• Title/Summary/Keyword: soil classification

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Community Classification and Vegetation Pattern of Quercus mongolica Forest in Mt. Myongji (명지산 신갈나무림의 군락분류와 식생패턴)

  • Lee, Ho-Joon;Lee, Jae-Seok;Byun, Doo-Weon
    • The Korean Journal of Ecology
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.185-201
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    • 1994
  • The Quercus mongolica forest vegetation of Mt. Myongji was classified into two communities including four subunit communities and one typical subunit community by the Z-M method as follows: Acer pseudo-sieboldianum-Quercus mongolica community group Quercus mongolica - Isodon excisus community Quercus mongolica - Styrax obassia community Quercus mongolica - Lespedeza bicolor subunit coummunity Quercus mongolica - Aconitum longecassidatum subunit community Quercus mongolica - Rhododendrom schlippenbachii subunit community Quercus mongolica - Cornus controversa subunit community Quercus mongolica - Styrax obassia typical subunit community Acer pseudo-sieboldianum - Quercus mongolica community group was distributed over the upper region of the altitude 400m, and the differential species in the community were Carex siderosticata, Sephanandra incisa, Tripterygium regelii, and Fraxinus rhynchophylla. The vegetation patterns for the slope and azimuth showed that the highest importance value for Quercus mongolica forest was observed on the broad subxeric area, and for Carpinus cordata and Acer pseudo-sieboldianum on the wet site, for Acer mono, Styrax obassia, Fraxinus rhynchophylla and Symplocos chinensis for. pilosa on the xeric site. The best habitat condition for Quercus mongolica was found at a subxeric site at the altitude of 700-900m on southern slope and that for Acer pseudo-sieboldianum at the 700-1100m on northern slope.

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Production of 3-Hydroxypropionic Acid from Acrylic Acid by Newly Isolated Rhodococcus erythropolis LG12

  • Lee, Sang-Hyun;Park, Si-Jae;Park, Oh-Jin;Cho, Jun-Hyeong;Rhee, Joo-Won
    • Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.474-481
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    • 2009
  • A novel microorganism, designated as LG12, was isolated from soil based on its ability to use acrylic acid as the sole carbon source. An electron microscopic analysis of its morphological characteristics and phylogenetic classification by 16S rRNA homology showed that the LG12 strain belongs to Rhodococcus erythropolis. R. erythropolis LG12 was able to metabolize a high concentration of acrylic acid (up to 40 g/l). In addition, R. erythropolis LG12 exhibited the highest acrylic acid-degrading activity among the tested microorganisms, including R. rhodochrous, R. equi, R. rubber, Candida rugosa, and Bacillus cereus. The effect of the culture conditions of R. erythropo/is LG12 on the production of 3-hydroxypropionic acid (3HP) from acrylic acid was also examined. To enhance the production of 3HP, acrylic acid-assimilating activity was induced by adding 1 mM acrylic acid to the culture medium when the cell density reached an $OD_{600}$ of 5. Further cultivation of R. erythropo/is LG 12 with 40 g/l of acrylic acid resulted in the production of 17.5 g/l of 3HP with a molar conversion yield of 44% and productivity of 0.22 g/l/h at $30^{\circ}C$ after 72 h.

The Identification and Vegetation Structure of Several Mountainous Wetlands in Dan-yang and Around Area (단양 및 주변 산지습지의 판별 및 식생 구조)

  • Kim, Hyeong-Guk;Jeong, Jin-Yong;Koo, Bon-Hak
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2010
  • This study was accomplished to identify and analyze vegetation structure of Mountainous Wetlands in Dan-yang and around area, and surveyed from September to November, 2006. 6 sites of total 16 potential Mountainous Wetlands by GIS based wetland forecasting system (Korea National Arboretum, 2006) were identified as wetlands throughout field survey by the indicators such as hydrology, soil and vegetation. By classification system of Korea National Arboretum (2006), types of wetlands were classified into 3 slope-types and 3 flat-types. To understand vegetation structure of wetlands, height, DBH (diameter at breast height), DI (Dominance Index), sociability and constancy were surveyed and the projection diagram and charts ware drawn. As results, Salix koreensis in woody plant layer and Persicaria thunbergiiin and Juncus effusus var. decipiens in herb layer were surveyed as broadly distributed species. The wetlands of Dan-yang around area were similar to those of Chung-ju around area, but the species of plants and hydrology conditions were different. This study is mainly focused on vegetation condition of Mountainous Wetlands. But, further studies on functional assessment for management and restoration of wetlands were necessary.


