• Title/Summary/Keyword: slope stability method

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Stability Analysis and Design of Slope Reinforcing Method Using Anchored or Waste Tyre Wall (앵커 또는 폐타이어 벽체를 이용한 사면보강공법의 안정해석 및 설계)

  • 김홍택;강인규
    • Geotechnical Engineering
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.69-84
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    • 1994
  • In the present study, the application of a method of anchored or waste tyre wall in reinforcing the unstable slope is investigated. For design purposes a method of external stability analysis of the reinforced slope, together with a method of internal stability analysis of a wall itself, is presented. In order to predict the passive resistance expected in the anchor or waste tyre Meyerhof's bearing capacity theory is moapaed and experimental results of stress distribution of a pile section under lateral loading is used. Hurray's pull-out teat results are compared with the passive resistances of anchors predicted by the proposed method, and alto the advantages in design are compared with a method of reinforced earth wall with steel strips. Finally a design example of reinforced slope using anchored or caste tyre wall is presented and the overall stability is analyzed in detail by the proposed method of analysis. The efficiency of a method of anchored or waste tyre wall is further analyzed, comparing with a method of changing geometry of the origin리 unstable slope.

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Comparative Study Between Finite Element Method and Limit Equilibrium Method on Slope Stability Analysis (사면안정해석에 있어서의 유한요소법과 한계평형법의 비교연구)

  • 이동엽;유충식
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.65-74
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    • 2003
  • This paper presents the results of a comparative study between FEM and LEM on slope stability analysis. For validation, factors of safety were compared between FEM and LEM. The results from the two methods were in good agreement. This suggests that the FEM with the shear strength reduction method can be effectively used on slope stability analyses. A series of analyses were then performed using the FEM for various constitutive laws, slope angles, flow rules, and the finite element discretizations. Among the findings, the finite element method in conjunction with the shear strength reduction method can provide reasonable results in terms of safety. Also revealed is that the results of FEM can be significantly affected by the way in which the type of constitutive law and flow nile we selected.

Stability Analysis and Design of Slope Reinforcing Method Using Anchored or Waste Tyre Wall (앵커 또는 폐타이어 벽체를 이용한 사면보강공법의 안정해석 및 설계)

  • Kim, Hong-Taek;Gang, In-Gyu;Lee, Je-U
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 1993.10a
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    • pp.69-72
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    • 1993
  • In this paper, relatively new slope reinforcing system using an anchored wall is presented. For practical design purposes a method of external and internal stability analyses of an anchored wall installed at the toe of the original unstable or quasi-stable slope is developed. And also Murray's full-scale test results are compared with the passive resistance of an anchor predicted by the present study. Finally a design example of reinforced slope using an anchored wall is analyzed, and the safety as well as benefits is compared with a method of changing the geometry of the original unstable slope.

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Analysis of Rock Slope Stability by Using GIS in Mt. Keumsu Area (지구정보시스템을 이용한 금수산일대의 암반사면 안정성 평가)

  • 배현철
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.77-88
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    • 2000
  • The goal of this study is to assess the spatial distribution of natural slopes and cutting slopes under would-be development. For this goal, a quantitative slope stability analysis method using GIS integrated with a computer program was developed. Through field investigations, the discontinuity parameters were collected such as orientation of discontinuity, persistence, spacing, JRC, JCS, and water depth. The distributions were interpolated from the ordinary kriging method in ARC/INFO GIS after variogram analysis. The layers showing all parameters needed for limit equilibrium analysis were constructed. The final layer using GIS works composed of 162,352 polygons, that is, unit slopes. The rock slope stability analysis program was coded by C++ language. This program can calculate geometrical vectors related to rock block failures using input orientation data and direction and dimension of strength to occur failure. Also, this can calculate shear strength of joints through empirical equations and quantitative factors of safety. This methodology was applied to the study area which is located in Jaecheon city and Danyang-gun of the northeastern Keumsu is about 135$km^2$. As a result, the study area was entirely stable but unstable, that is, factor of safety less than 1.0dominantly at the slopes near Keumsil, Daejangri, Keumsungmyun and Sojugol, Mt. Dongsan, Juksongmyun by the natural slope stability analysis. Assuming the cutting slope showing the same direction immediate, and quantitative analysis of factors of safety for a regional area could be conducted through GIS integrated with a computer program of limit equilibrium.

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Application of Environmentally friendly block for the slope stability and protection of Rural Housing (농가주택 법면 보호공을 위한 환경친화블럭의 적용성 평가)

  • Shin, Bangwoong;Oh, Sewook;Kwon, Youngcheul;Cho, Cheonhee;Han, Hyungu
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Rural Architecture
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.101-112
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    • 2000
  • Green environment is most important factor to human being taking a side view of psychological aspect. But, as the civilization progresses rapidly, the green environment decreases. At present, various environmentally friendly methods are developed to prevent the ill effect of the concretes. n this study, Ecostone retaining wall method, which is a kind of environmentally friendly block, are used for verifying the application to the slope stability and protection of rural hosing. In case of rural hosing and structure, the height of the slope is not high and additional loading doesn't act on the slope except the gravity loading of housing and structure. From the result of the stability analysis of Ecostone, 3m to 7m Ecostone retaining wall can have an equivalence capacity comparing with the concrete retaining wall. Therefore, Ecostone method can apply to retaining wall with the structural safety and environmentally friendly aspect using the plants and vegetation.

