• Title/Summary/Keyword: southeastern margin of Korea

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Foraminiferal Characteristics in Mud Deposits of the Southeastern Margin of Korea (한국 남동 대륙주변부 니질대 표층퇴적물의 유공충 특성)

  • Woo, Han-Jun;Choi, Jae-Ung
    • Ocean and Polar Research
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.67-78
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    • 2006
  • Six surface sediments from two offshore transects of Ulsan and Gampo, on the southeastern margin of Korea were taken for sediment and foraminiferal analyses. Sedimentary processes are dominated by reworking and resedimentation from storms in the area off Ulsan and hemipelagic suspension settling in the area off Gampo. Eighty-four foraminiferal species were identified in total assemblages, including 33species of living populations and 9 species of planktonic foraminifera. The characteristics of foraminifera showed differences of offshore environments between Ulsan and Gampo. The number of living species, species diversity and equitability in Gampo offshore area had higher values than those in Ulsan offshore area. However, planktonic/benthic(P/B) ratio showed higher in the Ulsan offshore area. The species diversity indices and P/B ratio indicated that environmental stability and surface-ocean productivity in the Gampo offshore area were relatively higher than the Ulsan offshore area. The difference of species compositions is useful for interpreting the paleoenvironments in mud deposits of the southeastern margin of Korea.

The Origin of the Southeastern United States Continental Margin: Is it Volcanic or Non-Volcanic? (미국남동부 대륙주변부의 기원 : 화산성 혹은 비화산성?)

  • Oh, Jinyong
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.27 no.6
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    • pp.571-577
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    • 1994
  • It has been controversial whether the United States Atlantic margin, which developed during Mesozoic separation of Africa and North America, is a volcanic or non-volcanic rifted margin. To understand its nature, the basement images of multi-channel seismic profiles off the southeastern United States continental margin have been examined. One of prominent results is the presence of seaward-dipping reflector (SDR) wedges, the most diagnostic feature of volcanic rifted margins. Two sets of SDR wedges appear to exist here; one along the basement hinge zone ('the hinge SDR wedge') and another seaward of the East Coast magnetic anomaly ('the outer SDR wedge'). Seaward of the basement hinge zone, the lower crustal high-velocity body previously known as the 7.2 km/s layer and the underlying smooth Moho configuration are also observed. Based on the comparison of these basement images with the crustal structures of the well-known volcanic rifted margin, the southeastern United States Atlantic margin can now be characterized as a typical volcanic rifted margin.

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Channel-fill Deposits of Gravel-bed Stream, Southeastern Eumsung Basin (Cretaceous), Korea

  • Ryang, Woo-Hun
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.27 no.7
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    • pp.757-767
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    • 2006
  • Alluvial-plain deposits in the southeastern part of the Eumsung Basin (Cretaceous) are characterized by coarse-grained channel fills encased in purple siltstone beds. It represents distinct channel geometry, infill organization, and variations in facies distribution. The directions of paleocurrent, sedimentary facies changes, and channel-fill geometry can be used to reconstruct a channel network in the alluvial system developed along the southeastern margin of the basin. The channel-fill facies represent downstream changes: 1) down-sizing and well-sorting in clast and martix of channel fills and 2) internal organization of scour fill or gravel lag and overlying cross-stratified, planar-stratified beds. These findings suggest multiple stages of channel-filling processes according to flooding and subsequent stream flows. In the small-scale pull-apart Eumsung Basin (${\sim}7{\times}33km^2$ in area), vertical-stacked alluvial architecture of the coarse-grained channel fills encased in purple siltstone is expected to result from episodic channel shifting under a rapidly subsiding setting.

Coastal Typhoon Deposit in the Hampyung Bay, Southwest Coast of Korea

  • Park, Yong-Ahn
    • Journal of the korean society of oceanography
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.32-36
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    • 1996
  • The oyster shell bed (more than 47 cm thick) atop the Gaipri Point (granite coastal bluff) in the Hampyung Bay, southwest coast of Korea which is a coastal area of southeastern margin of the Yellow Sea basin has been interpreted as unique typhoon deposit formed at about 3610 yr BP or later. The unconformable boundary between the oyster shell bed by typhoon and the granitic soil horizon of the Gaipri Point is 820 cm high above the mean high-tide water level (MHWL). The $^{14}C$ age of the oyster shells is 3610${\pm}$70 yr BP.

