• Title/Summary/Keyword: soil pressure

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Dynamic behavior of clayey sand over a wide range using dynamic triaxial and resonant column tests

  • Guler, Ersin;Afacan, Kamil B.
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.105-113
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    • 2021
  • Deformations in soils induced by dynamic loads cause damage to the structures above the soil layers. It is important for geotechnical engineering practice that how the soil behaves due to repeated loads and the necessary precautions to be taken accordingly. Turkey is one of the most important seismic regions in Europe and earthquake studies to be conducted in this area are intended to reduce the damage as a result of taking the necessary measures. To determine the properties of soils under dynamic loads, stress-controlled dynamic triaxial and resonant column tests can be performed. In this study, these experiments were implemented in the laboratory on the clayey sand soil samples obtained from Bilecik Söğüt. To evaluate the effects of the confining pressure and rate of loading on the dynamic behavior of soils, samples were dynamically loaded by different rates at varying confining pressures. As a result, the changes in stress-strain properties of soils under dynamic loads were investigated. The alteration in behavior in terms of modulus reduction and damping ratios was obtained to vary a lot with the change of the lateral pressure on soil along with the frequency of the load.

Impact of adjacent excavation on the response of cantilever sheet pile walls embedded in cohesionless soil

  • Singh, Akshay Pratap;Chatterjee, Kaustav
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.293-312
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    • 2022
  • Cantilever sheet pile walls having section thinner than masonry walls are generally adopted to retain moderate height of excavation. In practice, a surcharge in the form of strip load of finite width is generally present on the backfill. So, in the present study, influence of strip load on cantilever sheet pile walls is analyzed by varying the width of the strip load and distance from the cantilever sheet pile walls using finite difference based computer program in cohesionless soil modelled as Mohr-Coulomb model. The results of bending moment, earth pressure, deflection and settlement are presented in non-dimensional terms. A parametric study has been conducted for different friction angle of soil, embedded depth of sheet pile walls, different magnitudes and width of the strip load acting on the ground surface and at a depth below ground level. The result of present study is also validated with the available literature. From the results presented in this study, it can be inferred that optimum behavior of cantilever sheet pile walls is observed for strip load having width 2 m to 3 m on the ground surface. Further as the depth of strip load below the ground surface increases below the ground level to 0.75 times excavation height, the bending moment, settlement, net earth pressure and deflection decreases and then remains constant.

Visualization analysis of the progressive failure mechanism of tunnel face in transparent clay

  • Lei, Huayang;Zhai, Saibei;Liu, Yingnan;Jia, Rui
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.193-205
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    • 2022
  • The face stability of shield tunnelling is the most important control index for safety risk management. Based on the reliability of the transparent clay (TC) model test, a series of TC model tests under different buried depth were conducted to investigate the progressive failure mechanism of tunnel face. The support pressure was divided into the rapid descent stage, the slow descent stage and the basically stable stage with company of the local failure and integral failure in the internal of the soil during the failure process. The relationship between the support pressure and the soil movement characteristics of each failure stage was defined. The failure occurred from the soil in front of the tunnel face and propagated as the slip zone and the loose zone. The fitted formulas were proposed for the calculation of the failure process. The failure mode in clay was specified as the basin shape with an inverted trapezoid shape for shallow buried and appeared as the basin shape with a teardrop-like shape in deep case. The implications of these findings could help in the safety risk management of the underground construction.

Failure pattern of twin strip footings on geo-reinforced sand: Experimental and numerical study

  • Mahmoud Ghazavi;Marzieh Norouzi;Pezhman Fazeli Dehkordi
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.32 no.6
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    • pp.653-671
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    • 2023
  • In practice, the interference influence caused by adjacent footings of structures on geo-reinforced loose soil has a considerable impact on their behavior. Thus, the goal of this study is to evaluate the behavior of two strip footings in close proximity on both geocell and geogrid reinforced soil with different reinforcement layers. Geocell was made from geogrid material used to compare the performance of cellular and planar reinforcement on the bearing pressure of twin footings. Extensive experimental tests have been performed to attain the optimum embedment depth and vertical distance between reinforcement layers. Particle image velocimetry (PIV) analysis has been conducted to monitor the deformation, tilting and movement of soil particles beneath and between twin footings. Results of tests and PIV technique were verified using finite element modeling (FEM) and the results of both PIV and FEM were used to utilize failure mechanisms and influenced shear strain around the loading region. The results show that the performance of twin footings on geocell-reinforced sand at allowable and ultimate settlement ranges are almost 4% and 25% greater than the same twin footings on the same geogrid-reinforced sand, respectively. By increasing the distance between twin footings, soil particle displacements become smaller than the settlement of the foundations.

