Basic~intermediate dike swarms are pervasively developed in the east of the Ulsan Fault, SE Korea. Most of them intruded initially along the NS-trending extensional fractures which developed under EW extension during the East Sea opening in the Early Miocene (before about 17 Ma). The mean-strikes of the basic dikes intruding into the granites are more clockwise rotated in farther eastern side, i. e.$ N06^{\circ}$E, $Nl5^{\circ}$E, and $N37^{\circ}$E in the western side, in the just vicinities, and in the eastern side of the YBonil Tectonic Line (YTL), respectively. And the mean-strike of the basic dikes nearby shoreline is also most clockwise rotated ($N75^{\circ}$E in the Guryongpo Peninsula). The spatial variance indicates that the dikes, located only in the east of the YTL, experienced horizontal-clockwise rotation, and that the dikes in farther east from the YTL experienced more clockwise rotation. It is, thus, supported that the NNW dextral shear stress, generated by the spreading of the East Sea, was propagated toward inland from eastern continental margin of the Korean Peninsula, and that the YTL is an westernmost limit of the clockwise crustal rotations which are pervasively observed in the vicinities of the Miocene basins, SE Korea.
A total of 90 surface sediment samples, collected from the continental margin area bordering east and southeast coast of Korea, were subject to the geochemical analyses with the aim of filling the gap in our knowledge of this environment. The analyzed items included the major elements (Al, Fe, Mg, Ca, K, Na, p and Mn), organic carbon, and some trace metals (Ba, Co, Cu, Sr and Zn). The sediment grain-size exerted a predominant influence on the contents of most elements, with the exceptions of Ca, K, Sr and Ba. The Ca and Sr contents, being closely interrelated each other, were mainly controlled by the calcium carbonate content. The K content, on the other hand, appeared to be influenced by both illite and feldspar. The Ba content showed a certain relationship with that of K, suggesting a common source of these two elements; potassium feldspar. The R-mode factor analysis result also reaffirmed the above-mentioned controlling factors on the sediment geochemistry. The grain-size dependency of trace metals obscures their areal distribution pattern from the total contents. However, with the metal/aluminum ratios we could differentiate the subtle difference in the metal enrichment. Hence, sediments of the southern coastal area appear to receive some anthropogenic inputs of metals, though the effect is still negligible.
Hwang, Sang Koo;Son, Young Woo;Seo, Seung Hwan;Kee, Weon-Seo
Economic and Environmental Geology
The Gumi basin, situated in the mid-southeastern Yeongnam Massif, has the Cretaceous stratigraphy that is divided into Gumi Formation, andesitic rocks (Yeongamsan Tuff, Busangni Andesite), rhyolitic rocks (Obongni Tuff, Doseongul Rhyolite, Geumosan Tuff) and Intrusives (ring dikes, other dikes) in ascending order. The Geumosan Tuff is composed mostly of many ash-flow tuffs which are associated with Geumosan caldera along with the ring dikes. The caldera is outlined by ring faults and dikes and has about 3.5 × 5.6 km in diameters. The intracaldera volcanics show a downsag structure that is dipped inward in their flow and welding foliations. The caldera block represent an asymmetric subsidence, which drops 350 m in the northern margin and 600 m in the southern one. Based on these data, the Geumosan caldera is geometrically classified as an asymmetric piston subsidence caldera that suggests a single caldera cycle. The caldera reflects the piston subsidence of the caldera block bounded by the outward-dipping ring faults following a voluminous eruption of magma from the chamber. The downsag in the caldera block refers to the downsagging during the initial subsidence at the same time as the full development of the bound fault. In the ring fissures following the sagging, magma was injected due to the overpressure of magma chamber caused by subsidence.
