• Title/Summary/Keyword: smart construction safety

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The Evaluation of VR Applicable Work in Building Design Phase using IPA (IPA를 활용한 건축 설계단계 VR 적용가능업무 평가)

  • Lee, Dongyoun;Seo, Myoung Bae
    • Smart Media Journal
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.152-161
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    • 2020
  • In the construction, VR(Virtual Reality) is simply used by users to implement and experience 3D modeling in virtual reality, such as safety, practical education, and promotion. The VR related research includes content development and visualization simulation such as disaster safety evacuation simulation and design education contents. Research on developing suitable VR and presenting directionality is insufficient, which is required in practice. Therefore, in this study, prior to the development of VR suitable for the construction, quantitative evaluation, and analysis based on the judgment of experts are performed. However, the research was conducted on the design stages, which are believed to have high needs and application effects of VR during the lifecycle of construction. There are nine tasks that can be applied to VR in the design stage, and these tasks were evaluated and analyzed using IPA(Importance Performance Analysis) by surveying the level of expectations, importance, and performance. As a result, it was evaluated and analyzed that VR and content development was necessary for the review of member interference and collaboration work for decision making among related stakeholders. The results of this study are expected to be used as basic data for the development of VR to be applied in the design stage to the future.

A Study on the Construction Equipment Object Extraction Model Based on Computer Vision Technology (컴퓨터 비전 기술 기반 건설장비 객체 추출 모델 적용 분석 연구)

  • Sungwon Kang;Wisung Yoo;Yoonseok Shin
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.916-923
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    • 2023
  • Purpose: Looking at the status of fatal accidents in the construction industry in the 2022 Industrial Accident Status Supplementary Statistics, 27.8% of all fatal accidents in the construction industry are caused by construction equipment. In order to overcome the limitations of tours and inspections caused by the enlargement of sites and high-rise buildings, we plan to build a model that can extract construction equipment using computer vision technology and analyze the model's accuracy and field applicability. Method: In this study, deep learning is used to learn image data from excavators, dump trucks, and mobile cranes among construction equipment, and then the learning results are evaluated and analyzed and applied to construction sites. Result: At site 'A', objects of excavators and dump trucks were extracted, and the average extraction accuracy was 81.42% for excavators and 78.23% for dump trucks. The mobile crane at site 'B' showed an average accuracy of 78.14%. Conclusion: It is believed that the efficiency of on-site safety management can be increased and the risk factors for disaster occurrence can be minimized. In addition, based on this study, it can be used as basic data on the introduction of smart construction technology at construction sites.

A Study on the Improvement of the Safety and Safe Living Standards of Apartment Houses through AHP Analysis (AHP 분석을 통한 공동주택 안전 및 안심생활 수준 향상에 관한 연구)

  • Ji, Yung il;Shin, Seung Ha;Choi, Byong Jeong
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.289-305
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    • 2021
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study is to check the importance of higher level, sub higher level and lower alternative factor and the factor for relieved life and also check the comprehensive priority in executed "Safety and relieved life level improvement of apartment house residents by AHP analysis". Method: The safety management evaluation elements and alternatives have been arranged as hierarchical structure based on the preceding studies and the advice of experts for the maintenance and system of apartment house in this study. Study model is used for the survey of pair wise comparison composition targeting experts and AHP analysis method is used for alternative plan ranking, etc. Result: The response result of survey secured the consistency and it is confirmed that safety inspection for apartment house electricity facility is most important for higher level, safety inspection, detailed inspection and diagnosis evaluation are most important for sub higher level and plumbing equipments is most important for alternatives based on the analysis result of relative weight comparison for sub higher level and alternatives for final goal attainment of the study. Conclusion: Plumbing equipments, crime prevention safety and electrical safety are shown as top priority alternatives when observe it with expert manager's point of view for apartment house. It shows that securing the importance of living safety accident and deciding the level of relieved life can be improved are the alternatives of pre-prevention and management strengthening.

