• Title/Summary/Keyword: soil pressure

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Performance of IPS Earth Retention System in Soft Clay (연약지반에 적용된 IPS 흙막이 시스템의 거동 특성)

  • Kim, Nak-Kyung;Park, Jong-Sik;Oh, Hee-Jin;Han, Man-Yop;Kim, Moon-Young;Kim, Sung-Bo
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.5-13
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    • 2007
  • The performance of innovative prestressed support (IPS) earth retention system applied in soft clay was investigated and presented. The IPS wale system provides a high flexural stiffness to resist the bending by lateral earth pressure, and transfers lateral earth pressure to strut supports. The IPS wale system provides a larger spacing of support than conventional braced and anchored systems. The IPS earth retention system was selected for temporary earth support in a building construction in North Busan area. The excavation was made 28.8 m wide, 52.0 m long, and 16.1 m deep through loose fill to soft clay. The IPS system consists of 650 mm thick slurry walls, and five levels of IPS wales and struts. Field monitoring data were collected including wall deflections at six locations, ground water levels at four locations, IPS wale deflections at thirty locations, and axial loads on struts at twenty locations, during construction. The IPS earth retention system applied in soft clay performed successfully within a designed criterion. Field measurements were compared with design assumptions of the IPS earth retention system. The applicability and stability of the IPS earth retention system in soft clay were investigated and evaluated.

Axial Behavior of Non-Displacement Tapered Piles in Sand (모래지반에서 비배토 테이퍼말뚝의 연직거동 특성)

  • Paik, Kyu-Ho;Lee, Jun-Hwan;Kim, Dae-Hong
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.23 no.8
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    • pp.35-45
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    • 2007
  • It is known that the response of piles is affected by the shape of pile as well as soil conditions. In order to investigate the characteristics of the axial responses and bearing capacities of non-displacement tapered and cylindrical piles in sands, 12 model pile load tests using a calibration chamber were conducted on model tapered and cylindrical piles, which were specially manufactured to measure the base and shaft load capacities independently. Results of the model tests showed that the shaft load of tapered piles continuously increased with pile settlement, whereas the shaft load of cylindrical piles reached ultimate values at a settlement equal to 4% of pile diameter. Therefore, taper piles have greater shaft loads than cylindrical one at the same settlement. It is also observed that the total load capacity of tapered piles is lower than cylindrical piles for dense sand but is greater than that of cylindrical piles for medium sand. The ultimate unit base resistance of tapered piles was greater than that of cylindrical piles for lateral earth pressure ratio greater than 0.4, and the shaft resistance was greater than that of cylindrical piles irrespective of lateral earth pressure ratio.

Fluid Injection Simulation Considering Distinct Element Behavior and Fluid Flow into the Ground (지반내 입자거동 및 흐름을 고려한 수압작용 모델링)

  • Jeon, Je-Sung;Kim, Ki-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.67-75
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    • 2008
  • It is interesting to note that distinct element method has been used extensively to model the response of micro and discontinuous behavior in geomechanics. Impressive advances related to response of distinct particles have been conducted and there were difficulties in considering fluid effect simultaneously. Current distinct element methods are progressively developed to solve particle-fluid coupling focused on fluid flow through soil, rock or porous medium. In this research, numerical simulations of fluid injection into particulate materials were conducted to observe cavity initiation and propagation using distinct element method. After generation of initial particles and wall elements, confining stress was applied by servo-control method. The fluid scheme solves the continuity and Navior-Stokes equations numerically, then derives pressure and velocity vectors for fixed grid by considering the existence of particles within the fluid cell. Fluid was injected as 7-step into the assembly in the x-direction from the inlet located at the center of the left boundary under confining stress condition, $0.1MP{\alpha}\;and\;0.5MP{\alpha}$, respectively. For each simulation, movement of particles, flow rate, fluid velocity, pressure history, wall stress including cavity initiation and propagation by interaction of flulid-paricles were analyzed.

