• Title/Summary/Keyword: soil model

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Size-dependent free vibration of coated functionally graded graphene reinforced nanoplates rested on viscoelastic medium

  • Ali Alnujaie;Ahmed A. Daikh;Mofareh H. Ghazwani;Amr E. Assie;Mohamed A Eltaher
    • Advances in nano research
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.181-195
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    • 2024
  • This study introduces a novel functionally graded material model, termed the "Coated Functionally Graded Graphene-Reinforced Composite (FG GRC)" model, for investigating the free vibration response of plates, highlighting its potential to advance the understanding and application of material property variations in structural engineering. Two types of coated FG GRC plates are examined: Hardcore and Softcore, and five distribution patterns are proposed, namely FG-A, FG-B, FG-C, FG-D, and FG-E. A modified displacement field is proposed based on the higher-order shear deformation theory, effectively reducing the number of variables from five to four while accurately accounting for shear deformation effects. To solve the equations of motion, an analytical solution based on the Galerkin approach was developed for FG GRC plates resting on a viscoelastic Winkler/Pasternak foundation, applicable to various boundary conditions. A comprehensive parametric analysis elucidates the impact of multiple factors on the fundamental frequencies. These factors encompass the types and distribution patterns of the coated FG GRC plates, gradient material distribution, porosities, nonlocal length scale parameter, gradient material scale parameter, nanoplate geometry, and variations in the elastic foundation. Our theoretical research aims to overcome the inherent challenges in modeling structures, providing a robust alternative to experimental analyses of the mechanical behavior of complex structures.

Extrusion Puffing of Pork Meat-Defatted Soy Flour-Corn Starch Blends to Produce Snack-like Products

  • Jennifer J. Jamora;Rhee, Ki-Soon;Rhee, Khee-Choon
    • Preventive Nutrition and Food Science
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.163-169
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    • 2001
  • To produce expanded, minimally hard extrudates from blends of raw pork meat (20%), defatted soy flour (25%), and corn starch using a single-screw extruder, various combinations of feed moisture, process temperature, and screw speed were evaluated. First series of extrusion runs were conducted according to a central composite rotatable design/response surface methodology (RSM). Upon assessing the full model for each response, insignificant terms were eliminated to determine final response surface models. Screw speed within the range evaluated was found to have no significant effect on expansion ratio (ER) or shear force (SF) of extrudates. Since examinations of the response surfaces and their generated grids of predicted values indicated that maximum ER and minimum SF were likely to be attained with a moisture-temperature combination outside the RSM experimental range, the second series of extrusion runs were conducted with several selected combinations of moisture and temperature to determine a practical optimum extrusion condition. The combination of 22.78% feed moisture, 16$0^{\circ}C$ process temperature, and 170 rpm screw speed was chosen as such a condition, and used in the final extrusion. The final product required less force to break than did commercial pretzel sticks.

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Stress Path Dependent Deformation Characteristics of A Normally Consolidated Saturated Cohesive Soil (정규압밀 포화점성토의 응력경로에 따른 변형특성)

  • 권오엽;정인준
    • Geotechnical Engineering
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.45-56
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    • 1989
  • The influence of stress path on the deformation characteristics of clay has been studied through a series of stress-path controlled triaxial tests on artificially sedimented and normally con- solidated Kaolinite. It has been found that there exists a critical stress increment ratio, Kc, in which stress·strain characteristics possesses a linear relationships and beyond Kc, strain hardening. A modified hyperbolic constitutive model for the strain hardening behavior has been formulated based on the Drnevich's hyperbolic function. And, a method of settlement analyses has been Proposed wherein the effect of stress path during consolidation is taken into account.

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The Three -Dimensional Stability Analysis of the Diaphragm Wall under the Influence of External Loads (상재하중의 영향을 고려한 Diaphragm Wall의 3차원 안정도 해석)

  • Gu, Ja-Gap;Lee, Sang-Deok;Jeon, Mong-Gak
    • Geotechnical Engineering
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.43-50
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    • 1991
  • To analyze the effects of ground water levels and external loads on the stability of a Dia- phragm wall, the three models of Bell, Piaskowski/kowalewski, and Washbourne were modified and extended to develop a new program SL3D. Comparing to the other two models, Washbourne's model shows the stability in on safes at the beginning of the excavation and increase as the excavation continue . Also the effects of various design factors, such as the density of slurry, ground water levels, the friction angle of soil, external loads and the length of trench, have been analyzed and a nomogram was developed.

