• Title/Summary/Keyword: slope extraction

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UAV Aerial Photogrammetry for Cross Sectional Extraction and Slope Stability Analysis in Forest Area (UAV 항공사진을 이용한 산림지 횡단면도 추출 및 사면안정성 평가)

  • Kim, Taejin;Son, Younghwan;Park, Jaesung;Kim, Donggeun
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.60 no.1
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    • pp.67-77
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    • 2018
  • The objective of this study is to extract the shape of the slope from the images acquired using UAV and evaluate its suitability and reliability when applied to slope stability analysis. UAV is relatively inexpensive and simple, and it is possible to make terrain survey by generating point clouds. However, the image acquired from UAV can not be directly photographed by the forest canopy due to the influence of trees, resulting in severe distortion of the terrain. In this study, therefore, the effects of forest canopy were verified and the slope stability analysis was performed. Images acquired in winter and summer were used, because summer images are heavily influenced by the forest canopy and winter images are not. As a result of the study, the winter image is suitable for the extraction of slope shape, but severe terrain distortion occurs in the summer image. Therefore, slope stability analysis using slope shape extracted from summer image is impossible, so it should be modified for slope stability analysis. The modified slope did not completely eliminate the distortion of the terrain, but it could express the approximate shape of the slope. As a result of the slope stability analysis, the location and shape of the failure surface are the same, and the error of the safety factor is less than 0.2, which is close to the actual slope.

Extraction of Information on Road Cutting Slope using RC Helicopter Photographic Surveying System (무선조정 헬리콥터 사진측량시스템을 이용한 절취사면 정보 추출)

  • 이종출;이영도;김진수;조용재
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry, and Cartography Conference
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    • 2004.11a
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    • pp.217-222
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    • 2004
  • In this study, cutting slope's digital image has acquired by using video camera attached at RC helicopter. Resulted RMSE from image processing was approximately x-direction 0.27m, y-direction 0.23m and z-direction 0.35m. Application of these methods makes it convenient that acquisition of digital image about before and after the construction work of road cutting slope. Also systematical cutting slope's information acquisition will be possible by cutting slope's quantitative and qualitative analysis.

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강수량과 지형변수의 관계: 제주도 사례연구

  • 김석중
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Soil and Groundwater Environment Conference
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    • 2004.09a
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    • pp.147-150
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    • 2004
  • Firstly, the precipitation data have to be interpolated for the estimation of water resources. For this purpose, the correlative analysis is made between the topographic variables, which, influence the precipitation phenomena, are classified by elevation(ELEV), slope(SLOPE), distance to the sea(SEA), obstacle (OBST), barrier(BAR), and roughness index(SHIELD), using TOVA(Topographic Variables Extraction Program) and events precipitation during the periods from january the 1st 2000 to December 31 2002. The coefficients of determination show that each event has different topographic influence and ELEV, SLOPE and OBST to the South-West, and SHIELD of every direction have close relationship with the precipitation. The multiple regression model explains 96% of the spatial variation of precipitation.

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Engineering Approaches and Recent Advances of Slope Optimization in Surface Mines (노천광산에서의 사면 최적화를 위한 공학적 접근 및 최신 동향)

  • Park, Jun-Hyeok
    • Explosives and Blasting
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    • v.39 no.3
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    • pp.35-43
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    • 2021
  • Slope optimization aims to maximize the slope angle in an open pit mine, resulting in subsequent profits from additional ore extraction. The large open pit mines have adopted the advanced technologies to increase slope angle until they ensure the slope stability. This paper introduces a current stage of slope optimization efforts and best practices from the open pit mines.

Extraction and Analysis of Topographic Variables from DTM: A Case Study in Jeju Island (DTM으로부터 지형변수의 추출 및 분석: 제주도 사례연구)

  • Kim Seok Choong;Cho Sung Hyen;Kim Hyoung Chan
    • Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.56-61
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    • 2004
  • The topographic variables, which influence the precipitation phenomena, are classified by elevation (ELEV), slope (SLOPE), distance to sea (SEA), obstruction (OBST), barrier (BAR), roughness (SHIELD), extracted and analysed according to resolutions. This study is performed through 100 m, 200 m, 400 m, 600 m, 800 m and 1,000 m based on 50 m DTM using TOVA (Topographic Variables Extraction Program). The result of a case study on Jeju weather station says that the variance according to resolution is generally less than that according to cardinal direction, but particularly SHIELD values and some cases for 600m resolution have a significant results.