A Conceptual Framework to Study the Effectiveness of Interface Management in Construction Projects

    • Journal of Construction Engineering and Project Management
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.1-21
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    • 2019
  • The management of mega construction projects which incorporate a large number of stakeholders, technologies, data, work culture etc., is cumbersome. The experts in the construction arena advocate that interface management serves as a precise tool in resolving these conflict points due to the intricate nature of the construction projects. Interface management is a current trending management practice in the construction industry which is also a beneficiary to mega/fast track projects in enhancing the project performance. The main objective of this study is to validate a model for assessing the relationships among interface management, IT applications, project performance & project benefits. The mediating effect of interface management in relationship between project performance & interfacial factors was also investigated. The research model was validated using PLS-SEM (Partial Least Square-Structural Equation Modelling) approach. Data were collected from clients, contractors, consultants in large scale projects through questionnaire survey and smart-PLS software was used to analyse the conceptual model. The research model comprises eleven hypothesis and the significance of these hypothesis were tested using T- statistics values. The research implies that people/participants factor is greatly influenced by interface management with the path coefficient of 0.608 and also enhancement of project's schedule performance due to the interface management is strongly appealing (Path coefficient = 0.711). The results also reveal IT application is significantly associated with interface management practice (Path coefficient =0.723) and also the effect of IT application on project performance (schedule, cost, quality & safety) is successfully mediated through interface management practice. The practical application of this validated model was done through case study. The case study aims at measuring the impact of interface management on interfacial factors and role of interface management in improving the project performance in the construction organisations.

Post-earthquake building safety evaluation using consumer-grade surveillance cameras

  • Hsu, Ting Y.;Pham, Quang V.;Chao, Wei C.;Yang, Yuan S.
    • Smart Structures and Systems
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.531-541
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    • 2020
  • This paper demonstrates the possibility of evaluating the safety of a building right after an earthquake using consumer-grade surveillance cameras installed in the building. Two cameras are used in each story to extract the time history of interstory drift during the earthquake based on camera calibration, stereo triangulation, and image template matching techniques. The interstory drift of several markers on the rigid floor are used to estimate the motion of the geometric center using the least square approach, then the horizontal interstory drift of any location on the floor can be estimated. A shaking table collapse test of a steel building was conducted to verify the proposed approach. The results indicate that the accuracy of the interstory drift measured by the cameras is high enough to estimate the damage state of the building based on the fragility curve of the interstory drift ratio. On the other hand, the interstory drift measured by an accelerometer tends to underestimate the damage state when residual interstory drift occurs because the low frequency content of the displacement signal is eliminated when high-pass filtering is employed for baseline correction.

Vibration control for serviceability enhancement of offshore platforms against environmental loadings

  • Lin, Chih-Shiuan;Liu, Feifei;Zhang, Jigang;Wang, Jer-Fu;Lin, Chi-Chang
    • Smart Structures and Systems
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.403-414
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    • 2019
  • Offshore drilling has become a key process for obtaining oil. Offshore platforms have many applications, including oil exploration and production, navigation, ship loading and unloading, and bridge and causeway support. However, vibration problems caused by severe environmental loads, such as ice, wave, wind, and seismic loads, threaten the functionality of platform facilities and the comfort of workers. These concerns may result in piping failures, unsatisfactory equipment reliability, and safety concerns. Therefore, the vibration control of offshore platforms is essential for assuring structural safety, equipment functionality, and human comfort. In this study, an optimal multiple tuned mass damper (MTMD) system was proposed to mitigate the excessive vibration of a three-dimensional offshore platform under ice and earthquake loadings. The MTMD system was designed to control the first few dominant coupled modes. The optimal placement and system parameters of the MTMD are determined based on controlled modal properties. Numerical simulation results show that the proposed MTMD system can effectively reduce the displacement and acceleration responses of the offshore platform, thus improving safety and serviceability. Moreover, this study proposes an optimal design procedure for the MTMD system to determine the optimal location, moving direction, and system parameters of each unit of the tuned mass damper.

Causes of local collapse of a precast industrial roof after a fire

  • Bruno Dal Lago;Paride Tucci
    • Computers and Concrete
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    • v.31 no.5
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    • pp.371-384
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    • 2023
  • Precast roofing systems employing prestressed elements often serve as smart structural solutions for the construction of industrial buildings. The precast concrete elements usually employed are highly engineered, and often consist in thin-walled members, characterised by a complex behaviour in fire. The present study was carried out after a fire event damaged a precast industrial building made with prestressed beam and roof elements, and non-prestressed curved barrel vault elements interposed in between the spaced roof elements. As a consequence of the exposure to the fire, the main elements were found standing, although some locally damaged and distorted, and the local collapse of few curved barrel vault elements was observed in one edge row only. In order to understand and interpret the observed structural performance of the roof system under fire, a full fire safety engineering process was carried out according to the following steps: (a) realistic temperature-time curves acting on the structural elements were simulated through computational fluid dynamics, (b) temperature distribution within the concrete elements was obtained with non-linear thermal analysis in variable regime, (c) strength and deformation of the concrete elements were checked with non-linear thermal-mechanical analysis. The analysis of the results allowed to identify the causes of the local collapses occurred, attributable to the distortion caused by temperature to the elements causing loss of support in early fire stage rather than to the material strength reduction due to the progressive exposure of the elements to fire. Finally, practical hints are provided to avoid such a phenomenon to occur when designing similar structures.

