• Title/Summary/Keyword: soil model

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Structural response of historical masonry arch bridges under different arch curvature considering soil-structure interaction

  • Altunisik, Ahmet Can;Kanbur, Burcu;Genc, Ali Fuat;Kalkan, Ebru
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.141-151
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    • 2019
  • In this paper, it is aimed to present a detail investigation about the comparison of static and dynamic behavior of historical masonry arch bridges considering different arch curvature. $G{\ddot{o}}derni$ historical masonry two-span arch bridge which is located in Kulp town, Diyarbakir, Turkey is selected as a numerical application. The bridge takes part in bowless bridge group and built in large measures than the others. The restoration projects were approved and rehabilitation studies have still continued. Finite element model of the bridge is constituted with special software to determine the static and dynamic behavior. To demonstrate the arch curvature effect, the finite element model are reconstructed considering different arch curvature between 2.86 m-3.76 m for first arch and 2.64 m-3.54 m for second arch with the increment of 0.10 m, respectively. Dead and live vehicle loads are taken into account during static analyses. 1999 Kocaeli earthquake ground motion record is considered for time history analyses. The maximum displacements, principal stresses and elastic strains are compared with each other using contour diagrams. It is seen that the arch curvature has more influence on the structural response of historical masonry arch bridges. At the end of the study, it is seen that with the increasing of the arch heights, the maximum displacements, minimum principal stresses and minimum elastic strains have a decreasing trend in all analyses, in addition maximum principal stresses and maximum elastic strains have unchanging trend up to optimum geometry.

Numerical Simulation of Cone Penetration Tests in Sand Ground Using Critical State Mohr Coulomb Plasticity Model (한계상태 Mohr Coulomb 소성 모델을 활용한 콘관입시험의 수치적 모사)

  • Woo, Sang Inn;Chung, Choong-Ki
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.37-51
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    • 2019
  • This study focuses on the numerical simulations of the cone penetration tests in a sand ground. The mechanical responses of sand were described using the modified Mohr Coulomb plasticity model based on the critical state soil mechanics. In the plasticity model, the dilatancy angle was not a constant, but a function of the distance to the critical state line from the current state of void ratio and mean effective stress. To simulate cone penetration tests numerically, this study relied on Lagrangian finite element method under the axisymmetric condition. To enable penetration of the cone penetrometer without tearing elements along the symmetric axis, the penetration guide concept was adopted in this study. The results of numerical simulations on the calibration chamber cone penetration tests had good agreement with the experimental results.

Evaluation of Liquefaction Model using Dynamic Centrifuge Test (포화된 경사 사질토 지반의 액상화 수치모델 거동평가)

  • Lee, Jin-Sun;Lee, Sang-Un
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.38 no.11
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    • pp.31-42
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    • 2022
  • This study verified numerical analysis of the liquefaction phenomenon using LEAP-2017 international round-robin centrifuge test results. Dynamic centrifuge test is performed by applying a 1 Hz tapered sine wave to the model soil deposit, which was formed under a water table in a surface slope of 5° using Ottawa F-65 sand. A numerical model was made on a prototype scale and analyzed using the finite difference method in 2D and 3D conditions. The analyses were verified for acceleration and pore-water pressure histories with depth and residual displacement. Verification results revealed that all numerical liquefaction models agree reasonably with the test result for acceleration histories but not for pre-water pressure histories. Numerical analyses showed much smaller residual displacement than the centrifuge test. Thus, it is necessary to compare the results of numerical analysis with the centrifuge test performed by other institutes in the future.

Numerical Model with Segregation Potential on Frost Heave and Reliability Assessment for Silty Soils (Segregation Potential 기반 동상 예측 모델 및 실트질 토양을 이용한 동상해석 신뢰성 평가)

  • Jangguen Lee;Zheng Gong;Hyunwoo Jin;Byunghyun Ryu
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.24 no.9
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    • pp.41-46
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    • 2023
  • Numerical analysis of frost heave is challenging due to the influence of soil and environmental factors. Thermo-hydromechanical coupled analysis relies heavily on excessive input variables and primarily focuses on validating clayey soils, so it is limited to frost susceptible silty soils. An empirical approach based on thermodynamics offers relatively simple frost heave analysis and the advantage of linking constitutive equations with frost heave to enable geomechanical interpretations. In this paper, we introduce an empirical numerical model using the Segregation Potential (SP) and evaluate reliability through comparative analysis with experimental results of frost susceptible silty soils. While the SP model enables frost heave analysis for the given silty soils, further investigation on various silty soils is necessary to gather data on key input variables.

