• Title/Summary/Keyword: slope extraction

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Extracting Three-Dimensional Geometric Information of Roads from Integrated Multi-sensor Data using Ground Vehicle Borne System (지상 이동체 기반의 다중 센서 통합 데이터를 활용한 도로의 3차원 기하정보 추출에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Moon-Gie;Sung, Jung-Gon
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.68-79
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    • 2008
  • Ground vehicle borne system which is named RoSSAV(Road Safety Survey and Analysis Vehicle) developed in KICT(Korea Institute of Construction Technology) can collect road geometric data. This system therefore is able to evaluate the road safety and analyze road deficient sections using data collected along the roads. The purpose of this study is to extract road geometric data for 3D road modeling in dangerous road section and The system should be able to quickly provide more accurate data. Various sensors(circular laser scanner, GPS, INS, CCD camera and DMI) are installed in moving object and collect road environment data. Finally, We extract 3d road geometry(center, boundary), road facility and slope using integrated multi-sensor data.

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Implementation of DID interface using gesture recognition (제스쳐 인식을 이용한 DID 인터페이스 구현)

  • Lee, Sang-Hun;Kim, Dae-Jin;Choi, Hong-Sub
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.343-352
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    • 2012
  • In this paper, we implemented a touchless interface for DID(Digital Information Display) system using gesture recognition technique which includes both hand motion and hand shape recognition. Especially this touchless interface without extra attachments gives user both easier usage and spatial convenience. For hand motion recognition, two hand-motion's parameters such as a slope and a velocity were measured as a direction-based recognition way. And extraction of hand area image utilizing YCbCr color model and several image processing methods were adopted to recognize a hand shape recognition. These recognition methods are combined to generate various commands, such as, next-page, previous-page, screen-up, screen-down and mouse -click in oder to control DID system. Finally, experimental results showed the performance of 93% command recognition rate which is enough to confirm the possible application to commercial products.

Comparison of Topographical Parameter for DTED and Grid DEM from 1:50,000 Digital Map (DTED와 1:50,000 수치지형도에 의한 격자 DEM의 지형 매개변수 비교)

  • Kim, Yeon-Jun;Shin, Ke-Jong
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.19-32
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    • 2002
  • Topographic information is indispensable in the applications that require elevational data. These applications are exemplified by watershed partition, extraction of drainage networks, viewshed analysis, derivation of geomorphologic features, quantification of landslide-terrain, and identification of topographic settings susceptible to landsliding. Therefore, we study the accuracy of data on topographic parameters derived from digital elevation models(DEMs). This research wished to analyze the effect that data source and grid size get in topography parameter using gridded DEM. An analysis of topography parameter extract and compared drainage basin, watershed slope, stream network using DEM is constructed by digital map and DTED DEM. Especially, when extract stream network from gridded DEM, received much effects according to threshold value of flowaccumulation regardless of DEM grid size. Therefore, this study applied equal threshold value of flowaccumulation for two data sources, and compare and analyzed stream network.

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Region Segmentation Algorithm of Object Using Self-Extraction of Reference Template (기준 템플릿의 자동 생성 기법을 이용한 물체 영역 분할 알고리즘)

  • Lee, Gyoon-Jung;Lee, Dong-Won;Joo, Jae-Heum;Bae, Jong-Gab;Nam, Ki-Gon
    • Journal of the Institute of Convergence Signal Processing
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.7-12
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    • 2011
  • In this paper, we propose the technique detecting interest object region effectively in the images from periscope of submarine based on self-generated template. First, we extract the sea-sky line, and divide it into sky and sea area from background region based on the sea-sky line. In each divided background region, the blocks which can be represented in each background region are set as a reference template. After dividing an image into several same size of blocks, we apply multi template matching to the divided search blocks and histogram template to divide the image into object region and background region. Proposed algorithm is adapted to various images in which objects exist in the background of sea and sky. We verified that proposed algorithm performed properly without given informmed prby prior learning.ropso, regardless of the slope of sea-sky line and the locmed p of object based on sea-sky line, we verified that the objects region was segmented effectively from the input image.