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Case Study of Environmental Segmental Retaining Wall(SRW) Using Greenstone Block (환경친화적 블록식 보강토옹벽의 설계 및 시공사례연구)

  • Han, Jung-Geun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.7 no.6
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    • pp.19-28
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    • 2004
  • Segmental Retaining Wall(SRW) has been variously applying in Civil and Architecture construction. Recently, the application of environmental element in all type's structures came to essential requirement, and the construction cases of retaining wall using reinforced soil and block are more increased than the past. But, this trend more widely was spread environmental element as landscape work for the backside of reinforced retaining wall as well as block itself. New environmental block, Greenstone Block, developed to apply of this tendency. The retaining wall system using Greenstone can be environmental constructing at both block itself and backside of retaining wall. The material tests, the axial compressive strength test of block and bending test of fiber-pipe, exercised to design and construction of vertical SRW, which were satisfied NCMA standard. Through this procedure, Rewall (ver 1.0) was developed, which can be automation design of SRW including internal stability, external stability and local stability. And these can be considered setback of retaining wall, as well the examples of vertical retaining wall using block presented to satisfying the follows; strength of reinforced geotextile, height of retaining wall, surcharge, types of backfill and groundwater level etc. Many problems investigated on after or before of construction were due to local failure, insufficiency of bearing capacity and groundwater level. Especially, the local failure was many occurred to during compaction or after construction, and the cases of SRW construction is similar to the results of model test on vertical SRW.

Performance Evaluation of Ground Source Heat Pump System Utilizing Energy Pile in Apartment (공동주택에서 에너지 파일을 이용한 지열히트펌프 시스템의 성능 분석)

  • Lee, Jin-Uk;Kim, Taeyeon;Leigh, Seung-Bok
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.41-46
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    • 2012
  • In Korea, Apartment houses recently occupy over 80% of all buildings. Ground source system has to be designed to consider feature of apartment house. Most apartment houses use PHC pile to get a bearing power of the soil. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to evaluate performance of ground source heat pump system utilizing energy pile under apartment. Object of experiment is low-energy experiment apartment in Song-do and Energy Pile are applied to 80%, 100% energy reduction model for heat-source. First, performance evaluation of Energy Pile geothermal system was done during summer season. As a result, The COP(coefficient of performance) about geothermal heatpump was approximately 5-6 while cooling. In winter season, Long experiment was performed because it was very important to evaluate ground condition for long time. During heating experiment, Indoor room set temperature was $20^{\circ}C$ and kept constant by heating. Coefficient of performance for heat pump and overall system was calculated. It was 3.5-4.5 for COP and 2.5-3.7 for system COP.

A Behaviour Analysis on Clayey Ground and Steel Sheet Piles Subjected to Unsymmetrical Surcharges (편재하중을 받는 점토지반과 강널말뚝의 거동해석)

  • Lee, Moon Soo;Lee, Byoung Koo;Jeong, Jin Seob;Kim, Chan Kee
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.977-988
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    • 1994
  • In this paper, the comparisons between field measurments and numerical results ware performed for the settlements, lateral displacement in Jinwol interchange works on the Honam express way whose site was improved by sand drain for the constructions of over bridges, piers and abutments. The computer program was developed by coupling Biot's equation with Sekiguchi's elasto-viscoplastic model under plane strain conditions. Steel pipe piles for piers were replaced into the equivalent steel sheet pile wall. The characteristics of behavior for both the soil foundations and the sheet piles wall were investigated with the variation of axial force on the wall, rigidity of the wall, supported condition of sheet pile into hard strata and the location of anchored point.