Being believed thus far to be distributed in the wide areas in the vicinity of Seoul, the capital city of Korea, the Yonchon System in its type locality in Yonchon-gun from which the name derived was never previously traced down or correlated to the Precambrian metamorphic complex in Seoul area where the present study was carried out. Due to in accessibility to Yonchon area, the writer also could not trace the system down to the area studied so as to correlate them. The present study endeavored to differentiate general stratigraphy and interprete the structure of the metamorphic complex in the area. In spite of the complexity of structure and rapid changes in lithofacies of the complex, it was succeeded to find out the key bed by which the stratigraphy and structure of the area could be straightened out. The keybeds were the Buchon limestone bed in the western parts of the area; Daisongri quartzite bed cropped out in the southeastern area; Jangrak quartzite bed scattered in the several localities in the northwest, southwest, and eastern parts of the area; and Earn quartzite bed isolated in the eastern part of the area. These keybeds together with the broad regional structure made it possible to differentiated the Precambrian rocks in ascending order into the Kyonggi metamorphic complex, Jangrak group and Chunsung group which are in clinounconformable relation, and the first complex were again separated in ascending order into Buchon, Sihung, and Yangpyong metermorphic groups. Althcugh it has being vaguely called as the Yonchon system thus far, the Kyonggi metamorphic complex have never been studied before. The complex might, however, belong to early to early-middle Precambrian age. The Jangrak and Chunsung group were correlated to the Sangwon system in North Korea by the writer (1972), but it became apparent that the rocks of the groups have different lithology and highly metamorphosd than those of the Sangwon system which has thick sequence of limestone and slightly metamorphosed. Being deposited in the margin of the basin, it is natural that the groups poccess terrestrial sediments rather than limestone, yet no explanation is at hand as to what was the cause of bringing such difference in grade of metamorphism. Thus the writer attempted to correlate the both groups to those of pre-Sangwon and post-Yonchon which might be middle to early-late Precambrian time. Judging from difference in grade of deformation and unconformity between the Kyonggi metamorphic complex, Jangrak group, and Chunsung group, three stages of orogeny were established: the Kyonggi, Jangrak orogenies, and Chunsung disturbance toward younger age. It is rather astonishing to point out that the structure of these Precambrian formations. was not effected by Daebo orogeny of Jurassic age. The post-tectonic block faulting was accompanied by these orogenies, and in consequence NNE and N-S trending faults were originated. These faulting were intermittented and repeated until Daebo orogeny at which granites intruded along these faults. The manifestation of alignment of these faults is indicated by the parallel and straight linear development of valleys and streams in the Kyonggi Massifland.
Macheon Layered Intrusion (MLI) which intruded into Precambrian gneiss complex of the northern Jirisan area, southeastern part of Youngnam (or Sobaeksan) Massif, is a layered mafic-ultramafic complex of Triassic age (ca. 223 Ma). The MLI is divided into Layered Series and Laminated Series. Layered Series is subdivided into Central Zone (Lower Zone) consisting of olivine gabbros and Peripheral Zone (Middle or Upper Zone) consisting of hornblende gabbros based on the type of cumulus texture and the main mafic phase. The Central Zone of Layered Series comprises thinly laminated olivine gabbros and uniform or thickly laminated coarse olivine gabbros which consist of mela-gabbro, troctolite, leuco-troctolite, and anorthositic rocks. Laminated Series is also subdivided into quartz-bearing biotite-pyroxene gabbros and homblende diorite and both have variable amount of interstitial quartz and microcline. Laminated series display moderately to slightly developed igneous lamination which is defined by the planar alignment of lath-shape plagioclases. Chilled margin of quartz-bearing biotite-pyroxene gabbro with surrounding Precambrian gneisses insists shallower intrusion of more felsic cognate magma evolved in the deep a little later. Rocks of Layered Series have orthocumulus to adcumulus olivine, adcumulus to intercumulus plagioclase, and intercumulus to heteradcumulus pyroxene and hornblende. Magmatic modally grading, folding, and cross-lamination are not rarely occurred in thinly layered rocks. These textural characteristics define main mechanisms of the formation of layered and laminated structure in mafic-ultramafic rocks of Macheon Layered Intrusion are gravity settling and in-situ crystallization associated with slumping and density current.