Information extraction of the moving objects based on edge detection and optical flow (Edge 검출과 Optical flow 기반 이동물체의 정보 추출)

  • Chang, Min-Hyuk;Park, Jong-An
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.27 no.8A
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    • pp.822-828
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    • 2002
  • Optical flow estimation based on multi constraint approaches is frequently used for recognition of moving objects. However, the use have been confined because of OF estimation time as well as error problem. This paper shows a new method form effectively extracting movement information using the multi-constraint base approaches with sobel edge detection. The moving objects anr extraced in the input image sequence using edge detection and segmentation. Edge detection and difference of the two input image sequence gives us the moving objects in the images. The process of thresholding removes the moving objects detected due to noise. After thresholding the real moving objects, we applied the Combinatorial Hough Transform (CHT) and voting accumulation to find the optimal constraint lines for optical flow estimation. The moving objects found in the two consecutive images by using edge detection and segmentation greatly reduces the time for comutation of CHT. The voting based CHT avoids the errors associated with least squares methods. Calculation of a large number of points along the constraint line is also avoided by using the transformed slope-intercept parameter domain. The simulation results show that the proposed method is very effective for extracting optical flow vectors and hence recognizing moving objects in the images.

Study of the Optimization and the Depth Profile Using a Flat Type Ion Source in Glow Discharge Mass Spectrometry

  • Woo Jin Chun;Kim, Hyo Jin;Lim Heoung Bin;Moon Dae Won;Lee Kwang Woo
    • Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.620-624
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    • 1992
  • The analytical performance of glow discharge mass spectrometer (GD-MS), using a flat type ion source is discussed. The efficiency of ion extraction was maximized at the distance between anode and cathode of 6 mm. At the operation condition of 4 mA, -1000 volt, and 1 mbar for the source, the optimum voltages for sampler and skimmer were40 volt and -280 volt, respectively. The intensities of Cu, Zn, and Mn were increased as a function of square root of current approximately. Korea standard reference materials (KSRM) were tested for an application study. The detection limits of most elements were obtained in the range of several ppm at the optimized operating condition. The peaks of aluminum and chromium were interfered by those of residual gases. The depth profile of nickel coated copper specimens (3, 5, 10 ${\mu}m$ thickness) were obtained by plotting time versus intensities of Ni and Cr after checking the thickness of nickel coated using a scanning electron microscope (SEM). At this moment, the sputtering rate of 0.2 ${\mu}m/min$ at the optimum operating condition was determined from the slope of the plot of time to the coating thickness. The roughness spectra of specimen's crater after 16 min, discharge were obtained using a Talysuf5m-120 roughness tester as well.

Extraction of the Talus Distribution Potential Area Using the Spatial Statistical Techniques - Focusing on the Weight of Evidence Model - (공간통계기법을 이용한 애추 분포 가능지역 추출 - Weight of evidence 기법을 중심으로 -)

  • Yu, Jaejin;JANG, Dong-Ho
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.133-147
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    • 2014
  • Reducing the range of target landform, is required to save the time and cost before real field survey in the case of inaccessible landform such as talus. In this study, Weight of Evidence modeling, which is a Target-driven spatial analysis statistics methods, has been applied to reduce the field survey range of target landform. In order to apply the Weight of Evidence analysis, a likelihood ratio was calculated on the basis of the result of correlation analysis between geomorphic factors and GIS information after selection of geomorphic factors regarding talus. A best combination, which has the biggest possibility for Talus Potential Index, was found by using SRC and AUC methods after calculating the number of cases for each thematic maps. This combination which includes aspect, geology, slope, land-cover, soil depth and soil drainage factors, showed quite high accuracy by 74.47% indicating the ratio of real existent talus to potential talus distribution.

