그래프 시각화에 대한 연구)

  • Jho, Cheung-Woon;Kang, Dae-Ki
    • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.975-983
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    • 2010
  • In this paper, we introduce extended problems of Tower of Hanoi (ToH) and propose a novel visualization method to express a state space of ToH. As for the extended problems, we introduce multi-peg ToH, multi-stack ToH, and regular state ToH. The novel visualization method in this paper is a natural extension of Hanoi graph visualization. In the proposed method, we assign one Cartesian coordinate point per each disk to provide an unified visualization that the marks on a link and the changes of a state should correspond with a peg position of a disk. Compared with Hanoi graph, the generated graph by the proposed method is isomorphic if we remove links of forbidden move, which indicates that our method is a generalization of Hanoi graph and thus is more expressive. To help the understanding of the readers, we show the generated graphs by our method when the number of disks is 2 and 3.

An Extension of Possibilistic Fuzzy C-means using Regularization (Regularization을 이용한 Possibilistic Fuzzy C-means의 확장)

  • Heo, Gyeong-Yong;NamKoong, Young-Hwan;Kim, Seong-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.43-50
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    • 2010
  • Fuzzy c-means (FCM) and possibilistic c-means (PCM) are the two most well-known clustering algorithms in fuzzy clustering area, and have been applied in many applications in their original or modified forms. However, FCM's noise sensitivity problem and PCM's overlapping cluster problem are also well known. Recently there have been several attempts to combine both of them to mitigate the problems and possibilistic fuzzy c-means (PFCM) showed promising results. In this paper, we proposed a modified PFCM using regularization to reduce noise sensitivity in PFCM further. Regularization is a well-known technique to make a solution space smooth and an algorithm noise insensitive. The proposed algorithm, PFCM with regularization (PFCM-R), can take advantage of regularization and further reduce the effect of noise. Experimental results are given and show that the proposed method is better than the existing methods in noisy conditions.

A Comparative Analysis of the Calligrams of Apollinaire, Paul Eluard, and Lee Sang (아폴리네르, 폴 엘뤼아르, 이상(LEE Sang) 시의 상형적 시어 비교분석)

  • Lee, Byung-Soo
    • Cross-Cultural Studies
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    • v.45
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    • pp.33-54
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    • 2016
  • This study presents a comparative analysis of the calligrammic poetic dictions shown in the poems of the French poets Guillaume Apollinaire and Paul Eluard and in those of the Korean poet Lee Sang. They were adventurers in the avant-garde movement who used experimental techniques that led to futurism, expressionism, cubism, dadaism, and surrealism. They applied a typographic technique that combined pictorial arrangements of fonts, shapes of compositions and between lines, letters of the alphabet, mathematical symbols, and graphical elements, such as circles or lines, to make up a poem that also looked like a painting. Their works, valued as visual lyric poems, break up language and combine anti-poems. They rejected traditional poetic dictions or grammar, but developed a paratactic poem that freely uses letters and symbols. Their calligrammic poetic dictions arouse dynamic images like space extension. Lee Sang's calligrams seem like abstract paintings that apply geometric symbols like those used in technical drawings. As a result, crossing the boundaries between language and pictorial art by using experimental materials and techniques, their poems deconstruct the creative standards of rational and traditional poetic dictions, creating an adventurous, expressive technique. Their calligrammic, avant-garde poems introduced a new spirit of art into both French and Korean modern poetic literature.

Introduction of Barcelona Basic Model for Analysis of the Thermo-Elasto-Plastic Behavior of Unsaturated Soils (불포화토의 열·탄소성 거동 분석을 위한 Barcelona Basic Model 소개)

  • Lee, Changsoo;Yoon, Seok;Lee, Jaewon;Kim, Geon Young
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.38-51
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    • 2019
  • Barcelona Basic Model (BBM) can describe not only swelling owing to decrease in effective stress, but also wetting-induced swelling due to decrease in suction. And the BBM can also consider increase in cohesion and apparent preconsolidation stress with suction, and decrease in the apparent preconsolidation stress with temperature. Therefore, the BBM is widely used all over the world to predict and to analyze coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical behavior of bentonite which is considered as buffer materials at the engineered barrier system in the high-level radioactive waste disposal system. However, the BBM is not well known in Korea, so this paper introduce the BBM to Korean rock engineers and geotechnical engineers. In this study, Modified Cam Clay (MCC) model is introduced before all, because the BBM was first developed as an extension of the MCC model to unsaturated soil conditions. Then, the thermo-elasto-plastic version of the BBM is described in detail.