Structural Analysis of a Breakwater in Wave and Seismic Loads (파랑하중과 지진하중하의 방파제 구조해석)

  • Cho, Kyu-Nam
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.45-52
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    • 2009
  • In this paper, a guideline for designing breakwater in wave loads and in seismic loads is proposed. A simple model structure in breaking wave zone is examined using Morison equation in consideration with the effect of an impact load, for evaluation of the wave loads. As the impact load effect is not significant, pressure distributions according to Goda are applied for evaluation of wave loads on breakwater. Structural behavior of breakwater in wave loads can be obtained using the Goda method, as well. For seismic analysis, Ofunato and Hachinohe models, as well as an artificial seismic acceleration loads model, are adopted. Soil-structure interaction analysis is carried out to find the seismic load effect. It is found that, in certain cases, structural deformation in wave loads is in the same level as deformation that in seismic loads. Thus, it is our recommendation that these two loads are considered at the same level in breakwater design.

Effect of Salt Level in Water on Feed Intake and Growth Rate of Red and Fallow Weaner Deer

  • Ru, Y.J.;Glatz, P.C.;Bao, Y.M.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.32-37
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    • 2005
  • Under a typical Mediterranean environment in southern Australia, the evaporation rate increases significantly in hot summers, resulting in highly saline drinking water for grazing animals. Also in the cropping areas, dryland salinity is a problem. Grazing animals under these environments can ingest excessive amount of salt from feed, drinking water and soil, which can lead to a reduction in growth rate. To understand the impact of high salt intake on grazing deer, two experiments were conducted to assess the effect of salt levels in drinking water on feed intake and growth rate of red and fallow weaner deer. The results revealed that fallow deer did not show any abnormal behaviour or sickness when salt level in drinking water was increased from 0% to 2.5%. Feed intake was not affected until the salt content in water exceeded 1.5%. Body weight gain was not affected by 1.2% salt in drinking water, but was reduced as salt content in water increased. Compared with deer on fresh water, the feed intake of red deer on saline water was 11-13% lower when salt level in drinking water was 0.4-0.8%. An increase in salt level in water up to 1% resulted in about a 30% reduction in feed intake (p<0.01). Body weight gain was significantly (p=0.004) reduced when salt level reached 1.2%. The deer on 1% salt tended to have a higher (p=0.052) osmotic pressure in serum. The concentration of P, K, Mg and S in serum was affected when salt level in water was over 1.0%. The results suggested that the salt level in drinking water should be lower than 1.2% for fallow weaner deer and 0.8% for red weaner deer to avoid any reduction in feed intake. Deer farmers need to regularly test the salt levels in drinking water on their farms to ensure that the salt intake of grazing deer is not over the levels that deer can tolerate.

Finite Element Analysis for the Effects on the Stiffness of the Embankment and Sandmat on the Deformation Property and the Safety of Road Embankment (성토체 및 모래매트의 강성이 하부지반의 변형과 성토체의 안전에 미치는 영향에 대한 유한요소해석)

  • Bae, Woo-Seok;Kim, Jong-Woo;Kwon, Young-Cheul
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Safety
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.57-65
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    • 2007
  • Effects on the stiffness of the embankment and sandmat on the construction safety of road embankment was investigated in this study by the numerical experiments using FEM. Two points was mainly focused in this study especially. First the deformation characteristics by the change of the stiffness of sand mat and embankment was investigated by the analyzing the consolidation settlement at the center of the embankment and the lateral displacement at the toe of the embankment. And, the effect of the stiffness on the stress distribution characteristics was also investigated in this study. Furthermore, slope stability analysis was carried out to gain the safe factor by change the stiffness of the sandmat and the embankment. The objective of the study is supplying the result of the numerical experiments for the geotechnical engineers who use the FEM for the safety design of the soil structures. As a result, the stiffness of the superstructures greatly affects on the deformation characteristics both in consolidation settlement and lateral displacement. However, it can be aware that it is not dominants to the stress distribution in the aspect that the no changes in the residual excess pore water pressure. Therefore, the decision of the stiffness has to be carried out deliberately considering not only the consolidation the magnitude of the settlement and the lateral displacement, but the slope stability.