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Mineral Distribution in the Southeastern Yellow Sea Surface Sediments; KORDI Cruise Samples in 2010 (황해 남동부 표층 해양 퇴적물의 광물 분포; 2010년 한국해양연구원 탐사 시료)

  • Cho, Hyen-Goo;Kim, Soon-Oh;Yi, Hi-Il;Shin, Kyung-Hoon
    • Journal of the Mineralogical Society of Korea
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.205-216
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    • 2011
  • Mineral compositions of 69 southeastern Yellow Sea surface sediments collected at the Korea Ocean Research and Development Institute (KORDI) cruise in 2010, were determined using the quantitative X-ray diffraction analysis. Southeastern Yellow Sea surface sediments are composed of major minerals (quartz 49.1%, plagioclase 13.0% and alkali feldspar 9.3%), clay minerals, calcite, and aragonite. Illite (9.4%) is the most abundant clay mineral, chlorite (4.6%) is the second, and kaolinite (0.8%) is few. Quartz and alkali feldspar contents are high in coarse-grained sediments, whereas amphibole and clay mineral contents are high in fine-grained sediments. Quartz, plagioclase, alkali feldspar, chlorite, and kaolinite contents are higher, and illite content is lower in mud zone 1 corresponding to south margin of Central Yellow Sea Mud than in mud zone 2, a part of Southeastern Yellow Sea Mud. Difference of mineral composition between two mud zone suggests that source of fine sediment may be different in two mud zone and Southeastern Yellow Sea Mud might be largely supplied from the Keum and Youngsan rivers in southern part of the west coast in the Korean Peninsula.

Sequence Stratigraphy of Late Quaternary Deposits in the Southeastern Continental Shelf, Korea (한국 남동 대륙붕 후 제4기 퇴적층의 시퀀스 층서)

  • 유동근;이치원;최진용;박수철;최진혁
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.369-379
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    • 2003
  • Analysis of high-resolution seismic profiles and sediment data from the southeastern continental shelf of Korea reveals that the late Quaternary deposits consist of a set of lowstand (LST), transgressive (TST), and highstand systems tracts (HST) that corresponds to the sea-level change after the Last Glacial Maximum. LST (Unit I) above the sequence boundary consists of sandy mud or muddy sand deposited during the last glacial period and is confined to the shelf margin and trough region. TST (Unit II) between transgressive surface and maximum flooding surface consists of sandy sediments deposited during the postglacial transgression (15,000-6,000 yr BP). Although TST is widely distributed on the shelf, it is much thinner than LST and HST. On the basis of distribution pattern, TST can be divided into three sub-units: early TST (Unit IIa) on the shelf margin, middle TST (Unit IIb) on the mid-shelf, and late TST (Unit IIc) on the inner shelf, respectively. These are characterized by a backstepping depositional arrangement. HST(Unit III) above the maximum flooding surface is composed of the fine-grained sediments deposited during the last 6000 yrs when sea level was close to the present level and its distribution is restricted to the inner shelf along the coast.

First Morphological Description and the Distribution of Ophisurus macrorhynchos (Anguilliformes: Ophichthidae) Leptocephalus Collected from Southeastern Waters of Jeju Island (제주도 남동부해역에서 채집된 바다뱀(Ophisurus macrorhynchos) (뱀장어목: 바다뱀과) 엽상자어의 첫 형태기재 및 분포특성)

  • Ji, Hwan-Sung;Choi, Jung Hwa;Choi, Kwang Ho;Yoon, Sang Chul;Lee, Dong Woo;Kim, Jin-Koo
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.47 no.6
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    • pp.888-894
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    • 2014
  • Seventeen specimens of leptocephali [9.8-44.5 mm total length (TL)], of the family Ophichthidae, were collected from southeastern waters off Jeju Island and the Korea-Japan intermediate zone, and identified by means of morphology and genetics. These specimens were identified as belonging to the subfamily Ophichthinae based on various combinations of morphological characters: 211-215 total myomeres; 7 gut swellings; 2 liver lobes connected with the gall bladder on the second lobe; 6-7 postanal pigments present from anus to caudal margin. An analysis of the partial 12S rRNA sequences (849 base pairs) of mitochondrial DNA showed that our specimens must be Ophisurus macrorhynchos because their sequences were concordant with those of the adult O. macrorhynchos (genetic distance = 0.000). Furthermore, their total myomeres were consistent with those of the O. macrorhynchos adult. This is the first time that the morphological characteristics of O. macrorhynchos leptocephali have been described for Korean waters, and we suggest diagnostic characteristics for the genus Ophisurus leptocephali. We hypothesize that one of the spawning grounds of O. macrorhynchos is located in the southeastern part of Jeju Island.