    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2005.09b
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    • pp.1179-1180
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    • 2005
  • To immobilize the pollutants from wastewater in situ, two phosphatic clays collected from different areas in Egypt (eastern and western Sebaia, Aswan-Isna, Upper Egypt) used to remove contaminant ions from industrial wastewater. Obtained results confirmed the strong relationship between phosphatic clay and Pb elimination from wastewater. The sensitivity classification of phosphatic clay toward ions retained as described in three categories: highly sensitive to retain Pb , Al and Cr ; moderately sensitive for Mn; and weakly sensitive for Band Zn. Data suggested that large fraction of Pb removed by phosphatic clays stayed intact under a wide variation in extracting solution pH (3-11). In situ immobilization is considered a promising technique that has the potential to remove contaminant ions from wastewater. Two important factors need to be considered when applying this technique: The first, is the clay must be effective and selective under different composition of wastewater. The second, is the immobilized ions should be stable and non-leacheable under varying water conditions. Phosphatic clays with $Pb^{2+}$ were suitable to achieve these two factors. Possible mechanism for removal $Pb^{2+}$ by phosphatic clays is the formation of fluoropyromorphite through the dissolution of fluoro and hydroxyl apatite by its precipitation from solution, beside, Pb complexation at phosphatic clay surface at P-OH sites.

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A Reserch on the Radish based on the Sasang Constitutional Medicine(SCM) (무에 대한 사상의학적 고찰)

  • Kim, Jong-Dug;Ahn, Sang-Woo;Song, Il-Byung
    • Korean Journal of Oriental Medicine
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.63-80
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    • 2004
  • The Sasang constitution food is classified by Sadang theory(四黨論), Aroma-Scent-Fluid-Taste(馨臭液味), Inhale-Exhale-Incomings-Outgoings(呼吸出納), Ascent-Descent-Open-Close(升降開闔), Healthy Energy(保命之主), which is different from the Oriental medicine herb classification of traditional oriental medicine. So, we obtained the result of the characteristic of radish, one of much used food materials by examining ancient documents as follows. First, today 'Rae(來)' is used as to come' but in ancient days, was used as 'wheat'. Radish(萊服) is the word made by meaning which removes and overcomes the poison of wheat Second, Ancient people realized the power of its Inhale Disperse Qi (呼散之氣) when the root of radish raises quickly from the soil, and recognized that radish has such a good dissolving function when seeing Bean-curd becomes soft if radish is added to Bean-curd dish. That’s why they classified that radish is lung medicine, and used it as Taeumin type medicine. So if someone is suffocated by the smoke and has indigestion, chronic asthmatic coughing, now we use radish by applying the Inhale Disperse Qi of radish.

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Classification of Individual Ambient Particles by CCSEM (CCSEM을 이용한 대기 중 개별분진의 분류에 관한 연구)

  • 장여진;김동술
    • Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.345-353
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    • 1997
  • The purpose of the study was to stastically classify individual PM-10 measured by SEM/EDX (scanning electron microscopy/energy dispersive x-ray analyzer). The SEM/EDX provided various physical parameters like optical diameter, as well as major 18 chemical information (Mg, Al, Si, P, S, Cl, K, Ca, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, Br, Pb) for a particle-by-particle basis. The total of 1,419 particles were analyzed for the study. Thus density and mass of each particle can be estimated based on its chemical composition. Further the study developed 4 semisource profiles including highway, oil boiler, incinerator, and soil emissions, where each sample was collected near the source in the ambient air The profiles developed were consisted of mass fractions and their uncertainties based on a particle class concept. To obtain mass fraction of each particle class, an agglomerative hierarchical cluster analysis was initially applied to create particle classes for each sample. Then uncertainties were calculated for each class based on the jacknife method. The 1,258 particles out of 1,419 (88.7%) were assorted in newly generated particle classes. The study provides opportunities to identify particle's source quantitatively and to develope various receptor models.

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Screening and Classification of Actinomycetes Producing $\alpha$-Amylase Inhibitors and the Isolation, their Kinetic Studies of $\alpha$-Amylase Inhibitors ($\alpha$-Amylase 저해제 생산 방선균의 선별과 분류 및 $\alpha$-Amylase저해제의 분리와 Kinetics 연구)

  • 김제학;김정우;김하원;심미자;최응칠;김병각
    • Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.223-232
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    • 1985
  • To find microorganisms of producing $\alpha$-amylase inhibitors, actinomycetes were isolated from soil samples that were collected at different locations in Korea and screened for enzyme inhibitory activity. A strain of these microbes had a high inhibitory activity and was identified as one of the genus Streptomyces by morphological, biochemical and physiological studies according to the methods of the International Streptomyces Project (ISP). The medium used consisted of 3 % corn starch, 0.2% yeast extract and 0.8% peptone (pH 7.0). When this strain was aerobically cultured in the medium on a rotary shaker, the highest inhibitory activity was obtained after four days. This inhibitor had inhibitory activities on various $\alpha$-amylases and glucoamylase, but not on $\beta$-amylase.