The Deogbong napseok clay deposit which is composed mainly of dickite and pyrophyllite has been formed by hydrothermal alteration of the Late Cretaceous volcanic rocks consisting of andesitic tuff and andesite. The mineralogy of the napseok ores and the hydrothermal alteration processes have been studied in order to know the nature of the interaction between minerals and fluids for the formation of the deposit. Chemical distribution shows that alkali elements and silica were mobile but alumina was relatively immobile during the hydrothermal processes. It is evident that enrichment of alumina and leaching of silica from the host rock led to the formation of the napseok ore, whereas the enrichment of silica in the outer zone of the deposit gave rise to the silica zone. A large amount of microcrystalline quartz closely associated with dickite and pyrophyllite suggests the increasing activity of silica. Thus Si which was released away from the argillic zone by the increasing activity of silica. Thus Si which was released away from the argillic zone by the increasing activity of silica solubility moved out precipitating in the margin of the deposit to form the silica zone. Variation in dickite crystallinity implies the local change in the stability of the system. Thermodynamic calculation shows that the invariant point of pyrophyllite-dickite (kaolinite)-diaspore-quartz assemblages at 500 bars in the system $Al_{2}O_{3}-SiO_{2}-H_{2}O$ is about 300 $^{\circ}C$. Based on the mineral assemblages and the experimental data reported, it is estimated that the main episode of hydrothermal alteration occurred at least above 270 to 300 $^{\circ}C$ and $X_{CO_2}$ <0.025. Mineral occurrence and chemical variation indicate that the activity of Al is high in the upper part of the deposit, whereas the activity of Si is high in the lower part and the margin of the deposit. The nonequilibrium phase relations observed in the Deogbong deposit might be due to local change in intensive thermodynamic variables and fluid transport properties that resulted in the formation of nonequilibrium phases b of several stages.
Ultramafic xenoliths from southeastern part of Jeju Island can be grouped into two types: Type I and Type II. Type I xenoliths are magnesian and olivine-rich peridotite (mg#=89-91), which are commonly found at the outcrop. Most previous works have been focused on Type I xenoliths. Type II xenoliths, consisting of olivine, orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene with higher Fe and Ti components (mg#=77-83) and lower Mg, Ni, Cr, are reported in this study. They are less common with a more extensive compositional range. The studied Type II xenoliths are wehrlite, olivine-clinopyroxenite, olivine websterite, and websterite. They sometimes show ophitic textures in outcrops indicating cumulate natures. The textural characteristics, such as kink banding and more straight grain boundaries with triple junctions, are interpreted as the result of recrystallization and annealing. Large pyroxene grains have exsolution textures and show almost the same major compositions as small exsolution-free pyroxenes. Although the exsolution texture indicates a previous high-temperature history, all mineral phases are completely reequilibrated to some lower temperature. Orthopyroxenes replacing clinopyroxene margin or olivine indicate an orthopyroxene enrichment event. Mineral phases of Type II are compared with Type I xenoliths, gabbroic xenoliths, and the host basalts. Those from Type II xenoliths show a distinct discontinuity with those from Type I mantle xenoliths, whereas they show a continuous or overlapping relation with those from gabbroic xenoliths and the host basalts. Our petrographic and geochemical results suggest that the studied type II xenoliths appear to be cumulates derived from the host magma-related system, being formed by early fractional crystallization, although these xenoliths may not be directly linked to the host basalt.
Lee Chan Hee;Lee Myeong Seong;Suh Mancheol;Choi Seok-Won;Kim Man Gap
Economic and Environmental Geology
The rock properties of the West pagoda in the Gameunsaji temple site are composed mainly of dark grey porphyritic granodiorite with medium grained equigranular texture and developed with small numerous dioritic xenoliths. These xenoliths occurred with small holes due to different weathering processes. As a weathering results, the rock properties of this pagoda occur wholly softened to physical hardness because of a complex result of petrological, meteorological and biological causes. Southeastern part of the pagoda deteriorated seriously that the surface of rock blocks showed partially exfoliations, fractures, open cavities in course of granular decomposition of minerals, sea water spray and crystallization of salt from the eastern coast. The Joint between blocks has small or large fracture cross each other, contaminated and corrupted for inserting with concrete, cement mortar, rock fragments and iron plates, and partially accelerated coloration and fractures. There are serious contamination materials of algae, fungus, lichen and bryophytes on the margin and the surface on the roof stone of the pagoda, so it'll require conservation treatment biochemically for releasing vegetation inhabiting on the surface and the discontinuous plane of the blocks because of adding the weathering activity of stones and growing weeds naturally by soil processing on the fissure zone. Consisting rock for the conservation and restoration of the pagoda would be careful choice of new rock properties and epoxy to reinforce for the deterioration surfaces. For the attenuation of secondary contamination and surface humidity, the possible conservation treatments are needed.