The Behavior of Piled Bridge Abutments Subjected to Lateral Soil Movements - A Study on the Centrifuge Model Tests - (측방유동을 받는 교대말뚝기초의 거동분석 (I) - 원심모형실험 연구 -)

  • 서정주;서동희;정상섬;김유석
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.5-19
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    • 2003
  • A series of centrifuge model tests were conducted to investigate the behavior of piled bridge abutments subjected to lateral soil movements induced by approach embankments. The effect of clay layer depth and the rate of embankment construction on piled bridge abutments are the main focus of this study. Tests were performed for two loading types: (1) incremental loading applied in six lifts to the final embankment height; (2) instant loading corresponding to the final embankment height applied in one lift quickly. A variety of instrumentations such as LVDTs, strain gauges, earth pressure transducers, and pore pressure transducers are installed in designed positions in order to clarify the soil-pile interaction and the short- and long-term behavior for piled bridge abutments adjacent to surcharge loads. Based on the results of a series of centrifuge model tests, the distribution of lateral flow induced by staged embankment construction has trapezoidal distribution. The maximum lateral soil pressure is about 0.75$\gamma$H at surcharge loading stage, and about 0.35 $\gamma$H at over 80% consolidated stage.

Characterization of Physical Factor of Unsaturated Ground Deformation induced by Rainfall (강우를 고려한 불포화 지반변형의 영향인자 평가)

  • Kim, Man-Il;Jeon, Gyo-Cheol
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.127-136
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    • 2008
  • Geophysical survey for establishing a wide site for the distribution of water content, wetting front infiltration due to the rainfall, and distribution of groundwater level has been performed by using 8round penetration radar (GPR) method, electrical resistivity method, and so on. On the other hand, a narrow area survey was performed to use a permittivity method such as time domain reflectometry, frequency domain reflectometry, and amplitude domain reflectometry methods for estimating volumetric water content, soil density, and concentration of contaminant in surface and subsurface. The permittivity methods establish more corrective physical parameters than different found survey technologies mentioned above. In this study for establishment of infiltration behaviors for wetting front in the unsaturated soil caused by an artificial rainfall, soil physical parameters for volumetric water content, pore water pressure, and pore air pressure were measured by FDR measurement device and pore water pressure meter which are installed in the unsaturated weathered granite soil with different depths. Consequently, the authors were proposed to a new establishment method for analyzing the variations of volumetric water content and wetting front infiltration from the responses of infiltrating pore water in the unsaturated soil.

Strength and Earth Pressure Characteristics of Industrial Disposal Flowable Filling Materials Utilizing Backfiller (뒤채움재로 사용된 산업폐기물 유동화 처리토의 강도 및 토압특성)

  • Bang, Seongtaek
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.5-13
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    • 2021
  • Due to population growth and industrial development, the amount of industrial waste is increasing every year. In particular, in a thermal power plant using finely divided coal, a large amount of coal ash is generated after combustion of the coal. Among them, fly ash is recycled as a raw material for cement production and concrete admixture, but about 20% is not utilized and is landfilled. Due to the continuous reclamation of such a large amount of coal ash, it is required to find a correct treatment and recycling plan for the coal ash due to problems of saturation of the landfill site and environmental damage such as soil and water pollution. In recent years, the use of a fluid embankment material that can exhibit an appropriate strength without requiring a compaction operation is increasing. The fluid embankment material is a stable treated soil formed by mixing solidifying materials such as water and cement with soil, which is the main material, and has high fluidity before hardening, so compaction work is not required. In addition, after hardening, it is used for backfilling or filling in places where compaction is difficult because higher strength and earth pressure reduction effect can be obtained compared to general soil. In this study, the possibility of use of fluidized soil using high water content cohesive soil and coal ash is considered. And it is intended to examine the flow characteristics, strength, and bearing capacity characteristics of the material, and to investigate the effect of reducing the earth pressure when applied to an underground burial.

