• Title/Summary/Keyword: soil model

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Spatially Distributed Model for Soil Loss Vulnerability Assessment in Mekong River Basin

  • Thuy, H.T.;Lee, Giha;Lee, Daeeop;Sophal, Try
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2016.05a
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    • pp.188-188
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    • 2016
  • The Mekong which is one of the world's most significant rivers plays an extremely important role to South East Asia. Lying across six riparian countries including China, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam and being a greatly biological and ecological diversity of fishes, the river supports a huge population who living along Mekong Basin River. Therefore, much attention has been focused on the giant Mekong Basin River, particularly, the soil erosion and sedimentation problems which rise critical impacts on irrigation, agriculture, navigation, fisheries and aquatic ecosystem. In fact, there have been many methods to calculate these problems; however, in the case of Mekong, the available data have significant limitations because of large area (about 795 00 km2) and a failure by management agencies to analyze and publish of developing countries in Mekong Basin River. As a result, the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) model in a GIS (Geographic Information System) framework was applied in this study. The USLE factors contain the rainfall erosivity, soil erodibility, slope length, steepness, crop management and conservation practices which are represented by raster layers in GIS environment. In the final step, these factors were multiplied together to estimate the soil erosion rate in the study area by using spatial analyst tool in the ArcGIS 10.2 software. The spatial distribution of soil loss result will be used to support river basin management to find the subtainable management practices by showing the position and amount of soil erosion and sediment load in the dangerous areas during the selected 56- year period from 1952 to 2007.

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Evaluation of Slope Stability of Taebaeksan National Park using Detailed Soil Map (정밀토양도를 이용한 태백산국립공원의 사면안정성 평가)

  • Kim, Young-Hwan;Jun, Byong-Hee;Jun, Kye-Won
    • Journal of Korean Society of Disaster and Security
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.65-72
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    • 2019
  • More than 64% of Korea's land is occupied by mountain regions, which have terrain characteristics that make it vulnerable to mountain disasters. The trails of Taebaeksan Mountain National Park-the region considered in this study-are located in the vicinity of steep slopes, and therefore, the region is vulnerable to landslides and debris flow during heavy storms. In this study, a slope stability model, which is a deterministic analysis method, was used to examine the potential occurrence of landslides. According to the soil classification of the detailed soil map, the specific weight of soil, effective cohesion, internal friction angle of soil, effective soil depth, and ground slope were used as the parameters of the model, and slope stability was evaluated based on the DEM of a 1 m grid. The results of the slope stability analysis showed that the more hazardous the area was, the closer the ratio of groundwater/effective soil depth is to 1.0. Further, many of the private houses and commercial facilities in the lower part of the national park were shown to be exposed to danger.

Effect of static and dynamic impedance functions on the parametric analysis of SSI system

  • Maroua Lagaguine;Badreddine Sbarta
    • Coupled systems mechanics
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.293-310
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    • 2024
  • This paper investigates the dynamic response of structures during earthquakes and provides a clear understanding of soil-structure interaction phenomena. It analyses various parameters, comprising ground shear wave velocity and structure properties. The effect of soil impedance function form on the structural response of the system through the use of springs and dashpots with two frequency cases: independent and dependent frequencies. The superstructure and the ground were modeled linearly. Using the substructure method, two different approaches are used in this study. The first is an analytical formulation based on the dynamic equilibrium of the soil-structure system modeled by an analog model with three degrees of freedom. The second is a numerical analysis generated with 2D finite element modeling using ABAQUS software. The superstructure is represented as a SDOF system in all the SSI models assessed. This analysis establishes the key parameters affecting the soil-structure interaction and their effects. The different results obtained from the analysis are compared for each studied case (frequency-independent and frequency-dependent impedance functions). The achieved results confirm the sensitivity of buildings to soil-structure interaction and highlight the various factors and effects, such as soil and structure properties, specifically the shear wave velocity, the height and mass of the structure. Excitation frequency, and the foundation anchoring height, also has a significant impact on the fundamental parameters and the response of the coupled system at the same time. On the other hand, it have been demonstrated that the impedance function forms play a critical role in the accurate evaluation of structural behavior during seismic excitation. As a result, the evaluation of SSI effects on structural response must take into account the dynamic properties of the structure and soil accordingly.