Kim, Seong-Joong;Park, Yoo-Min;Lee, Bang-Yong;Choi, Tae-Jin;Yoon, Young-Jun;Suk, Bong-Chool
The Korean Journal of Quaternary Research
The climate of the last glacial maximum (LGM) in northeast Asia is simulated with an atmospheric general circulation model of NCAR CCM3 at spectral truncation of T170, corresponding to a grid cell size of roughly 75 km. Modern climate is simulated by a prescribed sea surface temperature and sea ice provided from NCAR, and contemporary atmospheric CO2, topography, and orbital parameters, while LGM simulation was forced with the reconstructed CLIMAP sea surface temperatures, sea ice distribution, ice sheet topography, reduced $CO_2$, and orbital parameters. Under LGM conditions, surface temperature is markedly reduced in winter by more than $18^{\circ}C$ in the Korean west sea and continental margin of the Korean east sea, where the ocean exposed to land in the LGM, whereas in these areas surface temperature is warmer than present in summer by up to $2^{\circ}C$. This is due to the difference in heat capacity between ocean and land. Overall, in the LGM surface is cooled by $4{\sim}6^{\circ}C$ in northeast Asia land and by $7.1^{\circ}C$ in the entire area. An analysis of surface heat fluxes show that the surface cooling is due to the increase in outgoing longwave radiation associated with the reduced $CO_2$ concentration. The reduction in surface temperature leads to a weakening of the hydrological cycle. In winter, precipitation decreases largely in the southeastern part of Asia by about $1{\sim}4\;mm/day$, while in summer a larger reduction is found over China. Overall, annual-mean precipitation decreases by about 50% in the LGM. In northeast Asia, evaporation is also overall reduced in the LGM, but the reduction of precipitation is larger, eventually leading to a drier climate. The drier LGM climate simulated in this study is consistent with proxy evidence compiled in other areas. Overall, the high-resolution model captures the climate features reasonably well under global domain.
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① 당 사이트 및 협력기관이 정한 유료서비스(원문복사 등)는 별도로 정해진 바에 따르며, 변경사항은 시행 전에
당 사이트 홈페이지를 통하여 회원에게 공지합니다.
② 유료서비스를 이용하려는 회원은 정해진 요금체계에 따라 요금을 납부해야 합니다.
제 5 장 계약 해지 및 이용 제한
제 15 조 (계약 해지)
회원이 이용계약을 해지하고자 하는 때에는 [가입해지] 메뉴를 이용해 직접 해지해야 합니다.
제 16 조 (서비스 이용제한)
① 당 사이트는 회원이 서비스 이용내용에 있어서 본 약관 제 11조 내용을 위반하거나, 다음 각 호에 해당하는
경우 서비스 이용을 제한할 수 있습니다.
- 2년 이상 서비스를 이용한 적이 없는 경우
- 기타 정상적인 서비스 운영에 방해가 될 경우
② 상기 이용제한 규정에 따라 서비스를 이용하는 회원에게 서비스 이용에 대하여 별도 공지 없이 서비스 이용의
일시정지, 이용계약 해지 할 수 있습니다.
제 17 조 (전자우편주소 수집 금지)
회원은 전자우편주소 추출기 등을 이용하여 전자우편주소를 수집 또는 제3자에게 제공할 수 없습니다.
제 6 장 손해배상 및 기타사항
제 18 조 (손해배상)
당 사이트는 무료로 제공되는 서비스와 관련하여 회원에게 어떠한 손해가 발생하더라도 당 사이트가 고의 또는 과실로 인한 손해발생을 제외하고는 이에 대하여 책임을 부담하지 아니합니다.
제 19 조 (관할 법원)
서비스 이용으로 발생한 분쟁에 대해 소송이 제기되는 경우 민사 소송법상의 관할 법원에 제기합니다.
[부 칙]
1. (시행일) 이 약관은 2016년 9월 5일부터 적용되며, 종전 약관은 본 약관으로 대체되며, 개정된 약관의 적용일 이전 가입자도 개정된 약관의 적용을 받습니다.