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Land Cover Classification in order to Predict Soil Moisture Using Satellite Image (인공위성 영상을 통해 토양수분 예측을 위한 토지피복 분류)

  • Yu, Myung-Su;Choi, Chang-Won;Yi, Jae-Eung
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2011.05a
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    • pp.322-322
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    • 2011
  • 지표에서의 토양수분은 작은 구성비를 가짐에도 불구하고 여러 수문 현상을 연계하는 매우 중요한 인자로써 최근 연구가 활발하게 진행되고 있다. 토양수분은 침투나 침루를 통하여 강우와 지하수를 연결하는 기능을 함과 동시에 강우사상에 따른 유출특성에 직접적인 영향을 미치며 증발산을 통하여 에너지 순환을 연결하는 기능을 하는 인자로 기후변화와 인간의 활동에 의해 영향을 받는다. 지난 수십 년간 산림개간과 도시화는 토지이용의 변화를 초래하여 토지피복의 변화를 초래하였다. 도시화는 불투수층을 증가시켰고, 산림개간으로 산림이 농장으로 변하여 침투율을 감소시켜 유출률의 증가를 초래하였다. 이처럼 토지피복의 변화는 토양수분의 변화에 직접적인 영향을 미친다. 본 연구에서는 토지피복 분류를 위해 구름의 영향이 적은 Landsat TM 영상을 사용하여 청미천 유역의 토지피복을 분류하여 토지피복도를 작성하였다. 청미천 유역은 현재 국제수문관측사업(IHP)의 일환으로 체계적인 수문관측이 진행되고 있는 지점으로, 추후 인공위성 영상을 통해 산정한 토양수분 자료를 비교할 수 있는 유역이다. Landsat TM 영상은 2009년 5월 23일에 관측된 115-34(path row) 영상으로 구름이 거의 없는 날의 자료를 사용하였다. 다중 스펙트럴 위성영상인 Landsat TM 영상은 30m 공간해상도로써 토지피복분류와 식생 등의 정보를 추출하는데 적합한 것으로 알려져 있다. 청미천 유역의 위성영상에 대하여 영상의 전처리 과정을 거쳐 무감독분류와 감독분류기법을 적용하여 토지피복을 분류하였다. 분류한 토지피복도는 국토해양부에서 국가수자원관리 종합정보시스템(WAMIS) 을 통하여 제공되는 토지피복도와 비교하였다.

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An Integrated Watershed Environmental Assessment and Classification of the Mid-Nakdong River Region (낙동강 중류 지역의 통합적 유역환경평가 및 유형화)

  • Jung, Sung-Gwan;Park, Kyung-Hun
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.137-151
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    • 2004
  • Many of today's environmental problems are regional in scope and their effects overlap and interact. The purpose of this paper is to developed a simple method for an integrated assessment of environmental conditions across the Mid-Nakdong River Region, by combining data on land use, impervious cover, roads, streams, riparian areas, forest patches, population, pollutant loadings, soil erosion and topography. A cluster analysis was used to identify groups of sub-watersheds with similar environmental characteristics. The mean value for each group was used to find watershed that may be more vulnerable to future environmental degradation. Watersheds in cluster I and II had high amount of forest, but the amount of riparian vegetation was low. Watersheds in cluster III, which located in the middle Geumho River and the main course of Nakdong River, had a greater proportion of their agriculture, a greater proportion of agriculture on steep slopes, and less forest adjacent to streams. Watersheds in cluster IV and V were in the most urbanized areas of the region. The principal adverse impacts for watersheds in this group were high scores for urban area, impervious cover, pollutant loadings, population density, forest fragmentation, and low amounts of forest and riparian forest cover. Notwithstanding the exploratory nature of cluster analysis, it appears to be a useful tool for grouping watersheds with similar environmental characteristics.

Morphological Classification of Unit Basin on Soil & Geo-morphological Characteristics in Yeongsan River Basin (토양 및 지형학적 특성에 따른 영산강유역의 소유역 분류)

  • Sonn, Yeon-Kyu;Hyun, Byung-Keun;Jung, Suk-Jae;Hur, Seong-Oh;Jung, Kang-Ho;Seo, Myung-Chul;Ha, Sang-Keun
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2007.05a
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    • pp.246-252
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    • 2007
  • 농업 비점오염원으로부터의 수질 보전이나 수자원 관리는 유역단위로 하여 농업적 관리뿐만 아니라 수질 관리 및 수자원 관리를 위해서도 유역단위 특히, 소유역의 토양특성을 포괄하는 단위로 체계적으로 분류할 필요성이 있다. 우리나라의 남서쪽에 위치한 영산강유역의 50개 소유역을 대상으로 토양도, 지형도, 하천도 및 유역도를 이용하여 만곡도, 산림의 비율, 평탄지의 비율, 다른 소유역으로부터의 유입이 있는지의 여부 등 토양학적으로 중요한 4개의 특성을 가지고 군집분석을 수행하였다. 그 결과 5개의 군으로 구분할 수 있었으며, 이 구분의 적합도를 검정하기 위하여 Mantel test를 한 결과 r = 0.81825로 나타나 적합하다는 결론을 얻었다. 이와 같이 토양과 지형특성을 포괄하는 소유역의 분류 및 유사성에 따른 그룹화는 농업에서의 최적영농관리나 오염물질에 따른 수질관리, 수문모형의 적용성 확대 및 수자원 관리에 합리적 유용성을 제공할 것이며 체계적 관리의 밑바탕이 될 것이다.

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