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Analysis of slope stability based on evaluation of force balance

  • Razdolsky, A.G.;Yankelevsky, D.Z.;Karinski, Y.S.
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.313-334
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    • 2005
  • The paper presents a new approach for the analysis of slope stability that is based on the numerical solution of a differential equation, which describes the thrust force distribution within the potential sliding mass. It is based on the evaluation of the thrust force value at the endpoint of the slip line. A coupled approximation of the slip and thrust lines is applied. The model is based on subdivision of the sliding mass into slices that are normal to the slip line and the equilibrium differential equation is obtained as the slice width approaches zero. Opposed to common iterative limit equilibrium procedures the present method is straightforward and gives an estimate of slope stability at the value of the safety factor prescribed in advance by standard requirements. Considering the location of the thrust line within the soil mass above the trial slip line eliminates the possible development of a tensile thrust force in the stable and critical states of the slope. The location of the upper boundary point of the thrust line is determined by the equilibrium of the upper triangular slice. The method can be applied to any smooth shape of a slip line, i.e., to a slip line without break points. An approximation of the slip and thrust lines by quadratic parabolas is used in the numerical examples for a series of slopes.

Numerical investigations on stability evaluation of a jointed rock slope during excavation using an optimized DDARF method

  • Li, Yong;Zhou, Hao;Dong, Zhenxing;Zhu, Weishen;Li, Shucai;Wang, Shugang
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.271-281
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    • 2018
  • A jointed rock slope stability evaluation was simulated by a discontinuous deformation analysis numerical method to investigate the process and safety factors for different crack distributions and different overloading situations. An optimized method using Discontinuous Deformation Analysis for Rock Failure (DDARF) is presented to perform numerical investigations on the jointed rock slope stability evaluation of the Dagangshan hydropower station. During the pre-processing of establishing the numerical model, an integrated software system including AutoCAD, Screen Capture, and Excel is adopted to facilitate the implementation of the numerical model with random joint network. These optimizations during the pre-processing stage of DDARF can remarkably improve the simulation efficiency, making it possible for complex model calculation. In the numerical investigations on the jointed rock slope stability evaluations using the optimized DDARF, three calculation schemes have been taken into account in the numerical model: (I) no joint; (II) two sets of regular parallel joints; and (III) multiple sets of random joints. This model is capable of replicating the entire processes including crack initiation, propagation, formation of shear zones, and local failures, and thus is able to provide constructive suggestions to supporting schemes for the slope. Meanwhile, the overloading numerical simulations under the same three schemes have also been performed. Overloading safety factors of the three schemes are 5.68, 2.42 and 1.39, respectively, which are obtained by analyzing the displacement evolutions of key monitoring points during overloading.

A Preliminary Study on Submarine Slope Failure of Gas Hydrate-bering Sediments (가스 하이드레이트가 매장된 해저사면의 붕괴에 관한 기초적 연구)

  • Park, Sung-Sik
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 2008.03a
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    • pp.399-404
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    • 2008
  • The influence of gas hydrate dissociation on submarine slope stability was studied in this paper. Gas hydrates are stable under high pressure and low temperature conditions. Once gas hydrate dissociates due to natural or human activities, it generates large amount of gas and water. During gas hydrate dissociation, a pore pressure between soil particles increases and results in the loss of an effective stress and degradation of soil stiffness. A pore pressures model was proposed to calculated excess pore pressures generated by gas hydrate dissociation at the Storegga Slide. A slope stability analysis for the Storegga Slide using a two dimensional finite difference method was carried out by considering excess pore pressures due to gas hydrate dissociation. Since the excess pore pressure calculated by the proposed method resulted in the considerable loss of stiffness and strength in slope, a submarine slope failure occurred at the Storegga slide was well simulated.

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LE analysis on unsaturated slope stability with introduction of nonlinearity of soil strength

  • Deng, Dong-ping;Lu, Kuan;Li, Liang
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.179-191
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    • 2019
  • Based on the effective stress principle, a new formula for shear strength of unsaturated soil is derived under the general nonlinear Mohr-Coulomb (M-C) strength criterion to improve the classical strength criterion of unsaturated soil. Meanwhile, the simple irrigation model under steady seepage is adopted to obtain the distribution of the matrix suction or the degree of saturation (DOS) above the groundwater table in the slope. Then, combined with the improved strength criterion of unsaturated soil and the simple irrigation model under steady seepage, the limit equilibrium (LE) solutions for the unsaturated slope stability are established according to the global LE conditions of the entire sliding body with assumption of the stresses on the slip surface. Compared to the classical strength criterion of unsaturated soil, not only the cohesion soil but also the internal friction angle is affected by the matric suction or the DOS in the improved strength criterion. Moreover, the internal friction angle related to the matric suction has the nonlinear characteristics, particularly for a small of the matric suction. Thereafter, the feasibility of the present method is verified by comparison and analysis on some slope examples. Furthermore, stability charts are also drawn to quickly analyze the unsaturated slope stability.

The Slope Reinforcement by use of FRP (FRP를 이용한 사면보강)

  • 이상덕;권오엽;최용기
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 2000.11b
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    • pp.155-180
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    • 2000
  • The pattern of domestic slope construction has been steadily changed from the simpled and small-scale to the large-scale and complicated one, frequently near the existing structures, as the density of population and the traffic increases. In some cases, the slopes become steeper and larger due to the road improvement and construction. For the rock slope, the existence of discontinuity cannot be disregarded and acts as an important factor on the slope stability. Most of the existing methods for stabilizing the slope were focused on reducing the slope angle. Under the specific geographic condition, it is necessary to concentrate more efforts on the research and development of supporting system for the slope stability. As a supporting system, it is often very advantageous to use the FRP pipe grouting method that is similar to the existing soil nailing method or the rock bolting method but uses the high strength FRP pipe as a principal reinforcement in place of steel bar. Through the FRP pipe, the grout material can be injected into the rock mass to improve its shear strength to the required value. .In this study, the characteristics of FRP are investigated by the laboratory tests and the field tests. And, the practical aspects of FRP method are reviewed and analyzed.

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