Development and evaluation of watershed hybrid model using machine learning (머신러닝을 활용한 유역단위 하이브리드모델 개발 및 평가)

  • Sang Joon Bak;Gwan Jae Lee;Seo Ro Lee;Yeon Ji Jeong;Dong Hyuk Kum;Ji Chul Ryu;Woon JI Park;Kyoung Jae Lim
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2023.05a
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    • pp.212-212
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    • 2023
  • 비점오염원관리와 같이 장기적인 유역 관리 계획에서 유역 내 오염원 평가는 정말 중요하다. 유역 내 오염원 평가는 강우 유출에 의한 비점오염 발생원이 어디서 얼마나 발생시키는지에 대한 정량적인 조사가 필요하다. 유역 내의 오염원에 대한 정량적인 조사는 많은 비용과 시간이 필요하다. 이러한 비용과 시간을 줄이기 위해 유역단위 수리 수문 모델을 사용하고 있다. 유역단위 수리수문 모델은 HSPF (Hydrological Simulation Program in Fortran), SWAT (Soil and Water Assessment Tool), L-THIA ACN-WQ(The Long-term Hydrologic Impact Assessment Model with Asymptotic Curve Number Regression Equation and Water Quality model)등 다양한 모델이 사용되고 있다. 하지만 유역 모델을 통한 모의는 다양한 연산 과정을 진행하여 모의까지 많은 시간이 필요하다는 단점이 있다. 이에 따라 데이터 기반 모델링 기법(머신러닝/딥러닝)을 이용한 유출 및 수질 예측 연구가 많이 이루어지고 있다. 단순 머신러닝/딥러닝 기반 모델링 기법은 점(최종유출구)에서의 예측만 가능하여 최적관리 기법 적용 등과 같은 유역관리 방안을 적용하기 힘들다는 문제점이 있다. 따라서 본 연구에서 머신러닝/딥러닝을 통해 일부 수문 프로세스를 대체하고 소유역별 하도추적 기법을 연계하여 유량 및 수질 항목들의 모의가 가능한 하이브리드 모델을 개발하였다. 이는 머신러닝/딥러닝이 유역 모델의 일부 연산 과정을 대체하여 모의시간이 빠르며, 기존 머신러닝/딥러닝 예측 모델에서 평가가 어려웠던 유역 관리 방안 및 최적관리기법 적용 평가에도 활용이 가능할 것으로 판단이 된다.

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Numerical Modeling of Sloping Ground under Earthquake Loading Using UBCSAND Model (UBCSAND모델을 이용한 사면의 동적거동해석)

  • Park Sung-Sik;Kim Young-Su;Kim Hee-Joong
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.61-71
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    • 2006
  • A numerical procedure is presented fur evaluating seismic liquefaction on sloping ground sites. The procedure uses a fully coupled dynamic effective stress analysis with a plastic constitutive model called UBCSAND. The model was first calibrated against laboratory element behavior. This involved cyclic simple shear tests performed on loose sand with and without initial static shear stress. The numerical procedure is then verified by predicting a centrifuge test with a slope performed on loose Fraser River sand. The predicted excess pore pressures, accelerations and displacements are compared with the measurements. The results are shown to be in good agreement. The shear stress reversal patterns depend on static and cyclic shear stress levels and are shown to play a key role in evaluating liquefaction response in sloping ground sites. The sand near the slope has low effective confining stress and dilates more. When no stress reversals occur, the sand behaves in a stiffer manner that curtails the accumulated downslope displacements. The numerical procedure using UBCSAND can serve as a guide for design of new soil structures or retrofit of existing ones.