First Record of a Bandfish, Acanthocepola indica (Cepolidae: Perciformes) from Korea (한국산 농어목(Perciformes) 홍갈치과(Cepolidae) 어류 1 미기록종, Acanthocepola indica)

  • Park, Jeong-Ho;Ryu, Jung Hwa;Lee, Jun Mo;Kim, Jin Koo
    • Korean Journal of Ichthyology
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.220-223
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    • 2008
  • A single specimen (220.4 mm SL) of the bandfish Acanthocepola indica was collected near Maemul Island, off southeastern Korea. This species is characterized by having a serrated posterior margin of preopercle and a black blotch on anterior part of dorsal fin. It differs from two other species, A. limbata and A. krusensternii, in having a deeper body, 88 dorsal fin rays, and 101 anal fin rays. Our specimen of A. indica is the first record of the species from Korea, for which we propose the new Korean name "Nam-bang-hong-gal-chi."

Three Unrecorded Marine Fish Species from Korean Waters

  • Park, Jeong-Ho;Kim, Jin-Koo;Moon, Jee-Hwan;Kim, Cheol-Bum
    • Ocean Science Journal
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    • v.42 no.4
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    • pp.231-240
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    • 2007
  • Three marine fish species are recorded for the first time from Korean waters: a molid (Ranzania laevis, 1 specimen, 279.8 mm SL) and bramid (Pterycombus petersii, 3 specimens, 95.3-214.0 mm SL) collected from a large purse seine off Jeju Island, in the southern sea of Korea, and a carangid (Carangoides dinema, 1 specimen, 194.5 mm SL) from a set net in coastal waters off Busan, in the southeastern sea of korea. R. laevis is characterized by a wedge-shaped body and truncated clavus; P. petersii by the dorsal fin origin above or behind the posterior margin of eye, and dorsal and anal fins depressible; and C. dinema by a row of black blotches along the second dorsal fin base, the curved part of the lateral line longer than straight part, and 18 and 16 dorsal and anal fin rays, respectively. New Korean names are proposed for all three species.

Petrological study on the Miocene Dangsari volcanic rocks, eastern part of Ulsan city, southeastern Korea (울산 동부 마이오세 당사리화산암류에 대한 암석학적 연구)

  • 윤성효;고정선;박기호;이영애
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.169-186
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    • 2000
  • The Miocene volcanic rocks in the Dangsari area, eastern part of Ulsan city, are mainly composed of andesite lava flows and pyroclastic rocks. The andesite lavas are identified as two-pyroxone andesite, comprising phenocrysts of augite ($Wo_{43.2}$ $En_{41.0}$ $Fs_{15.8}$ ) and hyperthene ($Wo_{2.7}$ $65.8_{En}$ $_{Fs}$ 31.5). The andesitic pyroclastic rocks are largely composed of pyroclastic breccias with alternating tuff-breccia and lapilli tuff, which showing planar layering, and minor amount of andesitic tuff with thin deposits of interlayered tuffaceous shale. According to the petrochemical data, andesitic rocks belong to medium-K calc-alkaline andesite. The position of bulk composition on the AFM diagram and the presence of normative quartz and hypersthene indicate that the volcanic rocks are calc-alkaline. The trace element composition and REE patterns of andesite, which are characterized by a high LILE/HFSE ratio and enrichment in LREE, suggest that they are typical of continental margin arc calc-alkalic volcanic rocks produced in the subduction environment. On the discrimination diagram, the Dangsari volcanic rocks fall into the fields of subduction related continental margin arc volcanic province. The primary magic melts may be derived from about 15% partial melting of mantle wedge in the upper mantle under destructive plate margin. And the melt evolved to calc-alkaline andesite magma by fractional crystallization and the magma was a little contaminated with crustal materials.

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