• Title/Summary/Keyword: software development cost

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The Effect of Task Interdependence and User Participation on Software Development Project Performance (업무상호의존성과 사용자참여가 소프트웨어 개발 프로젝트 성과에 미치는 영향)

  • Hong Myung-Hon;Kim Shinkon;Kim Jeonggon
    • Journal of Information Technology Applications and Management
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.213-229
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    • 2005
  • Cost overrun or schedule delay of the software development project happens frequently despite that software developers continue to make every effort for the effective management of the projects. Previous researches have ascertained that these problems are ascribed to the uncertainty of projects and the improper management of the projects. The purposes of this research are to investigate the impacts of user participation and task interdependence on the performance of the projects and also to find out the appropriate project management method to improve the project performance. Even though the model fitness of the path model is proved to be very high, the verification of the hypotheses showed a variety of results including the four verifications and the one refutation of the hypotheses as well as the suggestion of one alternative hypothesis. The contribution of this research is that the integration model is proposed and verified, comprising the relationship among the user participation, the task interdependence, and the performance of software development projects. A project manager can utilize the implication of this research for an effective management of software development project.

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A Software Estimating Model for Development Period (소프트웨어 개발기간 추정 모델)

  • 이상운
    • Journal of KIISE:Software and Applications
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.20-28
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    • 2004
  • Estimation of software project cost, effort, and duration in the early stage of software development cycle is a difficult and key problem in software engineering. Most of development effort and duration estimation models presented by regression model of simple relation function point vs. effort and effort vs. duration instead of considering developer's productivity. But different project have need for different effort according to developer's productivity if the projects are same software size. Also, different duration takes according to developer's productivity if the projects require the same effort. Therefore, models that take into account of productivity have a limited application in actual development project. This paper presents models that can be estimate the duration according to productivity in order to compensate a shortcoming of the previous models. Propose model that could presume development period by various methods based on productivity and compared models' performance. As a result of performance comparison, an estimating model of development period from software size got simple and most good result. The model gives decision-making information of development duration to project management in the early stage of software life cycle.

Economic Evaluation of Information Systems : Case and Software Development (정보화 투자효과분석 사례 및 자동화 소프트웨어 개발)

  • 이국희
    • The Journal of Information Technology and Database
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.137-159
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    • 2001
  • This study provides a thorough methodology for IT Investment evaluation. A software tool to support the evaluation process was introduced along with a case study. The software supports the methodology that consists of 7 phases : Target analysis, ldentifying IT measures, Measuring IT impact, Assessing business value, Analyzing the decree of realization, Cost-benefit analysis, and Reporting. The case study showed that the software (CAFA) was a very useful tool supporting both decision-making and post-implementation reviews of IT investment.

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Software Cost Estimation Model Based on Use Case Points by using Regression Model (회귀분석을 이용한 UCP 기반 소프트웨어 개발 노력 추정 모델)

  • Park, Ju-Seok;Yang, Hea-Sool
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.9 no.8
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    • pp.147-157
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    • 2009
  • Recently, there has been continued research on UCP from the development effort estimation method to a software development project applying object oriented development methodology. Current research proposes a linear model estimating the developmenteffort by multiplying a constant to AUCP which applies technical and environmental factors. However, the fact that a non-linear regression model is more appropriate as the software size increases, the development period increases exponentially. In addition, in the UCP calculation process the occurrence of FP errors due to the application of TCF and EF, it is unrealistic to estimate the size with AUCP. This paper presents the issue of current research based on UCP without considering problems of the research, for example, TCF and EF and expresses the models (linear, logarithmic, polynomial, power and exponential type) estimating the development effort directly from UUCP. Consequently, the exponential model within non-linear models exhibit more accurate results than the current linear model. Therefore, after calculating the UUCP of the developing software system, using the proposed model to estimate the development effort, it is possible to estimate the direct cost required in development.