A Statistical model to Predict soil Temperature by Combining the Yearly Oscillation Fourier Expansion and Meteorological Factors (연주기(年週期) Fourier 함수(函數)와 기상요소(氣象要素)에 의(依)한 지온예측(地溫豫測) 통계(統計) 모형(模型))

  • Jung, Yeong-Sang;Lee, Byun-Woo;Kim, Byung-Chang;Lee, Yang-Soo;Um, Ki-Tae
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.87-93
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    • 1990
  • A statistical model to predict soil temperature from the ambient meteorological factors including mean, maximum and minimum air temperatures, precipitation, wind speed and snow depth combined with Fourier time series expansion was developed with the data measured at the Suwon Meteorolical Service from 1979 to 1988. The stepwise elimination technique was used for statistical analysis. For the yearly oscillation model for soil temperature with 8 terms of Fourier expansion, the mean square error was decreased with soil depth showing 2.30 for the surface temperature, and 1.34-0.42 for 5 to 500-cm soil temperatures. The $r^2$ ranged from 0.913 to 0.988. The number of lag days of air temperature by remainder analysis was 0 day for the soil surface temperature, -1 day for 5 to 30-cm soil temperature, and -2 days for 50-cm soil temperature. The number of lag days for precipitaion, snow depth and wind speed was -1 day for the 0 to 10-cm soil temperatures, and -2 to -3 days for the 30 to 50-cm soil teperatures. For the statistical soil temperature prediction model combined with the yearly oscillation terms and meteorological factors as remainder terms considering the lag days obtained above, the mean square error was 1.64 for the soil surfac temperature, and ranged 1.34-0.42 for 5 to 500cm soil temperatures. The model test with 1978 data independent to model development resulted in good agreement with $r^2$ ranged 0.976 to 0.996. The magnitudes of coeffcicients implied that the soil depth where daily meteorological variables night affect soil temperature was 30 to 50 cm. In the models, solar radiation was not included as a independent variable ; however, in a seperated analysis on relationship between the difference(${\Delta}Tmxs$) of the maximum soil temperature and the maximum air temperature and solar radiation(Rs ; $J\;m^{-2}$) under a corn canopy showed linear relationship as $${\Delta}Tmxs=0.902+1.924{\times}10^{-3}$$ Rs for leaf area index lower than 2 $${\Delta}Tmxs=0.274+8.881{\times}10^{-4}$$ Rs for leaf area index higher than 2.

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Interpreting in situ Soil Water Characteristics Curve under Different Paddy Soil Types Using Undisturbed Lysimeter with Soil Sensor

  • Seo, Mijin;Han, Kyunghwa;Cho, Heerae;Ok, Junghun;Zhang, Yongseon;Seo, Youngho;Jung, Kangho;Lee, Hyubsung;Kim, Gisun
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.50 no.5
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    • pp.336-344
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    • 2017
  • The soil water characteristics curve (SWCC) represents the relation between soil water potential and soil water content. The shape and range of SWCC according to the relation could vary depending on soil characteristics. The objective of the study was to estimate SWCC depending on soil types and layers and to analyze the trend among them. To accomplish this goal, the unsaturated three soils were considered: silty clay loam, loam, and sandy loam soils. Weighable lysimeters were used for exactly measuring soil water content and soil water potential. Two fitting models, van Genuchten and Campbell, were applied. Two models entirely fitted well the measured SWCC, indicating low RMSE and high $R^2$ values. However, the large difference between the measured and the estimated was found at the 30 cm layer of the silty clay loam soil, and the gap was wider as soil water potential increased. In addition, the non-linear decrease of soil water content according to the increase of soil water potential tended to be more distinct in the sandy loam soil and at the 10 cm layer than in the silty clay loam soil and at the lower layers. These might be seen due to the various factors such as not only pore size distribution, but also cracks by high clay content and plow pan layers by compaction. This study clearly showed difficulty in the estimation of SWCC by such kind of factors.

An integrated model for pore pressure accumulations in marine sediment under combined wave and current loading

  • Zhang, Y.;Jeng, D.-S.;Zha, H.-Y.;Zhang, J.-S.
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.387-403
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    • 2016
  • In this paper, an integrated model for the wave (current)-induced seabed response is presented. The present model consists of two parts: hydrodynamic model for wave-current interactions and poro-elastic seabed model for pore accumulations. In the wave-current model, based on the fifth-order wave theory, ocean waves were generated by adding a source function into the mass conservation equation. Then, currents were simulated through imposing a steady inlet velocity on one domain and pressure outlet on the other side. In addition, both of the Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokers (RANS) Equations and $k-{\varepsilon}$ turbulence model would be applied in the fluid field. Once the wave pressures on the seabed calculated through the wave-current interaction model, it would be applied to be boundary conditions on the seabed model. In the seabed model, the poro-elastic theory would be imposed to simulate the seabed soil response. After comparing with the experimental data, the effect of currents on the seabed response would be examined by emphasize on the residual mechanisms of the pore pressure inside the soil. The build-up of the pore water pressure and the resulted liquefaction phenomenon will be fully investigated. A parametric study will also be conducted to examine the effects of waves and currents as well as soil properties on the pore pressure accumulation.