Classification of Torso Shapes of Men Aged 40-64 - Based on Measurements Extracted from the 8th Size Korea Scans - (40-64세 남성의 토르소 형태 분류에 관한 연구 - 제8차 Size Korea 인체형상으로부터 추출한 측정값을 이용하여 -)

  • Guo Tingyu;Eun Joo Ryu;Hwa Kyung Song
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.92-103
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    • 2023
  • As the body shape change which occurs after middle age is the main factor affecting the fit of ready-to-wear clothes, this study was designed to classify and analyze the torso shapes of middle-aged men. This study sorted 3D body scans of 200 men aged 40-64 from the 8th Size Korea (2021) database and extracted their 47 measurement values using the Grasshopper algorithm for automatic extraction landmarks and measurements, developed by the previous research (Ryu & Song, 2022). Eight principal components (torso length, shoulder size, overall body size, abdomen prominence, back protrusion, neck inclination, upper body slope, and hip prominence) were identified and four torso shapes were classified. Shape 1 (28.5%) exhibited the shortest torso length, the narrowest shoulders, and the most protruding back. Shape 2 (21.0%) exhibited the skinniest body and the largest backward inclination of the upper body. Hence, the back appeared to be protruding, and the abdomen looked prominent. Shape 3 (25.5%) had the largest overall body size. Thus, the abdomen looked the least protruding, and it exhibited the flattest back. Shape 4 (25.0%) had the longest torso, widest shoulders, straightest neck, and the least protruding hips. This study suggested these three discriminant functions to identify a new person's torso type.

Analysis of Hydrological Surface Characteristics using ArcView/Spatial Analyst GIS Extension (ArcView/spatial Analyst GIS 확장 프로그램을 이용한 수리지형 특성인자 분석)

  • Lee, Ki-Won
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.491-499
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    • 2001
  • Generally, several hydrological characteristics which can be obtained from geographic processing in GIS S/W would be utilized to actual hydrological applications such as landslide stability or drainage analysis. Furthermore, by using practical GIS extension programs, it can be possible that automatic extraction task of those information, which was time-consuming and complex processing, is performed as systematical and automatic processing. In this study, using ArcView GIS S/W and its extensions concerning hydrological processing, some waterflow and surface factors in the area of Yemi sheet scaled 1:50,000 were extracted. Then, assessment of landslide stability, determined by DEM-based variables were carried out in order to investigate practical applicability of extension programs. It is thought that several hydrological factors extracted by this study were significant information to predict field model or hydrological hazardous events. It also reveals that landslide potential is overall stable with stability index mapping and S-A plot, with theoretical basis. This methodology can be applicable to other areas related to hydrological characteristics with measurements in fields.

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Phenophase Extraction from Repeat Digital Photography in the Northern Temperate Type Deciduous Broadleaf Forest (온대북부형 낙엽활엽수림의 디지털 카메라 반복 이미지를 활용한 식물계절 분석)

  • Han, Sang Hak;Yun, Chung Weon;Lee, Sanghun
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.109 no.4
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    • pp.361-370
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    • 2020
  • Long-term observation of the life cycle of plants allows the identification of critical signals of the effects of climate change on plants. Indeed, plant phenology is the simplest approach to detect climate change. Observation of seasonal changes in plants using digital repeat imaging helps in overcoming the limitations of both traditional methods and satellite remote sensing. In this study, we demonstrate the utility of camera-based repeat digital imaging in this context. We observed the biological events of plants and quantified their phenophases in the northern temperate type deciduous broadleaf forest of Jeombong Mountain. This study aimed to identify trends in seasonal characteristics of Quercus mongolica (deciduous broadleaf forest) and Pinus densiflora (evergreen coniferous forest). The vegetation index, green chromatic coordinate (GCC), was calculated from the RGB channel image data. The magnitude of the GCC amplitude was smaller in the evergreen coniferous forest than in the deciduous forest. The slope of the GCC (increased in spring and decreased in autumn) was moderate in the evergreen coniferous forest compared with that in the deciduous forest. In the pine forest, the beginning of growth occurred earlier than that in the red oak forest, whereas the end of growth was later. Verification of the accuracy of the phenophases showed high accuracy with root-mean-square error (RMSE) values of 0.008 (region of interest [ROI]1) and 0.006 (ROI3). These results reflect the tendency of the GCC trajectory in a northern temperate type deciduous broadleaf forest. Based on the results, we propose that repeat imaging using digital cameras will be useful for the observation of phenophases.