Extracting the Slope and Compensating the Image Using Edges and Image Segmentation in Real World Image (실세계 영상에서 경계선과 영상 분할을 이용한 기울기 검출 및 보정)

  • Paek, Jaegyung;Seo, Yeong Geon
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.441-448
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    • 2016
  • In this paper, we propose a method that segments the image, extracts its slope and compensate it in the image that text and background are mixed. The proposed method uses morphology based preprocessing and extracts the edges using canny operator. And after segmenting the image which the edges are extracted, it excludes the areas which the edges are included, only uses the area which the edges are included and creates the projection histograms according to their various direction slopes. Using them, it takes a slope having the greatest edge concentrativeness of each area and compensates the slope of the scene. On extracting the slope of the mixed scene of the text and background, the method can get better results as 0.7% than the existing methods as it excludes the useless areas that the edges do not exist.

The Slope Extraction and Compensation Based on Adaptive Edge Enhancement to Extract Scene Text Region (장면 텍스트 영역 추출을 위한 적응적 에지 강화 기반의 기울기 검출 및 보정)

  • Back, Jaegyung;Jang, Jaehyuk;Seo, Yeong Geon
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.777-785
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    • 2017
  • In the modern real world, we can extract and recognize some texts to get a lot of information from the scene containing them, so the techniques for extracting and recognizing text areas from a scene are constantly evolving. They can be largely divided into texture-based method, connected component method, and mixture of both. Texture-based method finds and extracts text based on the fact that text and others have different values such as image color and brightness. Connected component method is determined by using the geometrical properties after making similar pixels adjacent to each pixel to the connection element. In this paper, we propose a method to adaptively change to improve the accuracy of text region extraction, detect and correct the slope of the image using edge and image segmentation. The method only extracts the exact area containing the text by correcting the slope of the image, so that the extracting rate is 15% more accurate than MSER and 10% more accurate than EEMSER.

Guidance Line Extraction for Autonomous Weeding robot based-on Rice Morphology Characteristic in Wet Paddy (논 잡초 방제용 자율주행 로봇을 위한 벼의 형태학적 특징 기반의 주행기준선 추출)

  • Choi, Keun Ha;Han, Sang Kwon;Han, Sang Hoon;Park, Kwang-Ho;Kim, Kyung-Soo;Kim, Soohyun
    • The Journal of Korea Robotics Society
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.147-153
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    • 2014
  • In this paper, we proposed a new algorithm of the guidance line extraction for autonomous weeding robot based on infrared vision sensor in wet paddy. It is the critical process for guidance line extraction which finds the central point or area of rice row. In order to improve accuracy of the guidance line, we are trying to use the morphological characteristics of rice that the direction of rice leaves have convergence to central area of rice row. Using Hough transform, we were represented the curved leaves as a combination of segmented straight lines on binary image that has been skeletonized and segmented object. A slope of the guidance line was gotten as calculate the average slope of all segmented lines. An initial point of the guidance line was determined that is the maximum pixel value of the accumulated white columns of a binary image which is rotated the slope of guidance line in the opposite direction. We also have verified an accuracy of the proposed algorithm by experiments in the real wet paddy.

Feature Extraction Method for the Character Recognition of the Low Resolution Document

  • Kim, Dae-Hak;Cheong, Hyoung-Chul
    • Journal of the Korean Data and Information Science Society
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.525-533
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    • 2003
  • In this paper we introduce some existing preprocessing algorithm for character recognition and consider feature extraction method for the recognition of low resolution document. Image recognition of low resolution document including fax images can be frequently misclassified due to the blurring effect, slope effect, noise and so on. In order to overcome these difficulties in the character recognition we considered a mesh feature extraction and contour direction code feature. System for automatic character recognition were suggested.

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Slope and Roughness Extraction Method from Terrain Elevation Maps (지형 고도 맵으로부터 기울기와 거칠기 추출 방법)

  • Jin, Gang-Gyoo;Lee, Hyun-Sik;Lee, Yun-Hyung;So, Myung-Ok;Shin, Ok-Keun;Chae, Jeong-Sook;Lee, Young-Il
    • Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems
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    • v.14 no.9
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    • pp.909-915
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    • 2008
  • Recently, the interests in the development and application of unmaned robots are increasing in various fields including surveillance and reconnaissance, planet exploration, and disaster relief. Unmaned robots are usually controlled from distance using radio communications but they should be equipped with an autonomous travelling function to cope with unexpected terrains and obstacles. This means that they should be able to evaluate terrain's characteristics quantitatively using mounted sensors so as to traverse harsh natural terrains autonomously. For this purpose, this paper presents a method for extracting terrain information, that is, slope and roughness from elevation maps as a prior step of traversability analysis. Slope is extracted using the curve fitting based on the least squares method and roughness using three metrics and their weighted average. The effectiveness of the proposed method is verified on both a fractal map and the world model map of a real terrain.