Safety Factor Analysis of Range-Shift on Multi-Purpose Agricultural Implement Machinery (다목적 농작업 기계 변속기 부변속 안전율 분석)

  • Moon, Seok Pyo;Baek, Seung Min;Lee, Nam Gyu;Park, Seong Un;Choi, Young Soo;Choi, Chang Hyun;Kim, Yong Joo
    • Journal of Drive and Control
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.141-151
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    • 2020
  • The aim of this study was to analyze the safety factor of range-shift gear pairs on multi-purpose agricultural implement machinery for an optimal design of a transmission system. Gear-strengths such as bending and contact stress and safety factors were analyzed under three load conditions: an equivalent engine torque at plow tillage, a rated engine torque, and the maximum engine torque. Root and contact safety factor were calculated to be 3.88, 5.14, 2.24, 2.11, 2.21, 0.99 and 0.78, 0.94, 0.65, 0.68, 0.84, 0.85, respectively, under equivalent engine torque condition at the plow tillage. The root and contact safety factor were calculated to be 1.91, 2.53, 1.10, 1.04, 1.07, 0.48 and 0.55, 0.66, 0.46, 0.48, 0.59, 0.59, respectively, under rated engine torque condition. The root and contact safety factor were calculated to be 1.60, 2.11, 0.92, 0.87, 0.90, 0.40 and 0.51, 0.61, 0.42, 0.44, 0.54, 0.54, respectively, under the maximum engine torque condition. The multi-purpose agricultural implement machinery could be conducted under plow tillage operation. However, gear specifications for tooth surface need modification because the gear surface would be broken at all driving conditions as safety factors are lower than 1.

A Fundamental Study on the Automated Formwork System for Bridge Pier Unmanned Construction (교각 무인시공 자동화 거푸집 시스템 구성을 위한 기초 연구)

  • Lee, Jae Heun;Yoon, Hyejin;Kim, Young Jin;Chin, Won Jong;Lee, Sang Yoon
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.44 no.5
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    • pp.707-717
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    • 2024
  • Recently, the implementation of unmanned and automated technologies has been actively considered as a solution to reduce safety accidents in industrial sites. However, bridge construction sites are recognized as a more challenging area for research and development compared to other industries due to the complexity of the site, such as weather and terrain, and the fact that the work is not repetitive or standardized. In this paper, a formwork system for unmanned and automated construction of bridge piers, which are considered high-risk work environments due to tasks such as rebar assembly, concrete pouring, and formwork dismantling and assembly at high altitudes, was developed. To achieve this, the formwork was equipped with motorized spindles and an automated lifting system to replace the manual dismantling and assembly process. Additionally, manipulators were installed on the upper work platform to replace workers in tasks such as rebar assembly and concrete pouring. To verify the proposed technology, we aimed to demonstrate the feasibility of the automated formwork system for unmanned pier construction through an assembly test.

AI and IoT-driven sensor technologies for real-time monitoring and control in construction

  • Xiangyu Ren
    • Advances in concrete construction
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2024
  • The construction industry has not benefited greatly from current research on AI and IoT-driven sensor technologies, which has mostly concentrated on smart cities, manufacturing, and healthcare. Research currently being conducted tends to focus more on data gathering and simple automation than on incorporating sophisticated AI for real-time decision-making and predictive analytics. There is a research gap because stronger systems are required to manage the unstable and dynamic environment found on building sites. By creating a cutting-edge AI and IoT-based system specifically designed for real-time monitoring and control in the construction industry, our study fills this gap. This framework offers a considerable advantage over present technologies by improving not just data accuracy and sensor dependability but also safety, optimization of resource allocation, and predictive maintenance. The purpose of the project was to develop sensor technologies powered by AI and IoT for real-time construction monitoring and control. There were 1,198 street images and 330,165 individuals that comprise the ShanghaiTech dataset were gathered from the campus of Shanghai Jiao Tong University. In order to ensure consistency and reliability, the raw data prior to processing has been adjusted using the min-max normalization technique. We presented the Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient Algorithm with support vector machine (DDPGA-SVM) to provide real-time monitoring and control of construction-related sensors powered by AI and the IoT-driven. To evaluate the suggested solution works in terms of accuracy, prediction rate, loss function, F1-score and Cohen kappa score. As a result, real-time monitoring and control in construction demonstrated by the suggested superior performance over other similar models in terms of accuracy (99%), MAE (28%), F1-score (90), and recall (96) and loss function achieving 80% in training and 92% in validation.