Evaluating rheological properties of excavated soil for EPB shield TBM with foam and polymer (폼과 폴리머를 활용한 EPB 쉴드 TBM 굴착토의 유동학적 특성 평가)

  • Byeonghyun Hwang;Minkyu Kang;Kibeom Kwon;Jeonghun Yang;Hangseok Choi
    • Journal of Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.387-401
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    • 2023
  • The Earth Pressure Balanced (EPB) Shield Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) is widely employed for constructing urban underground spaces due to its minimal vibration and low noise levels. The injection of additives offers several advantages, including maintaining shield chamber pressure, reducing shear strength, minimizing cutter wear, and decreasing the permeability of the excavated soil. This technique is known as soil conditioning and involves the application of additives such as foam, polymer, and bentonite slurry. In this study, weathered granite soil commonly encountered at domestic tunnel sites was used as a soil specimen. Foam and polymer were applied as additives to assess the rheological properties of conditioned soils. The workability was evaluated through slump tests, while the rheological properties were assessed through laboratory pressurized vane shear tests conducted under the same conditions. Specially, the polymer was applied under specific conditions with low workability with high slump values, with the aim of evaluating the impact of polymer application. The test results revealed that with an increase in the Foam Injection Ratio (FIR), the slump value also increased, while the torque, peak strength, yield stress, apparent viscosity, and thixotropic area decreased. Conversely, an increase in the Polymer Injection Ratio (PIR) led to results opposite to those of FIR. Additionally, a correlation between the slump value and yield stress was proposed. When comparing conditions with only foam applied to those with both foam and polymer applied, even with similar slump values, the yield stress was found to be lower in the latter conditions.

Centrifuge shaking table tests on a friction pendulum bearing isolated structure with a pile foundation in soft soil

  • Shu-Sheng, Qu;Yu, Chen;Yang, Lv
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.517-526
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    • 2022
  • Previous studies have shown that pile-soil interactions have significant influences on the isolation efficiency of an isolated structure. However, most of the existing tests were carried out using a 1-g shaking table, which cannot reproduce the soil stresses resulting in distortion of the simulated pile-soil interactions. In this study, a centrifuge shaking table modelling of the seismic responses of a friction pendulum bearing isolated structure with a pile foundation under earthquakes were conducted. The pile foundation structure was designed and constructed with a scale factor of 1:100. Two layers of the foundation soil, i.e., the bottom layer was made of plaster and the upper layer was normal soil, were carefully prepared to meet the similitude requirement. Seismic responses, including strains, displacement, acceleration, and soil pressure were collected. The settlement of the soil, sliding of the isolator, dynamic amplification factor and bending moment of the piles were analysed to reveal the influence of the soil structure interaction on the seismic performance of the structure. It is found that the soil rotates significantly under earthquake motions and the peak rotation is about 0.021 degree under 24.0 g motions. The isolator cannot return to the initial position after the tests because of the unrecoverable deformation of the soil and the friction between the curved surface of the slider and the concave plate.

Behavior of Piled Abutment adjacent to Surcharge Loads (측방유동을 받는 교대말뚝기초에 대한 거동분석)

  • 정상섬;서정주;장범수
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 2000.11a
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    • pp.25-32
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    • 2000
  • In order to analyze the behavior of piled abutment adjacent to surcharge loads a numerical study was conducted. In 2D plane stalin analysis, the distribution of lateral soil movement was investigated by varying the thickness of clay layer and the magnitude of surcharge loads. In 3D analysis, the magnitude and distribution of lateral pile-soil movement were studied for different cap rigidity. Based on limited parametric studies, a simple method is proposed to identify the lateral pressure of piled abutment adjacent to surcharge loads.

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