The Study on Liquefaction Characteristics of Silty Sand Soils by Cyclic Triaxial Test (반복삼축시험에 의한 실트 모래 지반의 액상화 특성 연구)

  • Lee, Song;Jeon, Je-Sung;Kim, Tae-Hwun
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.133-152
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    • 1999
  • The cyclic triaxial test was carried out to research liquefaction characteristics and sample disturbance effects of silty sand soils at the west coast in Korea. First, liquefaction in silty sand was generated when axial strain approached to $\pm10%$ of strain and behavior of pore pressure was similar to the formula suggested by Seed, Martin, and Lysmer(1975). Also, it was found that dilatancy was generated at failure. Secondly, the liquefaction evaluation methods suggested by many researchers were carried out and the results were compared. In these methods the weak depth in liquefaction was similar and the method carried out by cyclic triaxial test on remolded sample showed the least safety factor. Thirdly the stress ratio by cyclic triaxial test was compared with that obtained from SPT N-value as a kind of empirical methods. It was found that the effect of sample disturbance was relatively small when SPT N-value was less than 20, but there were large differences in safety factor and resistance of liquefaction in soil by the effects of disturbance and remolding when SPT N-value was more than 20.

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  • Paik, I.K.;Blair, Robert;Jacob, Jacqueline
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.9 no.6
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    • pp.615-635
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    • 1996
  • The animal industry must be environmentally sound to ensure its long-term sustainable growth. Livestock wastes mostly manure, can be a valuable resource as well as a potential hazard to environment. The first option of manure management is developing an 'environmentally sound' feeding program and feeds so there are less excreted nutrients that need to be managed. Once the manure is produced it can be best utilized as a fertilizer of a soil conditioner. In many countries the amount of manure that can be spread on land depends on the nutrient requirements of the crop being grown. The laws specify maximum application rates and not animal stocking rates. Farmer who reduce the N and P component of manure can release pressure on the environment without having to reduce the number of animals. There are alternative system for housing and manure treatment which generate manure that are easier to handle and have less pollutants or more economic value. Treated animal waste may also be used as a feedstuff or fuel source. Most of the options of waste management result in increased costs to implement. It is necessary to assess the economics in order to find an acceptable compromise between the increased costs and the benefit to the environment. Animal welfare is also becoming more and more of an issue and it will lead to systems where animals are kept in less confined environment. The new system will have a great impact in the waste management system in the future.

Investigation for Possible Practical Applicability of Open-Ended PHC Pile (개단 고강도 콘크리트(PHC) 말뚝의 실용성 검토)

  • Paik, Kyu Ho;Lee, Seung Rae;Park, Hyoun Il
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.965-975
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    • 1994
  • Opening the tip of a PHC pile, under a constant driving energy, can result in an increment of penetration depth due to the decrement of driving resistance. Therefore, the bearing capacity of an open-ended PHC pile may become larger than that of a closed-ended PHC pile by virtue of the increased embedded length. However, two main problems can be caused by opening the end of PHC pile. First problem is the variation of bearing capacity by opening the pile tip, and the second one is whether the tip of an open-ended PHC pile will be failured by a high pressure developed by the soil plug. In this study, model pile tests in calibration chamber were performed to investigate the practicability of open-ended PHC pile in view of both the pile bearing capacity and the possible failure of the pile tip. According to the test results, the total bearing capacity of open-ended piles approaches the total bearing capacity of closed-ended piles with the increase of the penetration depth. The failure of pile tip could be occurred in the region of 0.8~1.1 times as the inside diameter from the pile tip.

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A Study on the Lateral Flow in Soft Soils subjected to Unsymmetrical Surcharges (편재하중을 받는 연약지반의 측방유동에 관한 연구)

  • 안종필
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.177-190
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    • 1993
  • When soft soils are effected by unsymmetrical surcharge due to embankement and abutements of a bridge, large plastic sheraring deformations such as settlements, lateral displacements, upheavals and sliding shearing failure in the soils occurred and they have often damaged considerabily to the soils and structure. This study examines the existing theoretical background for the behavior of the displacement of soils by unsymmetrical surcharge on the soft soils and compares the analytical results to the actual measurements performed through the model test. The procedures of model test are that a model stock device is made and soft soils are filled in a container which fixes the soils. Then the displacements observed when surcharge load increa ses by regular interval at undrainage condition. It analyzes the relation of soil characteristics to displacement, critical surcharge and ultimate bearing capadty, condition of plastic flow and lateral flow pressure, comparing them with the existing theories. Understanding the causes of lateral displacement in soft soils due to unsymmetrical surchages will prevent a damage in advance.

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