Cap Model을 이용한 기초식반의 수동해석(I) -범용프로그램의 검증과 수치계산례-

  • 박병기;정진섭
    • Geotechnical Engineering
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.29-40
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    • 1987
  • This paper aims at investigating the characteristics of soil deformation by finite element method (FEM) coupling the cap model with the multi.purpose program developed by authors for the analysis of foundation displacement. The cap model as the constitutive equation has proved to be very useful to a partially saturated roils as well as rocks with high accuracy. As described in the Previous Paper (Park et al 1987) , there exist some difficulties in the determination of soil parameters in order to use the cap model at Present. However the authors have been studying to seek the method for the determination of the soil parameters from the laboratory results of conventional cylindrical triaxial test. Though the computer program advocated by foreign scholars has been kept secret, authors accomplished in performing the FEM analysis by the algorithm and program developed by authors for the cap model. Good results are obtained compared with those published already by Desai(1981) The main conclusions analyzed are as follows: 1. The cap model can be coupled with the multi.purpose computer program of authors bases on the Biot's consolidation theory without loss of generality. 2. Big difference appears in the settlement of center of the embankment between the cap modes and the modified Cam clay model in undrained conditions. The more study on which is more accurate should be performed in this respect.

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An Experimental Analysis of Effective Thermal Conductivity of Porous Materials Using Structural Models (구조모델을 이용한 다공성 매질의 유효열전도도 분석)

  • Cha, Jang-Hwan;Koo, Min-Ho;Keehm, Young-Seuk
    • Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.91-98
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    • 2010
  • The effective thermal conductivity of porous materials is usually determined by porosity, water content, and the conductivity of the matrix. In addition, it is also affected by the internal structure of the materials such as the size, arrangement, and connectivity of the matrix-forming grains. Based on the structural models for multi-phase materials, thermal conductivities of soils and sands measured with varying the water content were analyzed. Thermal conductivities of dry samples were likely to fall in the region between the Maxwell-Eucken model with air as the continuous phase and the matrix as the dispersed phase ($ME_{air}$) and the co-continuous (CC) model. However, water-saturated samples moved down to the region between the $ME_{wat}$ model and the series model. The predictive inconsistency of the structural models for dry and water-saturated samples may be caused by the increase of porosity for water-saturated samples, which leads to decrease of connectivity among the grains of matrix. In cases of variably saturated samples with a uniform grain size, the thermal conductivity showed progressive changes of the structural models from the $ME_{air}$ model to the $ME_{wat}$ model depending on the water content. Especially, an abrupt increase found in 0-20% of the water content, showing transition from the $ME_{air}$ model to the CC model, can be attributed to change of water from the dispersed to continuous phase. On the contrary, the undisturbed soil samples with various sizes of grains showed a gradual increase of conductivity during the transition from the $ME_{air}$ model to the CC model.

Coupling Effects in Rainfall-induced Slope Stability Considering Hydro-mechanical Model (강우침투에 의한 비탈면 안정해의 수리-역학적 모델을 이용한 커플링 효과)

  • Kim, Yong-Min;Jeong, Sang-Seom
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.31 no.9
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    • pp.5-15
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    • 2015
  • In this study, rainfall-induced slope stability and coupling effect are investigated using hydro-mechanical finite element model. This model is developed by formulating constitutive and coupled balance equations and is verified by comparing the numerical results with field matric suction. The homogeneous soil layer (soil column) and soil slope are modeled by this model, and the results of variation in matric suction, mean effective stress, porosity, displacement, factor of safety are compared with those of staggered analysis. It is found that the vertical and horizontal displacement from coupling analysis considering change in porosity is larger than that of staggered analysis. The displacement and matric suction from coupling analysis by rainfall infiltration can affect slope instability, which shows a progressive failure behavior. The lowest factor of safety is observed under short-term rainfall. This results confirm the fact that coupling analysis is needed to design soil slope under severe rain condition.

Comparison of numerical and analytical solutions for reinforced soil wall shaking table tests

  • Zarnani, Saman;El-Emam, Magdi M.;Bathurst, Richard J.
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.3 no.4
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    • pp.291-321
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    • 2011
  • The paper describes a simple numerical FLAC model that was developed to simulate the dynamic response of two instrumented reduced-scale model reinforced soil walls constructed on a 1-g shaking table. The models were 1 m high by 1.4 m wide by 2.4 m long and were constructed with a uniform size sand backfill, a polymeric geogrid reinforcement material with appropriately scaled stiffness, and a structural full-height rigid panel facing. The wall toe was constructed to simulate a perfectly hinged toe (i.e. toe allowed to rotate only) in one model and an idealized sliding toe (i.e. toe allowed to rotate and slide horizontally) in the other. Physical and numerical models were subjected to the same stepped amplitude sinusoidal base acceleration record. The material properties of the component materials (e.g. backfill and reinforcement) were determined from independent laboratory testing (reinforcement) and by back-fitting results of a numerical FLAC model for direct shear box testing to the corresponding physical test results. A simple elastic-plastic model with Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion for the sand was judged to give satisfactory agreement with measured wall results. The numerical results are also compared to closed-form solutions for reinforcement loads. In most cases predicted and closed-form solutions fall within the accuracy of measured loads based on ${\pm}1$ standard deviation applied to physical measurements. The paper summarizes important lessons learned and implications to the seismic design and performance of geosynthetic reinforced soil walls.