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Measuring elastic modulus of bacterial biofilms in a liquid phase using atomic force microscopy

  • Kim, Yong-Min;Kwon, Tae-Hyuk;Kim, Seungchul
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.12 no.5
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    • pp.863-870
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    • 2017
  • With the increasing interest in using bacterial biofilms in geo-engineering practices, such as soil improvement, sealing leakage in earth structures, and hydraulic barrier installation, understanding of the contribution of bacterial biofilm formation to mechanical and hydraulic behavior of soils is important. While mechanical properties of soft gel-like biofilms need to be identified for appropriate modeling and prediction of behaviors of biofilm-associated soils, elastic properties of biofilms remain poorly understood. Therefore, this study investigated the microscale Young's modulus of biofilms produced by Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 in a liquid phase. The indentation test was performed on a biofilm sample using the atomic force microscopy (AFM) with a spherical indentor, and the force-indentation responses were obtained during approach and retraction traces. Young's modulus of biofilms was estimated to be ~33-38 kPa from these force-indentation curves and Hertzian contact theory. It appears that the AFM indentation result captures the microscale local characteristics of biofilms and its stiffness is relatively large compared to the other methods, including rheometer and hydrodynamic shear tests, which reflect the average macro-scale behaviors. While modeling of mechanical behaviors of biofilm-associated soils requires the properties of each component, the obtained results provide information on the mechanical properties of biofilms that can be considered as cementing, gluing, or filling materials in soils.

Compressibility behaviour of peat reinforced with precast stabilized peat columns and FEM analysis

  • Kalantari, Behzad;Rezazade, Reza K.
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.415-426
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    • 2015
  • Researches have been done to discover ways to strengthen peat soil deposits. In this model study, fibrous peat that is the most compressible types of peat has been reinforced with precast peat columns stabilized with ordinary Portland cement and polypropylene fibres. Rowe cell consolidation tests as well as plate load tests (PLTs) were conducted on various types of test samples to evaluate the strength and deformation of untreated peat and peat reinforced by various types of columns. PLTs were conducted in a specially designed and fabricated circular steel test tank. The compression index ($C_c$) and recompression index ($C_r$) of fibrous peat samples reduced considerably upon use of precast columns. Also, PLT results confirmed the results obtained from Rowe cell tests. Use of polypropylene fibres added to cement further decreased ($C_c$) and ($C_r$) and increased load bearing capacity of untreated peat. Finite element method (FEM) using Plaxis 3D was carried out to evaluate the stress distributions along various types of tested samples and also, to compare the deformations obtained from FEM analysis with the actual maximum deformations found from PLTs. FEM results indicate that most of the induced stresses are taken on the upper portion of tested samples and reach their maximum values below the loading plate. Also, a close agreement was found between actual deformation values obtained from PLTs and values resulted from FEM analysis for various types of tested samples.

A numerical study on the seepage failure by heave in sheeted excavation pits

  • Koltuk, Serdar;Fernandez-Steeger, Tomas M.;Azzam, Rafig
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.513-530
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    • 2015
  • Commonly, the base stability of sheeted excavation pits against seepage failure by heave is evaluated by using two-dimensional groundwater flow models and Terzaghi's failure criterion. The objective of the present study is to investigate the effect of three-dimensional groundwater flow on the heave for sheeted excavation pits with various dimensions. For this purpose, the steady-state groundwater flow analyses are performed by using the finite element program ABAQUS 6.12. It has been shown that, in homogeneous soils depending on the ratio of half of excavation width to embedment depth b/D, the ratio of safety factor obtained from 3D analyses to that obtained from 2D analyses $FS_{(3D)}/FS_{(2D)}$ can reach up to 1.56 and 1.34 for square and circular shaped excavations, respectively. As failure body, both an infinitesimal soil column adjacent to the wall (Baumgart & Davidenkoff's criterion) and a three-dimensional failure body with the width suggested by Terzaghi for two-dimensional cases are used. It has been shown that the ratio of $FS_{(Terzaghi)}/FS_{(Davidenkoff)}$ varies between 0.75 and 0.94 depending on the ratio of b/D. Additionally, the effects of model size, the shape of excavation pit and anisotropic permeability on the heave are studied. Finally, the problem is investigated for excavation pits in stratified soils, and important points are emphasized.