Development of Non-Destrutive Pile Soundness Test Using HWAW Method (HWAW(Harmonic Wavelet Analysis of Wave) 방법을 사용한 말뚝기초의 비파괴 건전도 평가방법의 개발)

  • Park, Hyung-Choon;Kim, Dong-Soo;Cho, Sung-Eun
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.24 no.8
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    • pp.13-23
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    • 2008
  • The evaluation of soundness of pile is very important for the safety of super structure. In this paper, the HWAW(Harmonic Wavelet Analysis of Wave) method which is developed to determine phase and group velocities of waves is applied to evaluate integrity of pile non-destructivly. The proposed method can evaluate a soundness of pile and pile end condition which is very important factor for pile behaviour. To verity the applicability of HWAW method in non-destructive test for pile, the numerical simulation test using ABAQUS was performed. And the model pile was made and the proposed non-destructive pile tests were applied to evaluate soundness and end boundary condition of model pile in the air and soil box. Through a numerical simulation and model tests, it is shown that the HWAW method has good potential of applying to the evaluation of pile integrity.

Prediction of Residual Settlement of Ground Improved by Vertical Drains Using the Elasto-Viscous Consolidation Model (I) - Verification of the Applicability of Theory - (탄-점성 압밀이론에 의한 버티칼 드레인 타설지반의 잔류침하 예측 (I) -이론의 적용성 검증)

  • Baek, Won-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.69-77
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    • 2007
  • In this study, the consolidation behavior of clayey ground improved by vertical drain method was analyzed by the finite difference method based on the three-dimensional elasto-viscous consolidation theory, which can express the behavior of the secondary consolidation without considering the distinction of the normally consolidated and overconsolidated states. And the applicability of the elasto-viscous consolidation theory was discussed by comparing with the test results obtained from the model test of ground improved by vertical drain system. From these results, it is found that the amount of the settlement when the excess pore water pressure almost dissipated in the clay ground with vertical drains became smaller than that of the one-dimensional condition, and then the amount and rate of the residual settlement at secondary consolidation process became larger than those of the one-dimensional condition. finally, the effect of soil parameter on behavior of consolidation process was investigated by the results of a series of numerical analysis for the normalized and overconsoldiated states.

Tunnel Cost Estimating Model Based on Standard Section and Cost Variance Index (I) - Analysis Of Critical Cost Factors - (표준단면을 이용한 터널 공사비 예측모델 개발 (I) - 공사비 영향요인 분석 -)

  • Cho, Jeongyeon;Kim, Kyong Ju;Kim, Kyoungmin;Kim, Sang Kwi
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.28 no.5D
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    • pp.665-675
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    • 2008
  • The objective of this paper is to provide an approximate cost estimating model for tunnel that can be utilized both in quick construction cost estimating for design alternatives, and in evaluating efficiently the cost effects according to the environmental changes during design and construction stage. To meet this requirement, this study analyzes critical cost factors influencing tunnel construction costs. The cost factors include 7 elements such as rock drilling method, advancing method, type of detonator, loader capacity, unit weight and soil volume change factor, length of tunnel. This paper investigates the cost variance according to the change of the cost factors. The result is expected to be used in formulating approximate tunnel cost estimating model.

Unidirectional cyclic shearing of sands: Evaluation of three different constitutive models

  • Oscar H. Moreno-Torres;Cristhian Mendoza-Bolanos;Andres Salas-Montoya
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.449-464
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    • 2023
  • Advanced nonlinear effective stress constitutive models are started to be frequently used in one-dimensional (1D) and two-dimensional (2D) site response analysis for assessment of porewater generation and liquefaction potential in soft soil deposits. The emphasis of this research is on the assessment of the implementation of this category of models at the element stage. Initially, the performance of a coupled porewater pressure (PWP) and constitutive models were evaluated employing a catalogue of 40 unidirectional cyclic simple shear tests with a variety of relative densities between 35% and 80% and effective vertical stresses between 40 and 80 kPa. The authors evaluated three coupled constitutive models (PDMY02, PM4SAND and PDMY03) using cyclic direct simple shear tests and for decide input parameters used in the model, procedures are recommended. The ability of the coupled model to capture dilation as strength is valuable because the studied models reasonably capture the cyclic performance noted in the experiments and should be utilized to conduct effective stress-based 1D and 2D site response analysis. Sandy soils may become softer and liquefy during earthquakes as a result of pore-water pressure (PWP) development, which may have an impact on seismic design and site response. The tested constitutive models are mathematically coupled with a cyclic strain-based PWP generation model and can capture small-strain stiffness and large-strain shear strength. Results show that there are minor discrepancies between measured and computed excess PWP ratios, indicating that the tested constitutive models provide reasonable estimations of PWP increase during cyclic shear (ru) and the banana shape is reproduced in a proper way indicating that dilation and shear- strain behavior is well captured by the models.