Exploring the Relationship between Software Capability Level and Software Project Productivity (SW공학 수준과 SW개발 프로젝트의 생산성)

  • Kim, Seung-Gweon;Yoon, Jong-Soo
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.17 no.8
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    • pp.123-133
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    • 2012
  • Recently, as IT convergence has seen rapid growth the role and scope of software has been extended. many software companies are trying to improve the software quality and project outcome using software process improvement approach to cope with increasing software demands and software quality. Although software process improvement is difficult task which requires a lot of cost and time, there is still insufficient objective evidence on business benefits by its deployment. The purpose of this study is to analyze the relationship between software process improvement and software project productivity. That is, we investigated whether there is difference in software development productivity depends on software engineering level using statistical methods. We found that the software development productivity is different across the software engineering levels and the higher software engineering level can lead to improved software development productivity.

Causal factors and symptoms of human behavior error domain in human-foftware interaction

  • Park, P.;Lee, K.S
    • Journal of the Ergonomics Society of Korea
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.35-45
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    • 1992
  • This study is to define a congitive paradigm including a new model of common cause human behavior error domain and to analyze their causal factors and their properties of common cause human error characteristics in software engineering. A laboratory study was performed to analyze the common causes of human behavior domain error in software development and to identify software design factors contributing to the common cause effects in common cause failure redundancy. The results and analytical paradigm developed in this research can be applied to reliabbility improvement and cost reduction in software development for many applications. Results are also expected to provide training guidelines for software engineers and for more effective design of ultra-high reliable software packages.

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A Study on Implementation of a Mission Computer based on COTS (상용 기성품 기반 항공기 임무컴퓨터 구현에 관한 연구)

  • Yang, Sung-Wook;Yang, Jun-Mo;Lee, Sang-Chul
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aviation and Aeronautics
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.81-86
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    • 2014
  • In the development of an avionics system, there is a trend of using commercial-off-the-shelf(COTS) equipments in order to reduce the development cost and time. In this paper, we present an implementation of an aircraft mission computer using the objected oriented software and the COTS equipments. We execute the aircraft guidance software on the system, and measure the calculation time and the used memory. To compare the guidance capability of the software program, we implement the same software logic on DS1104 system. The guidance software program executed on two different systems resulted in the almost identical simulation.

An Improved Calibration Method for the COCOMO II Post-Architecture Model

  • Yoon, Myoung-Young
    • Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.47-55
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    • 2000
  • To date many software engineering cost models have been developed to predict cost, schedule, and effort of the software under development. The COCOMO Ⅱ is well- suited for the new software development life cycle such as non-sequential and rapid- development processes. The traditional regression approach based on the least square criterion is the most commonly used technique for empirical calibration in the COCOMO Ⅱ model. It has a few assumptions frequently violated by software engineering data sets. The source data is also generally imprecise in reporting size effort, and cost-driver ratings, particularly across different organizations. And that the outlier for the source data is a peculiarity and indicates a data point. To cope with difficulties, in this paper, we propose a new regression method for calibrating COCOMO Ⅱ post-architecture model based on the minimum relative error(MRE) criterion. The characteristic of the proposed method is insensitive to the extreme values of the data in the empirical calibration. As the experimental results, It is evident that our proposed calibration method MRE was shown to be superior to the traditional regression approach for model calibration, as illustrated by the values obtained for standard deviation(^σ), and prediction at level LPRED(L) measures.

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A Function Point Model for Measuring the Development Cost of Information Services using Wireless Data Broadcast

  • Seokjin Im
    • International journal of advanced smart convergence
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.12-22
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    • 2024
  • Software applications have a huge and inseparable impact on our lives. The complexity of the applications increases rapidly to support high performance and multifunction. Accordingly, the cost model for applications is increasingly important. Line of Code (LOC) and Man-Month (M/M) as the cost model measure the quantitative sides of the applications. Unlike them, Function Point (FP) measures the functionalities of the application. FP is efficient for estimating qualitative characteristics, but it is restricted to measuring the cost of an application using the wireless data broadcast which can support any number of clients. In this paper, we propose, a Function Point model for Information services using wireles data Broadcast (FPIB) to measure the development cost of an application that serves using the wireless data broadcast environment. FPIB adopts critical parameters of the wireless broadcast environment and the complexity of them to measure effectively the cost developing the application. Through the evaluation comparing the proposed FPIB with FP, we reveal the effectiveness of the proposed FPIB.